18:59:58 [6]: Calamares::Settings::Settings(const QString&, bool) Using Calamares settings file at "/usr/share/calamares/settings.conf" .. Required settings.conf key oem-setup is missing. 18:59:58 [6]: void Logger::setupLogfile() Using log file: "/root/.cache/calamares/session.log" 18:59:58 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::init() Calamares version: 3.3.5 .. Using Qt version: 6.6.2 .. Build type: Debug .. Using PyBind11 .. Using settings: "/usr/share/calamares/settings.conf" .. Using log file: "/root/.cache/calamares/session.log" .. Languages: QList("ast", "bg", "ca", "cs", "da", "de", "en", "es", "es_AR", "fi", "fr", "hi_IN", "hr", "hu", "id_ID", "it", "ja", "nl_NL", "pl", "pt_BR", "pt_PT", "ro_RO", "ru", "sl", "sr_RS", "sv", "tr_TR") 18:59:58 [6]: bool Calamares::initQmlModulesDir() Using Calamares QML directory "/usr/share/calamares/qml" 18:59:58 [6]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*, qreal) Using Calamares branding file at "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/branding.desc" 18:59:58 [6]: Calamares::Branding::Branding(const QString&, QObject*, qreal) Loaded branding component "kaos_branding" .. No translation for "tz_" "en_US" using default (en) .. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "en_US" .. STARTUP: initSettings, initQmlPath, initBranding done .. STARTUP: initModuleManager: module init started 18:59:58 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::doInit() Found 44 modules 18:59:58 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView() STARTUP: initModuleManager: all modules init done 18:59:58 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView() STARTUP: initJobQueue done 18:59:58 [6]: CalamaresWindow::CalamaresWindow(QWidget*) Available desktop QSize(1236, 800) minimum size QSize(1024, 520) .. Proposed window size: 1024 630 18:59:58 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&) Looking for QML for "calamares-sidebar" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/calamares-sidebar.qml" 18:59:58 [2]: WARNING (Qt): file:///usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/calamares-sidebar.qml:25:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 18:59:58 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&) Looking for QML for "calamares-navigation" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/calamares-navigation.qml" 18:59:58 [2]: WARNING (Qt): file:///usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/calamares-navigation.qml:22:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 18:59:58 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initView() STARTUP: CalamaresWindow created; loadModules started 18:59:58 [6]: void Config::initLanguages() Trying to match locale "en_US" 18:59:58 [6]: void Config::initLanguages() Trying to match locale QLocale(English, Latin, United States) 18:59:58 [6]: void Config::setLocaleIndex(int) Index 6 Selected locale "en" .. Loading "calamares-kaos_branding_en" from "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/lang" .. Branding using locale: "en" .. No translation for "tz_" "en" using default (en) .. Loaded QRC translation "calamares_" "en" 18:59:58 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "welcomeq@welcomeq" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/welcomeq@welcomeq.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/welcomeq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/welcomeq@welcomeq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/welcomeq.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "welcomeq@welcomeq" loading "qrc:/welcomeq.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "welcomeq@welcomeq" loading complete. 18:59:58 [6]: QStringList loadLocales(const QString&) Loading locales from "/etc/locale.gen" .. Read 416 lines .. After filtering 227 lines 18:59:58 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "localeq@localeq" 18:59:58 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "localeq@localeq" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/localeq@localeq.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/localeq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/localeq@localeq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/localeq.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "localeq@localeq" loading "qrc:/localeq.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "localeq@localeq" loading complete. 18:59:58 [6]: KeyboardModelsModel::KeyboardModelsModel(QObject*) Loaded 186 keyboard models 18:59:58 [6]: KeyboardGroupsSwitchersModel::KeyboardGroupsSwitchersModel(QObject*) Loaded 40 keyboard groups 18:59:58 [6]: void Config::getCurrentKeyboardLayoutXkb(QString&, QString&, QString&) QList("pc", "us", "inet(evdev)\"") 18:59:58 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "keyboardq@keyboardq" 18:59:58 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "keyboardq@keyboardq" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/keyboardq@keyboardq.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/keyboardq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/keyboardq@keyboardq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/keyboardq.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "keyboardq@keyboardq" loading "qrc:/keyboardq.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "keyboardq@keyboardq" loading complete. 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Config::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) Using module ID "packagechooserq@packagechooserq" 18:59:58 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "packagechooserq@packagechooserq" 18:59:58 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "packagechooserq@packagechooserq" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/packagechooserq@packagechooserq.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/packagechooserq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/packagechooserq@packagechooserq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/packagechooserq.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "packagechooserq@packagechooserq" loading "qrc:/packagechooserq.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "packagechooserq@packagechooserq" loading complete. 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Config::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) Using module ID "packagechooserq@audio" 18:59:58 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "packagechooserq@audio" 18:59:58 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "packagechooserq@audio" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/packagechooserq@audio.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/packagechooserq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/packagechooserq@audio.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "packagechooserq@audio" loading "qrc:/packagechooserq@audio.qml" 18:59:58 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "packagechooserq@audio" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: Calamares::Partition::InternalManager::InternalManager() KPMCore backend starting .. 18:59:59 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Loaded backend plugin: "pmsfdiskbackendplugin" .. Backend @0x24c31c0 "pmsfdiskbackendplugin" "1" 18:59:59 [2]: void Config::fillConfigurationFSTypes(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Partition-module setting *luksGeneration* not found or invalid. Defaulting to luks1. 18:59:59 [2]: virtual void PartitionViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Partition-module setting *defaultPartitionTableType* is unset, will use gpt for efi or msdos for bios 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "partition@partition" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Config::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) Using module ID "packagechooserq@bootchoice" 18:59:59 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "packagechooserq@bootchoice" 18:59:59 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "packagechooserq@bootchoice" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/packagechooserq@bootchoice.