MultiMC version: 0.2.1 Minecraft folder is: D:/Games/MultiMC/instances/LYnx's Pack Экстрас31/minecraft Java path is: C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/java.exe Java Arguments: [-XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump, -Xms512m, -Xmx3024m, -XX:PermSize=128m, -jar, D:/Games/MultiMC/jars/NewLaunch.jar] Using onesix launcher. Main Class: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch Native path: D:/Games/MultiMC/instances/LYnx's Pack Экстрас31/natives Libraries: D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/minecraftforge/minecraftforge/ D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/minecraft/launchwrapper/1.8/launchwrapper-1.8.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-all/4.1/asm-all-4.1.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.10.2/scala-library-2.10.2.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.10.2/scala-compiler-2.10.2.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/lzma/lzma/0.0.1/lzma-0.0.1.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/4.5/jopt-simple-4.5.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/codecjorbis/20101023/codecjorbis-20101023.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/codecwav/20101023/codecwav-20101023.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/libraryjavasound/20101123/libraryjavasound-20101123.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/librarylwjglopenal/20100824/librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/soundsystem/20120107/soundsystem-20120107.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/argo/argo/2.25_fixed/argo-2.25_fixed.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.47/bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/google/guava/guava/14.0/guava-14.0.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.1/commons-lang3-3.1.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/commons-io/commons-io/2.4/commons-io-2.4.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/java/jinput/jinput/2.0.5/jinput-2.0.5.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/java/jutils/jutils/1.0.0/jutils-1.0.0.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.2.2/gson-2.2.2.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl/2.9.0/lwjgl-2.9.0.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl_util/2.9.0/lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar D:/Games/MultiMC/versions/1.6.4/1.6.4.jar Params: [--username, , --session, , --version, 1.6.4, --gameDir, D:/Games/MultiMC/instances/LYnx's Pack Экстрас31/minecraft, --assetsDir, D:/Games/MultiMC/assets/virtual/legacy, --tweakClass, cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker, --width, 854, --height, 480] Preparing native libraries... Extracting lwjgl-platform-2.9.0-natives-windows.jar Extracting jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar май 31, 2014 3:06:46 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker май 31, 2014 3:06:46 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker май 31, 2014 3:06:46 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker 2014-05-31 15:06:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.6.4 loading 2014-05-31 15:06:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_55, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 2014-05-31 15:06:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod appeng.transformer.AppEngCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Core Init 2014-05-31 15:06:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod ic2.core.coremod.IC2core does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod denoflionsx.denLib.CoreMod.denLibCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod logisticspipes.asm.LogisticsPipesCoreLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft. Certificate fingerprint cd99959656f753dc28d863b46769f7f8fbaefcfc 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 110 rules from AccessTransformer config file forge_at.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [IC2-core] Loaded library ejml-0.23.jar. 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: nei_at.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 51 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: wrcbe_at.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 53 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:54 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: DenEvents.jar | 11d66653cadfb803067a8df5ceb9148e1e48009c | 11d66653cadfb803067a8df5ceb9148e1e48009c | false 2014-05-31 15:06:54 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: Loaded library DenEvents.jar 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.15-M1.jar | 9b713ffe2bd3e1f1ddea48cce098e3f6de9a0430 | 404 | false 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: Loaded library sqlite-jdbc-3.7.15-M1.jar 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Setting up DenEventsTransformer... 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 14 rules from AccessTransformer config file lp_at_1.6.4.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: pcc_at.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 57 rules from AccessTransformer config file pcc_at.cfg 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker 2014-05-31 15:06:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main} 2014-05-31 15:06:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Running transformation on net.minecraft.client.entity.AbstractClientPlayer 2014-05-31 15:06:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Inserted super call into axv.c 2014-05-31 15:06:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] awy was overriden from 2_NotEnoughItems.jar 2014-05-31 15:06:56 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Setting user: 2014-05-31 15:06:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Generated BlockMobSpawner helper method. 2014-05-31 15:06:58 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] LWJGL Version: 2.9.0 2014-05-31 15:06:58 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [STDOUT] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.965 Initialized 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.965 Initialized 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [STDOUT] Replaced 111 ore recipies 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Reading custom logging properties from D:\Games\MultiMC\instances\LYnx's Pack Экстрас31\minecraft\config\ 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [OFF] [ForgeModLoader] Logging level for ForgeModLoader logging is set to ALL 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Core Init 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Searching D:\Games\MultiMC\instances\LYnx's Pack Экстрас31\minecraft\mods for mods 2014-05-31 15:06:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Also searching D:\Games\MultiMC\instances\LYnx's Pack Экстрас31\minecraft\mods\1.6.4 for mods 2014-05-31 15:07:03 [WARNING] [WR-CBE|Addons] Mod WR-CBE|Addons is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-05-31 15:07:03 [WARNING] [WR-CBE|Logic] Mod WR-CBE|Logic is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-05-31 15:07:03 [WARNING] [numina] Mod numina is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 0.1.2-55 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [ThaumicTinkererKami] Mod ThaumicTinkererKami is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'. 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [ExtraUtilities] Mod ExtraUtilities is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.3c 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [ForgeMicroblock] Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [ForgeMultipart] Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [McMultipart] Mod McMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has identified 99 mods to load 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThaumicTinkerer] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThermalExpansion] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package forestry.api.apiculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [BigReactors] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThermalExpansion] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package forestry.api.core (owned by Forestry) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package forestry.api.core (owned by Forestry) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [BigReactors] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThermalExpansion] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThaumicTinkerer] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package forestry.api.arboriculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [mcp] Activating mod mcp 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [FML] Activating mod FML 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Forge] Activating mod Forge 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [AppliedEnergistics-Core] Activating mod AppliedEnergistics-Core 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [CodeChickenCore] Activating mod CodeChickenCore 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [NotEnoughItems] Activating mod NotEnoughItems 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [denLib] Activating mod denLib 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [PowerCrystalsCore] Activating mod PowerCrystalsCore 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [DenEvents] Activating mod DenEvents 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [inventorytweaks] Activating mod inventorytweaks 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [mod_ZanMinimap] Activating mod mod_ZanMinimap 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [AppliedEnergistics] Activating mod AppliedEnergistics 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [IC2] Activating mod IC2 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [factorization.misc] Activating mod factorization.misc 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [factorization.notify] Activating mod factorization.notify 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [factorization.dimensionalSlice] Activating mod factorization.dimensionalSlice 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [factorization] Activating mod factorization 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [gregtech_addon] Activating mod gregtech_addon 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [IronChest] Activating mod IronChest 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Builders] Activating mod BuildCraft|Builders 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Core] Activating mod BuildCraft|Core 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Energy] Activating mod BuildCraft|Energy 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Factory] Activating mod BuildCraft|Factory 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Silicon] Activating mod BuildCraft|Silicon 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Transport] Activating mod BuildCraft|Transport 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Forestry] Activating mod Forestry 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [QuarryPlus] Activating mod QuarryPlus 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Railcraft] Activating mod Railcraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [StevesCarts] Activating mod StevesCarts 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [CCTurtle] Activating mod CCTurtle 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ComputerCraft] Activating mod ComputerCraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [EnderStorage] Activating mod EnderStorage 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Thaumcraft] Activating mod Thaumcraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [TwilightForest] Activating mod TwilightForest 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForestryExtras] Activating mod ForestryExtras 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [powersuits] Activating mod powersuits 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Activating mod NEIAddons 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [NEIAddons|AE] Activating mod NEIAddons|AE 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Activating mod NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Activating mod NEIAddons|ExtraBees 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Activating mod NEIAddons|Forestry 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Activating mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [NEIPlugins] Activating mod NEIPlugins 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Activating mod Additional-Buildcraft-Objects 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ImmibisCore] Activating mod ImmibisCore 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [RedLogic] Activating mod RedLogic 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [SoulShards] Activating mod SoulShards 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Addons] Activating mod WR-CBE|Addons 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Core] Activating mod WR-CBE|Core 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Logic] Activating mod WR-CBE|Logic 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Autoutils] Activating mod Autoutils 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BinnieCore] Activating mod BinnieCore 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ExtraBees] Activating mod ExtraBees 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ExtraTrees] Activating mod ExtraTrees 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [numina] Activating mod numina 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BiblioCraft] Activating mod BiblioCraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [GraviSuite] Activating mod GraviSuite 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ThaumicTinkerer] Activating mod ThaumicTinkerer 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Translocator] Activating mod Translocator 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [BigReactors] Activating mod BigReactors 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Activating mod LogisticsPipes|Main 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [IC2NuclearControl] Activating mod IC2NuclearControl 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ThaumicTinkererKami] Activating mod ThaumicTinkererKami 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Activating mod CarpentersBlocks 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Chisel] Activating mod Chisel 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [CoFHCore] Activating mod CoFHCore 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [CoFHLoot] Activating mod CoFHLoot 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [CoFHMasquerade] Activating mod CoFHMasquerade 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [CoFHSocial] Activating mod CoFHSocial 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Activating mod CoFHWorld 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ExtraUtilities] Activating mod ExtraUtilities 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] Activating mod MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MFR Compat Extra Trees] Activating mod MFR Compat Extra Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Activating mod ThermalExpansion 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeMicroblock] Activating mod ForgeMicroblock 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [ForgeMultipart] Activating mod ForgeMultipart 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [McMultipart] Activating mod McMultipart 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Forge Mod Loader] Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Minecraft Forge] Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Not Enough Items] Mod Not Enough Items is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [PowerCrystals Core] Mod PowerCrystals Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [DenEvents] Mod DenEvents is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Iron Chest] Mod Iron Chest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [BC Builders] Mod BC Builders is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [BuildCraft] Mod BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [BC Energy] Mod BC Energy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [BC Factory] Mod BC Factory is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [BC Silicon] Mod BC Silicon is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [BC Transport] Mod BC Transport is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Forestry for Minecraft] Mod Forestry for Minecraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [QuarryPlus] Mod QuarryPlus is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Mod Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Steve's Carts 2] Mod Steve's Carts 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [EnderStorage] Mod EnderStorage is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Forestry Extras] Mod Forestry Extras is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [NEI Addons] Mod NEI Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics] Mod NEI Addons: Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals] Mod NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] Mod NEI Addons: Extra Bees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Forestry] Mod NEI Addons: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] Mod NEI Addons: Crafting Tables is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [NEI Plugins] Mod NEI Plugins is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Immibis Core] Mod Immibis Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [RedLogic] Mod RedLogic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Soul Shards] Mod Soul Shards is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Addons] Mod WR-CBE Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Core] Mod WR-CBE Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Logic] Mod WR-CBE Logic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Autoutils] Mod Autoutils is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Binnie Core] Mod Binnie Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Extra Bees] Mod Extra Bees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Extra Trees] Mod Extra Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Gravitation Suite] Mod Gravitation Suite is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Thaumic Tinkerer] Mod Thaumic Tinkerer is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Translocator] Mod Translocator is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Big Reactors] Mod Big Reactors is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Logistics Pipes] Mod Logistics Pipes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Nuclear Control] Mod Nuclear Control is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Thaumic Tinkerer KAMI] Mod Thaumic Tinkerer KAMI is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Carpenter's Blocks] Mod Carpenter's Blocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Chisel] Mod Chisel is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [CoFH Core] Mod CoFH Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [CoFH Loot] Mod CoFH Loot is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [CoFH Masquerade] Mod CoFH Masquerade is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [CoFH Social] Mod CoFH Social is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [CoFH World] Mod CoFH World is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Extra Utilities] Mod Extra Utilities is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] Mod MFR Compat Forestry Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat Extra Trees] Mod MFR Compat Extra Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MineFactory Reloaded] Mod MineFactory Reloaded is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] Mod MFR Compat: Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Atum] Mod MFR Compat: Atum is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: BackTools] Mod MFR Compat: BackTools is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] Mod MFR Compat: BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Chococraft] Mod MFR Compat: Chococraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] Mod MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Forestry] Mod MFR Compat: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2)] Mod MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2) is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] Mod MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: IC2] Mod MFR Compat: IC2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Mystcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Pam's Mods] Mod MFR Compat: Pam's Mods is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat ProjectRed] Mod MFR Compat ProjectRed is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Railcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: RP2] Mod MFR Compat: RP2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] Mod MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Thaumcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] Mod MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] Mod MFR Compat: TwilightForest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Vanilla] Mod MFR Compat: Vanilla is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: XyCraft] Mod MFR Compat: XyCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Thermal Expansion] Mod Thermal Expansion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Forge Microblocks] Mod Forge Microblocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Forge Multipart] Mod Forge Multipart is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [WARNING] [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] Mod Minecraft Multipart Plugin is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-05-31 15:07:04 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:Not Enough Items, FMLFileResourcePack:PowerCrystals Core, FMLFileResourcePack:DenEvents, FMLFileResourcePack:Inventory Tweaks, FMLFileResourcePack:Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:IndustrialCraft 2, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Miscellaneous Nonsense, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Notification System, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Dimensional Slices, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization, FMLFileResourcePack:GregTech-Addon, FMLFileResourcePack:Iron Chest, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Builders, FMLFileResourcePack:BuildCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Energy, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Factory, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Silicon, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Transport, FMLFileResourcePack:Forestry for Minecraft, FMLFileResourcePack:QuarryPlus, FMLFileResourcePack:Railcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Steve's Carts 2, FMLFileResourcePack:ComputerCraft Turtles, FMLFileResourcePack:ComputerCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:EnderStorage, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:The Twilight Forest, FMLFileResourcePack:Forestry Extras, FMLFileResourcePack:MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Extra Bees, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Crafting Tables, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Plugins, FMLFileResourcePack:Additional Buildcraft Objects, FMLFileResourcePack:Immibis Core, FMLFileResourcePack:RedLogic, FMLFileResourcePack:Soul Shards, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Core, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Logic, FMLFileResourcePack:Autoutils, FMLFileResourcePack:Binnie Core, FMLFileResourcePack:Extra Bees, FMLFileResourcePack:Extra Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:Numina, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Gravitation Suite, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Tinkerer, FMLFileResourcePack:Translocator, FMLFileResourcePack:Big Reactors, FMLFileResourcePack:Logistics Pipes, FMLFileResourcePack:Nuclear Control, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Tinkerer KAMI, FMLFileResourcePack:Carpenter's Blocks, FMLFileResourcePack:Chisel, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Core, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Loot, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Masquerade, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Social, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH World, FMLFileResourcePack:Extra Utilities, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat Forestry Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat Extra Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:MineFactory Reloaded, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Atum, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: BackTools, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: BuildCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Chococraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2), FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: IC2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Mystcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Pam's Mods, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat ProjectRed, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Railcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: RP2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: TwilightForest, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Vanilla, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: XyCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Thermal Expansion, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Microblocks, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Multipart, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Multipart Plugin 2014-05-31 15:07:05 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file 5_denLib.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:05 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file 7_slick-util.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:05 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-universal-1.6.4- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:05 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Registering Forge Packet Handler 2014-05-31 15:07:05 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Succeeded registering Forge Packet Handler 2014-05-31 15:07:06 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.Container 2014-05-31 15:07:07 [INFO] [FZ] This is Factorization 0.8.29 2014-05-31 15:07:10 [INFO] [STDOUT] GravisUite: Register keys 2014-05-31 15:07:12 [INFO] [STDERR] Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: 2014-05-31 15:07:12 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-05-31 15:07:12 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-05-31 15:07:12 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-05-31 15:07:12 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-05-31 15:07:12 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0 2014-05-31 15:07:12 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: invtweaks.InvTweaksObfuscation 2014-05-31 15:07:13 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Version Check Failed: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: 2014-05-31 15:07:13 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Starting BuildCraft 4.2.2 (:56) 2014-05-31 15:07:13 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011 2014-05-31 15:07:13 [INFO] [Buildcraft] 2014-05-31 15:07:13 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Beginning version check 2014-05-31 15:07:14 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Loading Plugins... 2014-05-31 15:07:14 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Finished Loading Plugins. 2014-05-31 15:07:14 [INFO] [IC2] Starting initialization 2014-05-31 15:07:14 [INFO] [IC2] Config loaded from D:\Games\MultiMC\instances\LYnx's Pack Экстрас31\minecraft\config\IC2.cfg 2014-05-31 15:07:14 [INFO] [IC2] Using 32 audio sources. 2014-05-31 15:07:14 [INFO] [STDOUT] Running transformation on abr 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [IC2] Finished initialization after 856 ms 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: sludge !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'factorization:sludge' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'sulfuricAcid' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following: 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [STDERR] Please use 'bottleSulfuricAcid' instead, since it is likely a vanilla bottle containing the Material 'SulfuricAcid' 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'factorization:sulfuricAcid' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to. 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [WARNING] [Buildcraft] Unable to read from remote version authority. 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [WARNING] [Buildcraft] 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Version check attempt 1 failed, trying again in 10 seconds 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding runtime interfaces to powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.base.TileEntityFactoryInventory 2014-05-31 15:07:15 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 335 (net.minecraft.item.ItemBucketMilk from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket 2014-05-31 15:07:17 [WARNING] [ThermalExpansion] Version Check Failed: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: 2014-05-31 15:07:18 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: quicksilver !