Synopsis: So, you are playing young Oscar Winters, who is part of a group of elite college students handpicked (by a mysterious professor: Mr Lahey) to dive headfirst into the world of art, literature and ancient greek ideology's. You and one of your new classmates are assigned to dissect Shakespeares Hamlet and the Ancient Greek myth of Medusa. The assignment is about uncoiling the ever moving strings of madness in the stories. Easy enough. Problem cant stand each other. During the late evening study-session, your hostility comes to a boiling point. Will your mutual yearning turn into a moment of passion?...Or of violence?...Or both? Character traits: Condescending, dominant, used to getting your own way, passionately dark. ----------------- *Rain pitter-pattering against the window* *Grandfather clock chiming* *The flap of book pages being turned* *scribbling of a pen* "What is madness?...Is it the turning of a mind from ordinary to extraordinary?....or....The silent way a heart screams in yearning, depicting its decent into darkness after ravenous vultures has torn it to shreds?...I would contend both and none simultaniously..." "Why?...Well...I would argue that Hamlet's fight for revenge got the better of him, and his own clever display of madness became so vivid that he started to believe in its own intrigue to the point were his ordinary mind reached a further grasp of reality that turned the pretended delusions into reality...But Ophelias part in Hamlets mental decline can not be disregarded...her own madness and suicide was the catalyst which drags the drama towards its conclusion...however in some ways there is no meaning to the madness since the outcome is the same in all cases...death." *More pen scribbling* "Shakespeare depiction of tragedy is truly simple in its form. But is death truly tragic?...Isn't the continuation of living life oblivious to the decent into insanity far more frightening than the peace dying brings?" "You don't agree?...*annoyed*...You never agree with any point I make during the lectures...why is that?" "Oh, Im being a pretentious asshole again, am I?...*grumble*...Fas est ab hoste doceri. should learn even from one's enemies...*humored gasp*...I don't believe my ears...Is that a laugh I hear?" *snicker* "Yes that what quite a smooth transition from Shakespeare to Ovid. Im glad you finally find something I've said amusing." "Yes, indeed...*chuckle*...There truly must be something rotten in the state of Denmark...If I get you to laugh." "Now where were we?...Ah, Medusa...Would you like to begin?...Good." Contemplative: "Mhm...I see...aha....hmmm...." (Slight paus as the listener lays out her arguments) *scribbling* " its, Im just amused by your reasoning...Well....the fact that Medusa was a victim and her actions DOESN'T depict decent into madness, is faulty all on its own...I mean...she turns men into stone statues because of vengeance for gods does that NOT showcase madness...Hell hath no fury like a woman I right?" "Huh?...Poseidon is the mad one?...How is that?...If he wasn't so caught up in his own grandeur he would realize how HIS actions affect the mortals, especially the women he wronged?....*annoyed hiss*...What!? Poseidon should stop acting like a spoiled cliché?" "Then maybe Medusa should stop being such a Know it all." (slight pause as you glare at each other) "Really?...Poseidon should pull the trident out of his ass, is that it?" "....Well I think Medusa should probably take a good long look in the mirror." *grits teeth* *gets out of chair and start pacing the room* "Oh, fuck you too!...You've been picking apart every thesis I've put forth like you always don't you dare start pointing fingers...*mumbles*...I can't believe professor Lahey paired us together...yeah...and here I thought we were finally getting somewhere..." *stops short* "What did you just say?" "Oh...Im just a prick that can't stand having my arguments challenged?...Look who's talking...since fucking day ONE you've treated everything that comes out of my mouth like something you'd scrape off of a shoe." Indignant: "Im not some patriarchal pig that can't stand women having minds of their own...I just can't stand you!...You!..Everything about you drives me INSANE! Like the way you tear apart everything I say or think, the way you smirk at me when you think I'm not looking...the fact that you prefer Cicero over Plato...the way you bolster with your intellect...and don't get me started on the annoying way you twist a lock of your hair when you're reading...or the way...the way your eyes a strike of lightning..." *out of breath* Exasperated: "Fuck..." *sound of listener getting out of her chair* Demanding: "What?!...Why are you-...