Meet Amalie Amboise, heiress to her fathers champagne-empire in France, resident art connoisseur, Oscar Winters childhood friend and the second student in Professor Layhes group of pupils. Known for her impeccable taste, friendly nature and love for all things white-silk. At the start of the winter break she's asked you to stand model for one of her paintings...nude. Exited and a little nervous you agree to her request. Well at her dorm you soon find yourself drawn to her. Like a moth to a burning flame she entices a curiosity that you didn't know existed. Will she turn out to be as sweet as she seems?.... or will she be more than you can handle? Character traits: Bubbly, fun-loving, eccentric and a bit of a gossip...has a weakness for pretty girls and is a switch. ------------------- *calming lightly sensual music coming from a gramophone* *scraping of pencil sharpener* *hesitant knocking* "Oh come in! Come in, Ma chérie!" (You get up from a chair to greet the listener at the door) *kiss the listener on both cheeks* "Ca va?" "Im so happy you're here....for a moment there I'd thought you'd changed your mind!...Don't just stand there silly....Come on in, it must bee freezing outside...*giggle* to bad?...I see...well if the winter cold hasn't deterred you utterly, you wont have any reservations about stripping down for me will you?...*laugh* some chamomile tea....freshly brewed just for you..." *tea cup clinking* *smile* "Its nice isn't it?...I's from my auntie Louise's chateau back home...I picked it and dried it myself...*giggle*...yes...botany and herbs are a immense passion of mine...amongst other things..." "Which brings me to why Im so thankful for your help on such short notice...No big deal?...Oh chérie...don't try to play modest with me, I know Professor Lahey's assignments keeps all of us busy...never mind over the Christmas have to excuse my frankness BUT....that sly silver fox sure likes to keep his students tied up in more ways than one...huh?...what was that?" *gasp* "You don't know?!...*delighted laughter*...oh well...I always forget you're new to our group of soul-searching fanatics...It almost seems as if I've known you for lifetimes...*hum*...oh right...*lowers voice conspiratorially*.... you did not hear this from me buuuut.... there is a rumor that I may or may not have heard from a reliable source...well the story goes that our Homer-loving-poetic-and-oh-so-mysterious-teacher has a taste for tying up handsome young men...Yes! Very scandalous if I must say so myself...*giggle*...I heard he is quite skilled in the art of rope-play..." *delighted laughter* "Oh look at that blush!... I didn't know you'd fluster so don't be bashful, ma chérie...its beneath a beauty such as yourself....besides...I do prefer my models to have some color to their cheeks when I paint them... *smile*...yes...oh, are you done with your tea?.." "Excellent! let me take that...*clinking of teacup*...there we you just throw that wool coat wherever you like and start undressing while I get set up..." *clothes rustling* *You set your easel up* "Huh?...whats wrong?... don't tell me you've changed your mind?...No?...then what is it?...oh....You have...marks?....oh....OH...Oh you mean - *giggle*...oh chérie I know all about you and Oscar...he's my best friend after all..." "There you go blushing again! Oh you're so adorable...I could just eat you you know I and *title said sarcastically* young lord Winters go WAY back...I knew from the way Oscar was looking at you ....grinding his molars like a man possessed during our lectures, that it was only a matter of time...yes, believe it or not he is quite the softie when it comes to the people he holds in high regard...and now that includes you...yes.... you're right, after you get past that domineering exterior he is very much the enticing lover...or so I've heard...." *giggle* "WHAT?! Me and Oscar?!...*laugh out loud* must excuse me while I go over to the window and throw up...*laughs hysterically*....." *recollect yourself* "No...I apologize....ah...thank you, I am very flattered of your opinion of me....but Im - as you say - batting for the other team...yes....the very thought of a dick makes me shiver...*amused* I MUCH prefer the fairer sex...just like Sappho....yes...(get all dreamily distracted)...*sigh*" *shakes head* "So don't be flustered about your hickeys from your rendezvous with mr cranky....I know he can be a handful...Im just glad he's finally met someone that can challenge him...yes...he told me so himself...females tend to let him bulldozer right over them....YOU on the other it intuition...but something tells me that you are not so easily put into submission...hmmm....someone like you needs a firmer hand, but at the same look like someone that puts up a fight...*hums*...maybe thats why..." "Oscar always was enamored with all things feral...untamed...." "Anyways...we're getting off topic....if you are still unsure about posing nude we could - " *clothes rustling* Delighted: "Good girl...*amused*...oh dear....he really did a number on you huh?....I've always known Oscar was rough but I would never think he'd be're covered with bite marks and ...are those fingerprints around your throat?...*chuckle* don't worry, the marks will work actually....there is something enticing about seeing such smooth skin covered in love-bruises....erotic even." " I just want you to lay on the divan...yes on your side, supported by your elbow and...hold on...may I?...Merci....Let me just drape this sheer fabric here...