People keep telling me: Kevin the minions were not involved in the holocaust. It is minions lore- they were frozen in a cave after fighting alongside Napoleon. I just can’t buy that. It keeps me up at night. Every hour I role and sweat, I know the truth is out there. Those minions are mischievous. They had a plot. There is no way they weren’t involved. The cave was a cover. It had to be. There are millions of minions, yet we do not see millions upon millions of banana loving fiends in the movie ice cave scene. In my quest I have come accross quite compelling evidence. How did the minions survive undiscovered in an ice cave during a period when artic exploration was at its peak? And you mean to tell me the same guys who got to space could not break out of a cave? It just does not make sense. THINK PEOPLE THINK! The minions were involved. They were with Hitler. Their secret can only stay covered for so long. The fact that Peter Griffen from the hit show family guy was a victim of this makes me feel only that much stronger that the minions had a role in this.