(base) user@F3S-s3user:/mnt/d/Codes/Pytorch_Retinaface_MKLDN$ cd /mnt/d/Codes/Pytorch_Retinaface_MKLDN ; env PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 /home/user/anaconda3/bin/python /home/user/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2020.1.58038/pythonFiles/ptvsd_launcher.py --default --nodebug --client --host localhost --port 52342 /mnt/d/Codes/Pytorch_Retinaface_MKLDN/test_detect_align_MKLDNN.py Loading pretrained model from ./weights/mobilenet0.25_Final.pth remove prefix 'module.' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2020.1.58038/pythonFiles/ptvsd_launcher.py", line 43, in main(ptvsdArgs) File "/home/user/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2020.1.58038/pythonFiles/lib/python/old_ptvsd/ptvsd/__main__.py", line 432, in main run() File "/home/user/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2020.1.58038/pythonFiles/lib/python/old_ptvsd/ptvsd/__main__.py", line 316, in run_file runpy.run_path(target, run_name='__main__') File "/home/user/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 263, in run_path pkg_name=pkg_name, script_name=fname) File "/home/user/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 96, in _run_module_code mod_name, mod_spec, pkg_name, script_name) File "/home/user/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "/mnt/d/Codes/Pytorch_Retinaface_MKLDN/test_detect_align_MKLDNN.py", line 318, in model_weights=model.weight ) File "/mnt/d/Codes/Pytorch_Retinaface_MKLDN/test_detect_align_MKLDNN.py", line 87, in detect net = load_model(net, trained_model, cpu) File "/mnt/d/Codes/Pytorch_Retinaface_MKLDN/test_detect_align_MKLDNN.py", line 60, in load_model model.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict, strict=False) File "/home/user/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 831, in load_state_dict self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs))) RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for RetinaFace: While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.0.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8, 3, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8, 3, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.0.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.0.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.0.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.0.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 8, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 8, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.1.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32, 16, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32, 16, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.2.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32, 32, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32, 32, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.3.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64, 32, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64, 32, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.4.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage1.5.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([64]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.0.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.1.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.2.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.3.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.4.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 128, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage2.5.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([128]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([128]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256, 128, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256, 128, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.0.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256, 1, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256, 1, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.3.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256, 256, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256, 256, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.4.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.4.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.4.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "body.stage3.1.4.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([256]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([256]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv3X3.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32, 64, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32, 64, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv3X3.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv3X3.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv3X3.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv3X3.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_1.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 64, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 64, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_1.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_1.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_1.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_1.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_2.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_2.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_2.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_2.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv5X5_2.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7X7_2.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7X7_2.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7X7_2.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7X7_2.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7X7_2.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7x7_3.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7x7_3.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7x7_3.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7x7_3.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh1.conv7x7_3.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv3X3.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32, 64, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32, 64, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv3X3.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv3X3.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv3X3.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv3X3.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_1.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 64, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 64, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_1.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_1.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_1.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_1.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_2.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_2.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_2.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_2.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv5X5_2.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7X7_2.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7X7_2.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7X7_2.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7X7_2.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7X7_2.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7x7_3.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7x7_3.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7x7_3.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7x7_3.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh2.conv7x7_3.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv3X3.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32, 64, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32, 64, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv3X3.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv3X3.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv3X3.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv3X3.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([32]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([32]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_1.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 64, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 64, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_1.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_1.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_1.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_1.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_2.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_2.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_2.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_2.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv5X5_2.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7X7_2.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7X7_2.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7X7_2.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7X7_2.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7X7_2.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7x7_3.0.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16, 16, 3, 3]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7x7_3.1.running_var", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7x7_3.1.running_mean", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7x7_3.1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ssh3.conv7x7_3.1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([16]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([16]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ClassHead.0.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([4, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([4, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ClassHead.0.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([4]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([4]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ClassHead.1.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([4, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([4, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ClassHead.1.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([4]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([4]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ClassHead.2.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([4, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([4, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "ClassHead.2.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([4]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([4]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "BboxHead.0.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "BboxHead.0.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "BboxHead.1.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "BboxHead.1.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "BboxHead.2.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "BboxHead.2.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([8]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([8]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "LandmarkHead.0.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([20, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([20, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "LandmarkHead.0.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([20]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([20]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "LandmarkHead.1.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([20, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([20, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "LandmarkHead.1.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([20]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([20]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "LandmarkHead.2.conv1x1.weight", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([20, 64, 1, 1]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([20, 64, 1, 1]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',). While copying the parameter named "LandmarkHead.2.conv1x1.bias", whose dimensions in the model are torch.Size([20]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([20]), an exception occured: ('unsupported tensor layout: Mkldnn',).