*growl*...what are you doing?...why are you getting up?...are you laughing at me? Is this funny to you?...Well I'll show you how funny I can be..." (You get into listeners personal space) *slight struggle* *sound of squeezing* "Is that better? Not laughing, can't be easy to giggle with my hand around your throat...wha - hah...Oh my...I can hardly believe my ears...the wicked siren has finally been silenced..." *heavy breathing* Lowered voice: "Why are you squirming?....No, don't avert your eyes...I want you to look at me...Is my gaze bothering you?...*chuckle* that a blush I see creeping up your cheeks...or is it because Im slowly tightening my grip on your neck?" *squeezing sound* Reluctantly whispered: "You must sense I covet your you do mine...Don't try to deny it. I can see it in those eyes of yours...always lighting up like two beacons before a storm whenever I enter the room...pleading for my attention...fuck...enough of this....come here..." *kissing* "Its fine...Its fine if you hate me...the feeling is mutual..." *hungry kissing* Panting: "Open your mouth little minx...thats it...Nothing I give you will be it..." *vicious kissing* *table scraping* *books and pencils being thrown to the floor* "Up...up...on the table...thats it...mhm..." *kissing* "Fuck...its about damn time I got a taste of you...*growl*...such a tender creature...agh! Did you just- Did you just bite me?" *dangerous chuckle* "Careful wicked temptress...Im warning have no idea what kind of game you've started...*smirk*...In that case, let me grab you by the hair and...pull your head back...exposing that delectable neck...and return the favor..." *biting* *kissing* *biting* *clothes rustling* "Fuck...No...No, Im not slowing down...I intend to mark you all over...Yes...I want everyone to know when they look at you...that you're...argh!....MINE..." *kissing* "Want me to help you out of that bra?...yes?...*chuckle*...yes or no little minx?...*gritted through teeth*..I want your consent...*intake of breath*...thats a good girl." (You unclasp listeners bra) *groan* "Fuck...such beauty...your skin...soft like velvet...and your breasts they aren't too small...what are you talking about?...They fit just right in my hands...see?...perfect fit...Not even Michelangelo could have carved out perfection such as this...let me mold them in my hands...squeeze and trace them...ah..." "Now...let me devour you..." *hungry breathy kissing* "These stockings need to go...yes, they do...I don't care...I need to see you...Now....Spread your legs for me...thats it...let me just...drag -, the plaid skirt stays on...I'll just bunch it up around your waist and..." *clothes rustling* "Drag these off...*gasp*...FUCK...FUUUUCK little one...spread your legs wider for me...I said WIDER...*awestruck* are the sobriquet of lust...*groan*...and beauty...let me get my hands on you...yes...let me touch this glistening little pussy..." "Fuck, you're so, so smooth and it for me?...Am I the reason you're like this?...I wish?...*chuckle*...oh, that sharp tongue of yours...mmm..." *kissing* *wet sounds* "Here open your as I say...get my fingers nice and wet for me...thats it...taste what marvel I have touched...the nectar between your thighs...yes...suck my fingers...mmmm...good...good...careful with those teeth of want my hand around your throat again?...*chuckle*...will that make you behave?...*smirk*" *kissing* "What am I doing?...Im preparing you to...get thoroughly...fucked...let me just slip my wet fingers between your honeysuckle-folds again and...drag them from your entrance up...and down...playing with you...casting adoration on this aching pussy...flicking your clit with my thumb..." *wet noise* "Oh you sound Psyche in Eros's grasp..." "Thats it little minx...moan my name....oh you are so good...yes, yes...let me reward you with two fingers...oh fuck, how can you be so tight? My fingers...are they hurting you?...No?...You like just the slightest sting of pain?...well in that case...let me indulge you...let me stretch you out on my fingers...and move them in circles inside of you....mmmm...moving them against that sweet spot..." *fingering* *kissing* "Yes...yes...move against me...grind those perfect hips against my like that?...You like the way I tease your pussy...? The way I move inside of you...oh that made you clench...