""" PyInstaller Extractor NG v1.0 (Supports pyinstaller 5.10.1, 5.10.0, 5.9.0, 5.8.0, 5.7.0, 5.6.2, 5.6.1, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4.1, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0.1, 5.0, 4.10, 4.9, 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.1, 4.5, 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.1, 2.0) Author : Extreme Coders E-mail : extremecoders(at)hotmail(dot)com Web : https://0xec.blogspot.com Url : https://github.com/pyinstxtractor/pyinstxtractor-ng This script extracts a pyinstaller generated executable file. Uses the xdis library to unmarshal code objects, hence you should be able to decompile an executable from any Python version without being restricted to use the same version of Python for running the script as well. Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) v3. """ import os import sys import zlib import struct import argparse from uuid import uuid4 as uniquename from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util import Counter from xdis.unmarshal import load_code def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def pycHeader2Magic(header): header = bytearray(header) magicNumber = bytearray(header[:2]) return magicNumber[1] << 8 | magicNumber[0] class CTOCEntry: def __init__( self, position, cmprsdDataSize, uncmprsdDataSize, cmprsFlag, typeCmprsData, name ): self.position = position self.cmprsdDataSize = cmprsdDataSize self.uncmprsdDataSize = uncmprsdDataSize self.cmprsFlag = cmprsFlag self.typeCmprsData = typeCmprsData self.name = name class PyInstArchive: PYINST20_COOKIE_SIZE = 24 # For pyinstaller 2.0 PYINST21_COOKIE_SIZE = 24 + 64 # For pyinstaller 2.1+ MAGIC = b"TLR\x0C\x09\x0D\x0C\x0B" # Magic number which identifies pyinstaller def __init__(self, path): self.filePath = path self.pycMagic = b"\0" * 4 self.barePycList = [] # List of pyc's whose headers have to be fixed self.cryptoKey = None self.cryptoKeyFileData = None def open(self): try: self.fPtr = open(self.filePath, "rb") self.fileSize = os.stat(self.filePath).st_size except: eprint("[!] Error: Could not open {0}".format(self.filePath)) return False return True def close(self): try: self.fPtr.close() except: pass def checkFile(self): print("[+] Processing {0}".format(self.filePath)) searchChunkSize = 8192 endPos = self.fileSize self.cookiePos = -1 if endPos < len(self.MAGIC): eprint("[!] Error: File is too short or truncated") return False while True: startPos = endPos - searchChunkSize if endPos >= searchChunkSize else 0 chunkSize = endPos - startPos if chunkSize < len(self.MAGIC): break self.fPtr.seek(startPos, os.SEEK_SET) data = self.fPtr.read(chunkSize) offs = data.rfind(self.MAGIC) if offs != -1: self.cookiePos = startPos + offs break endPos = startPos + len(self.MAGIC) - 1 if startPos == 0: break if self.cookiePos == -1: eprint( "[!] Error: Missing cookie, unsupported pyinstaller version or not a pyinstaller archive" ) return False self.fPtr.seek(self.cookiePos + self.PYINST20_COOKIE_SIZE, os.SEEK_SET) if b"python" in self.fPtr.read(64).lower(): print("[+] Pyinstaller version: 2.1+") self.pyinstVer = 21 # pyinstaller 2.1+ else: self.pyinstVer = 20 # pyinstaller 2.0 print("[+] Pyinstaller version: 2.0") return True def getCArchiveInfo(self): try: if self.pyinstVer == 20: self.fPtr.seek(self.cookiePos, os.SEEK_SET) # Read CArchive cookie (magic, lengthofPackage, toc, tocLen, pyver) = struct.unpack( "!8siiii", self.fPtr.read(self.PYINST20_COOKIE_SIZE) ) elif self.pyinstVer == 21: self.fPtr.seek(self.cookiePos, os.SEEK_SET) # Read CArchive cookie (magic, lengthofPackage, toc, tocLen, pyver, pylibname) = struct.unpack( "!8sIIii64s", self.fPtr.read(self.PYINST21_COOKIE_SIZE) ) except: eprint("[!] Error: The file is not a pyinstaller archive") return False self.pymaj, self.pymin = ( (pyver // 100, pyver % 100) if pyver >= 100 else (pyver // 10, pyver % 10) ) print("[+] Python version: {0}.