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/packagechooserq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/packagechooserq@bootchoice.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "packagechooserq@bootchoice" loading "qrc:/packagechooserq@bootchoice.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "packagechooserq@bootchoice" loading complete. .. libpwquality setting "minlen=0" .. libpwquality setting "minclass=0" .. maxLength set to 25 .. minLength set to 8 18:59:59 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "usersq@usersq" 18:59:59 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "usersq@usersq" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/usersq@usersq.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/usersq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/usersq@usersq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/usersq.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "usersq@usersq" loading "qrc:/usersq.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "usersq@usersq" loading complete. 18:59:59 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "summaryq@summaryq" 18:59:59 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "summaryq@summaryq" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/summaryq@summaryq.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/summaryq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/summaryq@summaryq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/summaryq.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "summaryq@summaryq" loading "qrc:/summaryq.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "summaryq@summaryq" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules() Module "partition@partition" already loaded. 18:59:59 [6]: Calamares::SlideshowQML::SlideshowQML(QWidget*) QML import paths: "/usr/share/calamares/qml" "/usr/bin" "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports" "qrc:/qt/qml" "/usr/lib/qt6/qml" 18:59:59 [6]: Calamares::SlideshowQML::SlideshowQML(QWidget*) QML load on startup, API 2. 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf() CppJobModule "zfs@zfs" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf() CppJobModule "machineid@machineid" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: QStringList Calamares::GeoIP::getElementTexts(const QByteArray&, const QString&) GeoIP found 1 elements 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules() Module "localeq@localeq" already loaded. 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules() Module "keyboardq@keyboardq" already loaded. 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf() CppJobModule "luksbootkeyfile@luksbootkeyfile" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf() CppJobModule "luksopenswaphookcfg@luksopenswaphookcfg" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::CppJobModule::loadSelf() CppJobModule "dracutlukscfg@dracutlukscfg" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::loadModules() Module "usersq@usersq" already loaded. 18:59:59 [2]: void Calamares::Module::loadConfigurationFile(const QString&) WARNING: No config file for "userkf5" found anywhere at "/home/live/src/modules/userkf5/userkf5.conf" "/etc/calamares/modules/userkf5.conf" "/usr/share/calamares/modules/userkf5.conf" 18:59:59 [2]: void Calamares::Module::loadConfigurationFile(const QString&) WARNING: No config file for "driver_cleanup" found anywhere at "/home/live/src/modules/driver_cleanup/driver_cleanup.conf" "/etc/calamares/modules/driver_cleanup.conf" "/usr/share/calamares/modules/driver_cleanup.conf" 18:59:59 [2]: void Calamares::Module::loadConfigurationFile(const QString&) WARNING: No config file for "nonfree_drivers" found anywhere at "/home/live/src/modules/nonfree_drivers/nonfree_drivers.conf" "/etc/calamares/modules/nonfree_drivers.conf" "/usr/share/calamares/modules/nonfree_drivers.conf" 18:59:59 [2]: void Calamares::Module::loadConfigurationFile(const QString&) WARNING: No config file for "package_removal" found anywhere at "/home/live/src/modules/package_removal/package_removal.conf" "/etc/calamares/modules/package_removal.conf" "/usr/share/calamares/modules/package_removal.conf" 18:59:59 [2]: void Calamares::Module::loadConfigurationFile(const QString&) WARNING: Found empty module configuration "/usr/share/calamares/modules/refind.conf" 18:59:59 [2]: void Calamares::Module::loadConfigurationFile(const QString&) WARNING: No config file for "gummi_entries" found anywhere at "/home/live/src/modules/gummi_entries/gummi_entries.conf" "/etc/calamares/modules/gummi_entries.conf" "/usr/share/calamares/modules/gummi_entries.conf" 18:59:59 [2]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) WARNING: Bad QML search mode set for "finishedq@finishedq" 18:59:59 [6]: QString Calamares::searchQmlFile(QmlSearch, const QString&, const ModuleSystem::InstanceKey&) Looking for QML for "finishedq@finishedq" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/finishedq@finishedq.qml" .. Looking at QML file "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/finishedq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/finishedq@finishedq.qml" .. Looking at QML file ":/finishedq.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::QmlViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap&) QmlViewStep "finishedq@finishedq" loading "qrc:/finishedq.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: virtual void Calamares::ViewModule::loadSelf() ViewModule "finishedq@finishedq" loading complete. 18:59:59 [6]: setGeoIP(Config*, const QVariantMap&):: GeoIP result for welcome= "US" 18:59:59 [6]: void setCountry(Config*, const QString&, Calamares::GeoIP::Handler*) Unusable country code "US" .. Obtained from "https://ipapi.co/xml" ( 2 "country" ) 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::SlideshowQML::loadQmlV2Complete() QML component complete, API 2 .. Loading "/usr/share/calamares/branding/kaos_branding/show.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initViewSteps() STARTUP: loadModules for all modules done 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::ModuleManager::checkRequirements() Checking module requirements .. 18:59:59 [6]: void CalamaresApplication::initViewSteps() STARTUP: Window now visible and ProgressTreeView populated .. 11 view steps loaded. 18:59:59 [6]: void Config::xkbApply() xkbmap selection changed to: "us" - "" 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/packagechooserq@bootchoice.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/packagechooserq@bootchoice.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/packagechooserq@bootchoice.qml:19:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/packagechooserq@bootchoice.qml:18:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/finishedq.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/finishedq.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/finishedq.qml:27:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/finishedq.qml:26:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml" 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml" 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml" 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/packagechooserq@audio.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/packagechooserq@audio.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/packagechooserq@audio.qml:19:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/packagechooserq@audio.qml:18:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/packagechooserq.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/packagechooserq.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/packagechooserq.qml:19:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/packagechooserq.qml:18:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/localeq.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/localeq.