You ever accidentally get raped by your xbox 360’s hdmi cord but then the electricity volts shoot into your ass which makes you cum electricity therefore making your cum electric cum, so you naturally throw your semen out the window in which some dumbass brainlet with their mouth open catches your cum, absorbs the electricity and gains superpowers, which he then uses for evil and runs for president in the year 2024 in which he attempts to hook you up to a hdmi cord machine to pump more electric cum out of you to superpower the government, but guess what, there was one problem, one of the hand locks were broken and in your left pocket is a paper clip where you use it to picklock the machine, escape and reveal his inhumane plan and get him impeached, but it’s not over yet, he threatens that if he is impeached, he will use his powers to destroy the united states, so, with the time left, you manage to get a team of the smartest people on earth to get a cum extractor machine made, but the only problem is that the cum is in his bloodstream, so, to get rid of his superpowers, you sacrifice your blood for his blood in a blood transfusion surgery with the only downside being you having aids, so you saved the day from the world’s greatest threat and go down as an American hero?