I woke up at 2:00 am, Monday, to drink some cold refreshing water. As I am opening my fridge, I notice something weird: a $1.32 minions refrigerator magnet on my fridge. I was like "wtf that's weird. I must be really sleepy."... or so I thought. I drank my refreshing 2 am water and went back to sleep. I woke up feeling tired but I have no choice but to go to work. I quickly prepare breakfast. Omw to work, I remember that I didn't find the $1.32 minions refrigerator magnet on my fridge in the mornin; so I guess I was just imagining things. Done with my work, I go back home take a shower, eat dinner and play video games till it's time to sleep. "Shit it's 1 am I lost track of time." I say as I quickly rush to brush my teeth and head to bed. I try to force myself to sleep but I can't. As I am trying to concentrate on sleeping I hear some mumbling high pitched noises coming from the kitchen. It was like 2 people having a conversation in gibberish. I head to over to see what this noise is but the closer I get the quieter it became until I reached the kitchen. There was nothing. No one's there. "That's weird." I say as I turn around and leave the room. Before I step out of the kitchen area I hear someone saying "BELLO!". I slowly turned my head to see who it was but no one's there! "What's wrong with me?" I say as I open the fridge to get some cold water. I have some. I close the fridge. I see 2 $1.32 minions refrigerator magnets on the fridge. "BAA!!!" screamed the 2 $1.32 minions refrigerator magnets. I back out from the shock but I accidentally trip over my legs and fall on my back. My eyes were fixed on the 2 $1.32 minions refrigerator magnets. All I could hear was gibberish high pitched screaming. I try to get up and turn around to run but for some reason, the screaming got louder. I looked back at my fridge... I wish I hadn't. 32 $1.32 minions refrigerator magnets were on the fridge, all screaming high pitched gibberish. I am terrified. I can feel my heart beat faster. I can HEAR my hear beat. "Is this... is this it?" I say as it gets harder to breath. The voices are fading and I eventually die of a heart attack.