The Nurses Office part 5 Thank you all for your love and your patience <3 ------------ *dialing* *piiip* Voicemail: “Hey Sweetheart…I know you’ve been trying to get hold of me…please don’t be mad…I just needed some time to…to think things over….and…*lower voice*….fuck…*clears voice*…just…if you can…come to the lake by midnight…I’ll be waiting …and if you don’t want to see me after my disappearing act…I get it…I just wanted to let you know….that I’ll be there…and yeah…….that’s it…” *tone* *sound of phone being hung up* *crickets* *branches breaking* *sound of running feet breaking the silence of the night* “Sweetheart?...Is that you ?– oof!” *thud* (Listener throws herself into Heroes arms) “Hey, baby….*nuzzle her neck*…I didn’t think you were going to show up…what?...*chuckle*…shut up?...” (a beat of silence as you hug each other) “Hey its okey…Im here…I’ve got you…mmm…I’ve missed this…*sharp intake of breath*…are you alright?...I haven’t seen you since the hospital…I-“ “What?...No…no, Im fine baby…Im fine…Promise…Im asking you…*chuckle*…you have to make sure since Im so good at lying?...Sweetheart…when have I ever lied to you?” Softly: “Exactly…No…no…stop that….Im fine…Im alright…Its just a cut…You’re the one that…*growls*…that had a fucking knife to the throat…” *pause* Grow serious: “Hey…love?...We need to talk.” *heavy silence* “I know….You’ve been trying to all week…*solemn chuckle*…yeah…I know…and Im sorry…like I said…I needed time to think…” “Why do I sound so serious?...well…because I am…I’ve been thinking…And I’ve realized how…how fucking toxic I am for you…no…No…Please…just – just let me finish, okey?” “After what happened last week…with that fucking junkie…*breath through clenched teeth*…and…and...*swallow hard*…when the cops separated us and I didn’t know If you were okey or not…I just…huh?...No I know, my neighbor got there just in time and the…Shit!” *start pacing* “No I know everything turned out alright…but the thing is…I just can’t stop thinking over the fucking scenarios in my head…like what if I had gone back to sleep?…what if you’d walked out alone without waking me up?...or what would have happened if I –“ “Not my fault? Don’t…I said: Don’t.” “No, I know…but you were there because of me…so you see …It is my fault. If my goddamn parents weren’t such good-for-nothing-parasites…and I didn’t live under their roof…None of this would have happened…” “What do you mean it doesn’t matter?...It matters and you know it…we can’t keep doing this…yes you heard me…No. No don’t do that…don’t you dare make excuses for them…they are alcoholic-drug-using-shit-heads…their existence is a waste of air…” “FUCK! It makes me SICK…thinking about all the ways you could have been hurt because of me….. Because of them….Don’t you get it?!....I am cancer…and you have to cut it out before it spreads…*snarl*…Im not being overdramatic again...GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD SWEETHEART…I was this close…THIS CLOSE…to losing you…fuck…god only knows what could have happened… can you expect me to live with myself knowing that us being together is putting you in danger…. So that’s why…this thing between us…our relationship….It NEEDS to end…Im serious…we are done, baby…Im breaking up with you…” *thud* “Stop…no let go of my arm…what do you mean I don’t get to decide this for you?! I already have…Sweetheart…Stop…Please…please…you have to let go of me…don’t make this harder than it has to be…” Whisper: “Don’t…please, love…you have to- mph!….*kiss*…no…*kiss*…you can’t…*kiss deepens*…please don’t …*kiss*…don’t…*voice breaks*….no, baby……you know I hate it when you cry…shhh…its not worth it…Its not -” *moan/hiss* “No…you can’t…you can’t stroke me over my jeans like that…why not?...because…*growl*…because you’re going to make me hard…” “Huh?...what was that?...You’re not going to listen to me anymore since Im…Since Im breaking your heart?...*voice thick with emotion*….oh love…You know I never wanted -…” *Listener interrupts you with another kiss* *kissing* “The last thing I want to do is hurt you…please baby…Im sorry…im so sorry…” *kissing* (Hero pulls away from listener) *panting* *heavy silence* “W-What’s wrong?...hey?... sweetheart?…. say something…please….” “I-I’ve made you feel empty inside?...*urgent*…tell me what you need…and I’ll give it to you…” *sharp intake of breath* “You need my cock?...fuuuck…. we cant….I said we-….*wearily*…sweetheart…We really shouldn’t…” *heavy breathing* *lips skimming over each other* “Fuck…fuck it…. Come here…I said. Come. Here…..that’s right…I’ll give it to you…one last time…uhu…here…lean back against the tree…” *desperate wild kissing* *clothes ripping* Breathless: “Slowly…shhh…It’s alright baby…I’ll give it to you…just…kiss me…and let me make love to you…yes…that’s it…let’s make sure that your last memory is…of how much I love and adore you…” *making out* “There’s my girl…fuck…yes you are…no matter what, you’ll always be…. come here…jump up….legs around my waist…that’s it…I’ll hold you steady…” *kissing* *kissing* “Your cheeks taste like salt…. all wet…here…let me brush my thumb under your eyes…there…wipe away those tears…” *kiss* “What was that?...