So I’m in the shower at my partner’s house and her parents are over. I’m just finishing up. You know how some people draw a smiley face in the steamy glass in the shower? Well I thought just this once it would be funny to imprint my dick on the glass so hey ho here we go and I press it right up and get the balls in there too! Success! Why not do it again? Haha, Awesome!! Fuck it once more! Alright that’s enough, I dry off the dick-prints and get out of the shower. The fam is down the hall getting ready for dinner so I get dressed and head on in. Fast forward to after dinner and MIL (Mother in Law) excuses herself to the bathroom. No big deal. We’re serving dessert when she comes back in and takes a seat. Her conversational self becomes quiet and reserved, almost embarrassed when i talk to her. Hmm, strange behaviour, wonder if it’s the bowel movements? Was it something I said? Maybe the bathroom is dirty? After dessert I head on in the bathroom to do the deed and as I’m sitting there it dawns on me. The toilet directly faces the shower glass. And at head height, right there - you guessed it - three perfect imprints of cock n balls... I had wiped it but somehow the gods of steam and condensation decided to shit on me lmao. TLDR: pressed my dick against the shower glass on purpose and my mother in law saw it. Fml