[Event "KPvKP black wins, 0 positions, 5 legal moves, not in check, 0 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/3k4/3p4/3P4/3K4/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {erdmundr: In both settings, the win of the pawn cannot be forced, so I want to get a sense for the type of terminal position that might arise.} * [Event "KPvKP white wins, 0 positions, 1 legal move, not in check, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "7k/7p/7P/7K/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {erdmundr: In both settings, the win of the pawn cannot be forced, so I want to get a sense for the type of terminal position that might arise.} 1. Kg4 * [Event "KQvKQ white wins, 0 positions, 2 legal moves, in check, 3 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/4K3/6q1/3Q4/6k1/8/8/8 w - - 0 52"] [SetUp "1"] {BehaardtheBonobo, lmabacus: g14 51... Qxg7: Why capturing the pawn is not optimal for black.} 52. Qg2+!! Kf5!! 53. Qf3+ * [Event "KQvKQ white wins, 0 positions, 2 legal moves, in check, 3 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "1k6/8/8/2K5/2Q5/8/7q/8 w - - 0 11"] [SetUp "1"] {BehaardtheBonobo, lmabacus: g17 10... Qxh2: Why capturing the pawn is not optimal for black.} 11. Qb5+! Kc7 12. Qb6+ * [Event "KPPvKR black wins, 0 positions, 2 legal moves, not in check, 7 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/P1K5/3r4/8/1k6/5P2/8/8 b - - 4 6"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g97 6. Kc7: why 6. Kc7 was not played (my hypothesis = 0 plies draw)} 6...Ra6!! 7. Kb8 Kb5! 8. a8=Q Rxa8+!! 9. Kxa8!! Ka6 * [Event "KQRvKQ black wins, 0 positions, 1 legal move, in check, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "7k/8/8/8/8/6q1/8/3Q1R1K b - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {Aloril42: Play 3-fold repetition or get mated: how long it is?} 1...Qh3+!! * [Event "KBPvKN white wins, 0 positions, 4 legal moves, in check, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/1n2B1k1/4K3/6P1/8/8/8 w - - 0 68"] [SetUp "1"] {lmabacus: g22 67... Kg6: The final position has the black king with only one drawing move, which echos a lot of the other games, but black could have played 67... Kg6 and been guaranteed at least two drawing moves on the next turn. Maybe white can force a stalemate on that move?} 68. Bf5+! * [Event "KQRvKRBN black wins, 0 positions, 1 legal moves, in check, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "5nb1/8/8/8/8/7k/3r4/3Q1R1K b - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {ccm__: perpetual or a good draw, which is better?} 1...Rh2+ * [Event "KRvKRBN black wins, 0 positions, 2 legal moves, in check, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "5nb1/8/8/8/8/7k/8/3r1R1K w - - 0 2"] [SetUp "1"] {ccm__: perpetual or a good draw, which is better? Aloril42: 1...Rxd1 instead} 2. Rxd1!! Bd5+!! * [Event "KRvKBN black wins, 0 positions, 5 legal moves, in check, 150 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "5n2/7b/8/8/8/7k/8/3R3K w - - 0 3"] [SetUp "1"] {ccm__: perpetual or a good draw, which is better? Aloril42: 2...Bh7 instead} 3. Kg1!! Kg4! 