So a few weeks ago I found an image on Google of a LEGO Osama Bin Laden mini-figure. I saved it and sent it to all of my friends as a joke to pass the time, and ended up coming up with a joke about the “Lego 9/11 set”. “The new LEGO 9/11 set! Construct the twin towers! Build the planes! And help Osama murder 3,000 people in the legendary terrorist attack! The new LEGO 9/11 set! Background not included. Assembly required.” The joke was funny for about 20 minutes, but I quickly got bored of being edgy. Then, yesterday, I was playing my favourite LEGO game, LEGO Marvel Superheroes (the original, the other two are trash.), when I noticed something as I was flying through NYC. There were no twin towers. I then realized, that if there are no twin towers in LEGO NYC, than 9/11 happened in the LEGO universe. Which means that LEGO Osama is real. This is the greatest conspiracy of all time. If LEGO Osama is real, than is LEGO Hitler real too? Only time will tell.