Well dear reader…we are back again at the esteemed Redwell college that lays resting at the foot of the green luscious hillside. Shrouded by a thick fog that brings with it a sense of sensual seclusion. One of the students – whom we are well acquainted with at this point – returns from winter break. After a long seemingly dull holiday, Oscar Winters aches for nothing more than to feel his blood boil again. And who better than you to raise his hackles? Yes, you. Now Oscar is a fickle creature who delights in intellect but elates furthermore in the element of surprise. What’s hiding in the leather cased bag he’s brought?....Is that a piece of rope sticking out?...Or a candlestick? --------------- *slow ticking of an old clock* *voices muffled from the other side of a door* “What?....no kiss hello?...*chuckle*….I must admit it, little minx, your cold shoulder wounds me profoundly…Yes it does ….ESPECIALLY since I’ve heard what a meek little delight you’ve turned into under Amalie’s tender touch…” *door opens and you walk into the listeners dorm room* “Oh…nice room you’ve got here…more sparsely decorated than I would have imagined but it suits you…huh?...Have I imagined your room before?...*coughs*…Not in the slightest…Don’t be ridiculous…Oh, don’t give me that look...you know I detest when you look at me like that.” *You walk around the room* “Not bad…not bad…iron bedpost…*mumble*…that will come in handy…what?...I didn’t say anything…No…You must have misheard…” “Oh…and what do we have here?...Hiding in your bookshelf…*tsks*…fucking Plato…Of course…lets se…what else do you have in your possession? ....Homer…Virgil…oh… Aristoteles…It semes you’re not beyond hope yet…*slight chuckle*…Oh and what’s this?...I must say…Harald Bloom is an old favorite of mine… mmm…yes… ”’We read in quest of a mind more original than our own’…*slight pause*…wait a second…*stops short*…Is that?...You have to be joking with me…no…This…Is this my copy?!... *You flap the book in front of listeners face*…You – How did you?...I thought I’d lost it….and you-…you DARE make dogears in MY book?!” “What? How do I even know its mine?...*slight growl*…It has my bloody initials in the margin…that’s how…I can’t believe this…did you draw horns and a tail on the authors portrait?!” *breathes in through clenched teeth* “Oh you were just borrowing it where you?...Oh I see…Well in that case it makes it all alright…fucking unbelievable…no, no…don’t try to act all innocent now…You forget that I know you…” *thump of a bag hitting the floor* “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about the bag, little minx, we have far more pressing matters to discuss right now… No. Eyes on me….what? No…I’m not patronizing you…stop changing the subject. I said: Stop it.” *You get into listeners personal space* “What am I doing?...*leer*…I am…shall we say…rectifying our situation…What’s the matter?....” *get even closer and whisper* “You’re not getting nervous I hope?…It does you no justice…. My fierce little temptress…have you grown so meek and pliant in my absence I wonder?” “Hmm…has Amalie spoiled you rotten while I was away?...mmm…oh how still you are while I trace my thumb over your jaw…over your bottom lip…what if i-?*slight pause*…argh!.. you bit me!.....*surprised chuckle*…There’s those sharp teeth I like…” “Hmmm?...Why am I here?...I thought It was obvious…What? Miss you…?....what if…I said I did…miss you?...Anyways that’s besides the point…You owe me…” “For what?...Well my fucking book for one…and you deciding to not spend winter break with me although I went out of my way to invite you…*growl*…No. I am not sulking.” “If you don’t watch that recluse behavior, you’ll soon turn into a hermit just like Constantin…” *growl* “Could you stop larking about and be serious for one second?” *pause* “How do you think it makes me feel… to reach out to you, thinking…finally we’re getting somewhere and just have it all shoved in my face with a: ‘Sorry, I’ve made other plans…have fun in your castle’…and then…AND THEN I get bombarded with text’s from Amalie saying how sweet you fucking taste…” Growl: “Jealous?...OF COURSE I’m FUCKING JEALOUS…Oh don’t look so surprised…” *lowers voice* “You know what I am speaking of…What afflictions you cause upon me. I can’t seem to think straight when it comes to you…as soon as I hear your voice or have you within arms reach my mind is turned into a tempest…It is agony...and extasy combined…” *Growl* “No….Do. Not. Move.” *rustling* “I am here to set things straight, little minx…yes I am…I had all but three weeks to think over how I should go about...making my intentions with you clear…*evil chuckle*…I thought we went over this already…” *whispers lips over listeners* “I am here to cast you into an understanding so deep, it will be carved into your bones by the time I’m done with you…do you want that little minx?...Hmm?...Yes or No?...You know how I feel about consent…” *chuckle* “Good girl…now come here…” *deep wild kissing* “Fuck…your lips…I cant get enough of you…” *Panting/Kissing* *clothes rustling* “I need you bare beneath me…yes little minx…*chuckle*…show