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'Thaumcraft:quicksilver' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:19 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 328 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla 2014-05-31 15:07:19 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 342 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla 2014-05-31 15:07:19 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 343 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla 2014-05-31 15:07:19 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 407 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for emptyCell 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellEmpty 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellWater 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellLava 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellOxygen 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellAir 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for emptyFuelCan 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for fuelCanEmpty 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for denseCopperPlate 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for denseplateadviron 2014-05-31 15:07:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for denseplatelapis 2014-05-31 15:07:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerWorkbench 2014-05-31 15:07:22 [INFO] [NEIAddons|AE] Version check success: AppliedEnergistics required / rv14.finale3 detected 2014-05-31 15:07:22 [INFO] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Required mod MiscPeripherals is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable 2014-05-31 15:07:22 [WARNING] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Requirements unmet, Misc Peripherals Addon not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemDiamond by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemEmerald by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotIron by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotGold by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemDiamond by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Version check success: ExtraBees@[1.6-pre15,) required / 1.8.0 detected 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Version check success: Forestry@[,) required / detected 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Version check success: Forestry@[,) required / detected 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Starting Additional-Buildcraft-Objects #560 (Built for Minecraft 1.6.4 with Buildcraft 4.2.2 and Forge 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Copyright (c) Flow86, 2011-2013 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registering Thaumic Tinkerer's automatic crash reporter 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ -249 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5f28cbd2 while adding net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@6f5d78cc 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod ThaumicTinkerer is overwriting existing item at 7 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCustomOre 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCustomOre_7 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockWoodenDevice_6 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockWoodenDevice_7 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockMagicalLog 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockMagicalLeaves 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticOpaque 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_1 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_2 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_3 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_4 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_5 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_6 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.ttinkerer:darkQuartz 2014-05-31 15:07:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.ttinkerer:darkQuartz_1 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] BlockGenericPipe was found with ID: 1513 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] LogisticsBlockGenericPipe was added at ID: 1513 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Extended plant support integration successful. 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Successfully loaded 18 flower pot designs. 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Successfully loaded 9 chisel patterns. 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Successfully loaded 6 bed designs. 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'stoneRod' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following: 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDERR] Put the 'Rod' in the beginning of the Name to get 'rodStone' 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'ForgeMicroblock:stoneRod' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to. 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stone 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.dirt 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebrick 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_1 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_2 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_3 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_1 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_2 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_3 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_1 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_2 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_3 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sponge 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockLapis 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_1 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_2 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_1 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_2 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_3 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_4 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_5 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_6 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_7 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_8 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_9 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_10 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_11 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_12 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_13 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_14 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_15 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockGold 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockIron 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.brick 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bookshelf 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stoneMoss 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.obsidian 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockDiamond 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.snow 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clay 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.hellrock 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.hellsand 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.lightgem 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_1 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_2 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_3 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.netherBrick 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.whiteStone 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockEmerald 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockRedstone 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.quartzBlock 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_1 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_2 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_3 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_4 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_5 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_6 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_7 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_8 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_9 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_10 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_11 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_12 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_13 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_14 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_15 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCoal 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.grass 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mycel 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class forestry.farming.items.ItemFarmBlock with ID 1395 owned by mod Forestry, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 7762 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 7763 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 7764 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 7765 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.item.ItemIngot with ID 18006 owned by mod BigReactors, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.item.ItemBRBucket with ID 18007 owned by mod BigReactors, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.item.ItemBRBucket with ID 18008 owned by mod BigReactors, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class org.yogpstop.qp.ItemTool with ID 18719 owned by mod QuarryPlus, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Material with ID 21256 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Dust with ID 21257 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Cell with ID 21258 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Component with ID 21259 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_SmallDust with ID 21260 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Nugget with ID 21261 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_DirtyDust with ID 21262 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_TinyDust with ID 21263 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaGenerated_Item_01 with ID 21264 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaGenerated_Item_02 with ID 21265 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_IntegratedCircuit_Item with ID 21266 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_FluidDisplayItem with ID 21271 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_SensorCard_Item with ID 21272 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_SensorKit_Item with ID 21273 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21274 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Mortar_Item with ID 21286 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Generic_Item with ID 21287 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Sonictron_Item with ID 21288 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Destructopack_Item with ID 21289 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21290 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21291 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21292 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyStoreIC_Item with ID 21293 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21294 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21295 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_NeutronReflector_Item with ID 21296 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21297 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21298 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Dataorb_Item with ID 21299 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21300 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21301 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21302 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Teslastaff_Item with ID 21303 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Scoop_Item with ID 21304 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Debug_Item with ID 21311 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyStoreIC_Item with ID 21312 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyStoreIC_Item with ID 21313 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21314 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21316 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21317 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21318 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Scanner_Item with ID 21319 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CrowbarRC_Item with ID 21320 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Screwdriver_Item with ID 21321 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Wrench_Item with ID 21322 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Wrench_Item with ID 21323 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Wrench_Item with ID 21324 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Wrench_Item with ID 21325 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_WrenchIC_Item with ID 21326 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_WrenchIC_Item with ID 21327 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SoftHammer_Item with ID 21328 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_HardHammer_Item with ID 21329 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_HardHammer_Item with ID 21330 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_HardHammer_Item with ID 21331 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_HardHammer_Item with ID 21332 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SolderingToolIC_Item with ID 21333 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SolderingMetal_Item with ID 21334 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SolderingMetal_Item with ID 21335 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21336 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21337 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21338 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21339 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21340 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21341 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_File_Item with ID 21342 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_File_Item with ID 21343 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_File_Item with ID 21344 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_File_Item with ID 21345 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Bug_Item with ID 21346 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Ice_Item with ID 21347 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Hardener_Item with ID 21348 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Foam_Item with ID 21349 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Pepper_Item with ID 21350 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Hydration_Item with ID 21351 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21352 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21353 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21354 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21355 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21356 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21357 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21358 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21359 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21360 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21361 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21362 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21363 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21364 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21365 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21366 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21367 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21368 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21369 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21370 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Saw_Item with ID 21371 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Saw_Item with ID 21372 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Saw_Item with ID 21373 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Saw_Item with ID 21374 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SawIC_Item with ID 21375 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SawIC_Item with ID 21376 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21377 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21378 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21379 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Sword with ID 21380 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Pickaxe with ID 21381 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Shovel with ID 21382 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Axe with ID 21383 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Hoe with ID 21384 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Sword with ID 21385 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Pickaxe with ID 21386 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Shovel with ID 21387 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Axe with ID 21388 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Hoe with ID 21389 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Sword with ID 21390 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Pickaxe with ID 21391 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Shovel with ID 21392 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Axe with ID 21393 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Hoe with ID 21394 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Screwdriver_Item with ID 21395 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_ScrewdriverIC_Item with ID 21396 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21397 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SoftHammer_Item with ID 21398 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.Item with ID 25135 owned by mod ForgeMicroblock, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemGraviChestPlate with ID 30473 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemUltimateLappack with ID 30474 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemSimpleItems with ID 30475 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemVajra with ID 30477 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvDDrill with ID 30478 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvChainsaw with ID 30479 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedLappack with ID 30480 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedJetPack with ID 30481 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemGraviTool with ID 30482 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedNanoChestPlate with ID 30483 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class binnie.extratrees.item.ItemMothDatabase with ID 31994 owned by mod ExtraTrees, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class binnie.core.liquid.ItemOldLiquidContainer with ID 31995 owned by mod ExtraTrees, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/.png 2014-05-31 15:07:24 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_top.png 2014-05-31 15:07:25 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_side.png 2014-05-31 15:07:25 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ttinkerer:textures/blocks/repairer.png 2014-05-31 15:07:25 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ttinkerer:textures/blocks/magnet.png 2014-05-31 15:07:25 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1975_InfMJSrc.png 2014-05-31 15:07:25 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_front.png 2014-05-31 15:07:25 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3705_extratrees.block.machine.png 2014-05-31 15:07:26 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_4093_extrabees.block.alveary.png 2014-05-31 15:07:26 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1976_RefineryPlus.png 2014-05-31 15:07:26 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/blocks/wood/planks.giganteum.png 2014-05-31 15:07:26 [WARNING] [Buildcraft] Unable to read from remote version authority. 2014-05-31 15:07:26 [WARNING] [Buildcraft] 2014-05-31 15:07:26 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Version check attempt 2 failed, trying again in 10 seconds 2014-05-31 15:07:27 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ic2:textures/items/plasmaLauncher.png 2014-05-31 15:07:27 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/misc/liquid.png 2014-05-31 15:07:27 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/analyzer/natural.png 2014-05-31 15:07:27 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ttinkerer:textures/items/ichorShovelGem.png 2014-05-31 15:07:27 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: factorization:textures/items/charge_battery.png 2014-05-31 15:07:27 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ttinkerer:textures/items/ichorAxeGem.png 2014-05-31 15:07:27 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/items/MISSING_ICON_ITEM_4259_ccprogramdisk.png 2014-05-31 15:07:27 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/misc/empty.png 2014-05-31 15:07:28 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ttinkerer:textures/items/ichorPickGem.png 2014-05-31 15:07:28 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ttinkerer:textures/items/ichorSwordGem.png 2014-05-31 15:07:28 [INFO] [STDOUT] Removing TMI Uninstaller 2014-05-31 15:07:28 [INFO] [STDOUT] Deleting Dir: D:\Games\MultiMC\versions\1.6.4\TMIUninstaller 2014-05-31 15:07:28 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment 2014-05-31 15:07:28 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLib]: denLib loading... 2014-05-31 15:07:29 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Starting Applied Energistics 2014-05-31 15:07:29 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] NEI Integration Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:29 [INFO] [STDERR] Trait already registered for net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidHandler 2014-05-31 15:07:29 [INFO] [STDERR] Trait already registered for net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidHandler 2014-05-31 15:07:30 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 102 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPane from Minecraft) with net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock 2014-05-31 15:07:30 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 79 (net.minecraft.block.BlockIce from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.ItemBlockVanillaIce 2014-05-31 15:07:30 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetGold by MineFactoryReloaded is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:30 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotGold by MineFactoryReloaded is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:30 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading ComputerCraft v1.58 (rev 1320) 2014-05-31 15:07:30 [INFO] [STDOUT] computercraft: Searching for RedPowerLib... 2014-05-31 15:07:30 [INFO] [STDOUT] computercraft: RedPowerLib not found. 2014-05-31 15:07:30 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading CCTurtle v1.58 (rev 1320) 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading NEI Addons 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Applied Energistics Addon... 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Applied Energistics Addon successfully loadded 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Extra Bees Addon... 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Extra Bees Addon successfully loadded 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Forestry Addon... 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Version check success: Forestry@[,) required / detected 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Forestry Addon successfully loadded 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Crafting Tables Addon... 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod EE3 is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering EE3 Minium Stone 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Version check success: BuildCraft|Factory required / 4.2.2 detected 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Registered BC Autorcrafting Table 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod powersuitaddons is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering MPSA In-Place Assembler 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod TConstruct is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering TC Crafting Station 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] 1 crafting tables registered 2014-05-31 15:07:31 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Crafting Tables Addon successfully loadded 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'obsidianRod' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following: 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] Put the 'Rod' in the beginning of the Name to get 'rodObsidian' 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'WR-CBE|Core:obsidianRod' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to. 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'diamondNugget' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following: 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] Put the 'Nugget' in the beginning of the Name to get 'nuggetDiamond' 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'Translocator:diamondNugget' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:32 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to. 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Modstats] Config loaded. allowUpdates: true, betaNotification: false, strict: false 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 4 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 20 (net.minecraft.block.BlockGlass from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 24 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTextureTile from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 42 (net.minecraft.block.BlockOreStorage from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 41 (net.minecraft.block.BlockOreStorage from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 57 (net.minecraft.block.BlockOreStorage from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 89 (net.minecraft.block.BlockGlowStone from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 22 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 133 (net.minecraft.block.BlockOreStorage from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 112 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 87 (net.minecraft.block.BlockNetherrack from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 48 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 98 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTextureTile from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 79 (blockVanillaIce from MineFactoryReloaded) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 49 (net.minecraft.block.BlockObsidian from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 152 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPoweredOre from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 47 (net.minecraft.block.BlockBookshelf from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 3 (net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: enderobsidian !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'ExtraUtilities:enderobsidian' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: burntquartz !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'ExtraUtilities:burntquartz' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: icestone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'ExtraUtilities:icestone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: magicinfusedwood !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'ExtraUtilities:magicinfusedwood' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: endercore !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'ExtraUtilities:endercore' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Added Materials, Added Frames, Added Grafters, Added Scoops, Added Easter Eggs, Added Blocks, Added World Gen, Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_1 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_2 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_3 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_4 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_5 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_6 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_7 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_8 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_9 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_10 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_1 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_2 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_3 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_4 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_5 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_6 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_7 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_8 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_9 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_10 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDERR] Trait already registered for 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDERR] Trait already registered for 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_1 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_2 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_3 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_4 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_5 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_6 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_7 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_8 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_9 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_10 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_11 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_12 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_13 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_14 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_15 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:enderThermicPump 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:trading_post 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:etherealglass 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_1 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_2 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_3 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_4 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_5 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_6 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_7 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_8 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_9 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_10 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_11 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_12 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_13 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_14 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_15 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_1 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_2 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_3 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_4 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_5 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_6 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_7 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_8 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_9 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_10 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_11 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_12 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_13 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_14 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_15 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found ExtraTrees log! Sending to MFR for compat! 