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/localeq.qml:22:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/localeq.qml:21:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 18:59:59 [6]: Calamares::RequirementsList GeneralRequirements::checkRequirements() GeneralRequirements output: storage : 11274289152 enoughStorage : true RAM : 1073741824 enoughRam : true hasPower : true hasInternet : true isRoot : true 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) Got 6 requirement results from "welcomeq" 18:59:59 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting smart status failed for "/dev/sda" : No such file or directory 18:59:59 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): error during smart output parsing for "/dev/sda" : No such file or directory 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type "" on "/dev/sda" 18:59:59 [6]: QList PartUtils::getDevices(DeviceType) Removing unsuitable devices: 1 candidates. .. Running QList("blkid", "/dev/sda") .. Target cmd: QList("blkid", "/dev/sda") Exit code: 2 (no output) .. there are 1 devices left. 18:59:59 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::doInit() LIST OF DETECTED DEVICES: .. node capacity name prettyName .. "/dev/sda" 68713989120 DevName$b65b14b5 DevNamePretty$42ef2861 .. 1 devices detected. 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/welcomeq.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/welcomeq.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/welcomeq.qml:22:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/welcomeq.qml:21:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) QML "onActivate()" is missing. 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/summaryq.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/summaryq.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/keyboardq.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/keyboardq.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Connected!! 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml" 18:59:59 [6]: void Calamares::QmlViewStep::loadComplete() QML component "qrc:/usersq.qml" QQmlComponent::Ready .. QML component complete "qrc:/usersq.qml" creating object 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/usersq.qml:25:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/usersq.qml:24:5: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver 18:59:59 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver 19:00:00 [6]: OsproberEntryList PartUtils::runOsprober(DeviceModel*) os-prober gave no output. 19:00:00 [2]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() WARNING: system is EFI but no EFI system partitions found. 19:00:00 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::addCheckedRequirements(Calamares::Module*) Got 1 requirement results from "partition" 19:00:00 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const No partitioning choice has been made yet 19:00:00 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateDeviceStatePreview() Updating partitioning state widgets. 19:00:00 [6]: void ChoicePage::setupActions() Setting up actions for "/dev/sda" with 0 entries. 19:00:00 [6]: ChoicePage::setupActions():: Setting texts for 0 osprober entries 19:00:00 [6]: void ChoicePage::setupActions() No partitions available for replace-action. 19:00:00 [6]: void ChoicePage::setupActions() No partitions available for resize-action. 19:00:00 [2]: void ChoicePage::setupActions() WARNING: System is EFI but there's no EFI system partition, DISABLING alongside and replace features. 19:00:00 [6]: void ChoicePage::continueApplyDeviceChoice() Previous device -1 new device 0 19:00:00 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice) InstallChoice Config::NoChoice "none" 19:00:00 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const No partitioning choice has been made yet 19:00:00 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice) Updating partitioning preview widgets. 19:00:00 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const No partitioning choice has been made yet 19:00:00 [6]: bool ChoicePage::calculateNextEnabled() const No partitioning choice has been made yet 19:00:00 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsChecker::finished() All requirements have been checked. 19:00:00 [6]: void Calamares::RequirementsModel::describe() const Requirements model has 7 items .. requirement 0 "storage" satisfied? true mandatory? true .. requirement 1 "ram" satisfied? true mandatory? true .. requirement 2 "power" satisfied? true mandatory? false .. requirement 3 "internet" satisfied? true mandatory? false .. requirement 4 "root" satisfied? true mandatory? true .. requirement 5 "screen" satisfied? true mandatory? false .. requirement 6 "partitions" satisfied? true mandatory? true 19:00:00 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QGeoTileProviderOsm: Tileserver disabled at QUrl("http://maps-redirect.qt.io/osm/5.8/satellite") 19:00:00 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QGeoTileFetcherOsm: all providers resolved 19:00:00 [6]: QStringList Calamares::GeoIP::getElementTexts(const QByteArray&, const QString&) GeoIP found 1 elements 19:00:01 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) QML "onLeave()" is missing. 19:00:01 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&) Mapping "en" in "US" to locale. .. Got best match for "en" as "en_ZW.UTF-8" .. Got best match for "en_US" as "en_US.UTF-8" 12:00:01 [6]: static LocaleConfiguration LocaleConfiguration::fromLanguageAndLocation(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&) Mapping "en" in "US" to locale. .. Got best match for "en" as "en_ZW.UTF-8" .. Got best match for "en_US" as "en_US.UTF-8" 12:00:01 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) QML "onActivate()" is missing. 12:00:03 [6]: void Config::guessLocaleKeyboardLayout() Got locale language "en_US.UTF-8" .. looking for locale part "US" .. matched "us" 12:00:03 [6]: void guessLayout(const QStringList&, KeyboardLayoutModel*, KeyboardVariantsModel*) Next level: "en" 12:00:04 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) QML "onActivate()" is missing. 12:00:06 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) QML "onActivate()" is missing. 12:00:10 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice) InstallChoice Config::Erase "erase" 12:00:10 [6]: PartitionTable* CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable() CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable trying to make table for device "/dev/sda" 12:00:10 [2]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() WARNING: system is EFI but no EFI system partitions found. 12:00:10 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() system is EFI and new EFI system partition has been found. 12:00:10 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::dumpQueue() const # Queue: .. ## Device: "/dev/sda" .. - CreatePartitionTableJob .. - CreatePartitionJob .. - SetPartFlagsJob .. - CreatePartitionJob 12:00:10 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice) Updating partitioning preview widgets. 12:00:13 [6]: void ChoicePage::applyActionChoice(InstallChoice) InstallChoice Config::Erase "erase" 12:00:13 [6]: void ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview(InstallChoice) Updating partitioning preview widgets. 12:00:13 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): getting smart status failed for "/dev/sda" : No such file or directory 12:00:13 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): error during smart output parsing for "/dev/sda" : No such file or directory 12:00:13 [2]: WARNING (Qt): unknown file system type "" on "/dev/sda" 12:00:13 [2]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() WARNING: system is EFI but no EFI system partitions found. 12:00:13 [6]: PartitionTable* CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable() CreatePartitionTableJob::createTable trying to make table for device "/dev/sda" 12:00:13 [2]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() WARNING: system is EFI but no EFI system partitions found. 12:00:13 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::scanForEfiSystemPartitions() system is EFI and new EFI system partition has been found. 