*fabric rustling*...and here...letting it fall down your hips...accentuate your curves....and....there....*slightly stunned*....breathtaking.... " "Now I want you to keep your gaze locked on me...I'll be doing some basic sketches at first from different angles and I don't want anything else to change except for your eyes...If you can I would like you to play around with different expressions and emotions but your body position stays the same...alright?...perfect...." "Now how about we start of with sombre?...There you go, ché're a natural..." *starting to sketch* " how do you like the group so far? I mean....*giggle*...I know what you think about Oscar now that I've seen the state of you...but...what about the others?....what are your impressions of them?...." *sketching* "Uhu....hmmm....yes....Fitz is a delight....The first time I met him I thought he was on drugs...*laugh*...right?...I can only achieve that same energy level when I've ingested five cups of coffee....oh and Michael is a sweetheart....much like you in that regard, but without that sharp silver tongue...*snicker*...don't worry...I like that about you....Im just glad to finally not be the only girl in the group.....its exhausting trying not to suffocate under all the testosterone...." "Then....What about Constantin?....You still cant make up your mind?...*slight pause* want my advice chérie?....Stay away from him....he's not...right..." "No he hasn't done anything to me per say...its just...I wouldn't like to be caught alone with it a hunch....*chuckle*....You want me to elaborate?....Well aren't you a curious one....alright...well, Professor Lahey invited him to our lectures only a year I don't know all that much about him other than that he's a brilliant prodigy sculptor that can't seem to go anywhere without an umbrella....Oh!.... and he always carries a copy of 120 days of sodom by Marquis de Sade in his if that isn't enough to make you be weary of him I don't know what will...." "You know....We a used to have this canary bird in a cage just by the south window in the lecture hall....that was before you of course....and last spring, Michael found it with its head stuck between the bars of the cage...suffocated someone had coaxed it near and then grabbed it and...pulled...Michael started weeping and we all tried to comfort him except Constantin...I saw him you know...he didn't say anything....just like always, he sat quietly in the corner at the back of the lecture hall....but.....he just had this....this empty look of satisfaction in his eyes...brr...makes me break out in a cold sweat every time I think about it...." "Merde! Let's talk about something about we change up your expression as about bashful?...Oh its difficult to switch expression on such a short notice?...easy enough, chérie...just think back on the way Oscar was fucking you...the way his long hard cock slid all the way inside of your aching pussy and - Ah!...There you go!...Perfect..." *fast sketching* "Perfect, truly stunning....could you-...could you spread your thighs apart a little?...Yes just so that the sheer fabric slips against your mound....thats" *faster sketching* "Let your lips fall slightly apart...just like that...bien my petit obedient...." *sketches in silent concentration* "Huh?...désolé...I don't mean to neglect you...its just...when Im drawing I get so caught up in the moment...*giggle*...what was that? My gaze is intense?...well it must be...If I am to capture the true beauty of a subject I must study my muse vigorously...every inch of your being....I desire to capture it all..." "Tell me Mon trésor....what is your favorite piece of literature?....either or....Too many to choose from? doesn't have to be Ancient Greek...I know...what about the book that made you fall in love with reading?" "Alice in wonderland?....that is a good one...huh?...what about me?...hmmm....I must confess I have a hard time keeping myself away from a good Jane Austen novel...or Brontë...depends on what mood I'm in...but the very first book I fell in love with was probably....Anne of Green was also around the same time I discovered my sexual preference....yes....while all of my friends were gushing over Gilbert Blythe I found my heart fluttering at the thought of twisting Anne Shirleys red braids around my fingers..." *laugh* "Yes...that is a good first crush...hmm...*thoughtful*...hey chérie.... do you want to now a secret?....*smile*" *shuffle closer* Lowers voice: "Back in the day....Oscar and I used to share our lovers....Oh that gasp...did that startle you, Mon trésor?...*giggle*...I bet it did...tell me....have you ever been with a woman?...No?...Have you ever wondered what it would feel like?..." *satisfied purr* "You have...*breathy*...I wonder....." (Drop pen and move over to the divan) "I must apologize, pretty have been so good and laid so still for me all this time is me that has run out of patience...what am I talking about?....*growl*.... "J'ai vraiment envie de toi" (I want you so bad) *Hungry kiss* "I cant keep my hands off of you any longer....its torture to have you bare in front of me...." *desperate kissing* "Don't fight it...just let it happen...." "Thats it...good chérie!...part your honeyed lips for me and let me lavish you with my tongue...." *French kissing* "Thats right...just let it happen....let your body be filled with desire..." *panting* "Oh chérie! You taste like the sweetest sin...God how I've longed to touch when I have explored you with my eyes...allow me to explore your body...