Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Description: DeathMoney - Config.yml
Submitted on August 23, 2015 at 07:41 AM

Section 1 (YAML)

# The percentage of money lost when the player is killed. Note: this amount will be the note's value.
percentage: 15
# The item that will represent the note. A full list of materials can be found here: #
money-drop-item: PAPER
# The name of the note.
money-drop-name: '&4&lDeath Drop &7(Right Click)'
# The message the killer will recieve when victim has been killed.
killer-message: '&4&l&nYou&c&l have killed &4&l&n%killed%&c&l!'
# Toggle the above message.
killer-message-toggle: true
# The message that the victim will recieve when killed.
death-message: '&4&l&nYou&c&l have been killed by &4&l&n%killer%&c&l!'
# Toggle the above message.
death-message-toggle: true
# Broadcast a message to the whole server regarding the player's death!
broadcast-message: '&4&l&n%killed%&c&l has been killed by &4&l&n%killer%&c&l! &a&lLocation:
  &aX: %loc_x%, Y: %loc_y%, Z: %loc_z%'
# Toggle the above broadcast.
broadcast-message-toggle: true
# The message sent when a player redeems a note.
redeem-message: '&a&l+ $%redeem-amount%!'
# Toggle the above message.
redeem-message-toggle: true
# The message sent when you do not have permission.
no-access-message: '&4You do not have access to this command!'
# The message sent when the plugin has been reloaded.
reload-message: '&b&lDeathMoney has been successfully reloaded!'
# The message sent when the /deathmoney command has been run.
info-message: '&a&lDeathMoney is currently running!'
# The message sent when the player does not have access to redeeming notes.
no-use-access-message: '&bDonate for a rank to claim these notes! &'