Part 5 of the Mafia-Saga spin-off ---------- *sound of ceiling fan* *keys rattle* ”Thank 42?...straight down the side and then to the left?...Alright, thank you ma’m...will do...have a nice evenin'...” *sound of you stepping out of a motel reception and into the night* *walking down the pathway* ”Hey 42...yeah...just up let me carry that bag for you...I know angel...I know you're more than capable of carrying your own stuff...let me just do this for I want to....cause' then your hand's free and I can hold it...*smile*...” *sound of night animals* *sound of yours and listeners footsteps* "'re right...there is somethin' peaceful about the desert at night...almost like you can hear the sand breathin' or somethin' theres some ancient spirit restin' its ugly head underneath the dirt...sleepin' soundly...waitin'...for what?...Hell If I know...probebly to eat you up...argh...*laugh*..." *sound of you walking on to wooden steps* ”Here we are...the lady at the front desk said that she’d cleaned this mornin’ so I guess we don't have to worry about dirty old sheets...*chuckle* as far as road-side motel goes-” *open the door to your room* *low whistle* ”- this one ain't that shitty...*laugh* half expected coyotes to be waitin’ behind the door for us?...*laugh*...gee angel, you sure have a vivid imagination...yeah you know....thats one of the things I like about you...yeah...*kiss* is...” *You close the door and lock it behind you* *Putting down your bags* "Not too bad...I wonder if the walls are as thin as they seem...they usually are in places like these...Yeah...I've stayed at a few...One time I could hear this guy snorin' through the walls and the sound was so loud I was scared he would bring the roof down over our heads....Hope our neighbors aren't too noisy...huh?...Yeah, this place is far out but I saw some cars in the back so my guess we aren't alone here...Bed looks good enough..." *sound of you throwing yourself on the bed/springs squeaking* ”Aaand there goes our privacy...*chuckle*...what did I have in mind?...well why don't you come over here and find out." *chuckle*” *bed squeking as listener joins you* ”...good girl..." *kiss* "You tired at all? runnin’ high on adrenaline?" *kiss* "It’s alright...Im here...*kiss*....It’s been a looong day...*somber tone* Im not tired either...the smart thing to do would be to go to bed right away, we've got a long drive ahead of us...but –” *chuckle* ”You’re right angel...we’re in bed perceptive of you...but I was talkin’ about sleepin...No?...don't think you can fall asleep yet? what do you want to do instead? Should I tell you a bedtime story? Im actually re-...Mmmh-” *listener silences you with a kiss* *kissing* Breathless: ”Yeah? need me?...right now? demandin'...mmm...tell me, angel...tell me what you want me to do to you...” ”Slow and deep? want me to make love to you, darlin?...yeah? need to feel every inch of my cock?...*groan*...You know I cant say no to that..." *kiss* " said you wanted me to make love to you right?...So let me take the lead...mhm...relax for me...just lean back and let me worship your body..." Kissing through out dialogue: "Let me kiss your lips....your jaw...this...*sigh*...perfect neck....trace my tongue down your collarbone....mmmm..." *fabric rustling* *chuckle* "Need to get you out of this dress, god dammit...theres my girl...oh god, angel...Look at you...splayed out...chest bared ...heaving with anticipation...nipples getting hard...let me suck on them...yeah?...You want that?...Good girl..." *kissing and nibbling* "You like that? my teeth grazing your skin?...fuck you're so're the most precious thing I have...did you know that?...No?...well in that case..." Breathy: "Let me show you how much you mean to me,*kiss*...kissin' my way down your tremblin' body let me - bunch up the skirt of your dress around your waist...*moan*...fuck darlin panties?...were you sittin' in the car the whole time bare for me?...*groan*...oh god, you're so fuckin' perfect...I could just eat you know what?...On second thought I probably will...aaah." (Improv cunnilingus for about 30 sec) Panting against listeners pussy: "Yes...feel it...*moan*...yes...huh?...*breathless*...whats wrong, angel?...No more?...*lick*...*swallow*...what are you talking' about? more?...." *soft chuckle* "You need my cock that badly?...*amused*...*lick*...alright..." *Clothes rustling* "You ready for me, angel?...stop dragging' it out and fuck you?...*chuckle* who was it that wanted me to make sweet and wholesome love?..." "Not you?...You've changed your mind?...have you now?...need it hard and rough all of a sudden?...*growl*...I don't think so, angel...nuhu...we've been fuckin like jackrabbits all these weeks and Im not about let you wiggle your way out of this one...oh no...were gonna take it slow this time...shhhh...relax...Im just interlocking my fingers with yours....and....*chuckle*...dragging your hands above your head, holdin' them in place...because my girl likes that, doesn't she?...even when you want it still want me to take control..." *kiss* "Thats right...MY girl...