me your soft skin…*growl*…that’s it…tare away our clothes…I want to feel the heat of you…Its calling out my name…*growl*…yes…yes…that’s it…bare yourself to me…” *almost violent kissing* *groan* “How I’ve longed to feel you against me again…*moan*…” “Now…I have a little surprise for you…*snicker*…yes…its in the bag, how perceptive of you…get on the bed and I’ll show it to you…mmm…yes…now…do as I say…” *chuckle* *moving of the bag* *rustling* “Now I remember you mentioned during class that your favorite myth of them all was the one about Theseus and The Minotaur…correct?...hmm…A legend about a man who travels to Crete…to slay the beast who’s hunger was so profound that King Minos demanded seven youths and maidens to be sacrificed from the Kingdom of Athens every year…. Look at that flash of excitement…little minx…does me reciting your favorite Greek myth, make you shiver?...no?...*amused*…You’re right…I must be imagining things…*chuckle*…” “Anyway…where was I?...Yes…and when brave Theseus arrived at the breaking shores of Crete he wowed that he would slay the beast…but…the Minotaur’s dwelling…or should I say prison, was the great labyrinth whom no living man had been able to escape…yes…a very big inconvenience for our hero indeed…*chuckle*…luckily for Theseus…King Minos’s daughter, Princess Ariadne, fell madly in love with him and bestowed upon him a piece of thread…a thread that would uncoil itself as he went deeper and deeper into the depths of the labyrinth…” *rustling* “So I thought…Why don’t you and I incorporate a little something from your favorite myth into our…carnal relations….Yes I think you know where this is going…I can tell by the way you’re pressing your thighs together…” *takes out rope* *chuckle* “Now this is no mere piece of thread…It’s a thick silk rope…meant to hold squirming little vixens in place….here…give me your wrists…let me show you how sturdy it is…” *rope sound* “Mmm…let me coil it…like this…and tie it…around…here…lay back…rest your tied wrists against your bedpost…” *tying sound* “There…now…see how firmly it holds you in place?...hmmm…what a sight you make…stretched out…back arched…chest heaving…*chuckle*…and yet…there is so much more rope left…hmm…” *lowers voice* “Oh…I know what to do…I’ll…snake it around your middle…there. And tie it…like this…I’ll drag it…behind your back and twist it…there… now I have two nooses at my disposal….” *tying* “I’ll just…grab your leg and …bend it for me, little minx…just like that…good girl…Now I’ll just… slip….one noose over your bent knee…and sliiide it down your thigh…and…*grunt*…there…*chuckle*…now your ankle is firmly secured to the backside of your thigh…and…now…let me do the same to the other one….” *chuckle* *rope sound* “All done…I must say…I am very pleased with my work…*chuckle*…oh don’t struggle to much…because when you do…the knots will tighten…” *slow kiss* “Where did I learn to tie a rope like this?...mmm…Little Minx… I am a mere apprentice but…. Professor Lahey has thought me a trick…or two…*chuckle*…” *kiss* “Do you want to know the best part about this particular tie pattern?...Hmmm…You see this loose piece of rope next to your hip?...mmm…If I tug it…like this…your legs will be…forced apart …would you like a demonstration?” *gasp* “Oh you wicked creature…already slick with need…” *rumble in throat* “Hmm?…your eyes just widend…did you just realized what a…vulnerable predicament you’re in…mmm…so sweet…trembling…and…Helpless… “ *snicker* “The rope…the token of Ariadne’s undying love for Theseus….the thing that helped him find freedom….his only way to out of the labyrinth will be what keeps you tied in place …isn’t that true irony?” “Indeed…some might suggest that understanding irony is the most important part to deciphering ancient literature…” *kiss* “Now you are well and truly at my mercy…” *deepen kiss* “The very sight of you all bound and panting makes me want to devour you…mmm….yes it does…” *kiss* “Should I now?...You want my hard, thick, cock inside you, that badly?...Poor little minx…here is the thing…All though I would love nothing more, we still haven’t touched upon my favorite myth…yes…a myth that very much is intwined with yours…I hope you’ll appreciate the lengths of creativity to which I went…just for you…” *you reach over to the bag and pick up your supplies* “First…a feather…You know who built the Minotaur’s labyrinth I presume?…*chuckle*…good girl…You are very very right…Daedalus…the inventor…He was a prisoner of Queen Pasiphaës…the very same man who’d built the labyrinth to keep the queens half-bull child confined was now to flee with his son…for it was Daedalus who had whispered advice in Princess Ariadne’s ear of a way to help brave Theseus out of the labyrinth…and as we all know …the ancient Greeks are no strangers to the fires of wrath…Queens are no exception…Pasiphaë loved the Minotaur as any mother loves a child…and now with it dead…someone had to pay the price…” *You crawl up listeners body* *smile* “Now Daedalus was prepared for the Queens fury and had spent day and night constructing wings out of branches of osier, feathers and wax…” *Light sound of feather stroking skin* “He’d built them for himself and his son…Icarus…so that they could fly away…mmm…here let me trace the feather over your stomach…*chuckle*…hush now…It’s just a feather…what?...you’re ticklish…hmm…then what if I let the tip pf it slide down…down…down…over your mound…and..flicker against your slit…” *groan* Hushed voice: “Yes little minx…let the sensations caress you...let the feather play around that aching spot between your thighs…*hiss*….fuck…” *sound of feather stroking skin* “Huh?...What’s the matter?...You’re so sensitive today…you want me to kiss you?...where?...Do you want me to kiss your stomach?...