Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted on July 8, 2014 at 05:25 AM

Section 1 (PHP)

/* Plugin Name: MySteam Powered
 * License: MIT (
 * Copyright © 2014 Aryndel Lamb-Marsh (aka Tanweth)
 * Uses the Steam Web API to obtain the current Steam status of forum users (with associated Steam IDs). It also provides User CP and Mod CP forms for obtaining a user's Steam ID.

// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
	die('Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.');

// Load installation functions if in Admin CP.
   require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/plugins/mysteam/install.php';
	require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/plugins/mysteam/functions.php';

 * mysteam_templatelist()
 * Check the current page script, and adds appropriate templates to global template list.
$plugins->add_hook('global_start', 'mysteam_templatelist');
function mysteam_templatelist()
	global $templatelist, $mybb;
			$templatelist .= ',mysteam_list,mysteam_list_user';
		if(THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread.php')
			$templatelist .= ',mysteam_postbit,mysteam_profile';
		if(THIS_SCRIPT == 'member.php')
			$templatelist .= ',mysteam_profile,mysteam_contact';
		if(THIS_SCRIPT == 'usercp.php')
			$templatelist .= ',mysteam_usercp,mysteam_usercp_nav';
		if(THIS_SCRIPT == 'modcp.php')
			$templatelist .= ',mysteam_modcp';

global $mybb;

// Check which plugins hooks should be run based on plugin settings. Don't run any if no API key supplied.
if ($mybb->settings['mysteam_apikey'])
	if ($mybb->settings['mysteam_list_enable'])
		$plugins->add_hook('global_end', 'mysteam_build_list');
	if ($mybb->settings['mysteam_postbit'])
		$plugins->add_hook('postbit', 'mysteam_postbit');
	if ($mybb->settings['mysteam_profile'])
		$plugins->add_hook('member_profile_end', 'mysteam_profile');
	if ($mybb->settings['mysteam_usercp'])
		$plugins->add_hook('usercp_start', 'mysteam_usercp');
		$plugins->add_hook('usercp_menu', 'mysteam_usercp_nav', 30);
	if ($mybb->settings['mysteam_modcp'])
		$plugins->add_hook('modcp_editprofile_end', 'mysteam_modcp');

 * mysteam_build_list()
 * Calls mysteam_check_cache(), then uses cache output to generate Steam status entry for each user.
function mysteam_build_list()
	global $mybb, $lang, $templates, $list_entries, $mysteamlist;
	if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index.php' && !$mybb->settings['mysteam_index'])
		return false;
	elseif (THIS_SCRIPT == 'portal.php' && !$mybb->settings['mysteam_portal'])
		return false;
	if (!$lang->mysteam)
	// Read the cache, or refresh it if too old.
	$steam = mysteam_check_cache();
	// If we could not get any data, don't build list and display error.
	if (!$steam['users'])
		$list_entries = $lang->mysteam_none_found;
		eval("\$mysteamlist = \"" . $templates->get("mysteam_list") . "\";");
	$entry_width = (int) $mybb->settings['mysteam_list_width'];
	// Sort users who are in-game to top of list.
	foreach ($steam['users'] as $steam_presort)
		if ($steam_presort['steamgame'])
			$steam_presort_game[] = $steam_presort;
		elseif ($steam_presort['steamstatus'] > 0)
			$steam_presort_online[] = $steam_presort;