12:00:13 [6]: void PartitionCoreModule::dumpQueue() const # Queue: .. ## Device: "/dev/sda" .. - CreatePartitionTableJob .. - CreatePartitionJob .. - SetPartFlagsJob .. - CreatePartitionJob 12:00:17 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) QML "onActivate()" is missing. 12:00:18 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) QML "onActivate()" is missing. 12:00:20 [2]: WARNING (Qt): qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml:235:5: QML MenuItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" 12:00:20 [2]: WARNING (Qt): Hunspell dictionary is missing for "en_US". Search paths QList("/usr/share/qt6/qtvirtualkeyboard/hunspell", "/usr/share/hunspell", "/usr/share/myspell/dicts") 12:00:31 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:31 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:31 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:31 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:31 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:31 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:34 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:41 [2]: WARNING (Qt): QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread 12:00:41 [6]: virtual QString PartitionViewStep::prettyStatus() const Summary for Partition 1 Config::Erase 12:00:41 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList&) Checking LVM use on 1 devices 12:00:41 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const Building partition information map .. partitions on "/dev/sda" .. mapping for "" "unallocated" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$8c77c2f9" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "unknown" fsName : "unknown" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$5eab6ec1" claimed : "false" .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "KaOS" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$8c77c2f9" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/boot" fs: : "fat32" fsName : "fat32" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$5eab6ec1" claimed : "true" .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "root" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$8c77c2f9" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/" fs: : "btrfs" fsName : "btrfs" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$5eab6ec1" claimed : "true" 12:00:41 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const Building partition information map .. partitions on "/dev/sda" .. mapping for "" "unallocated" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$8c77c2f9" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "unknown" fsName : "unknown" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$5eab6ec1" claimed : "false" .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "KaOS" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$8c77c2f9" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/boot" fs: : "fat32" fsName : "fat32" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$5eab6ec1" claimed : "true" .. mapping for "" "New Partition" partlabel : "root" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$8c77c2f9" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/" fs: : "btrfs" fsName : "btrfs" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$5eab6ec1" claimed : "true" 12:00:50 [6]: void Calamares::callQmlFunction(QQuickItem*, const char*) QML "onLeave()" is missing. 12:00:50 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Slideshow) activated 12:00:50 [6]: QStringList findEssentialLVs(const QList&) Checking LVM use on 1 devices 12:00:50 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:50 [2]: add_check_libpwquality(PasswordCheckList&, const QVariant&):: WARNING: libpwquality error -22 The password fails the dictionary check 12:00:50 [6]: void Calamares::JobThread::finalize() There are 41 jobs, total weight 39 .. Job 1 "Managing auto-mount settings…" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.111111 .. Job 2 "Clearing all temporary mounts…" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.222222 .. Job 3 "Clear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/sda" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.333333 .. Job 4 "Creating new gpt partition table on /dev/sda…" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.444444 .. Job 5 "Create new 512MiB partition on /dev/sda (QEMU HARDDISK) with entries KaOS" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.555556 .. Job 6 "Set flags on 512MiB fat32 partition" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.666667 .. Job 7 "Create new 65016MiB partition on /dev/sda (QEMU HARDDISK) with entries root" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.777778 .. Job 8 "Set partition information" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 0.888889 .. Job 9 "Managing auto-mount settings…" +wt 0.111111 tot.wt 1 .. Job 10 "Creating ZFS pools and datasets…" +wt 1 tot.wt 2 .. Job 11 "mount" +wt 1 tot.wt 3 .. Job 12 "unpackfs" +wt 12 tot.wt 15 .. Job 13 "Generate machine-id." +wt 1 tot.wt 16 .. Job 14 "fstab" +wt 1 tot.wt 17 .. Job 15 "Setting timezone to America/Los_Angeles…" +wt 1 tot.wt 18 .. Job 16 "Setting keyboard model to pc105, layout as us-…" +wt 1 tot.wt 19 .. Job 17 "localecfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 20 .. Job 18 "Configuring LUKS key file." +wt 1 tot.wt 21 .. Job 19 "Configuring encrypted swap." +wt 1 tot.wt 22 .. Job 20 "Skipping writing LUKS configuration for Dracut: \"/\" partition is not encrypted" +wt 1 tot.wt 23 .. Job 21 "zfshostid" +wt 1 tot.wt 24 .. Job 22 "dracut" +wt 1 tot.wt 25 .. Job 23 "Configuring
users…" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 25.1667 .. Job 24 "Preparing groups…" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 25.3333 .. Job 25 "Create user teester" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 25.5 .. Job 26 "Set password for user teester" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 25.6667 .. Job 27 "Set password for user root" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 25.8333 .. Job 28 "Set hostname teester-standardpc" +wt 0.166667 tot.wt 26 .. Job 29 "networkcfg" +wt 1 tot.wt 27 .. Job 30 "grubconf" +wt 1 tot.wt 28 .. Job 31 "kdm_sddm" +wt 1 tot.wt 29 .. Job 32 "userkf5" +wt 1 tot.wt 30 .. Job 33 "driver_cleanup" +wt 1 tot.wt 31 .. Job 34 "nonfree_drivers" +wt 1 tot.wt 32 .. Job 35 "package_removal" +wt 1 tot.wt 33 .. Job 36 "services" +wt 1 tot.wt 34 .. Job 37 "systemd-boot" +wt 1 tot.wt 35 .. Job 38 "refind" +wt 1 tot.wt 36 .. Job 39 "grub" +wt 1 tot.wt 37 .. Job 40 "gummi_entries" +wt 1 tot.wt 38 .. Job 41 "umount" +wt 1 tot.wt 39 12:00:50 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Managing auto-mount settings…" ( 1 / 41 ) 12:00:50 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult AutoMountManagementJob::exec() Set automount to disable 12:00:50 [6]: std::shared_ptr Calamares::Partition::automountDisable(bool) Setting Solid automount to disabled .. 2 reply QList() .. 2 reply QList(QVariant(bool, false)) 12:00:50 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Clearing all temporary mounts…" ( 2 / 41 ) 12:00:50 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Clear mounts for partitioning operations on /dev/sda" ( 3 / 41 ) 12:00:50 [6]: QStringList getPartitionsForDevice(const QString&) Reading from "/proc/partitions" looking for "sda" 12:00:50 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult ClearMountsJob::exec() ClearMountsJob finished. Here's what was done: .