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Atum missing - MFR Atum Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] BackTools missing - MFR BackTools Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Chococraft is not available; MFR Chococraft Compat not loaded 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] ExtraBiomesXL missing - MFR ExtraBiomesXL Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Mystcraft missing - MFR Mystcraft Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Pam's HC base missing - MFR Pam HC Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Pam's Weee! Flowers missing - MFR Pam Weee! Flowers Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] RedPowerWorld missing - MFR RedPower2 Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:33 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Sufficient Biomes missing - MFR Sufficient Biomes Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] XyCraft missing - MFR Xycraft Compat not loading 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Extra Trees 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.cube_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.cube_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.cube_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.cube_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.cube_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_9 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_10 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_11 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_12 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_13 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_14 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.glass_15 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.infernal 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.infernal_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.infernal_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.infernal_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.infernal_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.infernal_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.abyssal 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.abyssal_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.abyssal_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.abyssal_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.abyssal_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.abyssal_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.sandy 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.sandy_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.sandy_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.sandy_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.sandy_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.sandy_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.frostbound 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.frostbound_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.frostbound_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.frostbound_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.frostbound_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.frostbound_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.quarried 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.quarried_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.quarried_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.quarried_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.quarried_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.quarried_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bleachedbone 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bleachedbone_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bleachedbone_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bleachedbone_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bleachedbone_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bleachedbone_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bloodstained 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bloodstained_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bloodstained_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bloodstained_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bloodstained_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.bloodstained_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.nether_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.nether_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.nether_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.nether_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.railcraft.brick.nether_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.ore_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.thermalexpansion.storage_10 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_15 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_14 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_13 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_12 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_11 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_10 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_9 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativebrick 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_11 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_10 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_9 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.decorativestone 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_15 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_14 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_13 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_12 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_11 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_10 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_9 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.stainedglass.block 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.rubberwood.leaves_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.rubberwood.leaves 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.road_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.road_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.road_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.road_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.road 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_15 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_14 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_13 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_12 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_11 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_10 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_9 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.0 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_15 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_14 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_13 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_12 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_11 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_10 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_9 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_12 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_11 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_10 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_9 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_8 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_7 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_5 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_4 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_3 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.machine.2 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.ice_1 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mfr.rubberwood.log 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLib]: denLib load complete. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLib]: This is denLib version 3.2.6 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] BC Integration Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] LP Integration Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] GregTech Integration Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Factorization Integration Disabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Mine Factory Reloaded Integration Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Better Storage Integration Disabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Universal Electricity Integration Disabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] IC Integration Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Mekanism Integration Disabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Forestry Integration Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] MystCraft Integration Disabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] TE Integration Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for uraniumDrop 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] ComptuerCraft Plugin Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Forestry Plugin Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] MineFactoryReloaded Plugin Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Thaumcraft Plugin Enabled. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [IC2] Loading IC2 submodule: bcIntegration 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [IC2] BuildCraft integration module loaded 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'dirtyGravelDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'cleanGravelDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'reducedDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'crystallineDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:34 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [FZ] Added 24 'barking' recipes for blocks that look sort of like wood logs; this can be disabled in the config file. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassWhite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneWhite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicWhite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassLightBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneLightBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicLightBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPanePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicPink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassLightGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneLightGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicLightGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPanePurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicPurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassBrown very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneBrown very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicBrown very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register dyeCeramicBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'stone' is either being misused by another Mod or has been wrongly registered, as the stackSize of the Event-Stack is not 1!!! 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register stone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register stoneSmooth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'stone' is either being misused by another Mod or has been wrongly registered, as the stackSize of the Event-Stack is not 1!!! 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register stone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register stoneSmooth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'cobblestone' is either being misused by another Mod or has been wrongly registered, as the stackSize of the Event-Stack is not 1!!! 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'cobblestone' is either being misused by another Mod or has been wrongly registered, as the stackSize of the Event-Stack is not 1!!! 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Forestry Plugin loaded 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [INFO] [Forestry] Skipping CraftGuide integration. 2014-05-31 15:07:35 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Redundant call to BiomeDictionary.registerAllBiomes ignored 2014-05-31 15:07:36 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Loaded ThaumcraftApi integration. 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [WARNING] [MachineMuse] [CLIENT] Failed to get MFFS item! 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ExtraBees attempted to register ingotIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotIron by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ExtraBees attempted to register ingotGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotGold by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ExtraBees attempted to register gemDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemDiamond by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ExtraBees attempted to register gemEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemEmerald by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ExtraBees attempted to register gemLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemLapis by ExtraBees is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:37 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ExtraBees attempted to register beeComb very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Couldn't find vanilla template - forestry.speciesFestive 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [extrabees] Added 87 species, out of a total of 122 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [WARNING] [Buildcraft] Unable to read from remote version authority. 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [WARNING] [Buildcraft] 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Version check attempt 3 failed, trying again in 10 seconds 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded ForestryProxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded IC2Proxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded CCTurtleProxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Thaumcraft Proxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded ThermalExpansion Proxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded BetterStorage DummyProxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded NotEnoughItems Proxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Modular Powersuits Proxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Factorization Proxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded BetterSign DummyProxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded EnderIO DummyProxy 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.BarrelInventoryHandler 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.AEInterfaceInventoryHandler 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.DSUInventoryHandler 2014-05-31 15:07:38 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialTankHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialtankhandler.BuildCraftTankHandler 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it' is either being misused by another Mod or has been wrongly registered, as the stackSize of the Event-Stack is not 1!!! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2:greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropBeechnut very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropBeechnut very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellMercury very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellMercury by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellMercury very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellMercury very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellMercury by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellMercury very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropPear very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropPear very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockEmerald by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotPlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotPlastic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotPlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureBandedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureBandedIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureBandedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearUltimet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearUltimet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureForcillium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBasalticMineralSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBasalticMineralSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBasalticMineralSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropSatsuma very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropSatsuma very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaNeodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaNeodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaNeodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetPraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyEnderEye by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyEnderEye by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMigmatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMigmatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMigmatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGarnetSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGarnetSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGarnetSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedLignite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassPanePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassPanePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedNiter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingConveyor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingConveyor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register reducedDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] reducedDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySaltpeter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySaltpeter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreFirestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreFirestone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreFirestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetAdamantium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemApatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemApatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateVinteum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickDraconic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEndstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEndstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEndstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEndstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEndstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEndstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustYttrium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaCalcium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedMalachite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedMalachite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedMalachite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register shardWater very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] shardWater very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundEuropium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register beeComb very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] beeComb very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register beeComb very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] beeComb very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCassiteriteSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCassiteriteSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCassiteriteSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotBlueAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBiotite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBiotite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBiotite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBiotite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBiotite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBiotite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyePurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyePurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyePurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyePurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPalladium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedSodalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedSodalite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedSodalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cleanGravelLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cleanGravelLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register turbineHousing very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] turbineHousing very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustElectrumFlux by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellThulium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundVanadium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSaltpeter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSaltpeter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureFullersEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureFullersEarth by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureFullersEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustMigmatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustMigmatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustMigmatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustHolmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCassiterite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCassiterite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCassiterite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedCaesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryBasic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryBasic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryBasic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryBasic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedTantalum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedGarnierite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedGarnierite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedGarnierite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureDiatomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureDiatomite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureDiatomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedGlauconite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedGlauconite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedGlauconite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSawDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSawDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSawDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallDamascusSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustStrontium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustStrontium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustStrontium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureEmerald by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureEmerald by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureSalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringCaesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBrownLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseOpal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBentonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBentonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBentonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGarnetSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGarnetSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGarnetSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassPaneCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassPaneCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadShovelWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadShovelWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadShovelWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltBlueAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingItemValve very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingItemValve very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadPickaxeWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadPickaxeWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadPickaxeWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGlowstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedCinnabar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedDesh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassPaneMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassPaneMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedMica very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedMica by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedMica very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetThorium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBastnasite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltTantalum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotUranium235 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register platePeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] platePeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register platePeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] platePeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingWireGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingWireGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropKumquat very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropKumquat very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPromethium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPromethium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPromethium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellHelium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellHelium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellHelium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellHelium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellHelium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellHelium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateNetherQuartz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureJasper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedCertusQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedCertusQuartz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedCertusQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreInfusedEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreInfusedEarth by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreInfusedEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedSilicon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTerbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedBastnasite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGreenstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGreenstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGreenstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCobaltite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCobaltite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCobaltite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellLava very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellLava by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellLava very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureDysprosium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureDiatomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureDiatomite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureDiatomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureUranium235 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureNetherQuartz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSamarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSamarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSamarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwUranium235 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundYtterbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedVinteum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pipeMediumPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of pipeMediumPlatinum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] pipeMediumPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureForcicium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedKaolinite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedKaolinite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedKaolinite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyConstructionFoam very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyConstructionFoam by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyConstructionFoam very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedMagnesite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwSilicon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickThulium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCobalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundSamarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundSamarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundSamarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedNaquadah by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallMagnetite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureNiter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register reducedDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'reducedDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] reducedDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ' 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] reducedDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemLignite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register obsidianRod very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'obsidianRod' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Put the 'Rod' in the beginning of the Name to get 'rodObsidian' 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2:obsidianRod' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] obsidianRod very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedScheelite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDacite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDacite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDacite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedLignite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureBastnasite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreYellorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreYellorite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreYellorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotCyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotCyanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotCyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSphalerite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSphalerite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSphalerite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSphalerite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSphalerite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSphalerite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedRockSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedRockSalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedRockSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPumice very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPumice by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPumice very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaMercury very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaMercury by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaMercury very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTantalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTantalite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTantalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureBorax very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureBorax by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureBorax very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureAmber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureAmber by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureAmber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwPlatinum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwPlatinum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register sludge very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: sludge !