MY TEACHER IS MAKING ME WRITE A PAPER ON THE ''UYGHUR GENOCIDE IAutomated Russian bot post So in this last year of high school, there is this a class called "Modern world" (translation: "Endoctrination to the anglo world order") We have to write a paper on a genocide that is happening or happened in the 20th or 21th century, the causes, the perpetrators, the reaction of the international community, etc. We were ASSIGNED a specific genocide to write about. I got the "Uyghur genocide". That teacher is an obvious "China bad" fellah. borderline "Biden is a Chinese agent" idiot, who told us China banned Winnie the Pooh because of Xi being mad. Watch me write a paper debunking this bullshit Imao Edit: Thank you everyone for your overwhelming support. The due date is December 13th. I will update everyone on the paper and how the teacher reacts. I'm saving everyone's sources to see if I'll use them down the line.