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") 12:00:50 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Creating new gpt partition table on /dev/sda…" ( 4 / 41 ) 12:00:50 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult CreatePartitionTableJob::exec() Creating new partition table of type "gpt" , uncommitted partitions: .. "unallocated" .. "New Partition" .. "New Partition" .. Running QList("lsblk") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 20.2M 1 loop loop1 7:1 0 445.9M 1 loop loop2 7:2 0 2.7G 1 loop sda 8:0 0 64G 0 disk sr0 11:0 1 4G 0 rom /bootmnt .. lsblk output: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 20.2M 1 loop loop1 7:1 0 445.9M 1 loop loop2 7:2 0 2.7G 1 loop sda 8:0 0 64G 0 disk sr0 11:0 1 4G 0 rom /bootmnt .. Running QList("mount") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) dev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3861852k,nr_inodes=965463,mode=755,inode64) run on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=755,inode64) efivarfs on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) union on / type aufs (rw,relatime,si=df2dc1b0ae6224f9) /dev/sr0 on /bootmnt type iso9660 (ro,relatime,nojoliet,check=s,map=n,blocksize=2048,iocharset=utf8) securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,inode64) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000) tmpfs on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,size=4096k,nr_inodes=1024,mode=755,inode64) cgroup2 on /sys/fs/cgroup/unified type cgroup2 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,nsdelegate,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,favordynmods,name=systemd) pstore on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) bpf on /sys/fs/bpf type bpf (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/memory type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/devices type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/misc type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,misc,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/pids type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event,favordynmods) systemd-1 on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type autofs (rw,relatime,fd=30,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct) configfs on /sys/kernel/config type configfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) mqueue on /dev/mqueue type mqueue (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) hugetlbfs on /dev/hugepages type hugetlbfs (rw,relatime,pagesize=2M) tracefs on /sys/kernel/tracing type tracefs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) ramfs on /run/credentials/systemd-sysusers.service type ramfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) ramfs on /run/credentials/systemd-sysctl.service type ramfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) ramfs on /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service type ramfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,inode64) ramfs on /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service type ramfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) tmpfs on /run/user/1000 type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=809868k,nr_inodes=202467,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=100,inode64) portal on /run/user/1000/doc type fuse.portal (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=100) portal on /root/.cache/doc type fuse.portal (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0) .. mount output: proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) dev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,size=3861852k,nr_inodes=965463,mode=755,inode64) run on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=755,inode64) efivarfs on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) union on / type aufs (rw,relatime,si=df2dc1b0ae6224f9) /dev/sr0 on /bootmnt type iso9660 (ro,relatime,nojoliet,check=s,map=n,blocksize=2048,iocharset=utf8) securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,inode64) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000) tmpfs on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,size=4096k,nr_inodes=1024,mode=755,inode64) cgroup2 on /sys/fs/cgroup/unified type cgroup2 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,nsdelegate,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,favordynmods,name=systemd) pstore on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) bpf on /sys/fs/bpf type bpf (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/memory type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/devices type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/misc type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,misc,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/pids type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids,favordynmods) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event,favordynmods) systemd-1 on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type autofs (rw,relatime,fd=30,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct) configfs on /sys/kernel/config type configfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) mqueue on /dev/mqueue type mqueue (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) hugetlbfs on /dev/hugepages type hugetlbfs (rw,relatime,pagesize=2M) tracefs on /sys/kernel/tracing type tracefs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) ramfs on /run/credentials/systemd-sysusers.service type ramfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) ramfs on /run/credentials/systemd-sysctl.service type ramfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) ramfs on /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service type ramfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,inode64) ramfs on /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service type ramfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700) tmpfs on /run/user/1000 type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=809868k,nr_inodes=202467,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=100,inode64) portal on /run/user/1000/doc type fuse.portal (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=100) portal on /root/.cache/doc type fuse.portal (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0) 12:00:51 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Create new 512MiB partition on /dev/sda (QEMU HARDDISK) with entries KaOS" ( 5 / 41 ) 12:00:52 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Set flags on partition /dev/sda1" ( 6 / 41 ) 12:00:52 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult SetPartFlagsJob::exec() Setting flags on "/dev/sda" partition "/dev/sda1" "boot" 12:00:52 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Create new 65016MiB partition on /dev/sda (QEMU HARDDISK) with entries root" ( 7 / 41 ) 12:01:04 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Set partition information" ( 8 / 41 ) 12:01:04 [6]: QVariantList FillGlobalStorageJob::createPartitionList() const Building partition information map .. partitions on "/dev/sda" .. mapping for "" "unallocated" partlabel : "" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$8c77c2f9" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "" fs: : "unknown" fsName : "unknown" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$5eab6ec1" claimed : "false" .. mapping for "/dev/sda1" "/dev/sda1" partlabel : "KaOS" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$95f1e7e5" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/boot" fs: : "fat32" fsName : "fat32" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$61ac25" claimed : "true" .. mapping for "/dev/sda2" "/dev/sda2" partlabel : "root" partition-uuid (partuuid) : "PartUUID$6cc96a76" parttype : "" partattrs : "0" mountPoint: : "/" fs: : "btrfs" fsName : "btrfs" filesystem-uuid (uuid) : "FSUUID$700a62e0" claimed : "true" 12:01:04 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult FillGlobalStorageJob::exec() Saving partition information map to GlobalStorage["partitions"] 12:01:04 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult FillGlobalStorageJob::exec() FillGlobalStorageJob writing empty bootLoader value 12:01:04 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Managing auto-mount settings…" ( 9 / 41 ) 12:01:04 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult AutoMountManagementJob::exec() Restore automount settings .. 2 reply QList() .. 2 reply QList(QVariant(bool, true)) 12:01:04 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Creating ZFS pools and datasets…" ( 10 / 41 ) 12:01:04 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "mount" ( 11 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/sda2", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") Create subvolume '/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/@' Create subvolume '/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/@home' Create subvolume '/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/@cache' Create subvolume '/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/@log' .