{1}".format(self.pymaj, self.pymin)) # Additional data after the cookie tailBytes = ( self.fileSize - self.cookiePos - ( self.PYINST20_COOKIE_SIZE if self.pyinstVer == 20 else self.PYINST21_COOKIE_SIZE ) ) # Overlay is the data appended at the end of the PE self.overlaySize = lengthofPackage + tailBytes self.overlayPos = self.fileSize - self.overlaySize self.tableOfContentsPos = self.overlayPos + toc self.tableOfContentsSize = tocLen print("[+] Length of package: {0} bytes".format(lengthofPackage)) return True def parseTOC(self): # Go to the table of contents self.fPtr.seek(self.tableOfContentsPos, os.SEEK_SET) self.tocList = [] parsedLen = 0 # Parse table of contents while parsedLen < self.tableOfContentsSize: (entrySize,) = struct.unpack("!i", self.fPtr.read(4)) nameLen = struct.calcsize("!iIIIBc") ( entryPos, cmprsdDataSize, uncmprsdDataSize, cmprsFlag, typeCmprsData, name, ) = struct.unpack( "!IIIBc{0}s".format(entrySize - nameLen), self.fPtr.read(entrySize - 4) ) try: name = name.decode("utf-8").rstrip("\0") except UnicodeDecodeError: newName = str(uniquename()) print('[!] Warning: File name {0} contains invalid bytes. Using random name {1}'.format(name, newName)) name = newName # Prevent writing outside the extraction directory if name.startswith("/"): name = name.lstrip("/") if len(name) == 0: name = str(uniquename()) print( "[!] Warning: Found an unamed file in CArchive. Using random name {0}".format( name ) ) self.tocList.append( CTOCEntry( self.overlayPos + entryPos, cmprsdDataSize, uncmprsdDataSize, cmprsFlag, typeCmprsData, name, ) ) parsedLen += entrySize print("[+] Found {0} files in CArchive".format(len(self.tocList))) def _writeRawData(self, filepath, data): nm = ( filepath.replace("\\", os.path.sep) .replace("/", os.path.sep) .replace("..", "__") ) nmDir = os.path.dirname(nm) if nmDir != "" and not os.path.exists( nmDir ): # Check if path exists, create if not os.makedirs(nmDir) with open(nm, "wb") as f: f.write(data) def extractFiles(self, one_dir): print("[+] Beginning extraction...please standby") extractionDir = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), os.path.basename(self.filePath) + "_extracted" ) if not os.path.exists(extractionDir): os.mkdir(extractionDir) os.chdir(extractionDir) for entry in self.tocList: self.fPtr.seek(entry.position, os.SEEK_SET) data = self.fPtr.read(entry.cmprsdDataSize) if entry.cmprsFlag == 1: data = zlib.decompress(data) # Malware may tamper with the uncompressed size # Comment out the assertion in such a case assert len(data) == entry.uncmprsdDataSize # Sanity Check if entry.typeCmprsData == b"d" or entry.typeCmprsData == b"o": # d -> ARCHIVE_ITEM_DEPENDENCY # o -> ARCHIVE_ITEM_RUNTIME_OPTION # These are runtime options, not files continue basePath = os.path.dirname(entry.name) if basePath != "": # Check if path exists, create if not if not os.path.exists(basePath): os.makedirs(basePath) if entry.typeCmprsData == b"s": # s -> ARCHIVE_ITEM_PYSOURCE # Entry point are expected to be python scripts print("[+] Possible entry point: {0}.pyc".format(entry.name)) if self.pycMagic == b"\0" * 4: # if we don't have the pyc header yet, fix them in a later pass self.barePycList.append(entry.name + ".pyc") self._writePyc(entry.name + ".pyc", data) elif entry.typeCmprsData == b"M" or entry.typeCmprsData == b"m": # M -> ARCHIVE_ITEM_PYPACKAGE # m -> ARCHIVE_ITEM_PYMODULE # packages and modules are pyc files with their header intact # From PyInstaller 5.3 and above pyc headers are no longer stored # https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/commit/a97fdf if data[2:4] == b"\r\n": # < pyinstaller 5.3 if self.pycMagic == b"\0" * 4: self.pycMagic = data[0:4] self._writeRawData(entry.name + ".pyc", data) if entry.name.endswith("_crypto_key"): print( "[+] Detected _crypto_key file, saving key for automatic decryption" ) # This is a pyc file with a header (8,12, or 16 bytes) # Extract the code object after the header self.cryptoKeyFileData = self._extractCryptoKeyObject(data) else: # >= pyinstaller 5.3 if self.pycMagic == b"\0" * 4: # if we don't have the pyc header yet, fix them in a later pass self.barePycList.append(entry.name + ".pyc") self._writePyc(entry.name + ".pyc", data) if entry.name.endswith("_crypto_key"): print( "[+] Detected _crypto_key file, saving key for automatic decryption" ) # This is a plain code object without a header self.cryptoKeyFileData = data else: self._writeRawData(entry.name, data) if entry.typeCmprsData == b"z" or entry.typeCmprsData == b"Z": self._extractPyz(entry.name, one_dir) # Fix bare pyc's if any self._fixBarePycs() def _fixBarePycs(self): for pycFile in self.barePycList: with open(pycFile, "r+b") as pycFile: # Overwrite the first four bytes pycFile.write(self.pycMagic) def _extractCryptoKeyObject(self, data): if self.pymaj >= 3 and self.pymin >= 7: # 16 byte header for 3.7 and above return data[16:] elif self.pymaj >= 3 and self.pymin >= 3: # 12 byte header for 3.3-3.6 return data[12:] else: # 8 byte header for 2.x, 3.0-3.2 return data[8:] def _writePyc(self, filename, data): with open(filename, "wb") as pycFile: pycFile.write(self.pycMagic) # pyc magic if self.pymaj >= 3 and self.pymin >= 7: # PEP 552 -- Deterministic pycs pycFile.write(b"\0" * 4) # Bitfield pycFile.write(b"\0" * 8) # (Timestamp + size) || hash else: pycFile.write(b"\0" * 4) # Timestamp if self.pymaj >= 3 and self.pymin >= 3: pycFile.write(b"\0" * 4) # Size parameter added in Python 3.3 pycFile.write(data) def _getCryptoKey(self): """ # From pyimod02_archive.pyc CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE = 16 def _prepare_key(key: str) -> str: if len(key) > CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE: key = key[0:CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE] else: key = key.zfill(CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE) assert len(key) == CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE return key # From pyrunner_imp_hook.pyc key = 'TeleRaptor' assert type(key) is str assert len(key) > 3 _real_key = _prepare_key('780' + key[3:]) print(_real_key) """ return "000000780eRaptor" def _tryDecrypt(self, ct, aes_mode): CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE = 16 key = bytes(self._getCryptoKey(), "utf-8") assert len(key) == 16 # Initialization vector iv = ct[:CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE] if aes_mode == "ctr": # Pyinstaller >= 4.0 uses AES in CTR mode ctr = Counter.new(128, initial_value=int.from_bytes(iv, byteorder="big")) cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr) return cipher.decrypt(ct[CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE:]) elif aes_mode == "cfb": # Pyinstaller < 4.0 uses AES in CFB mode cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, iv) return cipher.decrypt(ct[CRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE:]) def _extractPyz(self, name, one_dir): if one_dir == True: dirName = "." else: dirName = name + "_extracted" # Create a directory for the contents of the pyz if not os.path.exists(dirName): os.mkdir(dirName) with open(name, "rb") as f: pyzMagic = f.read(4) assert pyzMagic == b"PYZ\0" # Sanity Check pyzPycMagic = f.read(4) # Python magic value if self.pycMagic == b"\0" * 4: self.pycMagic = pyzPycMagic elif self.pycMagic != pyzPycMagic: self.pycMagic = pyzPycMagic print( "[!] Warning: pyc magic of files inside PYZ archive are different from those in CArchive" ) (tocPosition,) = struct.unpack("!i", f.read(4)) f.seek(tocPosition, os.SEEK_SET) try: toc = load_code(f, pycHeader2Magic(pyzPycMagic)) except: print( "[!] Unmarshalling FAILED. Cannot extract {0}. Extracting remaining files.".format( name ) ) return print("[+] Found {0} files in PYZ archive".format(len(toc))) # From pyinstaller 3.1+ toc is a list of tuples if type(toc) == list: toc = dict(toc) for key in toc.keys(): (ispkg, pos, length) = toc[key] f.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET) fileName = key try: # for Python > 3.3 some keys are bytes object some are str object fileName = fileName.decode("utf-8") except: pass # Prevent writing outside dirName fileName = fileName.replace("..", "__").replace(".", os.path.sep) if ispkg == 1: filePath = os.path.join(dirName, fileName, "__init__.pyc") else: filePath = os.path.join(dirName, fileName + ".pyc") fileDir = os.path.dirname(filePath) if not os.path.exists(fileDir): os.makedirs(fileDir) try: data = f.read(length) data = zlib.decompress(data) except: try: # Automatic decryption # Make a copy data_copy = data # Try CTR mode, Pyinstaller >= 4.0 uses AES in CTR mode data = self._tryDecrypt(data, "ctr") data = zlib.decompress(data) except: # Try CFB mode, Pyinstaller < 4.0 uses AES in CFB mode try: data = data_copy data = self._tryDecrypt(data, "cfb") data = zlib.decompress(data) except: eprint( "[!] Error: Failed to decrypt & decompress {0}. Extracting as is.".format( filePath ) ) open(filePath + ".encrypted", "wb").write(data_copy) continue self._writePyc(filePath, data) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PyInstaller Extractor NG") parser.add_argument("filename", help="Path to the file to extract") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--one-dir", help="One directory mode, extracts the pyz in the same directory as the executable", action="store_true", ) args = parser.parse_args() arch = PyInstArchive(args.filename) if arch.open(): if arch.checkFile(): if arch.getCArchiveInfo(): arch.parseTOC() arch.extractFiles(args.one_dir) arch.close() print( "[+] Successfully extracted pyinstaller archive: {0}".format( args.filename ) ) print("") print( "You can now use a python decompiler on the pyc files within the extracted directory" ) sys.exit(0) arch.close() sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()