4. Kf2! Kg5! 5. Ra1 Ne6 6. Ke3! Kf6! 7. Ra6! Bc2 8. Ra2 Bb3! 9. Rb2! Ba4! 10. Ra2! Bb5! 11. Rf2+! Ke5 12. Rc2! Bf1! 13. Rc1 Bg2! 14. Rc8! Bd5 15. Rg8! Kd6! 16. Rg1! Nd8! 17. Rd1! Nc6! 18. Kf4! Kc5! 19. Rc1+! Bc4! 20. Ra1 Nd4 21. Ra3! Bf1! 22. Ra8 Bb5! 23. Rh8! Bc6! 24. Kg5! Nf3+! 25. Kf6! Kd4! 26. Rb8! Nd2! 27. Rd8+! Ke3! 28. Rh8! Bf3! 29. Rh4! Ne4+! 30. Ke5! Nc5! 31. Kf6! Be2! 32. Rb4 Ne4+ 33. Ke5 Bd3! 34. Rb8 Nf2! 35. Ke6 Bc4+! 36. Ke7! Ne4! 37. Rc8! Kd4! 38. Rh8! Ng3! 39. Rh4+! Kc5! 40. Kf6! Kd5! 41. Rg4! Ne4+!! 42. Ke7!! Kd4! 43. Rg1 Be2! 44. Rg8! Nc3! 45. Kf6! Nd5+! 46. Kg5! Nc7! 47. Kh4 Bd3 48. Rb8 Bc4! 49. Rd8+ Nd5! 50. Kg3! Bb5! 51. Rd6! Ke5! 52. Rg6! Ne3 53. Rg5+! Nf5+!! 54. Kf2!! Be8 55. Rg1 Nd6! 56. Rg4! Bd7! 57. Rb4! Be6! 58. Ke2! Ne4! 59. Ke3! Bd5! 60. Ke2! Kf4! 61. Kd3!! Bb7! 62. Kc2! Bc8! 63. Rc4 Bf5! 64. Kb2! Ke5! 65. Ka3! Nf6! 66. Rh4! Be4! 67. Rh2 Kd4! 68. Rh8! Nd5! 69. Rd8! Bf3! 70. Rf8 Bg4! 71. Kb2!! Kc4! 72. Rf1 Kd3! 73. Rc1!! Bf3! 74. Rf1 Ke2! 75. Rc1! Ne3! 76. Kb3! Kd2! 77. Rc8!! Bd1+ * [Event "KQRvKRN black wins, 0 positions, 1 legal moves, in check, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "5n2/8/8/8/8/7k/3r4/3Q1R1K b - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {ccm__: perpetual or a not-so-good draw, which is better?} 1...Rh2+ * [Event "KRvKRN white wins, 0 positions, 3 legal moves, in check, 17 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "5n2/8/8/8/8/7k/8/3r1R1K w - - 0 2"] [SetUp "1"] {ccm__: perpetual or a not-so-good draw, which is better? Aloril42: 1..Rxd1 instead} 2. Rxd1!! Kg3!! 3. Kg1! Kg4! 4. Kf2! Ng6! 5. Rg1+ Kf5!! 6. Ke3! Kf6! 7. Kd4 Nh4 8. Rf1+ Kg5 9. Ke4! Ng6!! 10. Rf5+! * [Event "KQBvKQ white wins, 0 positions, stalemate, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "4k3/4q3/3BK3/3Q4/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {ccm__: stalemate or "good draw"?} 1. Bxe7!! * [Event "KQBvKQ white wins, 0 positions, 1 legal move, not in check, 20 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "4k3/4q3/3B4/3Q1K2/8/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {ccm__: stalemate or "good draw"? Aloril42: 1. Kf5 instead} 1...Qh7+! 2. Kg4! Qg6+ 3. Kf3! Qf7+!! 4. Ke4! Qxd5+!! 5. Kxd5!! Kf7! 6. Ke5! Kg6 7. Be7! Kg7 8. Bf6+ Kg8 9. Ke6! Kf8! 10. Ba1 Kg8 11. Ke7! * [Event "KvK black wins, 0 positions, 5 legal moves, not in check, 2 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/8/8/3k4/8/1K6/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g63 start pos white to move: hypothesis: black mirrors white's moves until the king has opposition; just like in the other game} 1. Kc2 Kc4! * [Event "KvK black wins, 0 positions, 3 legal moves, not in check, 0 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "7k/8/8/8/8/8/8/K7 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: I'd still expect that opposition will be gained by matching horiz/vert moves with horiz/vert moves, and diag moves with diag moves; and the game ends when there's opposition} * [Event "KvK black wins, 0 positions, 3 legal moves, not in check, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/8/8/8/3k4/8/1K6 b - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {lmabacus: g63 except shifted down 1: I'm expecting black to have the initiative is this game and for the game to end after one move after Kd2 or Kc3} 1...Kd2 * [Event "KBvKN white wins, 19 positions, 1 legal move, not in check, 63 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "5n2/8/8/8/8/8/3K4/1k1B4 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {BehaardtheBonobo, Aloril42: KBvKN longest white win} 1. Bc2+ Ka1 2. Bf5!! Kb2! 3. Kd3!! Kc1! 4. Ke2!! Kb2! 5. Kd2! Ka1 6. Kc3 Ka2!! 7. Kd4 Kb3 8. Ke5 Kc4 9. Kd6!! Kd4! 10. Bb1! Kc4! 11. Ke7! Kd5! 12. Kxf8! Ke6! 13. Ke8 Kd5 14. Kd7 Ke5! 15. Ba2 Kd4 16. Kd6 Ke4! 17. Bd5+! Ke3 18. Ke5! Kd3! 19. Bg2 Kc4! 20. Be4! Kc5! 21. Bd5! Kb6! 22. Kd6! Kb5! 23. Ba2! Kb4! 24. Kd5! Ka3 25. Bc4! Kb2! 26. Kd4! Kc2! 27. Bf1 Kb2! 28. Be2 Kc2 29. Bc4! Kc1 30. Kc3 Kd1!! 31. Bd3 Ke1!! 32. Kc2! * [Event "KBvKN black wins, 1 positions, 6 legal moves, in check, 52 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/6n1/8/8/8/3kB3/8/K7 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {BehaardtheBonobo, Aloril42: KBvKN longest black win} 1. Ba7! Kc3!! 2. Bb8 Kc2 3. Ka2! Nf5!! 4. Ka3! Nd4!! 5. Ka4!! Kd3!! 6. Be5! Nc6!! 7. Bd6! Kd4! 8. Bg3! Kc4!! 9. Bf2! Ne7! 10. Be1! Nd5 11. Ka5! Nf6! 12. Ka6! Ne4! 13. Kb6! Nc5!! 14. Ka7! Kb5! 15. Bf2 Kc6! 16. Be1 Nd7! 17. Bh4!! Nf8! 18. Bg3! Ne6! 19. Kb8!! Nc5! 20. Ka7!! Nd3! 21. Kb8!! Nb4! 22. Kc8!! Nd5! 23. Kd8!! Ne3!! 24. Be1 Nf5! 25. Bd2 Nd6! 26. Ke7!! Nf5+ * [Event "KRvKN black wins, 0 positions, 3 legal moves, in check, 16 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/4K1N1/8/8/6k1/8/5r2 w - - 0 56"] [SetUp "1"] {BehaardtheBonobo: g73 55... Kxg3: So that we can know if Black wins in that case, which would mean some win condition is reached when Rg3+ is played} 56. Ne5 Rd1 57. Kf5! Re1 58. Kf6! Re2! 59. Nd3 Kf3! 60. Ne5+! Ke4! 61. Nc6 Rb2 62. Ne7 Rg2! 63. Nc6 Rg6+! * [Event "KNvK white wins, 0 positions, 3 legal moves, not in check, 20 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/2N3K1/8/4k3/8/8/8 b - - 17 9"] [SetUp "1"] {BehaardtheBonobo: g73 55... Kxg3: So that we can know if Black wins in that case, which would mean some win condition is reached when Rg3+ is played, Aloril42: 9. Kxg6} 9...Kd5! 10. Ne7+! Ke5! 11. Kf7! Kd4 12. Ke6! Kc5! 13. Nd5 Kc6 14. Nc3 Kc5! 15. Ke5! Kc4 16. Ne4! Kb3 17. Kd4 Kb2! 18. Nc3 Kb3 19. Kd3! * [Event "KQNvKQ white wins, 0 positions, 2 legal moves, in check, 3 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/8/3K4/3N4/5Q2/3q4/6k1 w - - 0 99"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g14 98... Kg1: Looking for forced repetitions} 99. Ke4 Qb4!! 100. Qg3+! * [Event "KQNvKQ white wins, 0 positions, 2 legal moves, in check, 3 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/8/3K4/3N4/5Q2/3q4/6k1 w - - 0 99"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g14 98... Kg1: Looking for forced repetitions} 99. Qg4+ Kf2!! 