10footnotes 2l82bstr8 80evilolive08 __Avaritia _jspain _mirror_ball_ AgentPeggyCarter aidshha akanewasright alanadelreyy aMiserable_creature AndromedaMixes Androuv anothertown Any-Control3210 apatel27 AquariusTeaSpiller AtomicViolet avg-vag avocado__abogado Awkward_King b_o_g_o_ babadork BeauMeringue212 Beckbtw bespectacIed best-american-record bigbigbee bitherpartyofone blisterman bookthieving BookyCats Bordersz brendjac Brendon-Urine brokebutter brunbrun24 buddhacharm bulforster buzzyrecky camerinian CaptainDaisyG CarlieScion celladonn ChickyDipper cloudbustingmp3 CNT1LT CrazedJeff cremeebrulee CrimsonROSET CritneySpearz DaCoolNamesWereTaken DaHumanTorch davgonp DefaultPophead dhorinfireheart DirtyRat583 DoctorWhoWhenHowWhy DogBear77 DondurMANS eeveefan01 Elysium_47 endcreditouilles Epicallytossed Exciting_Patient4872 fadedblue09 fairytalehigh fenellabeach FKAchris FlavaSavaVandal forccynthia Freakmancool frogaranaman gdan95 Ghost-Quartet gogak gokurotfl goodbyesindisguise granolanbarz hahaone hakkerj HermionesBook heyloverboy heymathyou hikkaru holocomoestas Hulnia ignitethephoenix igotx4 ihatesplitends IIIHenryIII ImADudeDuh indievibes23 InsomniaticAlien International-Cry-52 ivorydivine J_Toe Jackalope117 jasannn jasparghhh Jexan13 jicuhrabbitkim JK5m jman457 joeeswift JOK815 jryyyy jsjsjsjdndndndnnd just_thonking Justin_Awesome jwaterbender98 kamamint kappyko kindalikeyervajoina KindOfANerd4 King_Tyson KingPony kylieminhogue letshaveaKiKi17 LightningDuck5000 Lipe18090 loopytwo lunasaflowers M0DESTM0USERAT MageOfHope mamamelodrama martian_pet Mecha-Jesus metanoira mfmf93 mglorbrto87 mirrorballstyle Misentro MoonlightByWindow MrMoodle Mudkip1 musical_pyn mylps9 nahm8s naivebigs Narhun Nerdy_boy_chris Nerfeveryone nootnoot781 notdallin NotMajorTom nxcturnas orangedwarf98 oscarbrierley1 pantomime15 Parmesan_Pirate119 PeachPlumParity pheromenos pijus41 pillowparty plastichaxan plvstvcbvrds ppz9 PretentiousPegasus prettybunbun pros-and-connors Pyar23 q-sizzzle queenmeme2 RandomHypnotica rarejnr01 ReallyCreative redgold51 reput4tionera rickikardashian rocketmammamia rosecult rubbie runaway3212 sbhernan SFbby shhhneak skargardin skippingmud soulsmitten spencerietta spookygrl sssaaage starla_ steelstepladder stevenillusioned Stryxen sufjancaesar Sunny_Waterloo survivorjdmarina suzzisissoroux sweetnsoursauce11 Sypher32 TackyTaki tactusaurath taeneon targetguest team_kockroach terrencelovescum thatplatypus99 theatretrash theburningundead Thedoctordances1940 thegolding theloniousfilth TheQwertyGuy99 thisusernameisntlong thoeoe throwaway-7650 TiltControls TimothyCoronel tiny_purse Tr1skaid3kaphobia TragicKingdom1 tswiftdeepcuts turbulentlyApathetic Turpamutteri Uberpigeon um___actually UselessTacooo user9876321 vanillaclique vayyiqra Verdantshade veryanniev vintagebathingsuit wailord_fan waluigiest wavingwolves welcome2thejam wholahaybrown wildfirecerseis WillWorkForSugar xxpizzasrlifexx yatcho zadooi --- INVALID LIST: aldwin_is_here used the wrong rank separator. INVALID LIST: BrodieBroadus entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: feliceu entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LİST: Mesko149 used the wrong format. INVALID LIST: No-Shape1020 used the Album - Artist format. INVALID LIST: qazz23 entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: snake_Emoji entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: surejan94 used the wrong format. INVALID LIST: wameniser used the wrong rank separator.