What an epic time we’re in. Not only are we navigating what we’ve experienced the past two years and the collective grieving of realising that life will never go ‘back to normal’ as we knew it, we’re also in a great transformational soup of astrological upheaval. What did we really need added with the two big retrograde seasons (Mercury - communication, past lessons, mental process and Venus - past relationship patterns, ex lovers, beauty in order)? Yep, throw in a cancer full moon . This moon highlighted by these two retrogrades is a highly emotional one but is a beautiful gateway to really purge out these old ways of doing things and say enough is enough. Enough of mixed communications and confusing situations (from our own minds/pattens as much as from others). Enough of running old programs of unstable familial archetypes. Enough survival mode and hampers on creation. Enough believing that love needs to be draining, hard and a rollercoaster of dopamine hits and longing. This huge momentum has the potential to have us realising obsession is antithetical to true intimacy. Cancer is at home within deep bonds, family and personal and practical balance. When we’ve found ourselves either in draining day to day or survival mode programs OR toxic/unhealthy love bond patterns it can be easy for us to believe we can’t strike a balance and have it all but healthy ways of working with each of these actually fuel the other, not hamper them and exhaust us. What mother wounds (Cancer/Yin) are preventing you from knowing this? What father wounds (it’s opposite, Capricorn/Yang) are holding you back from this balance? How have they affected both your love/family life and your offerings to the world and the perhaps unconscious belief that these two aspects can not only be in harmony but thrive beyond anything you’ve ever dreamt of? 📷📷78You and 77 others 17 comments 📷 **Love** **Comment** **Share**