	$steam['users'] = array_merge((array)$steam_presort_game, (array)$steam_presort_online);
	$n = 0;
	// Check each user's info and generate a status entry.
	foreach ($steam['users'] as $user)
		// Check display name setting, and set displayed name appropriately.
		if ($mybb->settings['mysteam_displayname'] == 'steam')
			$displayname = $user['steamname'];
		elseif ($mybb->settings['mysteam_displayname'] == 'forum')
			$displayname = $user['username'];
		// Remove capitals, numbers, and special characters from name to minimize false negatives when checking if username and steamname are comparable.
			$username_clean = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]+/", "", strtolower($user['username']));
			$steamname_clean = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]+/", "", strtolower($user['steamname']));
			if(empty($username_clean) || empty($steamname_clean)) 
			// If names aren't comparable, display both steam name and forum username.
			if (strpos($steamname_clean, $username_clean) === FALSE && strpos($username_clean, $steamname_clean) === FALSE)
				// If status entry is too narrow, place names on separate lines.
				if ($entry_width < '200')
					$displayname = $user['steamname']. '<br />(' .$user['username']. ')';
					$position = 'bottom: 3px;';
					$displayname = $user['steamname']. ' (' .$user['username']. ')';
			// If names are comparable, display the Steam name.
				$displayname = $user['steamname'];
		// Generate status text and display style based on current status.
		if (!empty($user['steamgame']))
			$steam_state = $user['steamgame'];
			$avatar_class = 'steam_avatar_in-game';
			$color_class = 'steam_in-game';
		elseif ($user['steamstatus'] == '1')
			$steam_state = $lang->mysteam_online;
			$avatar_class = 'steam_avatar_online';
			$color_class = 'steam_online';
		elseif ($user['steamstatus'] == '3')
			$steam_state = $lang->mysteam_away;
			$avatar_class = 'steam_avatar_online';
			$color_class = 'steam_online';
		elseif ($user['steamstatus'] == '4')
			$steam_state = $lang->mysteam_snooze;
			$avatar_class = 'steam_avatar_online';
			$color_class = 'steam_online';
		elseif ($user['steamstatus'] == '2')
			$steam_state = $lang->mysteam_busy;
			$avatar_class = 'steam_avatar_online';
			$color_class = 'steam_online';
		elseif ($user['steamstatus'] == '5')
			$steam_state = $lang->mysteam_looking_to_trade;
			$avatar_class = 'steam_avatar_online';
			$color_class = 'steam_online';
		elseif ($user['steamstatus'] == '6')
			$steam_state = $lang->mysteam_looking_to_play;
			$avatar_class = 'steam_avatar_online';
			$color_class = 'steam_online';
		// Don't generate entries for users in excess of the maximum number setting.
		if ($mybb->settings['mysteam_list_number'])
			if ($n > $mybb->settings['mysteam_list_number'])

		eval("\$list_entries .= \"" . $templates->get("mysteam_list_user") . "\";");

	if ($list_entries)
		// Set the template variable to returned statuses list
		eval("\$mysteamlist = \"" . $templates->get("mysteam_list") . "\";");

 * mysteam_postbit()
 * Calls mysteam_check_cache(), then uses cache output to generate array of Steam info for every user on current show thread page.
 * @param - $post - (array) user information on the current poster.
function mysteam_postbit(&$post)
	global $lang;
	if (!$lang->mysteam)
	if ($post['steamid'])
		$steam = mysteam_check_cache();
		// Don't display anything for user if there's no status info stored for the user (may happen if Steam returns a bad response for the user)
		if (isset($steam['users'][$post['uid']]['steamstatus']))
			$post = array_merge($post, (array)$steam['users'][$post['uid']]);

 * mysteam_profile()
 * Calls mysteam_check_cache(), then uses cache output to generate array of Steam info for user on current member profile page. Also generates Steam contact link.
function mysteam_profile()
	global $lang, $memprofile, $templates, $steamname;
	if (!$lang->mysteam)
	// Only run if the profile owner has a Steam ID.
	if ($memprofile['steamid'])
		$steam = mysteam_check_cache();
		// Don't display anything for user if there's no status info stored for the user (may happen if Steam returns a bad response for the user)
		if (isset($steam['users'][$memprofile['uid']]['steamstatus']))
			$memprofile = array_merge($memprofile, (array)$steam['users'][$memprofile['uid']]);
			eval("\$steamname = \"".$templates->get("mysteam_contact")."\";");

 * mysteam_usercp_nav()
 * Loads mysteam language phrases so that new User CP nav menu item can be displayed.
function mysteam_usercp_nav()
	global $lang, $mybb, $templates, $usercpmenu;

	if (!$lang->mysteam)
	$is_allowed = mysteam_filter_groups($mybb->user);
	if ($is_allowed)
		eval("\$usercpmenu .= \"".$templates->get("mysteam_usercp_nav")."\";");

 * mysteam_usercp()
 * Generates new Steam Integration page on User CP and processes data submitted through form.
function mysteam_usercp()
	global $lang, $mybb;
	if (!$lang->mysteam)

	// Check if current User CP page is Steam Integration.
	if ($mybb->input['action'] == 'steamid')
		global $db, $theme, $templates, $headerinclude, $header, $footer, $plugins, $usercpnav, $steamform;
		// Make sure user is in an allowed usergroup if set.
		$is_allowed = mysteam_filter_groups($mybb->user);
		if (!$is_allowed)
		add_breadcrumb($lang->nav_usercp, 'usercp.php');
		add_breadcrumb($lang->mysteam_integration, 'usercp.php?action=steamid');