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2:sludge' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] sludge very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] sludge !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] sludge' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMolybdenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMolybdenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMolybdenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotRyuDragonRyder very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotRyuDragonRyder by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotRyuDragonRyder very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotHSLA by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemJasper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCalcium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedDesh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemNiter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringShadowSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cleanGravelGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cleanGravelGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropPlum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropPlum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropPlum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropPlum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCalcite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCalcite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallCoffee very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallCoffee by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallCoffee very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedMolybdenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedMolybdenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedMolybdenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellNitroCoalFuel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellNitroCoalFuel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellNitroCoalFuel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellNitroCoalFuel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellNitroCoalFuel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellNitroCoalFuel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellEuropium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundSteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundSteelLeaf by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundSteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedAndradite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedAdamantium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyNetherStar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyNetherStar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyNetherStar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBlueTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureStibnite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyIndium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringPromethium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringPromethium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringPromethium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustScheelite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] frameDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureHolmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateYttrium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSpodumene very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSpodumene by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSpodumene very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedAsbestos very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedAsbestos by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedAsbestos very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cleanGravelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cleanGravelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedIndium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register reactorCoolantPort very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] reactorCoolantPort very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropHazelnut very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropHazelnut very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register componentFieldEmitter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] componentFieldEmitter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDilithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDilithium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDilithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaPotassium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaPotassium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaPotassium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundBeryllium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register circuitBoardElite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of circuitBoardElite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] circuitBoardElite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCrystalFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCrystalFlux by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCrystalFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pipeLargeStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of pipeLargeStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] pipeLargeStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureKyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureKyanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureKyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedThorium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingDiamondBlade very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingDiamondBlade very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPlatinum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMonazite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register scoopDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] scoopDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolForgeHammer very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolForgeHammer very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotManganese by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBluestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBluestone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBluestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register leavesRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] leavesRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register fertilizerOrganic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] fertilizerOrganic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateForcillium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPlatinum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyHSLA by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringCerium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellChlorine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellChlorine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellChlorine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellChlorine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellChlorine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellChlorine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingInductionFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingInductionFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plankWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureCobaltite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureCobaltite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureCobaltite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPerlite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPerlite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPerlite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotPraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureAsbestos very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureAsbestos by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureAsbestos very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyEuropium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyInvar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyInvar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyInvar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyInvar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyInvar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyInvar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedYellowLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickNaquadahAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedHolmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMirabilite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMirabilite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMirabilite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePigIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotTerbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedThulium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedEuropium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedFullersEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedFullersEarth by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedFullersEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySiliconDioxide very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySiliconDioxide by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySiliconDioxide very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureLithium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseOlivine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseOlivine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadHammerPlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadHammerPlastic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadHammerPlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCinnabar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCinnabar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPitchblende very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPitchblende by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPitchblende very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureIndium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureCobalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateAdamantium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedTetrahedrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedTetrahedrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedTetrahedrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGreenschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGreenschist by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGreenschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyStrontium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyStrontium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyStrontium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureEuropium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallChromite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyEnderium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCadmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batterySingleuseQuicksilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batterySingleuseQuicksilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotPromethium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotPromethium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotPromethium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAmericium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMidasium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedYttrium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSoapstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSoapstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSoapstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateMagnalium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateMagnalium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreDraconic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedOpal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePyrope by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register reducedGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] reducedGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBandedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBandedIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBandedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedCerium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetElectrumFlux by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwThorium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltMagnalium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSawRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSawRubber by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSawRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureTungstate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureTungstate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureTungstate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallChocolate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallChocolate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallChocolate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemVinteum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureBlueTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryMaster very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryMaster very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryMaster very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryMaster very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringPraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallMagnalium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallQuartzSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallQuartzSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallQuartzSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureMalachite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureMalachite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureMalachite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundCaesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSolderingAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltElectrumFlux by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateUranium235 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedRedstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedRedstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedRedstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreInfusedWater very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreInfusedWater by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreInfusedWater very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedNiter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotRefinedGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotRefinedGlowstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotRefinedGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseTanzanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseTanzanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetUranium235 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register componentGliderWing very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] componentGliderWing very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwBlackSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureNiter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustVinteum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMagnesite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBlizz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBlizz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBlizz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltRubidium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltRubidium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltRubidium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustMonazite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyOpal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwPigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwPigIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwPigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotNichrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotNichrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwBatteryAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwBatteryAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwBatteryAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGraphite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedCobalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneCracked very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneCracked very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureBauxite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureBauxite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPlastic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallTantalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallTantalite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallTantalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cleanGravelSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cleanGravelSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadHammerTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadHammerTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadHammerTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockCloud very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockCloud very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register shardOrder very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] shardOrder very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallZinc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallZinc by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallZinc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallZinc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallZinc by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallZinc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundBlackSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPhosphor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPhosphor by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPhosphor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotMidasium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltCobalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePotassiumFeldspar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpurePotassiumFeldspar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePotassiumFeldspar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedCobblestone1x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedCobblestone1x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureKanthal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPigIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringEuropium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallCaesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetYttrium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingPump very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingPump very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingPump very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingPump very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingPump very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingPump very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register turbineRotorShaft very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] turbineRotorShaft very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedLepidolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedLepidolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedLepidolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batterySingleuseMercury very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batterySingleuseMercury very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingRedstoneConductor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingRedstoneConductor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallScheelite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwYtterbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedCobblestone2x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedCobblestone2x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register computerBasic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of computerBasic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] computerBasic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateCobalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyDolomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyDolomite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyDolomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundShadowSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register turbineBearing very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] turbineBearing very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedFullersEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedFullersEarth by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedFullersEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundSunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundSunnarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundSunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtOsmiridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadShovelDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadShovelDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadShovelDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwCobalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTetrahedrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTetrahedrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTetrahedrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTetrahedrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTetrahedrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTetrahedrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyVolcanicAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyVolcanicAsh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyVolcanicAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureWulfenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureWulfenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureWulfenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCobaltite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCobaltite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCobaltite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallHSLA by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundMeteoricSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundMeteoricSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundMeteoricSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSwordRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSwordRubber by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSwordRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadFileRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadFileRubber by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadFileRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glass' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadAxeDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadAxeDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadAxeDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureBoron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBrownLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureGrossular very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureGrossular by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureGrossular very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwEuropium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellDilithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellDilithium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellDilithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassReinforced very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassReinforced very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedApatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringSolderingAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltCobaltBrass by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockMeatRaw very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockMeatRaw by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockMeatRaw very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDeepIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedMonazite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetRefinedGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetRefinedGlowstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetRefinedGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPentlandite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPentlandite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPentlandite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureScheelite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register treeSapling very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] treeSapling very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register treeSapling very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] treeSapling very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register treeSapling very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] treeSapling very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register treeSapling very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] treeSapling very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltSunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltSunnarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltSunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemEnderEye