“Captain Gotobed is a separate alias that is not part of Ren's music labels, as they felt the music was too bad to be on their main Bandcamp site. Gotobed produces noisecore to gabber to hardcore and the songs are generally meant as a joke.” - Lapfox Wiki “don’t do it” - Note made before downloading Captain Gotobed albums ----- April 2, 2010 Ren stood before the cliff, looking down below. It was a long fall to the deep ocean below, which was perfect. He reached out to grab the reason he was even on top of the cliff – an old, dusty laptop which was starting to age a little. The laptop only contained 12 files – each file was regrettably a stain on his works of music, what he considered to be the lowest of the low of his output. They had been placed safely on a Bandcamp that he hoped nobody would ever find, in case he needed them ever again, but the core files had to go. Something was becoming erratic about their behaviour. The files were changing, bit by bit. Evolving. With great confidence, Ren dropped the laptop off the cliff, watching as it slowly fell from his distance, until with a small *splosh* it disappeared from his sight, into the depths of the ocean. Ren smiled. Captain Gotobed was no more. January 17, 2011 That drop into the ocean should’ve been the end of the laptop, but fate would have other plans as it turns out. On January 17th mysterious activity was being reported in the Pacific Ocean. Fish were disappearing, ships were sinking, and a mysterious rainbow hue was being sighted. Something was going on, but nobody was sure what. When the Federal Bureau of Investigation decided to get involved, they sent an army of their men to the hue’s most recent sighting. They disappeared off the radar 500 meters from the hue’s spot – which meant that it was getting closer. Meanwhile, on land, people remained blissfully unaware of this incoming threat. Unknown date, 2015 More reported sightings of a rainbow hue are coming in, stronger and brighter. The FBI, CIA and other companies are working to keep this news out of the public eye as much as possible. Meanwhile, in Hamilton, Ontario, Ren is sensing something. Something dangerous, but he’s not sure what. Around the late quarter of 2015? Not sure A mysterious subreddit called r/lapfoxshitpost is created, in reaction to shitposting on the main Lapfox subreddit. It becomes mildly popular. December 2015 A mysterious figure lands in Canada. The aftermath of a terrible accident, he seems somewhat battered, and bruised, but ready for a fight, He sports a rainbow jacket, with a white cap. Several years ago, his creator left his concept, his music, his dream of becoming famous for shit songs for dead, in the bottom of the ocean. Starting off as nothing more than a few files on an old and battered computer, exposure to toxic materials in the ocean damaged and evolved him – into a fully functioning, breathing, LIVING human. Since then, he has trudged across the bottom of the ocean, destroying all in his path, with just one goal – to take revenge on his creator. He is Captain Gotobed. And he will stop at nothing to take down and kill the one who made him – Renard Queenston… 11 February 2016 While on holiday in Canada, Maverick Williams, reddit user and general shithead spots a mysterious rainbow hue. His attraction to curiosity causes him to investigate. After finding Captain Gotobed sneaking through the alleyways, on his way to Hamilton, Ontario, Maverick single-handedly tries to stop him, but ultimately fails, and is defeated by Gotobed, his skills of shitposting too superior and skilled for mankind. Maverick is left for dead in a nearby dumpster, but somehow clings on to life. Resting in the dumpster, Maverick forms a theory – with Gotobed being the master of shitposts, only one thing could stop him. An overload of shitposts, all at once, could fill Gotobed with so much power, too much power, rip roar power, that eventually he would collapse from power overload. But he couldn’t do this alone. Desperate, Maverick sent out a call for help on the r/lapfoxshitpost subreddit, in the form of the R/LAPFOXSHITPOST ALBUM. Over 90 submissions were received for the battle plan. 18 March 2016 Just about catching up to Gotobed, Maverick is able to harness the power of the lapfox shitposting community and overload Gotobed with the worst they had to offer. Gotobed takes in so much power that he becomes frozen in place, and with his work done, Maverick shatters him, causing Gotobed to fall into a million pieces. Gotobed is no more… …or is he? 26 November 2016 “*BZZBZT* THIS IS SHI**OST CONTRO*, CALL IN S*ITP**T CONT***bsssst* G*T*BE* HAS REFO*MED, I R*PEAT GO***E* H** *E*****, **** *N BACKU*” COMMUNICATION LOST RLFSPA2 PLAN TO BE ENGAGED