So I found pictures of my mom on my boyfriends phone as he was showing me memes he had saved. Nothing revealing or anything, it’s just pictures from her social media. He had about seven saved. I asked him why he had them and he flat out told me he likes to please himself to them. He tried demonstrating it to me once and I sat there in shock for 5 seconds before storming out crying. I am so torn. Why my mom? Am I being dramatic for being upset about this? Would you consider this cheating? We have dated for 7 years & I am so distraught. When I said that it upset me, he apologized, said it was due to his porn addiction (which he never mentioned before and these were just normal pictures of her) and said for me to just forget about the situation but he continued to do it. I think he has stopped now but I can’t stop thinking about this. ​ ​ \[taken from r/relationship_advice\]