		$submit_display = 'display: none;';
		if (!$mybb->user['steamid'])
			$decouple_display = 'display: none;';
		// Process the form submission if something has been submitted.
		if ($mybb->input['uid'])
			$submit_display = '';
			$uid = $db->escape_string($mybb->input['uid']);
			// If user has attempted to submit a Steam profile . . .
			if ($mybb->input['submit'])
				// If user directly entered a Steam ID . . .
				if (is_numeric($mybb->input['steamprofile']) && (strlen($mybb->input['steamprofile']) === 17))
					$steamid = $db->escape_string($mybb->input['steamprofile']);
					// Ensure the Steam ID is valid.
					$data = '' .$mybb->settings['mysteam_apikey']. '&steamids=' . $steamid;
					$response = multiRequest($data);
					if (!strpos($response[0], 'steamid'))
						$decoded = json_decode($response[0]);
						$steamname = $decoded->response->players[0]->personaname;
				// If user directly entered a vanity URL name . . .
				elseif (!strpos($mybb->input['steamprofile'], '/'))
					$vanity_url = $db->escape_string($mybb->input['steamprofile']);
					$data = '' .$mybb->settings['mysteam_apikey']. '&vanityurl=' . $vanity_url;
					$response = multiRequest($data);
					$decoded = json_decode($response[0]);
					if ($decoded->response->success == 1)
						$steamid = $db->escape_string($decoded->response->steamid);
				// If user entered a non-vanity profile URL . . .
				elseif (strpos($mybb->input['steamprofile'], '/profiles/'))
					$trimmed_url = rtrim($mybb->input['steamprofile'], '/');
					$parsed_url = explode('/', $trimmed_url);
					$steamid = end($parsed_url);
					$data = '' .$mybb->settings['mysteam_apikey']. '&steamids=' . $steamid;
					$response = multiRequest($data);
					if (!strpos($response[0], 'steamid'))
						$decoded = json_decode($response[0]);
						$steamname = $decoded->response->players[0]->personaname;
				// If user entered a vanity profile URL . . .
				elseif (strpos($mybb->input['steamprofile'], '/id/'))
					$trimmed_url = rtrim($mybb->input['steamprofile'], '/');
					$parsed_url = explode('/', $trimmed_url);
					$vanity_url = end($parsed_url);
					$data = '' .$mybb->settings['mysteam_apikey']. '&vanityurl=' . $vanity_url;
					$response = multiRequest($data);
					$decoded = json_decode($response[0]);
					if ($decoded->response->success == 1)
						$steamid = $db->escape_string($decoded->response->steamid);
				// If we have a valid Steam ID . . .
				if ($steamid)
					$query = $db->simple_select("users", "username", "steamid='".$steamid."'");
					$username_same = $db->fetch_field($query, 'username');
					// Don't run if Steam ID matches another user's current ID, and display error.
					if ($db->num_rows($query))
						$submit_message = '
							<p><em>' .$lang->please_correct_errors. '</em></p>
							<p>' .$lang->mysteam_submit_same. $username_same. '</p>';
					// Otherwise, write to the database and display success!
						$db->update_query("users", array('steamid' => $steamid), "uid='".$uid."'");
						if ($vanity_url)
							$success_third_line = '<br />
							<strong>' .$lang->mysteam_vanityurl. '</strong>' .$vanity_url. '</p>';
							$success_third_line = '<br />
							<strong>' .$lang->mysteam_name. '</strong>' .$steamname. '</p>';
						$submit_message = 
							'<p><strong>' .$lang->mysteam_submit_success. '</strong></p>
							<p><strong>' .$lang->mysteam_steamid. '</strong>' .$steamid.
				// If we don't have a valid Steam ID, display an error.
					$submit_message = 
						'<p><em>' .$lang->please_correct_errors. '</em></p>
						<p>' .$lang->mysteam_submit_invalid. '</p>';
			// If user has requested to decouple . . .
			elseif ($mybb->input['decouple'])
				$db->update_query("users", array('steamid' => ''), "uid='".$uid."'");
				$submit_message = $lang->mysteam_decouple_success;
		eval("\$steamform = \"".$templates->get("mysteam_usercp")."\";");

 * mysteam_modcp()
 * Generates form on Moderator CP profile editor page.
function mysteam_modcp()
	global $lang, $mybb, $templates, $user, $steamform;
	if (!$lang->mysteam)
	if (!$user['steamid'])
		$decouple_display = 'display: none;';
	define('IN_MODCP', 1);

	eval("\$steamform = \"".$templates->get("mysteam_modcp")."\";");