Call of Duty: Infity Wars starring master chef from Fortnite is NOT simply a shooter game, it is easily the most complex and imaginitve game EVER, it's graphics are easily the best and the characters are incredible, and for all those people who complain about the "lack of story" they simply aren't SMART enough to understand the deep ramifications and emotion of warthog's death in the second to last forth quarter, this game isn't just a game, it's a work of art far above any piccaso or van Gough ass shit, and the engineering required for it are far beyond all spacecraft, supercomputers, and robotics COMBINED, with hardware limitations so low you could run it on a calculator if you actually TRIED, if ANYONE doesn't like this game I will personally deul them to the death and hold the head on a spike when I emerge VICTORIOUS using the real problem solving skills and battle tactics CDIWsMCfF taught me, I could easily beat any WWE wrestler, Olympic gold medalist, or marshal artist with the samurai sword and gun skills imparted into me with this blessed game, simply not playing it because "i don't like shooter games" is the most backwards and immature thing you could say, that's like saying you don't want infinite Bitcoin because "I disagree with the ecological ramifications of Bitcoin and regardless having infinite of it would in essence invalidate it's worth as that is inversely related to how much if it exists", and is truly the WORST statement of the year.