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "subvol=/@,defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/sda2", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "subvol=/@home,defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/sda2", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/home") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "subvol=/@cache,defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/sda2", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/var/cache") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "btrfs", "-o", "subvol=/@log,defaults,compress=zstd:1", "/dev/sda2", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/var/log") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "vfat", "-o", "defaults", "/dev/sda1", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/boot") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-o", "bind", "/dev", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/dev") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "proc", "-o", "defaults", "proc", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/proc") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "tmpfs", "-o", "defaults", "tmpfs", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/run") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-o", "bind", "/run/udev", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/run/udev") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "sysfs", "-o", "defaults", "sys", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/sys") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "efivarfs", "-o", "defaults", "efivarfs", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/sys/firmware/efi/efivars") .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") 12:01:04 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "unpackfs" ( 12 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" .. Running QList("mount", "-t", "squashfs", "-o", "loop", "/bootmnt/kdeos/x86_64/root-image.sqfs", "/tmp/tmp681w4ca5/root-image") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: mount: /tmp/tmp681w4ca5/root-image: WARNING: source write-protected, mounted read-only. .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle") .. Running QList("sync") .. Running QList("unsquashfs", "-l", "/bootmnt/kdeos/x86_64/root-image.sqfs") .. Running QList("rsync", "-aHAXSr", "--filter=-x trusted.overlay.*", "--exclude", "/proc/", "--exclude", "/sys/", "--exclude", "/dev/", "--exclude", "/run/", "--exclude", "/run/udev/", "--exclude", "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/", "--progress", "/tmp/tmp681w4ca5/root-image/", "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90") 12:03:26 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Generate machine-id." ( 13 / 41 ) .. Running QList("systemd-machine-id-setup", "--root=/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: Initializing machine ID from random generator. .. Running QList("ln", "-sf", "/etc/machine-id", "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id") 12:03:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "fstab" ( 14 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 12:03:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Setting timezone to America/Los_Angeles…" ( 15 / 41 ) .. Running QList("rm", "-f", "/etc/localtime") .. Running QList("ln", "-s", "/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles", "/etc/localtime") 12:03:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Setting keyboard model to pc105, layout as us-…" ( 16 / 41 ) 12:03:27 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult SetKeyboardLayoutJob::exec() Executing SetKeyboardLayoutJob 12:03:27 [6]: bool SetKeyboardLayoutJob::writeVConsoleData(const QString&, const QString&) const Writing vconsole data to "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/vconsole.conf" 12:03:27 [6]: QString SetKeyboardLayoutJob::findConvertedKeymap(const QString&) const Looking for converted keymap in "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/lib/kbd/keymaps/xkb" 12:03:27 [6]: QString findLegacyKeymap(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&) Looking for legacy keymap "us" "pc105" "" in QRC .. Found legacy keymap "us" with score 11 .. Found legacy keymap "us-acentos" with score 11 .. Found legacy keymap "dvorak" with score 11 .. Found legacy keymap "dvorak" with score 11 .. Written KEYMAP= "us" to vconsole.conf 0 12:03:27 [6]: bool SetKeyboardLayoutJob::writeX11Data(const QString&) const Writing X11 configuration to "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf" .. Written XkbLayout "us" ; XkbModel "pc105" ; XkbVariant "" to X.org file "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf" 0 12:03:27 [6]: bool SetKeyboardLayoutJob::writeDefaultKeyboardData(const QString&) const Writing default keyboard data to "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/default/keyboard" .. Written XKBMODEL "pc105" ; XKBLAYOUT "us" ; XKBVARIANT "" to /etc/default/keyboard file "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/default/keyboard" 0 12:03:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "localecfg" ( 17 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" [PYTHON JOB]: "Restored backup /tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/locale.gen.bak -> /tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/locale.gen" .. Running QList("locale-gen") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: Generating locales... en_US.UTF-8... done Generation complete. [PYTHON JOB]: "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/locale.gen done" [PYTHON JOB]: "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/locale.conf done" [PYTHON JOB]: "/tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90/etc/default done" 12:03:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Configuring LUKS key file." ( 18 / 41 ) 12:03:28 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult LuksBootKeyFileJob::exec() There are 0 LUKS partitions .. Nothing to do for LUKS. 12:03:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Configuring encrypted swap." ( 19 / 41 ) 12:03:28 [6]: void write_openswap_conf(const QString&, QStringList&, const LOSHInfo&) Will not write an invalid configuration to "/etc/openswap.conf" 12:03:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Skipping writing LUKS configuration for Dracut: \"/\" partition is not encrypted" ( 20 / 41 ) 12:03:28 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult DracutLuksCfgJob::exec() [DRACUTLUKSCFG]: / not encrypted, skipping 12:03:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "zfshostid" ( 21 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 12:03:28 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const WARNING: Unknown GS key zfsDatasets 12:03:28 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "dracut" ( 22 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" .. Running QList("dracut", "-f", "--hostonly", "--no-hostonly-cmdline", "/boot/initramfs-linux.img", "--no-early-microcode", "--zstd") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: dracut[I]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut -f --hostonly --no-hostonly-cmdline /boot/initramfs-linux.img --no-early-microcode --zstd dracut[I]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmand' could not be found! dracut[I]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmanctl' could not be found! dracut[I]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmand-wait-online' could not be found! dracut[I]: Module 'tpm2-tss' will not be installed, because command 'tpm2' could not be found! dracut[I]: Module 'memstrack' will not be installed, because command 'memstrack' could not be found! dracut[I]: memstrack is not available dracut[I]: If you need to use rd.memdebug>=4, please install memstrack and procps-ng dracut[I]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmand' could