by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwPlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwPlutonium241 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwPlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateEmerald by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateEmerald by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateEmerald very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedManganese by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemOlivine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemOlivine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltRefinedObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateHolmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellScandium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyChalcopyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyChalcopyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyChalcopyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dirtyGravelDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'dirtyGravelDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dirtyGravelDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ' 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dirtyGravelDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dirtyGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellSodiumSulfide very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellSodiumSulfide by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellSodiumSulfide very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellSodiumSulfide very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellSodiumSulfide by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellSodiumSulfide very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedInfusedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBlueschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBlueschist by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBlueschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundThaumium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyRhyolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyRhyolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyRhyolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyChert very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyChert by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyChert very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassPaneGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassPaneGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringElectrumFlux by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetNichrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pipeLargeElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of pipeLargeElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] pipeLargeElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryElite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryElite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batteryElite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batteryElite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustForcicium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedScandium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockFft very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockFft very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallTantalum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallAndradite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallAndradite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPhosphorus by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPhosphorus by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pipeMediumStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of pipeMediumStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] pipeMediumStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateNichrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadPickaxeGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadPickaxeGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadPickaxeGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotDeepIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringBlackSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBricks very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBricks very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureGreenSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureGreenSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEnderium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEnderium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustThulium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTantalum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyInfusedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLensePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLensePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtForce by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureYtterbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] frameSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltDamascusSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotNeodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotNeodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotNeodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickPalladium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPyrolusite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPyrolusite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPyrolusite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureSaltpeter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedUvarovite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedUvarovite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedUvarovite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBentonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBentonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBentonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPaper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPaper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPaper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaScandium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEmery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEmery by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEmery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemCrystalFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemCrystalFlux by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemCrystalFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltPraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpurePraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadHammerDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadHammerDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadHammerDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureMica very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureMica by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureMica very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyChocolate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyChocolate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyChocolate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureBentonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureBentonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureBentonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotSolderingAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotSolderingAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneCobble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCadmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureRockSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureRockSalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureRockSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBoron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedStibnite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register tomeMysteriousAges very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] tomeMysteriousAges very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedGravel1x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedGravel1x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtIronWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltPalladium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureNikolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureNikolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureNikolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureIlmenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureIlmenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureIlmenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringHSLA by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCharcoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCharcoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCharcoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePalladium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadHoePlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadHoePlastic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadHoePlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickForce by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneBowl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneBowl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellOil very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellOil by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellOil very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellOil very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellOil by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellOil very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropCherry very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropCherry very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropCherry very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropCherry very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropCherry very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropCherry very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropCherry very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropCherry very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaLithium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaLithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedGravel2x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedGravel2x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDenseIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDenseIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDenseIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedLepidolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedLepidolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedLepidolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedSpessartine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedTerbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropBlackthorn very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropBlackthorn very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallIronWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSilicon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringRefinedObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltOsmiridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotBlackSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyNaquadah by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedDysprosium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPitchblende very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPitchblende by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPitchblende very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedSpodumene very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedSpodumene by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedSpodumene very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassTurbine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassTurbine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotThulium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureChrysotile very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureChrysotile by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureChrysotile very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotPalladium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwShadowSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBentonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBentonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBentonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureVanadiumMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureVanadiumMagnetite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureVanadiumMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateNaquadah by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register componentIonThruster very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] componentIonThruster very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetNaquadah by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockDraconic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register itemRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] itemRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register itemRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] itemRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register itemRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] itemRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGalena by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGalena by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureJasper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bookWritten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bookWritten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bookWritten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bookWritten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellMilk very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellMilk by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellMilk very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDuranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaChlorine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaChlorine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaChlorine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPotassium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPotassium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPotassium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPotassium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPotassium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPotassium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustMagnalium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedThorium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBastnasite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBlueAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedKaolinite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedKaolinite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedKaolinite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateSolderingAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallCobalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadShovelTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadShovelTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadShovelTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBlueTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBorax very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBorax by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBorax very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingElectromagnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingElectromagnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBeryllium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropKeyLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropKeyLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSteelLeaf by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustRockSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustRockSalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustRockSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetCaesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTanzanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAsh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAsh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureSilicon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotHotTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotHotTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotHotTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameNature very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] frameNature very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotFzDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotFzDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustForcillium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreInfusedFire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreInfusedFire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreInfusedFire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register circuitMaster very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of circuitMaster by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] circuitMaster very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetKanthal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwPalladium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneNetherBrick very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneNetherBrick very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCaesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAlmandine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAlmandine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAlmandine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAlmandine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAlmandine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAlmandine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureChalcopyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureChalcopyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureChalcopyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCreosote very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCreosote by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCreosote very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCreosote very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCreosote by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCreosote very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustChert very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustChert by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustChert very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustHydratedCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustHydratedCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustHydratedCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustHydratedCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustHydratedCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustHydratedCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickPlatinum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickPlatinum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTanzanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureQuartzSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureQuartzSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureQuartzSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundBlueAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockGraphite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] blockGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallInfusedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwSteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwSteelLeaf by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwSteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureThulium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] frameCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureForce by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureLignite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustNetherrack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustNetherrack by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustNetherrack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustNetherrack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustNetherrack by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustNetherrack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register burntquartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: burntquartz !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2:burntquartz' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] burntquartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] burntquartz !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] burntquartz' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallCinnabar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallCinnabar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickCaesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBatteryAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBatteryAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBatteryAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingEnergyMeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingEnergyMeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpurePlutonium241 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedSalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedVanadium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPhosphate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPhosphate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPhosphate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustShadowSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingSafe very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingSafe very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingSafe very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingSafe very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register reducedLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] reducedLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCooperite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCooperite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCooperite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGraphite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register woodRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] woodRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register woodRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] woodRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureCerium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustNaquadahAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBoron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemNetherStar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemNetherStar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemNetherStar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedWollastonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedWollastonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedWollastonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateElectrumFlux by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwMeteoricSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwMeteoricSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwMeteoricSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGreenschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGreenschist by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGreenschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureChromite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyIlmenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyIlmenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyIlmenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseEnderEye by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSpessartine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSpessartine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureBasalticMineralSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureBasalticMineralSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureBasalticMineralSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDenseLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDenseLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDenseLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPowellite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPowellite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPowellite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyTanzanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedBrownLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetManganese by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateScandium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyScheelite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustIronWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedDeepIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellArsenic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellArsenic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellArsenic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySunnarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDuranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustOsmiridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltShadowIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltShadowIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltShadowIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedForcillium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyStone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dirtyGravelGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dirtyGravelGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundMidasium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotRedAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedScandium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDesh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedDolomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedDolomite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedDolomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedSodalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedSodalite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedSodalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureAlmandine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureAlmandine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureAlmandine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundPlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundPlutonium241 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundPlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pipeLargeSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of pipeLargeSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] pipeLargeSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dirtyGravelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dirtyGravelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedGypsum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallEclogite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallEclogite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallEclogite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTanzanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register componentMVCapacitor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] componentMVCapacitor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltThorium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemQuartzite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemQuartzite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemQuartzite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetBeryllium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBlaze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBlaze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBlaze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBlaze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBlaze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBlaze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickThorium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyForcicium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassHardened very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassHardened very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureInfusedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDamascusSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureRedstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureRedstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureRedstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGneiss very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGneiss by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGneiss very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassBrown very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassBrown very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedEmery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedEmery by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedEmery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringEnderium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureChromite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySteelLeaf by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaThulium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEnderEye by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEnderEye by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyDamascusSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register sandstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] sandstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] sandstone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] sandstone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetAmericium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register platePhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of platePhosphorus by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] platePhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustManganese by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustManganese by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bricksStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickDysprosium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpurePyrope by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpurePyrope by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAmber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAmber by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAmber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBlackSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureWollastonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureWollastonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureWollastonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotIronWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotIronWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cleanGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cleanGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCelestine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCelestine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCelestine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwEnderium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bookWritable very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] bookWritable very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMirabilite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMirabilite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMirabilite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropBrazilNut very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cropBrazilNut very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] frameDraconic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyDiatomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyDiatomite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyDiatomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyDacite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyDacite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyDacite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBarite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBarite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBarite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetDamascusSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetDamascusSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedSand1x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedSand1x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPlutonium241 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreCassiterite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreCassiterite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] oreCassiterite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickBlueAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyTantalum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTerbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedSand2x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedSand2x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGabbro very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGabbro by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGabbro very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBiotite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBiotite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBiotite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBiotite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBiotite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBiotite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellWater very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellWater by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellWater very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwDysprosium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotReinforced very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotReinforced by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotReinforced very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTrona very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTrona by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTrona very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadPickaxeBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadPickaxeBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadPickaxeBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSteelLeaf by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSteelLeaf very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedPerlite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedPerlite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedPerlite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedMica very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedMica by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedMica very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] screwErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyTin by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedVermiculite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedVermiculite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedVermiculite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotCerium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickPlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickPlastic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] stickPlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSolderingMetal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundTantalum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gemLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register batterySodium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] batterySodium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadPickaxeIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadPickaxeIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadPickaxeIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltInvar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltInvar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltInvar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltInvar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltInvar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] boltInvar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSwordWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSwordWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSwordWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetRedAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMagnetite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAsh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAsh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAsh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCarbon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCarbon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGraniteBlack by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGraniteBlack by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundBatteryAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundBatteryAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] roundBatteryAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallShadowSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustMagnesite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallTritanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallTritanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallTritanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureZeolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureZeolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureZeolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSwordBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSwordBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSwordBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedGraphite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedGraphite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGreywacke very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGreywacke by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGreywacke very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingMacerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingMacerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingMacerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingMacerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] glassCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crystallineDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] crystallineDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] ringIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dirtyGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dirtyGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] plateGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMonazite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:39 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureManganese by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureManganese very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGunpowder very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGunpowder by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGunpowder very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateEnderium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundMagnalium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallLignite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtMagnalium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureTantalum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureTantalum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDeepIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedBarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedBarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedBarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellHelium_3 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellHelium_3 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellHelium_3 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellHelium_3 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellHelium_3 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellHelium_3 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedDeepIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureStibnite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassReactor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] glassReactor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickNaquadah by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaBoron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedSpessartine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingGenerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingGenerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureGypsum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateSunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateSunnarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateSunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingElectricFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingElectricFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingElectricFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingElectricFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedBarite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedBarite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedBarite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockCyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockCyanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockCyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingHeatingCoilTier01 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingHeatingCoilTier01 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingHeatingCoilTier02 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingHeatingCoilTier02 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyWollastonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyWollastonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyWollastonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingHeatingCoilTier00 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingHeatingCoilTier00 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundSolderingAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundSolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickTritanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickTritanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickTritanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPyrolusite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPyrolusite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPyrolusite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureYtterbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustNiter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCerium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pulpWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] pulpWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pulpWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] pulpWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pulpWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] pulpWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pulpWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] pulpWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringMidasium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingPneumaticGenerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingPneumaticGenerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] frameLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureQuartzSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureQuartzSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureQuartzSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedQuartzSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedQuartzSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedQuartzSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyChromite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedTerbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySodium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySodium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySodium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dropHoneydew very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dropHoneydew very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaNitrogen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaNitrogen by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaNitrogen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateNiobium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingMuffler very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingMuffler very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotHotLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotHotLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotHotLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingIronFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingIronFurnace very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallWollastonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallWollastonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallWollastonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureBrownLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePhosphor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpurePhosphor by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePhosphor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotHotYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotHotYttrium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotHotYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadPickaxePlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadPickaxePlastic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadPickaxePlastic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedAlunite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedAlunite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedAlunite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickSunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickSunnarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickSunnarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateBlueAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedBlueTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetShadowSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedTalc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedTalc by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedTalc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gemGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gemGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register pipeLargeBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of pipeLargeBrass by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] pipeLargeBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingWireTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingWireTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyYttrium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register magicinfusedwood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: magicinfusedwood !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2:magicinfusedwood' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] magicinfusedwood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] magicinfusedwood !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] magicinfusedwood' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyTantalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyTantalite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyTantalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedTrona very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedTrona by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedTrona very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustYellowLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePitchblende very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePitchblende by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePitchblende very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crafting30kCoolantStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crafting30kCoolantStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpurePowellite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpurePowellite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpurePowellite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetTritanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetTritanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetTritanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register aquaRegia very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] aquaRegia very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyLignite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBlueschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBlueschist by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBlueschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedLazurite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedLazurite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBauxite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBauxite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyVermiculite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyVermiculite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyVermiculite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetBlueAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] logWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedCobalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropPomelo very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cropPomelo very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingRedstoneTorch very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingRedstoneTorch very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingRedstoneTorch very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingRedstoneTorch very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltHolmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedDysprosium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallIlmenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallIlmenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallIlmenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadShovelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadShovelIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadShovelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCertusQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCertusQuartz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCertusQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateGreenSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateGreenSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetForce by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedDilithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedDilithium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedDilithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustVanadium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallApatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltIronWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedIndium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureGlauconite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureGlauconite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureGlauconite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedWulfenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedWulfenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedWulfenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register treeLeaves very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] treeLeaves very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register treeLeaves very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] treeLeaves very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register treeLeaves very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] treeLeaves very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register treeLeaves very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] treeLeaves very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingDuctTape very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingDuctTape very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtThaumium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetDuranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallDarkAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallDarkAsh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallDarkAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallDarkAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallDarkAsh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallDarkAsh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaHydrogen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaHydrogen by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaHydrogen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustHSLA by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringYtterbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreInfusedOrder very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreInfusedOrder by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreInfusedOrder very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBastnasite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBastnasite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyClay very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyClay by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyClay very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyClay very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyClay by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyClay very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeCeramicWhite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeCeramicWhite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMolybdenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMolybdenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMolybdenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetUnstable very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetUnstable by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetUnstable very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadShovelGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadShovelGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadShovelGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaQuicksilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaQuicksilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedKyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedKyanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedKyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadPickaxeStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadPickaxeStone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadPickaxeStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedUraninite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedUraninite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedUraninite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetMeat very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetMeat by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetMeat very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySiltstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySiltstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySiltstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeCeramicRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeCeramicRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureKaolinite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureKaolinite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureKaolinite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedYttrium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockBlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockBlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockBlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateJasper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemTanzanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gemTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGypsum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTritanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTritanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTritanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTrona very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTrona by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTrona very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBorax very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBorax by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBorax very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureBarite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureBarite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureBarite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureGraniticMineralSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureGraniticMineralSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureGraniticMineralSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPalladium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwNaquadahAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureUranium235 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwBlueAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwBlueAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureNichrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register clusterGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] clusterGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBarite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBarite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBarite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadHoeStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadHoeStone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadHoeStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSawGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSawGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSawGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedPhosphor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedPhosphor by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedPhosphor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreApatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGypsum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingCentrifuge very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingCentrifuge very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyRedrock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyRedrock by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyRedrock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyRedrock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyRedrock by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyRedrock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringThulium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringThulium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureBarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureBarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureBarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAmericium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSpessartine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSpessartine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedLepidolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedLepidolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedLepidolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGreenschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGreenschist