No. A labia doesn’t become bigger due to penetration. You’ve probably seen the images of the roast beef sandwiches being compared to a ‘’virgin’’ and ‘’non virgin’’. Or ‘’when she wants to finally settle down’’ with a picture of a black hole being compared to a vagina. Apparently a lot of people believe this shit, and though I didn’t have sex education and learn about anatomy in school, I know that a penis can’t change a vaginas size permanently. I was very sexually active in my teens, and my vagina is just the same. I have had a friend come up to me ask me if it was normal that her labia looked like what it does, and if anyone would ever want to have sex with her, she was a virgin, but some people could actually take a look at it and believe she have had sex with multiple men because their view on sex is so limited. What logic is it that if a woman has sex with one man over a 100 times, it will be the same, but if a woman has sex with multiple men, it will become bigger? Does a penis leave an imprint? Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Vulvas are all different and beautiful. Some clits stick out, some dont. Some have a pink labia, some are brown. And to the people that might say ’’it’s just a joke.’’ My friend wanted to go under the knife to have a ‘’perfect labia’’. Your joke affects people in a negative way. Grow up and educate yourselves before you ruin someones sexual pleasure and confidence.