not be found! dracut[I]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmanctl' could not be found! dracut[I]: Module 'connman' will not be installed, because command 'connmand-wait-online' could not be found! dracut[I]: Module 'tpm2-tss' will not be installed, because command 'tpm2' could not be found! dracut[I]: Module 'memstrack' will not be installed, because command 'memstrack' could not be found! dracut[I]: memstrack is not available dracut[I]: If you need to use rd.memdebug>=4, please install memstrack and procps-ng dracut[I]: *** Including module: systemd *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: systemd-initrd *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: i18n *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: btrfs *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: kernel-modules *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: kernel-modules-extra *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: qemu *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: zfs *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: rootfs-block *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: terminfo *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: udev-rules *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: virtiofs *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: dracut-systemd *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: usrmount *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: base *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: fs-lib *** dracut[I]: *** Including module: shutdown *** dracut[I]: *** Including modules done *** dracut[I]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies *** dracut[I]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies done *** dracut[I]: *** Resolving executable dependencies *** dracut[I]: *** Resolving executable dependencies done *** dracut[I]: *** Hardlinking files *** dracut[I]: *** Hardlinking files done *** dracut[I]: *** Store current command line parameters *** dracut[I]: *** Stripping files *** dracut[I]: *** Stripping files done *** dracut[I]: *** Creating image file '/boot/initramfs-linux.img' *** dracut[I]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initramfs-linux.img' done *** 12:03:30 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Configuring
users…" ( 23 / 41 ) 12:03:30 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Preparing groups…" ( 24 / 41 ) .. Running QList("groupadd", "lpadmin") 12:03:30 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Create user teester" ( 25 / 41 ) 12:03:30 [6]: virtual Calamares::JobResult CreateUserJob::exec() [CREATEUSER]: creating user .. Running QList("useradd", "-m", "-U", "-s", "/bin/bash", "-c", "teester", "teester") .. Running "usermod" "-aG" "users,lp,video,network,storage,wheel,audio,lpadmin" "teester" .. Running QList("chown", "-R", "teester:teester", "/home/teester") 12:03:31 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Set password for user teester" ( 26 / 41 ) .. Running "usermod" "-p" "$y$j9T$707TFoCa2xevkPzY0Gg3E0$KXLvns4CwDNS0CY9sVE77zRlsg9abT1n8k/N3JTWRA/" "teester" 12:03:31 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Set password for user root" ( 27 / 41 ) .. Running "usermod" "-p" "$y$j9T$WZTCe9Ip/CBYeCK01qv.6/$rKUIpiZNGiqcdl099ylHsgzJnVhTpELIMPZgxmmd872" "root" 12:03:31 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "Set hostname teester-standardpc" ( 28 / 41 ) 12:03:31 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "networkcfg" ( 29 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 12:03:31 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "grubconf" ( 30 / 41 ) 12:03:31 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "kdm_sddm" ( 31 / 41 ) 12:03:31 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const WARNING: Unknown GS key autoLoginUser 12:03:31 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "userkf5" ( 32 / 41 ) .. Running QList("/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/teester/Desktop") .. Running QList("/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/teester/.config") .. Running QList("/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/teester/.local/share/applications/") .. Running QList("/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/teester/.local/share/konqueror") .. Running QList("/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/teester/.local/share/konsole") .. Running QList("/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/teester/.config/autostart") .. Running QList("/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/teester/.config/plasma-workspace/env") .. Running QList("/usr/bin/mkdir", "-p", "/home/teester/.config/Kvantum") .. Running QList("chown", "-R", "teester:users", "/home/teester") .. Running QList("setcap", "cap_net_raw=ep", "/usr/bin/ping") create common dirs setup distribution specific settings Pipewire selected /dev/loop1: BLOCK_SIZE="131072" TYPE="squashfs"/dev/sr0: BLOCK_SIZE="2048" UUID="2024-03-11-15-56-30-00" LABEL="KAOS_20240311" TYPE="iso9660" PTUUID="069f6d1e" PTTYPE="dos"/dev/loop2: BLOCK_SIZE="131072" TYPE="squashfs"/dev/loop0: BLOCK_SIZE="131072" TYPE="squashfs"/dev/sda2: UUID="6e818948-57fa-4398-b71c-34760bf3e683" UUID_SUB="71099098-ffea-464c-8367-0f79cd20158c" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="btrfs" PARTLABEL="root" PARTUUID="aaa86914-672b-4e72-9396-33dac34f5d01"/dev/sda1: UUID="7E3C-5234" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="KaOS" PARTUUID="c7dadda1-a6c7-4f5d-9efc-de3173a461af" KAOS_20240311 configure users settings done 12:03:31 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "driver_cleanup" ( 33 / 41 ) .. Running QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-intel") .. Target cmd: QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-intel") Exit code: 1 output: error: target not found: xf86-video-intel .. Running QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-nouveau") .. Target cmd: QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-nouveau") Exit code: 1 output: error: target not found: xf86-video-nouveau .. Running QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-amdgpu") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (1) Old Version Net Change xf86-video-amdgpu 23.0.0-1 -0.16 MiB Total Removed Size: 0.16 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing xf86-video-amdgpu... .. Running QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-ati") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (1) Old Version Net Change xf86-video-ati 22.0.0-3 -0.50 MiB Total Removed Size: 0.50 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing xf86-video-ati... .. Running QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "xf86-video-vmware") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (1) Old Version Net Change xf86-video-vmware 13.4.0-3 -0.19 MiB Total Removed Size: 0.19 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing xf86-video-vmware... .. Running QList("pacman", "-Rncs", "--noconfirm", "xf86-input-wacom") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (2) Old Version Net Change wacomtablet 6.0.1-1 -2.81 MiB xf86-input-wacom 1.2.1-1 -0.23 MiB Total Removed Size: 3.04 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing wacomtablet... removing xf86-input-wacom... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache... cleaning up video drivers video driver removal complete cleaning up input drivers input driver removal complete job_cleanup_drivers 12:03:32 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "nonfree_drivers" ( 34 / 41 ) 12:03:32 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const WARNING: Unknown GS key packagechooser_licenseq None License declined 12:03:32 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "package_removal" ( 35 / 41 ) .. Running QList("pacman", "-Rns", "--noconfirm", "calamares", "calamares-debug", "console-setup") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (3) Old Version Net Change calamares 3.3.5-2 -10.37 MiB calamares-debug 3.3.5-2 -121.92 MiB console-setup 1.226-1 -0.14 MiB Total Removed Size: 132.43 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing console-setup... removing calamares-debug... removing calamares... