1 406 My My My! 2 371 Easy 3 370 IN A DREAM 4 342 Bloom 5 245 STUD 6 237 Lucky Strike 7 233 Dance to This 8 226 Strawberries & Cigarettes 9 182 The Good Side 10 181 Take Yourself Home 11 180 Animal 12 149 Plum 12 149 WILD 14 137 YOUTH 15 128 Rager teenager! 16 119 FOOLS 17 117 Easy (Remix) 18 114 HEAVEN 18 114 What a Heavenly Way to Die 20 113 Seventeen 21 104 1999 22 90 TALK ME DOWN 23 83 You 24 75 EASE 24 75 Postcard 24 75 SUBURBIA 27 74 LOST BOY 28 67 for him. 29 55 I'm So Tired.. 30 49 BITE 31 42 Happy Little Pill 32 37 10/10 33 29 BLUE 34 28 Love Me Wrong 35 21 This This 36 18 Fun 37 16 COOL 37 16 DKLA 39 15 could cry just thinkin about you 40 13 There for You 41 12 Swimming Pools 42 10 Revelation 42 10 Running Shoes 42 10 THE QUIET 42 10 WILD (feat. Alessia Cara) 46 6 Good Side 47 5 Touch 47 5 Youth - Gryffin Remix 49 4 I'm So Tired... Stripped - Live in La 50 2 Better Now (Spotify Singles) 51 1 Youth - Son Lux Remix