*exasperated laugh* heard me...Mine...Yes...Mine...I think its safe to say we've come a long way from being a runaway-hitman and a Diner girl fuckin' in the storage room...don't you think?...*whisper*...We have been through so much much...*kiss*...shit....amazin and terrible...and you know what?....I realized somethin' today...*kiss*...when we were drivin' away from the forrest....I realized that I'm a sorry excuse for a human bein', darlin...hush...let me finish....I am a sorry excuse...and sometimes I don't - (slight pause)...there is nothin' I wouldn't do to keep you get what Im sayin'?....*voice crack*...I've heard that you can't love nobody if the only thing you've ever experienced is hate, but...thats not angel...You...OH God, YOU...I love you so much, I forget what hating myself feels like....*emotional laugh*...yeah?...You love me too?..." *deep kiss* "Fuck...*low growl*...You belong to me now, is that understood?...and there is no way in hell Im ever lettin' you stop squirmin' and just feel - feel me slide into you...*groan*...nice...and easy..." *wet sounds* "Fuck, your pussy is tight...I'll think thats one thing I'll never get used to..." *slow thrust* "How fucking incredible you feel..." *thrust* "Shit!" *kissing* *low throat rumble* "Im here, darlin....Im right here...Its just me...yes, angel...take me deep inside of you..." *moaning through kisses* "Thats my good girl...fuck...mhm..." *slow and deep fucking* "Oh fuck, I ALL the way inside of you...fuck...You're bein' so good, angel...soo goood...takin' me nice....and...deep...all the hilt....mhm....mhm..argh!...Fuck....I love that...*kiss* how you..." *fucking sounds* *bed squeaking* " - How you squeeze you cry for me...I love every part of you....*groan/moan*...what baby?...want me to let one of your hands go? that you can rub your clit for me?...ask me nicely and maybe I will...No, LOUDER...I want the whole motel to know what you want from me....say it...beg me to release your hand so you can rub your clit...again....say it again!" *growl* "Thats my good girl." *kiss* "You get so desperate when you're close...*chuckle*...*kiss*...I love teasing you...mhm...ah...yes...yes, angel...rub you're sweet pussy for me....I want us to cum together...yes...good girl...rub it faster..." *Fucking increases in speed* "...thats it...look at me...feel how every inch of me is inside of you, hitting that spot...oh you're so close...faster...rub your little pussy faster...I want it...thats it...thats it....THATS IT!" *kiss* *growl* *You and listener climax together* *Panting* *Groan as you slip out of listener* Post orgasm grovel in voice: "Fuck...come your head on my chest...I need you close tonight...*content sigh*" *stroking sound* "mmmm...oh yeah? like it when I trace my fingers down your back?...*hum*...It makes you feel safe?...Good...*kiss*...cause I intend me angel...Im gonna keep you safe...I promise....*chuckle*...I know...I know you can handle yourself...thats why....I'm not going to protect you by being your shield...or armor....*smirk*...I'll be the dagger hidden under your pillow..." "Now sleep darlin, we have a brand new day tomorrow...." *sounds fading* --------------- Next morning: *desert wind blowing* *eagle cawing in the distance* (You and listener make your way out of your motel room) ”You're gonna try callin' your sister again? Let her know you're okey?...*smile*...Need any quarters? No?...Alright...Payphone is over at the side of the don't go wandering around, just stay where I can see you... alright angel?...Don't want no shady prick botherin' you...I’ll go throw our bags in the car, come to me when you're done and we'll head out...yes...And I think If we hurry we'll be able to find some place that still serves pancakes.” *chaste kiss* "Now go get." *walking over to the car* *gravel under foot* *low chipper whistling* *opens car door and begins to put away the luggage* ”There we go...(Stops short)...*low sound of flies buzzing*...what the fuck?...*sniffs the air*...what the fuck is that smell?...” *rifles through the backseat* ”Where the fuck is that smell commin’ from?...smells like...death..” *walk around your car* "Fuck...its comin' from the hood...somethin's stuck under the wiper?..." *sound of flies buzzing gets louder the closer you get* ”What the – ” ” that a- ?...Oh God...A dead bird?...*realization strikes you*...Oh no...oh no...fuck...fuck...fuck!” *heart begins to race* Yell: "Angel?!" *footsteps of someone walking up behind you* You shout over in listeners direction: ”ANGEL! We need to – " *loud thump* (something hard and metallic hitts you on the head* "Argh!” *Sharp intake of breath* (You crash to the ground) *white noise* *groan in pain* *sounds beginning to fade* *footsteps of your assailant stoping right before you* Panting, hardly coherent: ”Y-you?!..." "S-so you’ve...finally c-come for me...h-haven’t you?..." Bitter, barely audible chuckle: "...f-fuck..I knew I should have...s-shot you...twice...nnn...” *fade to black* To be continued....