*murmur* hmm?…your face is not the only thing that’s wet?...*chuckle*…where else are you wet, sweetheart? me…guide my hand down and let me…feel it.” *wet sounds* *moan* “You’re right…you’re wet down here to…what are we going to do about that? you want me to rub it away?” *wet rubbing* “Do you want me to lick it with my tongue?” (Hero leans in and licks listeners neck to emphasize his words) “No?...No? Just my cock. Nothing else? Are you sure?” *breathless chuckle* “In that case I need you to hold on to me…yes…just like that…so I can reach under you and slide my cock against your folds…mmm….fuck…” *grinding noise* “There you go…there you go, baby…just let me inside…that’s it…fuck…let your pussy get what she wants…yes…let me give it to you…let me give you every inch of me…” *growl* *slow fucking* “Fuck. God. You’re so tight.” *kissing* “Look at me baby…Look at me….I need you to look me in the eyes when I thrust inside…no…don’t protest…just do what I say…good girl…you’re such a good girl…so good for me…” *moan* *pant Grunt: “There…now Im all the way inside…filling you…stretching you ….my hands on your perfect little ass…taking hold of you…*groan*…moving your body up and down on my cock….” “You want more? Yeah?...don’t cry baby…I’ll give you more…” *kissing* *fucking picks up speed* “… It feels that good?...huh?.. No. Don’t close your eyes… *strained chuckle*…I know baby, I know…but I want to see you…I want to see every feeling of yours flash in those baby-blues…” *fucking* *kissing* *crickets-singing* “That’s it…that’s it…there you are…here…I’ll support your head with my hand, you don’t have to worry about it lolling back…*chuckle*…I love to see your eyes water and tense…just for me…just because I make you feel so good…I love it to baby…I love you…I love you so much…fuck…you’re the most important thing in my life…” *hard thrust* “Yes. You. Are.” *thrust* “Look at me while I fuck you…yes… look at me while I pound into your wet little pussy…” *faster fucking* “That it…that’s it…such a good girl…such a good…amazing…girl…” “But that’s why….” *thrust…thrust…thrust…* Voice crack: “- I have to let you go.” Growl through tears: “I love you so goddamn much.” *fucking and panting for about 15-20 sec without a word* “Yes, baby…yes…now…I need you to let go for me…yes…you have to…you have to baby…Because Im going to cum inside you any second now and I cant fucking bare it if you don’t cum with me…I need you to, love…I do…” *kiss* “OH GOD…..Please…please…make yourself cum all over my cock…I need to feel you baby…please… cum for me…do it…do it…cum for me…fucking do it!” *growl* *moan* “Let go…let go….LET GO! FUCK! I love you…I love you…Yes… yes… look at me…l- I….ARGH!” *climax* *panting* *unsteady breathing* “You’re going to be okey, sweetheart…shhh…relax…relax for me…there you go…let me pull out…*pained groan*…shh…don’t cry…don’t cry…” *soft kissing* *rustling* “You’ll be fine…I promise….How do I know?...*soft chuckle*…because I just know…” *kiss* Whisper: “Hush now…Im here…Im here until you’re ready…” “Hmm?...what if you’ll never be ready?…You won’t need me baby….*smile*…I promise you wont….you’ll come visit me anyways? Is that it?...*strained sigh*…sweetheart…Im….moving away from here…no, it’s not that…the social worker isn’t making me do anything…Im not a minor, remember?...*sad laugh*…yeah…you know she was really decent about setting me up with a place to stay…and she didn’t have to…It’s just temporary…until we get all the legal stuff taken care of….but it’s a start…and when my parents negligence-trial is over…maybe…I’ll find someplace permanent…” “It’s…*nervous chuckle*…It’s in Chicago…Hey…hey…Look at me. It’ll be okey…Do you hear me…this isn’t the end…You’ll be fine, baby…” *soft kiss* “I know because…you’ll finish school with top grades….oh and your mom and dad who adore the ground you walk on will be there when you walk the stage…embarrassing you by shouting ‘that’s our girl!’ to loudly and forgetting to turn off the camera flash, and your amazing friends will be there to support you….every step of the way…you’ll. …You’ll have to promise me to enjoy the summer…yeah…don’t work to hard…I know how that over-achiever brain of yours works…you’ll probably go swimming…meet a bunch of new and exiting people and maybe even go to a party or two…” *silent tears* “And hey…I know you’ll get into some fancy ass Ivy league school in the fall and you will…You will do great things, sweetheart…you’ll just have to do them without me…alright? …don’t cry…hey…hey…you’ll be alright…” “Because you’re smarter than anyone I know…you’re brilliantly light…like the fucking sun…and you have so much…*chuckle*…so much to give…fuck…mark my words, love…you’ll set the world ablaze…and when you do…I’ll be the first one to stand up and applaud.” “This isn’t goodbye…this is a…until we meet again…” *soft kiss* “Yeah…Promise…” To be continued…