alanadelreyy Axinni bismuthcrow BookyCats brunbrun24 chitownsparty12 CollisionOfAtoms DaCoolNamesWereTaken derpymoogle dirtywang Friendly-Canary-3814 GoSwift13 heyloverboy hikkaru Hogwartsreject1912 Jackalope117 jackisboredtoday jwaterbender98 legendtinax Leixander martian_pet OrchidRayn portillos5ever prettybunbun relibee2 Sigh_Some_More SilverMind9 sincerityisscxry stevenillusioned surejan94 te4rdr0p TheQueenOfVultures TiltControls vayyiqra ventipassiontea Vultuxe --- INVALID LIST: Prince_Of_Malling entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: Mozzarella-Donatella "Please don't style the song titles or put comments next to them."