The following are API keys of the YO application. You can access the YO API by using a Parse API library. Link to Parse API: [Parse API Keys] Application ID: iPmwrhjFVCYwL4ZZlicpCIeyJIbRUuXvPhLMCxOs Client Key: el1a5N7RYxE7C0KWT609QmPpO4ZM9rpEsNqgopGS Parse Stage Application ID: Zbd5Qeg7r6EPSDMSU97i5Md1SjpAcdAKoZW5LfRi Parse Stage Client Key: kENjHquafS6DNV3le83MdHrWCcUfHhQ6nybs3QYL The API supports for the following functions. The following information provides for the API calls and their parameters. - udid - username - udid - username - udid - udid - udid - username - numbers - udid - udid - username - number - countryCode - udid - udid - to - sound - udid - username - token - password - udid - username - code - udid ~ Leaked by Hina with Love ~