*kiss*…No?...lower?...what about here then….*kiss*…still no?...*chuckle*….where do you want my lips to touch?...” *kiss* Mumble: “You have to ask me nicely…and perhaps I will…mmm” *chuckle* “As you wish…” *soft cunnilingus* “Mmm…You taste so sweet …and mmm….you’re shaking beneath my lips…mmm…let me take that ache away…let me push my tongue inside of you…” *slow wet sounds* “Yes, little minx…you like that, don’t you?...mmm…like the tip of my tongue slowly stretching you out….while I let the feather trace shapes over your ribs…” “Yes…Yes…mmm…just like that…let yourself give way to my tender onslaught…” *cunnilingus for ca 20 seconds* *gasping* “Not enough?...mmm…is the feather not enough…to soft?...well…in that case….You do know how the tale of Daedalus and Icarus ends?...*lick*…don’t you?...*hum*…Yes… They fled by throwing themselves off of the highest cliff in Crete and rode on the backs of southern winds…*kiss*…Daedalus warned his son not to fly to close to the sun…mmm….because the heat would melt the wax away…and destroy the wings…But Icarus…*lick*…filled with the thrill and youthful hybris that flight had given him…*suck*…ignored his fathers warnings and flew higher and higher…until he could see the end of the world…*growl and suck*….but of course the heat of the sun melted the wax and Icarus fell down and…*hard suck*…drowned in the sea…” *smack as you let go of the listener* *pant* “Would you like to feal a bit of the heat, little minx?...*chuckle*…I see that the thought intrigues you…mmm…well…I happen to have this with me…*chuckle*…no its not a candle stick…It’s made out of wax…I know…fitting…now lets see…Here are the matches…” *sound of matches catching fire* *sizzling as the fire licks the wick* “Now this wax doesn’t run as hot as a regular candle…but it will burn…shall we give it a try?...hmm…how about…your exposed thigh?...” *drip drip drip* “There you go…oh…does it sting?…mmm…Not to bad I hope?...No?...Well.. what if I let it fall upon your breast…yes…right over your hard little nipples…” *groan* “Yes…Yes…mmm…fuck…I have to feel you against me…let me pour the wax slowly… down your chest ….while I rub my shaft against your wetness…” *moan* “FUCK…” *wet sounds* *drip drip drip* “*chuckle*…there is no use in struggling…I made sure to restrain you thoroughly…*growl*…*moan/chuckle*…there you go again…calling me the devil…am I that wicked?...Yeah?…*laugh*…Oh you’ll cut out my tongue will you?” *wet sounds* *Thud of you throwing away the wax-stick* “No more teasing…I will show you what a shame it would be…should you cut out my wicked tongue…” *passionate kiss* *groan* “Ahh…let me sheathe myself inside you,…one inch….argh…at a time…” “Oh fuck…yes…cry for me…you siren of lust…” *slow fucking* “Bound and gasping for me…yes…I can see it in your eyes…you crave me…just as I do you…*growl*…let us make one thing clear, little minx…*stop thrusting*…and then I’ll go back to fucking you senseless…” *panting* “I want you to surrender yourself to me….Completely.” *try to catch your breath* “You may choose to share your lust and body with….argh…. whomever you please…but…your deepest darkest parts…the innermost of your being…your soul…that belongs solely to me.” *thrust* “Is that understood?” *thrust* “Say it!” *hard thrust* “Admit that you’re MINE” *moan* “Good girl…” *intense fucking* *kissing* “Yes just like that…let me make you feel on fire…yes…yes..yes…little mix…feel my cock…feel me thrust deep inside of you…yes…uhu…yes…fuck….” *pound into listener* “And when you think I can’t go any deeper…*growl*… I Will….” *fuck like a man possessed* *violent kissing* “Yes…Yes…Just like that…Fuck…fuck…fuck.fuck.fuck…Yes…Yes…cum with me…that’s it…I’ve got you…yes…let go..let -ARGH!!!” *climax* *pant* *groan* *catch your breath* “Shit…shit…aaahhh…you…fuck, I can’t see straight…*slow kiss*…*chuckle*…. What do you mean I’ll be fine? You’re tight little pussy almost snapped my dick in half…” *gasp* “No…stay still…I’ll help you get out of that…*chuckle*…stop…wait…let me just…pull out….*groan*…*wet sound*…” *Rustling of rope* “Fuck…are you alright?...*chuckle*…shut up?...Tell me to shut up one more time and I’ll make you regret it dearly….*laugh*…Woman you vex me beyond belief…Half the time I don’t know if I should strangle you or kiss you senseless…” *chuckle* “You like the sound of both options…mmm…then come here and let me oblige you…” *kiss* *sound of the old clock striking twelve* To be continued...