On reflection, you don't need to go very deep to answer that. There's a spectrum between masculine and feminine; therefore, someone's gender can be any real point on that spectrum. Uncountable infinity achieved. (And I'm tempted to add that, since there are no rules, you could replace the real coordinate with an imaginary one, a complex one or a potato.) Or any set of points, or a potato, or any weighted combination of the above. And that's someone's gender at a single instant in time; a genderfluid person's gender can vary arbitrarily over time. Since a person who comes out as trans is considered to have always been their chosen gender, regardless of statements they might have made in the past, one could also argue that one's gender timeline can vary in hypertime. I don't understand "non-binary" very well, but people seem convinced that there are genders totally outside the masculine-feminine spectrum (such as Two-Spirit, which isn't a simple combination of male and female because that would mean anyone with that combination would be Two-Spirit, which would be appropriation). So expand the spectrum to a plane. But if that model gets popular, someone will insist that their gender sometimes moves into the space outside the plane; and so on, adding dimensions ad infinitum. No matter how elaborate and inclusive your system for mapping gender, if it gets popular enough someone will insist that they're too super-extra-special to fit into it. "I'm bigender. Unlike you narrow gender-limited plebians, I'm fully male *and* fully female." "I'm both bigender *and* monogender." "I'm genderfluid; I shift between every gender." "I'm gendersemisolid; I'm partway between genderfluid and gendersolid." "I'm genderdynamic; I shift between genderfluid and gendersolid." "I'm both genderdynamic and genderstatic." "I'm both cis and trans." "I'm both genderstraight and genderqueer." "I don't belong to any gender, even agender." "I'm pangender; I'm every gender at once. Except obviously the ones that are culturally specific (e.g. Two Spirit), because those aren't mine to identify as." "I'm monogender *and* bigender *and* pangender *and* agender." "I'm [novigender](http://archive.is/mkWBD); my gender can't be labeled or fit into any category." "My gender can't be fit into any category, *including* novigender." "My gender set is the power set of the set of genders." "My gender set is the set of all gender sets that don't contain themselves." (joke previously made at [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/comments/28l57p/more_made_up_gender_terms/cibyi8r), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/comments/2esr9o/misandry_post_upsets_trans_man_tumblrina_delights/ck3lqjw?context=8), [3](https://archive.is/rJXlI)) "I reject the notion that gender can be mathematically modeled or classified." "I both accept and reject the notion that gender can be mathematically modeled or classified." And that's all just treating people as simple points. Wait til people decide that different genders can apply to different *parts* of themselves. [I don't know what this is.](http://imgur.com/a/Vurzz) Edit: I won't even get into what all this implies about the space of possible orientations.