_Purpleprincess _thinkpink _thisisforreddit 2000ablenderoddyssey 2dina3dworld 2Legit2Quiz AgentPeggyCarter akp2017 alanadelreyy apikaliaxo avg-vag Batmanfreak bazzthebear BB-TheBest22 bdrmnc Ben_B27 Blue-K0ala BookyCats bre3ent brunbrun24 ButtiGame1776 buzzyrecky calicocat1013 charredgrass chutneysss cityboy1997 CloveFan Coll19 Cosmian CreepySwing567 cremeebrulee dalalol Darkknuckles dosestrellas E3-NotTheConvention Eevanchook emayzee endcreditouilles evanbrooks324 everythinking Felouria FerBaide fkadizzy-1804 forccynthia ForwardStorm funimarvel gibzster goodbyesindisguise Guy_like_u hikkaru Hogwartsreject1912 holocomoestas Hulnia ImADudeDuh itookyourmatches jacob_fritchie jajarepelotud0 janiqua jasannn jaztinax jryyyy jtbiggs jwaterbender98 katevdolab14 Kaylaboe KennyEarthman kevindroppinthechili KiwiKenJJJ konalacroix korinna323 KuhBus laurent1683 lavender-blonde lazynbroke Leixander letucy lolcevan M0DESTM0USERAT Macadamic manualex16 martian_pet musicaldigger mylps9 MythicalBeaste Nerdy_boy_chris NevermoreSEA nootnoot781 oliviacody ortreat oscarbrierley1 outsideeyess parezcounapina pat-rickstar picowombat prettybunbun pringleszr pros-and-connors purple_ray racloves RandomHypnotica rayofgreenlight redgold51 releasetaxi relibee2 rockysaytalk101 RosaPalms roselynn_sapphire Rowenasdiadem9 rubbie runaway3212 samazingrace21 shivof simba-claus Similar_Serve sizzors SouthParkiscool speed-of-sound spookyj11 starla_ stickywheels46 Sunny_Waterloo surejan94 taeneon team_kockroach Teeeq96 theadventuresofryan theatreboii TheDrOfWeirdos TheQueenOfVultures this-is-your-heart ThObsceneBirdOfNight TiltControls tman8667 Tolk1en tor_chicinfire TragicKingdom1 TryingtoGetThrough1 twat_brained varricked vayyiqra VictoriousssBIG23 vintagebathingsuit Vultuxe walkeddowntheblock waluigiest wannaminaj yatcho yonce_xo --- INVALID LIST: breakinghope used the wrong rank separator. INVALID LIST: CharltonCharles used the wrong rank separator. INVALID LIST: DoctorFlooz has an ambiguous song title in their list. (Billie Eilish doesn't have a song titled wwafawdwg, perhaps you meant bury a friend?) INVALID LIST: Gao_Wao entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: lunasaflowers entered the same song twice. INVALID LIST: Philofelinist entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: sbhernan entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: thatplatypus99 entered the same song twice. INVALID LIST: the_ultracheese_tbhc entered the placements out of order. INVALID LIST: zagreux entered the same song twice.