app = Express(); Meteor.methods({ gimmetitle: function(theurl) { app.get('/scrape', function(req, res){ // The URL we will scrape from - in our example Anchorman 2. url = theurl; ''; // The structure of our request call // The first parameter is our URL // The callback function takes 3 parameters, an error, response status code and the html request(url, function(error, response, html){ // First we'll check to make sure no errors occurred when making the request if(!error){ // Next, we'll utilize the cheerio library on the returned html which will essentially give us jQuery functionality var $ = cheerio.load(html); // Finally, we'll define the variables we're going to capture var title, release, rating; var json = { title : "", release : "", rating : ""}; $('.header').filter(function(){ // Let's store the data we filter into a variable so we can easily see what's going on. var data = $(this); // In examining the DOM we notice that the title rests within the first child element of the header tag. // Utilizing jQuery we can easily navigate and get the text by writing the following code: title = data.children().first().text(); // Once we have our title, we'll store it to the our json object. json.title = title; }) } }) }) return json; } });