by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGreenschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellHolmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyNichrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyNichrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyNichrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureOpal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundElectrumFlux by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundElectrumFlux very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMarble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMarble by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMarble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMarble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMarble by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMarble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetIndium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyStibnite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedRubidium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedRubidium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedRubidium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassPaneLightGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] glassPaneLightGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockLavastone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockLavastone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltScandium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateGraniteRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateGraniteRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateGraniteRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register orePeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] orePeridot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedUraninite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedUraninite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedUraninite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedDysprosium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellSamarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellSamarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellSamarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bucketWater very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of bucketWater by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] bucketWater very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringInfusedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustConstructionFoam very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustConstructionFoam by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustConstructionFoam very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gemAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCerium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPyrope by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPyrope by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedCadmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register seedBarley very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] seedBarley very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureMagnesite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBeryllium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotStainlessSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotStainlessSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureInfusedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockReinforced very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockReinforced by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockReinforced very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallEndstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallEndstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallEndstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallEndstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallEndstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallEndstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedBeryllium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAdamantium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGypsum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedVinteum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringTerbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallKomatiite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallKomatiite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallKomatiite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureVanadiumMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureVanadiumMagnetite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureVanadiumMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureZinc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureZinc by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureZinc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickOsmiridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPumice very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPumice by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPumice very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register platePlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of platePlutonium241 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] platePlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureShadowIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureShadowIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureShadowIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyRedAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedTerbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadAxeWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadAxeWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadAxeWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyRefinedGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyRefinedGlowstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyRefinedGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureNiobium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGlauconite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGlauconite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGlauconite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadHoeRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadHoeRubber by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadHoeRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallYellowLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPowellite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPowellite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPowellite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [WARNING] [LogisticsPipes|Main] New LogisticsPipes-Dev version found: #217 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCalcium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCalcium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinySolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinySolderingAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinySolderingAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringDysprosium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedNetherQuartz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaSilicon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedCelestine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedCelestine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedCelestine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallOlivine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallOlivine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallMolybdenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallMolybdenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallMolybdenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedAlmandine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedAlmandine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedAlmandine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPollucite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPollucite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPollucite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundPigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundPigIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundPigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltNiobium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureEnderPearl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureEnderPearl by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureEnderPearl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEnderPearl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEnderPearl by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEnderPearl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEnderPearl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEnderPearl by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEnderPearl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEnderPearl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEnderPearl by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEnderPearl very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCadmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallKaolinite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallKaolinite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallKaolinite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crafting1kkEUStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crafting1kkEUStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crafting1kkEUStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crafting1kkEUStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustShadowIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustShadowIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustShadowIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallCharcoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallCharcoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureFlint very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureFlint by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureFlint very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureFlint very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureFlint by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureFlint very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGreenSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSaltpeter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureSaltpeter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureSaltpeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedDesh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickRefinedGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickRefinedGlowstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickRefinedGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemMonazite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gemMonazite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustDolomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustDolomite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustDolomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureDolomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureDolomite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureDolomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureGypsum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGypsum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtPlatinum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtPlatinum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustVanadiumMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustVanadiumMagnetite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustVanadiumMagnetite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetPromethium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetPromethium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetPromethium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropPecan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cropPecan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCalcite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePhosphor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePhosphor by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePhosphor very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register grafterUber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] grafterUber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedDiatomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedDiatomite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedDiatomite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cleanGravelDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'cleanGravelDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cleanGravelDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: ' 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cleanGravelDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGarnetRed by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGarnetRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyChrysotile very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyChrysotile by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyChrysotile very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetOsmiridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingWireCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingWireCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallAmericium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSawIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSawIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSawIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallNaquadah by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallNaquadah very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockTungsten by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockTungsten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedForcicium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickAmericium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickAmericium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureDesh by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureDesh very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedGalena by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallChalk very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallChalk by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallChalk very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaHelium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaHelium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaHelium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaHelium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaHelium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaHelium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedGrossular very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedGrossular by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedGrossular very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSawStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSawStone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSawStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCarbon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyRedstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyRedstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyRedstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyRedstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyRedstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyRedstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockHolystone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockHolystone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadPickaxeDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadPickaxeDiamond by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadPickaxeDiamond very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBorax very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBorax by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBorax very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLenseOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLenseOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwRubidium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwRubidium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwRubidium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyKanthal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyKanthal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingTurbineBladeMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingTurbineBladeMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltRedAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCinnabar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreFzDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreFzDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] frameBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedApatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustUranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustUranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureStrontium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureStrontium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureStrontium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register reducedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] reducedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringWroughtIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringWroughtIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringWroughtIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwElectrum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwElectrum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingTurbineBladeCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingTurbineBladeCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyOsmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyOsmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureCelestine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureCelestine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureCelestine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemForcillium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gemForcillium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltAdamantium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltAdamantium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bookEnchanted very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] bookEnchanted very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetHSLA by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaHolmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaHolmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedYellowLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGlauconite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGlauconite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGlauconite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundHSLA by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwScandium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemCoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gemCoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBasalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyBasalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyBasalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotCupronickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotCupronickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolCrowbar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolCrowbar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLiBattery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLiBattery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLiBattery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLiBattery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLiBattery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLiBattery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingLiBattery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingLiBattery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallRedAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCobaltHexahydrate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCobaltHexahydrate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCobaltHexahydrate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustRhyolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustRhyolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustRhyolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCalcite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPlutonium241 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPlutonium241 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearMagnalium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltBatteryAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltBatteryAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltBatteryAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePyrite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePyrite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedNiobium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedApatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwInfusedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateRubidium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateRubidium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateRubidium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringRedAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPhosphorus by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPhosphorus by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureGarnierite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureGarnierite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureGarnierite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustYellorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustYellorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustMirabilite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustMirabilite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustMirabilite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateApatite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateApatite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallTungstate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallTungstate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallTungstate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedBrownLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedBrownLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringIndium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringIndium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGalena by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetInfusedGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetInfusedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBoron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBoron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallMarble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallMarble by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallMarble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallMarble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallMarble by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallMarble very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallNikolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallNikolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallNikolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCrudeOil very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCrudeOil by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCrudeOil very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedPigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedPigIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedPigIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltNeutronium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltNeutronium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallBlueschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallBlueschist by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallBlueschist very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyKyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyKyanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyKyanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellYtterbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureGreenSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateYtterbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateYtterbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyPowellite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyPowellite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyPowellite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedRockSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedRockSalt by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedRockSalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedUranium235 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickKanthal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingWorkController very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingWorkController very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltWroughtIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltWroughtIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltWroughtIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCobaltBrass by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundCobaltBrass by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustStibnite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallNetherBrick very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallNetherBrick by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallNetherBrick very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaYttrium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaYttrium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register bucketEmpty very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of bucketEmpty by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] bucketEmpty very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureCadmium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureCadmium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetBlackSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetBlackSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtUltimet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtUltimet by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtUltimet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundRefinedObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetIronWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetIronWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedAlunite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedAlunite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedAlunite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] frameCobalt very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyScandium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyScandium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureVermiculite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureVermiculite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureVermiculite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureNickel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureNickel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallNiter by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallNiter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetRefinedObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtGraniteBlack by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtGraniteBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSoftHammer very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSoftHammer very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingToolSoftHammer very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingToolSoftHammer very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallPyrolusite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallPyrolusite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallPyrolusite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register turbineController very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] turbineController very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingMVTUpgrade very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingMVTUpgrade very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallDysprosium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallDysprosium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaSulfur by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaSulfur very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotNaquadahAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCobaltHexahydrate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCobaltHexahydrate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCobaltHexahydrate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPhosphorus by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedBandedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedBandedIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedBandedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyMalachite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyMalachite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyMalachite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwRubber by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwRubber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cobblestone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringThorium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringThorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGarnetYellow by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGarnetYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureBandedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureBandedIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureBandedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadFileBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadFileBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadFileBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyRefinedObsidian by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyRefinedObsidian very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltNaquadahAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDilithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDilithium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDilithium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedMagnesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedMagnesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureFullersEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureFullersEarth by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureFullersEarth very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCerium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCerium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedZeolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedZeolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedZeolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCoffee very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCoffee by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCoffee very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dyeCeramicYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dyeCeramicYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedBauxite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedBlueTopaz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedBlueTopaz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLapis by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLapis very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringDeepIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedTalc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedTalc by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedTalc very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotEuropium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotEuropium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustBlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustBlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustBlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGalena by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustGalena by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPumice very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPumice by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPumice very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwUltimet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwUltimet by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwUltimet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedMithril by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedMithril very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyOsmiridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyOsmiridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickChrome by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickChrome very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallVermiculite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallVermiculite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallVermiculite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringPalladium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaArsenic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaArsenic by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaArsenic very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register reactorRedNetPort very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] reactorRedNetPort very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register paperWritten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] paperWritten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register paperWritten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] paperWritten very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedMagnesite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedMagnesite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureWood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureWood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustEpidote very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustEpidote by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustEpidote very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundEnderium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureCertusQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureCertusQuartz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureCertusQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustLiveRoot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustLiveRoot by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustLiveRoot very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedTungstate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedTungstate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedTungstate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetLead by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallUvarovite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallUvarovite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallUvarovite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallUvarovite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallUvarovite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallUvarovite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringBrass by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedForce by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedForce very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGreenSapphire by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGreenSapphire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedAdamantine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwVanadium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAmber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAmber by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAmber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedPhosphorite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureCooperite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureCooperite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureCooperite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreBauxite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedCobblestone7x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedCobblestone7x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallUranium235 by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallUranium235 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyZeolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyZeolite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyZeolite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedUvarovite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedUvarovite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedUvarovite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register slimeball very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register slimeball very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register slimeball very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] slimeball' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreCooperite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreCooperite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreCooperite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedSodalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedSodalite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedSodalite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadAxeIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadAxeIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadAxeIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedCobblestone8x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedCobblestone8x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crafting360kCoolantStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crafting360kCoolantStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crafting360kCoolantStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crafting360kCoolantStore very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateCharcoal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateCharcoal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGneiss very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGneiss by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGneiss very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropCherryPlum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cropCherryPlum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register componentSolenoid very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] componentSolenoid very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallMidasium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePyrolusite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePyrolusite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePyrolusite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureAmethyst by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureAmethyst very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] frameTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureRedrock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureRedrock by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureRedrock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureRedrock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureRedrock by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureRedrock very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register frameSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] frameSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockYellorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockYellorium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockYellorium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadAxeGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadAxeGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadAxeGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwPraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedLignite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedLignite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickShadowSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickShadowSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGadolinium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGadolinium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickSamarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickSamarium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickSamarium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropRedBanana very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cropRedBanana very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedChromite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedChromite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyNiobium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCalcium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCalcium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stoneRod very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'stoneRod' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Put the 'Rod' in the beginning of the Name to get 'rodStone' 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2:stoneRod' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stoneRod very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2: 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stone' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateDarkIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGarnetSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGarnetSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGarnetSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] glassOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedCobblestone4x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedCobblestone4x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickShadowIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickShadowIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickShadowIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureJade very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureJade by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureJade very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringDuranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGrossular very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGrossular by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGrossular very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureUraninite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureUraninite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureUraninite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustNetherStar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustNetherStar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustNetherStar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundTellurium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundTellurium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPlutonium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPlutonium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadHoeBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadHoeBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadHoeBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustOpal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustOpal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickHSLA by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickHSLA very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedPumice very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedPumice by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedPumice very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyLanthanum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyLanthanum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellCoalFuel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellCoalFuel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellCoalFuel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallEnderEye by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallEnderEye by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallEnderEye very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedCobblestone3x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedCobblestone3x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyTerbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyTerbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedGarnet very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyNetherrack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyNetherrack by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyNetherrack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyNetherrack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyNetherrack by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyNetherrack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPhosphate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPhosphate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPhosphate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPentlandite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPentlandite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPentlandite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingSolarPanel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingSolarPanel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingSolarPanel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingSolarPanel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPhosphate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPhosphate by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPhosphate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateAdamant very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedSpessartine by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedSpessartine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotFieryBlood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotFieryBlood by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotFieryBlood very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureYellowLimonite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureYellowLimonite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockBrass by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickPraseodymium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickPraseodymium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotHotEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotHotEnderium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotHotEnderium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register componentServo very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] componentServo very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedCobblestone6x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedCobblestone6x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingCircuitTier08 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingCircuitTier08 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register oreNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of oreNetherQuartz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] oreNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingCircuitTier07 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingCircuitTier07 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGlowstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallGlowstone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallGlowstone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingCircuitTier04 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingCircuitTier04 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingCircuitTier05 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingCircuitTier05 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingCircuitTier06 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingCircuitTier06 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureMidasium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureMidasium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSilicon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedPyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedPyrope by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedPyrope very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingCircuitTier02 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingCircuitTier02 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingCircuitTier02 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingCircuitTier02 very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register lenseRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of lenseRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] lenseRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gemForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gemForcicium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gemForcicium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedJasper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedJasper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPurePhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPurePhosphorus by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPurePhosphorus very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register screwLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of screwLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] screwLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureNetherQuartz by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureNetherQuartz very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register compressedCobblestone5x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] compressedCobblestone5x very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustWulfenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustWulfenite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustWulfenite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotLutetium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotLutetium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAsbestos very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAsbestos by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAsbestos very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register craftingSteamTank very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] craftingSteamTank very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundTungstenSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundTungstenSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustAlunite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustAlunite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustAlunite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateAntimony by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateAntimony very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPerlite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPerlite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPerlite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cropBuddhaHand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cropBuddhaHand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellSodium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellSodium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellSodium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellSodium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellSodium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellSodium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register scoopUber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] scoopUber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateAlloyIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateAlloyIridium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateAlloyIridium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetBronze by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetBronze very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCinnabar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCinnabar by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCinnabar very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register componentParachute very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] componentParachute very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureBauxite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureBauxite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearPalladium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaCarbon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaCarbon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register toolHeadSwordSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of toolHeadSwordSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] toolHeadSwordSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallCobaltite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallCobaltite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallCobaltite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register cellPlasmaBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of cellPlasmaBeryllium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] cellPlasmaBeryllium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallStibnite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallStibnite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustFoolsRuby by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustFoolsRuby very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedEmery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedEmery by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedEmery very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotAstralSilver by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotAstralSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustThaumium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCobaltBrass by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCobaltBrass very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickDeepIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickDeepIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustCaesium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustCaesium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltMeteoricIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltMeteoricIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtStone by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtStone very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundSteel by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundSteel very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedGraniticMineralSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedGraniticMineralSand by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedGraniticMineralSand very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCalcite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyCalcite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyCalcite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustTinyGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustTinyGold by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustTinyGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickNiobium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickNiobium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register platePaper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of platePaper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] platePaper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureIron by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register nuggetVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of nuggetVanadium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] nuggetVanadium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustSmallSiliconDioxide very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustSmallSiliconDioxide by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustSmallSiliconDioxide very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ringKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ringKanthal by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ringKanthal very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register stickRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of stickRedAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] stickRedAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register glassBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] glassBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register roundErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of roundErbium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] roundErbium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register plateThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of plateThaumium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] plateThaumium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedAluminium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedAluminium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crystallineTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crystallineTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register reactorPowerTap very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] reactorPowerTap very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureCopper by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedPurifiedTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedPurifiedTanzanite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedPurifiedTanzanite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register boltDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of boltDuranium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] boltDuranium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedVinteum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedVinteum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register ingotSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of ingotSilicon by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] ingotSilicon very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustPureMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustPureMolybdenum by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustPureMolybdenum very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register crushedCentrifugedScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of crushedCentrifugedScheelite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] crushedCentrifugedScheelite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register blockTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of blockTitanium by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] blockTitanium very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register scoopReinforced very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] scoopReinforced very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAndradite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register dustImpureAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of dustImpureAndradite by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] dustImpureAndradite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register gearGtNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible. 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: The OreDict-Registration of gearGtNaquadahAlloy by MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 is ambiguous. Please check if the Item hasn't already been registered under that Name, before registering it a second time! 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 attempted to register 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it 2014-05-31 15:07:40 [INFO] [STDERR] gearGtNaquadahAlloy very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not