*pant*... with my mouth..." "Huh?...what about Oscar?...Don't worry ché our group we take care to distribute pleasure equally and freely...whatever your hearts desires....there is no shame in being shared....*giggle*...and by the way you just closed your thighs together I take it that the taught intrigues you...*soft chuckle*...let me show you how good it can be lavished with a woman's touch...." *kissing* *panting* "Lay back for me, sweetness....I won't hurt you...*groan* look like an invitation to sin...*kiss*....all of those bite marks around your breasts and collarbone....mmm...and this sheer fabric rubbing against your hardening nipples...I have to...I have to..." *hungry kissing* " does that feel? kissing my way down your body?...good?....good...then let me trace my hands down your shapes with gentle lips traveling down your shivering stomach...mmm...down to your navel....spread your legs for me sweetheart I promise I will make it so good for you....*kiss* good you'll see stars..." "Thats my good girl....*groan*...fuck...look at you...glistening with wetness...have you been thinking dirty things while I was drawing you?...No?...Then what is this?...this slippery shine to your gorgeous pussy...Its because of me?...You got wet holding my stare for so long?....Oh Ma ché make me so happy...let me show you how grateful I am..." *kiss* "Let me kiss my way...down from your left knee to your inner thigh...*kiss*...and just hover over your pussy with my mouth...blowing warm air over it....*blow*...*giggle*.... Look at that, your poor little clit.... is so swollen...ah.....your pussy is just dying for my attention....*deep breath*....and the smell of you...*moan* sweet it makes my mouth water...." "Do you want me to eat your pussy, Mon trésor?...ask me nicely...say: please Amalie lick my aching pussy...*slight pause*....*satisfied purr*...good girl....aaah..." *cunnilingus* "Fuck...ché taste better than I'd imagined...mmmm...." *wet sound* "You like it when I suck on your clit?" *sucking* "Mmmm...your thighs are shaking....what if I do it like this....*hard sucking*....oh that made you jerk so violently!...It almost makes me want to hurt you a little ....just to hear you cry like that agin...but another just want you to cum on my tongue...." *sucking wet sounds* Whisper: "No cumming YET, bad girl.....Shh.... we've barley started...." *hungry cunnilingus* "Let me play with one finger against your entrance....oh its...clenching like its screaming for me to push it want a finger inside you, chérie?...Yes?..,.I don't think I heard you..." *chuckle* "You need it?...well if you need it that badly...*wet sounds*...oh fuck, you're so tight and wet...ah...let me finger you while I suck on your clit..." *Fingering and cunnilingus* "Oh, beloved...You sound like to my ears....let me reword you with a second you think you can take it for me?...*chuckle*...good let me curl it up inside you and rub and -...*delighted giggle*...Oh that was beautiful the way your eyes bulged and your back arched of the divan...I think I'll paint you like this...a goddess of sex arching in a bow of pleasure as her humble servant satisfies her....very Botticelli if you ask me...*giggle*...." *cunnilingus and fingering* "Yes...yes...thats it...tangle your fingers in my hair....keep yourself grounded as I take your body apart with my mouth..." *faster fingering* "Mmnnn....Good girl....such an eager little thing....breathless...barley coherent....oh and your gorgeous pussy is just clamping down on my fingers....mmm...let me take them out a second....because....I want to fuck you with my tongue...I need to taste you directly...." *wet tongue flicking* "Do you feel that? wet tongue pushing its way inside? taste so good...let me pinch your clit while I lap you up....mhm!...*delightful squeal*" *growly cunnilingus* *coming up for air* "You know....I could play with you all day, chérie....mhm....Keeping you from cumming.... getting you close to the edge and then ....stopping....just to start all over again....No?...Oh goodness, chérie...You need to cum?...You need to cum that badly?....*chuckle*....You need to cum that badly for ME?....*groan*..." "I like you this desperate...well since you've been so good and honest with yourself...I'll give you a reward..." *cunnilingus* "Yes...yes...chérie....let it go....just let it happen....yes...yes....YES!....cum for me...thats a good girl...ride my tongue while I rub your clit....mhm.....mmmhmm!!" *Fast rubbing and intense sucking/licking* *moan as listener climaxes* "There you go...oh that was beautiful...*slow languid licks* came so hard....there are tears in your eyes....*soft chuckle* delicious did so good...come here let me crawl back up..." *shuffling* "Come here...let me kiss you....taste yourself on me...see how sweet you are?....mmm..." *licks lips* "Thank you for trusting me with your body...*chuckle*.... you are welcome...the pleasure was all mine...." *gramophone music starts to fade in the background* "Hey...chérie? Are you going home over winter break at all?, Im staying at the dorms as well and...I wouldn't mind your company...that is...if you You want to?!....*giggle*..." *shower listener with fast happy kisses* "Oh we are going to have so much fun, you and I...we'll go shopping and dining...I know a cozy little restaurant that serves the most delicious foie gras...and we can drink ourselves silly on my stash of champagne...*hum content*....oh yes, and when we're done running havoc around campus we can come back here and do so many other dirty things..." *giggle* *fade to black*