root@vps81385:~# cat /srv/scales/logs/proc.log [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [INFO] + ========================================== + [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [INFO] | Scales logs all information, (inc. errors) | [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [INFO] | into the logs/ directory. Please check | [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [INFO] | there before asking for help with bugs. | [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [INFO] | | [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [INFO] | Submit bug reports at the following link: | [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [INFO] | | [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [INFO] + ========================================== + [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [VERBOSE] Using docker?: false [2016-05-19 15:50:36] [VERBOSE] All scripts in /lib/scripts successfully had their permissions updated. [2016-05-19 15:50:37] [INFO] Scales is now listening on port 5656 [2016-05-19 15:50:37] [INFO] Scales has started [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] + ========================================== + [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] | Scales logs all information, (inc. errors) | [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] | into the logs/ directory. Please check | [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] | there before asking for help with bugs. | [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] | | [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] | Submit bug reports at the following link: | [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] | | [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] + ========================================== + [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [VERBOSE] Using docker?: false [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [VERBOSE] All scripts in /lib/scripts successfully had their permissions updated. [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] Scales is now listening on port 5656 [2016-05-19 15:50:38] [INFO] Scales has started [2016-05-19 15:51:01] [VERBOSE] Loaded server configuration for e930bf43-fd60-4aab-8684-3ec986d2e93e [2016-05-19 15:51:01] [VERBOSE] Starting install process [2016-05-19 15:51:01] [VERBOSE] Creating base config file for e930bf43-fd60-4aab-8684-3ec986d2e93e [2016-05-19 15:51:01] [VERBOSE] Creating user pp-bungee_us9v3 on the server. [2016-05-19 15:51:02] [VERBOSE] Finished basic install process for new server, preparing to complete full install process. [2016-05-19 15:51:02] [VERBOSE] Starting full install process [2016-05-19 15:51:02] [VERBOSE] Running major installer process for e930bf43-fd60-4aab-8684-3ec986d2e93e which could take a few minutes to complete. Do not stop Scales during this process. [2016-05-19 15:51:02] [VERBOSE] Executing su -s /bin/bash -l pp-bungee_us9v3 -c /srv/scales/lib/scripts/install/ -b /home -u pp-bungee_us9v3 [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] installer:~$ rm -rf * [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] installer:~$ curl -o server.jar [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] % [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] T [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] o [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] t [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] al % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Ti [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] me Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] 1 [2016-05-19 15:51:07] [VERBOSE] 3 8127k 13 1137k 0 0 1733k 0 0:00:04 --:--:-- 0:00:04 1731k [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] 1 [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] 0 [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] 0 [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] 8127k 100 8127k 0 0 57 [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] 37k 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 5739k [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] installer:~$ chown -R pp-bungee_us9v3:scalesuser * [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] installer:~$ exit 0 [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] Updating root folder perms [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] Installer process has completed for for e930bf43-fd60-4aab-8684-3ec986d2e93e [2016-05-19 15:51:08] [VERBOSE] Major install process completed and PufferPanel notified. [2016-05-19 15:52:21] [VERBOSE] Config for server e930bf43-fd60-4aab-8684-3ec986d2e93e has been updated by a remote source. [2016-05-19 15:52:21] [VERBOSE] Container rebuilt for e930bf43-fd60-4aab-8684-3ec986d2e93e. [2016-05-19 15:56:54] [WARN] Detected shutdown! Stopping all running server containers. [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] + ========================================== + [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] | Scales logs all information, (inc. errors) | [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] | into the logs/ directory. Please check | [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] | there before asking for help with bugs. | [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] | | [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] | Submit bug reports at the following link: | [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] | | [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] + ========================================== + [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [VERBOSE] Using docker?: false [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [VERBOSE] All scripts in /lib/scripts successfully had their permissions updated. [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [INFO] Scales is now listening on port 5656 [2016-05-19 15:58:16] [VERBOSE] Loaded server configuration for e930bf43-fd60-4aab-8684-3ec986d2e93e [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] Scales has started [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] + ========================================== + [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] | Scales logs all information, (inc. errors) | [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] | into the logs/ directory. Please check | [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] | there before asking for help with bugs. | [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] | | [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] | Submit bug reports at the following link: | [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] | | [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [INFO] + ========================================== + [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [VERBOSE] Using docker?: false [2016-05-19 15:58:17] [VERBOSE] All scripts in /lib/scripts successfully had their permissions updated. [2016-05-19 15:58:18] [INFO] Scales is now listening on port 5656 [2016-05-19 15:58:18] [VERBOSE] Loaded server configuration for e930bf43-fd60-4aab-8684-3ec986d2e93e [2016-05-19 15:58:18] [INFO] Scales has started