No, no, no. We're gonna talk about this, Reddit. We're gonna finally go over this. It's the wee hours of Christmas eve or Christmas day or whenever the fuck, and you got the fuckaround gang riding around on a bicycle powered by trumpets and drum sets. Whose bright idea was it to get their children something like that? That's just fucking *awful. It's inhumane.* I have Mexican ancestry. I've been to fiestas and quincenera's, and seen mariachi bands playing live music. This is nothing like that. They're not playing anything that even remotely resembles music. They're just making fucking *NOISE.* **Loud. Obscene. UNNECESSARY. NOISE!!!!** What, and we're supposed to be mad at the Grinch for taking those ungodly contraptions away? Who needs a bicycle with trumpets on it?! In what scenario, in what walk of life, would you ever think, "Gee, mum has just not given me enough attention. I sure wish I had a bike complete with its own orchestra so I can ride around indoors making noise"? The *audacity.* The *sheer* disrespect. The **insult!** I would rather take the sounds of a choir a thousand screaming goats..I would rather listen to the loudest rap music video..The most obnoxious bass system coming out of a fucking Dodge Charger. *ALL IT IS IS NOISE!!!!!! IT'S NOTHING BUT NOISE!!! AND THEY'RE ALL OKAY WITH IT. THEY'VE MADE A COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS DECISION THAT THIS IS NORMAL. THEY'VE MADE THE DECISION TO BE OBNOXIOUS. A CONSCIOUS, CONSENSUAL, ABSOLUTE, DECISION!* It's no fucking wonder the grinch moved up into the highest peak. It's probably the only way to get away from all the noise pollution! But even *that's* not enough, because he can still fucking hear it! Fuck Whoville.