7thxheavenxx AgentPeggyCarter BeauMeringue212 Big_Net_2815 BookyCats ChandelierFlickering companion_star55 criestotheclicking darjeelingdarkroast davgonp docchrizly drewtangclan duochromepalmtree emayzee fizzylights goodbyesindisguise heyloverboy hikkaru IdiotBox01 ImADudeDuh KolmogorovSmirnovIce legendofsplenda linus_spacehead27 littlegreenwings mcfw31 McIgglyTuffMuffin MiichaelKiing Mudkip1 mylps9 Nerdy_boy_chris OliviaGodrigo petrichormelancholy PobreLittleLiar PretentiousPegasus prettybunbun racloves raescp raggedy-princess Rarietty rickikardashian SamuelTurn SFbby shhhneak sincerityisscxry slimboyfriend sweetnsoursauce11 thatplatypus99 TheDrOfWeirdos theonewithoutmynudes ThObsceneBirdOfNight TiltControls tomservo88 TraverseTown veryanniev welcome2thejam xxpizzasrlifexx --- INVALID LIST: J_Toe entered the placements out of order. INVALID LIST: Mecha-Jesus entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: nahm8s entered the same placement twice or entered a wrong placement. INVALID LIST: PinkCadillacs used the wrong rank separator.