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache... .. Running QList("pacman", "-Rns", "--noconfirm", "welcome") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (1) Old Version Net Change welcome 8.1-1 -3.05 MiB Total Removed Size: 3.05 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing welcome... :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/1) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache... .. Running QList("pacman", "-Rns", "--noconfirm", "hardware-detection") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (4) Old Version Net Change khd-nvidia 2:550.54.14-3 0.00 MiB khd-nvidia-390xx 390.157-27 0.00 MiB khd-nvidia-470xx 470.239.06-3 0.00 MiB hardware-detection 20240311-1 -0.06 MiB Total Removed Size: 0.06 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing hardware-detection... removing khd-nvidia-470xx... removing khd-nvidia-390xx... removing khd-nvidia... .. Running QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "init-live") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (1) Old Version Net Change init-live 2022.09-1 0.00 MiB Total Removed Size: 0.00 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing init-live... Disabling systemd service Removed "/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/live.service". .. Running QList("pacman", "-Rncs", "--noconfirm", "grub") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (3) Old Version Net Change grub-theme-midna 3.2-3 -0.64 MiB grub2-editor 0.8.1-6 -0.91 MiB grub 2.12-1 -27.13 MiB Total Removed Size: 28.67 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Running pre-transaction hooks... (1/1) Removing old entries from the info directory file... :: Processing package changes... removing grub2-editor... removing grub-theme-midna... removing grub... .. Running QList("pacman", "-R", "--noconfirm", "virtualbox-guest-utils") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (1) Old Version Net Change virtualbox-guest-utils 7.0.14-2 -2.66 MiB Total Removed Size: 2.66 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing virtualbox-guest-utils... Failed to disable unit, unit vmsvga.service does not exist. error: command failed to execute correctly 12:03:33 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const WARNING: Unknown GS key zfsPoolInfo .. Running QList("pacman", "-Rns", "--noconfirm", "zfs-kmod") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: checking dependencies... Package (3) Old Version Net Change zfs 2.2.3-1 -49.47 MiB zfs-headers 2.2.3-1 -2.81 MiB zfs-kmod 2.2.3-3 -2.31 MiB Total Removed Size: 54.59 MiB :: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] :: Processing package changes... removing zfs-kmod... removing zfs-headers... removing zfs... Removing installer packages Removing live ISO packages Removing live start-up packages Removing live configuration packages Removing grub packages Virtual Machine Removing guest-utils ZFS not in use LibreOffice selected package removal completed 12:03:34 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "services" ( 36 / 41 ) .. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "NetworkManager.service") .. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "cups.service") .. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-mount.service") .. Target cmd: QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-mount.service") Exit code: 1 output: Failed to enable unit, unit zfs-mount.service does not exist. [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot enable systemd service zfs-mount" [PYTHON JOB]: "systemctl enable call in chroot returned error code 1" .. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-import-cache.service") .. Target cmd: QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-import-cache.service") Exit code: 1 output: Failed to enable unit, unit zfs-import-cache.service does not exist. [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot enable systemd service zfs-import-cache" [PYTHON JOB]: "systemctl enable call in chroot returned error code 1" .. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "graphical.target") .. Finished. Exit code: 0 output: The unit files have no installation config (WantedBy=, RequiredBy=, Also=, Alias= settings in the [Install] section, and DefaultInstance= for template units). This means they are not meant to be enabled or disabled using systemctl. Possible reasons for having this kind of units are: * A unit may be statically enabled by being symlinked from another unit's .wants/ or .requires/ directory. * A unit's purpose may be to act as a helper for some other unit which has a requirement dependency on it. * A unit may be started when needed via activation (socket, path, timer, D-Bus, udev, scripted systemctl call, ...). * In case of template units, the unit is meant to be enabled with some instance name specified. .. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs.target") .. Target cmd: QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs.target") Exit code: 1 output: Failed to enable unit, unit zfs.target does not exist. [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot enable systemd target zfs" [PYTHON JOB]: "systemctl enable call in chroot returned error code 1" .. Running QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-import.target") .. Target cmd: QList("systemctl", "enable", "zfs-import.target") Exit code: 1 output: Failed to enable unit, unit zfs-import.target does not exist. [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot enable systemd target zfs-import" [PYTHON JOB]: "systemctl enable call in chroot returned error code 1" .. Running QList("systemctl", "disable", "pacman-init.service") .. Target cmd: QList("systemctl", "disable", "pacman-init.service") Exit code: 1 output: Failed to disable unit, unit pacman-init.service does not exist. [PYTHON JOB]: "Cannot disable systemd service pacman-init" [PYTHON JOB]: "systemctl disable call in chroot returned error code 1" 12:03:34 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "systemd-boot" ( 37 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" [PYTHON JOB]: "6e818948-57fa-4398-b71c-34760bf3e683" [PYTHON JOB]: "/dev/sda1" Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8) The operation has completed successfully. /tmp/calamares-root-vf9ylt90 [{'claimed': False, 'device': '', 'features': {}, 'fs': 'unknown', 'fsName': 'unknown', 'mountPoint': '', 'partattrs': 0, 'partlabel': '', 'parttype': '', 'partuuid': '', 'uuid': ''}, {'claimed': True, 'device': '/dev/sda1', 'features': {}, 'fs': 'fat32', 'fsName': 'fat32', 'mountPoint': '/boot', 'partattrs': 0, 'partlabel': 'KaOS', 'parttype': '', 'partuuid': 'C7DADDA1-A6C7-4F5D-9EFC-DE3173A461AF', 'uuid': '7E3C-5234'}, {'claimed': True, 'device': '/dev/sda2', 'features': {}, 'fs': 'btrfs', 'fsName': 'btrfs', 'mountPoint': '/', 'partattrs': 0, 'partlabel': 'root', 'parttype': '', 'partuuid': 'AAA86914-672B-4E72-9396-33DAC34F5D01', 'uuid': '6e818948-57fa-4398-b71c-34760bf3e683'}] EFI directory: /boot Boot partition: "1" Boot device: "/dev/sda" Set 'EF00' flag BTRFS 12:03:35 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "refind" ( 38 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 12:03:35 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "grub" ( 39 / 41 ) 12:03:35 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "gummi_entries" ( 40 / 41 ) [] [] 12:03:35 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run() Starting job "umount" ( 41 / 41 ) [PYTHON JOB]: Found gettext "en_US" in "/usr/share/locale/en_US" 12:03:36 [2]: Calamares::Python::Object Calamares::Python::GlobalStorageProxy::value(const std::string&) const WARNING: Unknown GS key zfsPoolInfo WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Received exception while exporting zpools: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sort'" 12:03:36 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Slideshow) deactivated 12:03:36 [6]: void Config::doNotify(bool, bool) Notification not sent; completion: succeeded