100. Qf3+! * [Event "KQNvKQ white wins, 0 positions, 2 legal moves, in check, 4 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/8/3K4/3N4/6Q1/3q4/6k1 b - - 0 99"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g14 98... Kg1 99. Qg3+: Looking for forced repetitions} 99...Kf1!! 100. Ke4! Qe1+ 101. Qxe1+! * [Event "KQNvKQ white wins, 0 positions, 1 legal move, in check, 5 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/8/3K4/3N4/6Q1/3q4/7k w - - 0 100"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g14 98... Kg1 99. Qg3+ Kh1: Looking for forced repetitions} 100. Ke4! Qa2 101. Qf3+ Qg2!! 102. Qxg2+! * [Event "KQPvKQ white wins, 0 positions, 3 legal moves, in check, 3 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/6K1/6P1/4Q3/6k1/5q2/8/8 w - - 0 72"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g14 71... Kg4: Looking for forced repetitions} 72. Qd4+ Kg5 73. Qe5+! * [Event "KRRvKQ black wins, 12 positions, 25 legal moves, not in check, 6 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/4R3/8/3k2q1/8/8/K6R w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g86 3... Qg7: Looking for forced repetitions} 1. Reh6!! Qg7!! 2. Rh7!! Qe5! 3. R7h5!! Qg7 * [Event "KRvKR black wins, 0 positions, 17 legal moves, not in check, 3 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "5r2/8/8/2R5/8/8/2K2k2/8 b - - 0 2"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g90 2. Rc5: Looking for forced repetitions} 2...Re8!! 3. Kc3!! Ke2! * [Event "KRvKR black wins, 0 positions, 20 legal moves, not in check, 0 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/5r2/8/2R5/8/8/2K2k2/8 w - - 0 3"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g90 2. Rc5 Rf7: Looking for forced repetitions} * [Event "KRvKR black wins, 0 positions, 7 legal moves, in check, 3 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/5r2/8/8/2R5/8/2K2k2/8 b - - 0 3"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz: g90 2. Rc5 Rf7 3. Rc4: Looking for forced repetitions} 3...Ra7!! 4. Rb4 Rc7+! * [Event "KRvKR white wins, 0 positions, 20 legal moves, not in check, 0 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "5r2/2R5/8/8/8/8/2K2k2/8 b - - 0 2"] [SetUp "1"] {mrbdzz, Aloril42: g90 2. Rc7: Looking for forced repetitions} * [Event "KBNvKR white wins, 0 positions, 19 legal moves, not in check, 3 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/4N3/8/1r6/8/5k2/1B1K4/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {lmabacus: remove moves before g80 4... Rb5: To see if moves are affected by previously reached positions.} 1. Bc3!! Rc5!! 2. Bd4!! * [Event "KvK black wins, 0 positions, 8 legal moves, not in check, 0 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/8/2K3k1/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {Aloril42: What about kings with more distance?} * [Event "KvK black wins, 0 positions, 5 legal moves, not in check, 1 ply"] [Site "?"] [Date "?"] [Round "-"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [FEN "8/8/8/3K2k1/8/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] {Aloril42: above position with 1. Kd5: What if a bit less distance?} 1...Kf5!! *