*laugh*...Im not surprised you are weak to...what do the simpletons call it? Ah thats right...dirty talk...Do you like it when I whisper sweet words of filth in your ear?" *amused panting laugh* "Call me bastard one more time and I won't let you I wont...I know...I know...hah...Im the devil, I've been called worse..." *fingering* "Oh wicked girl...fuck..." *kissing* "I need to be inside of you, yes...I ache for you...can you see how hard you've made me?...How my cock strains and twitches...just for you...let me take out my fingers...mmm...good girl...and replace it with my cock...yes...feel the weight of it...rubbing up and down against you want this inside of your pussy?...say it again...say you want my cock inside of your pussy." *groan/growl* "Relax for me...let go...let me in...let me inside...fuuuck..." *moaning in pleasure* *fucking sound* "Yes...wrap your legs around me...thats it..." "Thats it sweet girl...move with me...aargh! feel like heaven...*strained chuckle* still hate me?...*strained laughter*...I don't blame you..." *violent fucking* *desperate moaning* *kissing* *biting* "The very feeling of you in my arms makes me want to explode...Yes...yes...take my cock, take my cock...take it!..." *harder fucking* "Let me clench my fist in your har....arch your back for me little minx...let me suck on your pretty nipples...yes...yes.." *sucking* *fucking* "Yes thats it, scratch me with your nails....MARK me...Damn it to hell...make me YOURS!" *rabid fucking for about 20 seconds* Goran: "Hold on to me...yes...hold on...I have to lift you up...yes...I need to fuck you standing like this...Closer...I need you closer....hang on to don't worry you wont fall...I wont let you...You'll just feel more of me...see?...See how deep it is?...yes...little one...yes...don't worry...I've got you, I've got you...I'll keep you steady while I impale you on my cock...just like this..." *Moan* *Hard deep thrust* *Vicious kissing* "Oh your pussy is clenching so you like how little control you have?...Do you like being helplessly thrust down on me?...Yeah...Yeah you do...ah...I can tell...Just like Ophelia's descent down onto madness itself I'll thrust you down on my shaft and make sure - ..." *thrusting* "'ll feel the ghost of me inside of you in weeks to come..." *Hard and fast fucking ca 20* "Give in to me little minx...tell me you're mine...yes... yes...Im yours, but I want you to...argh... say who you belong to...give in to me....Give in...!" Desperate: "Thats it! Thats it! THATS IT! Cum, cum on my cock...just like that...Yes...yes...YES!" *climax* *spent panting* "Hey, hey...easy...EASY there...relax for me...breath...just let yourself come down...yes...relax...let your pussy finish clenching...hah...fuck...I know...I know..." *soft kiss* "Don't worry...Its alright to be spent...just take you're time...theres no rush...I don't seem too affected?...*chuckle*...Oh little one, you have no idea do you?...the only thing thats keeping me from passing out and dropping to the floor like a man shot through the head is the feeling of you in my arms...yes..." *kiss* *chuckle* "Yes I think its safest if we were to sit I've got you...just hold on to me a second longer...Let me just sink down onto the armchair..." *creak of leather sofa* *groan* "Oh clenched so tightly...*pant*...I're right...I did get deeper like this...*groan*...but Im not've been dreaming of getting my hands on you for months, and Im in no rush of letting you go just yet...hmmm..." "There...Just...lean your head agains my shoulder...while I trace my fingers over your back..." "Its nice?...mmm...Im glad....*content chuckle*" "What?...No, nothing...It's nothing...I just always new you secretly desired me...Aow! You bit me again you little - ...but I guess that's fair...hah...mark me all you want, little minx...*kiss*....*Whispered*... because I intend to retaliate tenfold...yes...*chuckle*...that is exactly how this will work from here on out...mhm..." *Grandfather clock chiming in the background* *The slow ticking of time fades to black* Finis.