god sometimes i wish i didnt have to read r/copypasta but i have to and i have to see all the shit you post and i have to deal with everything. i dont want to sound spammy or mad but sometimes i think you dont appreciate the amount of life i give this server and the amount of time it drains from me. the amount of time it takes for me to muster energy together to deal with your hairy smelly shit filled shitty ass is astonishing and painful at the very least. do you even understand that sometimes i cant when you can? thats awful. you dont know about it. you never will, when you really realize how much of a cotton brain filled head ass you are you might finally see how but until then, i just want you to ponder over the fact that your mom couldnt fit these nuts in her mouth. and we all know she is one of the fattest pieces of shit on the planet. like mother like son, both liking men. fatasses these nuts will never fit