cl_cmdrate "66" cl_interp "0.01" cl_interp_all "0" cl_interp_npcs "0" cl_interp_ratio "1" cl_lagcompensation "1" cl_pred_optimize "2" cl_predictweapons "1" cl_resend "6" cl_smooth "1" cl_smoothtime "0.01" cl_timeout "300" cl_updaterate "67" rate "128000" //cl_cmdrate "30" //cl_interp "0.014925" // _keep at 0 to always get lowest interp_// //cl_interp_all "0" //cl_interp_npcs "0" //cl_interp_ratio "1" //cl_lagcompensation "1" //cl_pred_optimize "2" //cl_predictweapons "1" //cl_resend "6" //cl_smooth "1" //cl_smoothtime "0.01" //cl_timeout "300" //cl_updaterate "30" //rate "100000" voice_scale 0.25 volume 0.124 say // c4 spray unbind o //bind o "ttt_spectator_mode 0;snd_mute_losefocus 0" //bind p "ttt_spectator_mode 1;snd_mute_losefocus 1" ttt_spectator_mode 0 snd_mute_losefocus 0 ttt_avoid_detective 1 ttt_scoreboard_sorting name ttt_scoreboard_ascending 1 net_graph 1 bind "-" "incrementvar volume 0 1 -0.025" bind "=" "incrementvar volume 0 1 0.025" bind ] "stopsound;incrementvar voice_scale 0 1 0.05" bind [ "stopsound;incrementvar voice_scale 0 1 -0.05" bind kp_5 "ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_c4" bind kp_ins "ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_gaussrifle" bind kp_end "ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_sipistol" bind kp_del "ttt_toggle_disguise;ttt_order_equipment 4" bind kp_downarrow "ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_teleport" bind kp_pgdn "ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_decoy" bind kp_leftarrow "ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_explo_station;ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_health_station;say_team I just purchased a health station and will probably place it, use it if you wish." bind kp_rightarrow "say !rtv" bind kp_home "ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_jackhammer;ttt_order_equipment 1;ttt_quickslot 7" bind kp_pgup "ttt_order_equipment 1;ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_jihad;say_team About to jihad, stay away from me" unbind kp_enter unbind kp_plus bind kp_uparrow "ac" bind kp_minus "say_team About to throw hazards maybe towards traitors and / or activate nearby traps, avoid me." bind kp_slash "gamemenucommand openplayerlistdialog" bind kp_multiply "gamemenucommand openplayerlistdialog" bind x "+voicerecord" bind q "ttt_quickslot 7" bind z "+menu" bind v "undo" bind c "+menu_context" bind t "ttt_radio traitor;say ░▒▓███ ^^^ KILL ON SIGHT ^^^ ███▓▒░;ulx mark kill" bind mouse3 "ttt_radio suspect;ulx mark suspicious" bind mouse4 "ttt_radio imwith" //bind mouse5 "ttt_quickslot 8" unbind mouse5 bind alt "+walk" bind e +use bind r +reload bind g "say_team Xproplayer for Developer;ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_jackhammer;ttt_order_equipment 2;ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_harpoon;ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_mp7;ttt_order_equipment 1;ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_gaussrifle;ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_sipistol" bind b stopsound bind j ttt_print_damagelog bind k "say Everyone type !rtv so we can move on to another map!" bind h "impulse 201" bind l "exec ttt" bind ' "ulx thetime" bind 1 "slot1" bind 2 "slot2" bind 3 "slot3" bind 4 "say_team I'm about to throw a disco / nade / incin run! Might be at a traitor!;slot4" bind 5 "slot5" bind 6 "slot6" bind 7 "slot7" bind 8 "slot8" bind 9 "slot9" bind 0 "slot10" bind \ "say X gonna give it to ya. Fuck waitin for ya to get it on your own. X gonna deliver to ya. Knock knock, open up the door its real" bind semicolon "say (AUTOMATED MESSAGE) I have been moved to the Spectator team because I was idle/AFK." alias a "ttt_print_damagelog" bind , "say Xproplayer is innocent." bind . "say Helicoid is a Traitor!" bind / "say !respond" bind "o" "say ^" bind m "kill" bind y "ttt_radio innocent;ulx mark friendly" unbind capslock bind enter messagemode alias s1 "say I hope you have a lime and tequila to go with that salt. ;bind p s2" alias s2 "say Did your mother pass you the salt? ;bind p s3" alias s3 "say Garrys Mod doesn't cost any money to uninstall. ;bind p s4" alias s4 "say It's tough to imagine that you could have insecurities because nothing stands out about you in the first place. ;bind p s5" alias s5 "say Why so salty? Music too loud? ;bind p s6" alias s6 "say Wow you reek of insecurity. ;bind p s7" alias s7 "say I love it when you talk naughty. ;bind p s8" alias s8 "say You're not the person Mr. Rogers thought you could be. ;bind p s9" alias s9 "say Why so salty? Wireless mouse? ;bind p s10" alias s10 "say You define salty. ;bind p s11" alias s11 "say I've been called worse by better players. ;bind p s12" alias s12 "say Why so salty? 64 tick? ;bind p s13" alias s13 "say That type of sodium will combust in contact with air. ;bind p s14" alias s14 "say Trying to win the salt competition? ;bind p s15" alias s15 "say I guess for you GLHF = Good Luck Having Fun. ;bind p s16" alias s16 "say Thanks for adding salt to my caramel popcorn, its even better now. ;bind p s17" alias s17 "say Good thing being salty helps you win games. ;bind p s18" alias s18 "say Maybe if you stopped taking loads in the mouth you wouldn't be so salty. ;bind p s19" alias s19 "say Want some fries with that salt? ;bind p s20" alias s20 "say Why so salty? Dropping frames? ;bind p s21" alias s21 "say Why so salty? 60hz monitor? ;bind p s22" alias s22 "say I hope you don't go swimming, you'll turn the pool into saltwater. ;bind p s23" alias s23 "say Why so salty? Non-mechanical keyboard? ;bind p s24" alias s24 "say Thanks for the salt, I'll add it to my popcorn. ;bind p s1" bind p s1 alias ac "voice_scale 0.0001; bind i dc;ttt_mute_team 2;say Voice Chat Muted;ulx thetime" alias dc "voice_scale 0.3; bind i ac;say Voice Chat Unmuted;ttt_print_damagelog;ttt_mute_team 0;ulx thetime" bind i ac //bind "uparrow" "ttt_order_equipment 2;bind kp_uparrow nd" //bind "downarrow" "ttt_radio innocent" //bind "leftarrow" "ttt_order_equipment 1;bind kp_uparrow nd" //bind "rightarrow" "ttt_order_equipment weapon_ttt_harpoon;bind kp_uparrow nd" ac ulx thetime r_decals 9999999 r_maxmodeldecal 9999999 alias q "volume 0;quit" alias d disconnect stopsound sv_password 9999 alias v "bind v noclip"