To me this thread really accurately shows how this site typically is. It imbues thoughts in me of all the users gilding each other with what are really childish awards. What the fuck are even those? A long time ago, before I had this account, you could give gold to people, then some others who didn't want to spend money on it made up "silver" with a shitty paint picture as a joke but reddit actually made that an award, then renamed gold to platinum and made gold cheaper to trick idiots into paying them money for nothing... did they realize the funko collecting basement dwellers will spend hundreds of dollars if they have 150 award options? I don't even know wtf the gold is for, now we have other things? I miss when this was a much smaller site and far less commercial. Come to think of, there was far more porn then. I only made an account to sub to the porn. Gonewild used to be a default sub. Of course the state of the site was ruined when the gold award evolved, and the gold award annoys the living fuck out of me to this very day. Whenever it so happens that I see a gilded comment, I am well aware that it is really serving the system with Redditors excessively repeating opinions and refusing to allow any disagreement, which is the reason why I never trust any gilded comment, nor the user who has posted such comment.