local set = setsimulationradius or set_simulation_radius game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() set(math.huge) game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.MaximumSimulationRadius = math.huge -- Maximum simulation radius is not a hidden property by the way. end) player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character item = character["LavanderHair"].Handle -- change to your hat name item2 = character["Pal Hair"].Handle -- change to your hat name item3 = character["Pink Hair"].Handle -- change to your hat name item3:BreakJoints() item2:BreakJoints() item:BreakJoints() ------- alignOr = Instance.new("AlignOrientation",character["Head"]) alignPosition = Instance.new("AlignPosition",character["Head"]) a0 = Instance.new("Attachment",item) a1 = Instance.new("Attachment",character["Left Arm"]) -- change to where you want your hat alignPosition.Attachment0 = a0 alignPosition.Attachment1 = a1 alignPosition.Responsiveness = 200 alignPosition.RigidityEnabled = true alignOr.Attachment0 = a0 alignOr.Attachment1 = a1 alignOr.Responsiveness = 200 alignOr.RigidityEnabled = true a0.Position = Vector3.new(0, 1, .5) -- change this a0.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) -- and this to your choice item.Mesh:Destroy() ------- alignOr = Instance.new("AlignOrientation",character["Head"]) alignPosition = Instance.new("AlignPosition",character["Head"]) a02 = Instance.new("Attachment",item2) a12 = Instance.new("Attachment",character["Left Arm"]) -- change to where you want your hat alignPosition.Attachment0 = a02 alignPosition.Attachment1 = a12 alignPosition.Responsiveness = 200 alignPosition.RigidityEnabled = true alignOr.Attachment0 = a02 alignOr.Attachment1 = a12 alignOr.Responsiveness = 200 alignOr.RigidityEnabled = true a02.Position = Vector3.new(0, -1, 1.5) -- change this a02.Orientation = Vector3.new(90, 0, 0) -- and this to your choice item2.Mesh:Destroy() ------- alignOr = Instance.new("AlignOrientation",character["Head"]) alignPosition = Instance.new("AlignPosition",character["Head"]) a03 = Instance.new("Attachment",item3) a13 = Instance.new("Attachment",character["Left Arm"]) -- change to where you want your hat alignPosition.Attachment0 = a03 alignPosition.Attachment1 = a13 alignPosition.Responsiveness = 200 alignPosition.RigidityEnabled = true alignOr.Attachment0 = a03 alignOr.Attachment1 = a13 alignOr.Responsiveness = 200 alignOr.RigidityEnabled = true a03.Position = Vector3.new(0, -1, 2.5) -- change this a03.Orientation = Vector3.new(90, 0, 0) -- and this to your choice item3.Mesh:Destroy() Player = "LocalPlayer" AnimationId = "185824714" local Anim = Instance.new("Animation") Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://"..AnimationId local k = game.Players[Player].Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim) k:Play() --Play the animation k:AdjustSpeed(1) --Set '1' to any value you want to adjust the animation speed.