from typing import Tuple import random import math import os import sys import operator def lower_bound(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): """Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted. The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e < x, and all e in a[i:] have e >= x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(x) will insert just before the leftmost x already there. Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the slice of a to be searched. """ L=len(x) if lo < 0: raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative') if hi is None: hi = len(a) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 if a[mid][:L] < x: lo = mid+1 else: hi = mid return lo def upper_bound(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): """Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted. The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e <= x, and all e in a[i:] have e > x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(x) will insert just after the rightmost x already there. Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(a)) bound the slice of a to be searched. """ L=len(x) if lo < 0: raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative') if hi is None: hi = len(a) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 if x < a[mid][:L]: hi = mid else: lo = mid+1 return lo class Tree(object): """ Our tree implementation. """ def __init__(self, scanWindowSz): self.scanWindowSz = scanWindowSz self.lenRecords = 0 # number of records self.records = [] # all hypo records made from entailData for fast search of scanWindow or verification self.candidates = [] def build(self, text:list): print("Building Tree...") def make_record(word_list): res = "" for word in word_list: res += word.lower() + " " return res.strip() length = len(text) self.records = [] for i in range(0, length): windowSize= min(self.scanWindowSz, length - i) shouldInsert = True for word in text[i:i+windowSize]: if not(word.isalpha() or (word[:-1].isalpha() and (word[-1]==',' or word[-1]=='.'))): shouldInsert = False break if shouldInsert == True: self.records.append(make_record(text[i:i+windowSize])) self.records.sort() self.lenRecords = len(self.records) # print(self.records) # print("Building Tree done") def find_interval(self, searchStr, lo=0, hi=None): if (hi == None): hi = self.lenRecords fro = lower_bound(self.records, searchStr, lo, hi) to = upper_bound(self.records, searchStr, lo, hi) return fro, to def mergeCandidates(self, candidates, idx): # print("before", self.candidates) self.candidates = [] if (len(candidates) == 0): return def isSameCluster(a, b, verifyLen): a = a.split() b = b.split() if len(a) < verifyLen + 1 or len(b) < verifyLen + 1: return False for i in range (0, verifyLen+1): if a[i] != b[i]: return False return True candidates.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(0, 1)) self.candidates.append(candidates[0]) for candy in candidates: if candy[0] > self.candidates[-1][1]: self.candidates.append(candy) else: if isSameCluster(self.records[self.candidates[-1][0]], self.records[candy[0]], idx): self.candidates[-1] = (self.candidates[-1][0], max(self.candidates[-1][1], candy[1])) else: self.candidates.append(candy) def update_words(self, idx:int, word_list:list): # print(idx, word_list) if idx == 0: candidates = [] for searchStr in word_list: fro, to = self.find_interval(searchStr + " ") if fro < to: candidates.append((fro, to)) else: candidates = [] for (fro, to) in self.candidates: for word in word_list: searchStr = ' '.join(self.records[fro].split()[:idx]) + " " + word + " " froNew, toNew = self.find_interval(searchStr, fro, to) if froNew < toNew: candidates.append((froNew, toNew)) # print(candidates) self.mergeCandidates(candidates, idx) # print(self.candidates) def dist(self, a, b): L = min(len(a), len(b)) nSame = 0 pattern = 0 for i in range(0, L): if a[i] == b[i]: nSame = nSame + 1 pattern = pattern + (1< idx): resultSet.append(' '.join(word_list[:idx+1])) result = [] for hp in resultSet: words = hp.split() if words[-1][-1]==',' or words[-1][-1]=='.': words[-1] = words[-1][:-1] if words[-1] == "": continue result.append(words) return result def is_contain(self, searchStr:str) -> bool: """ check if a tree contain searchStr """ fro, to = self.find_interval(searchStr) if fro < to: return True else: return False def calc_frequency(self, searchStr:str) -> int: """ calculate the number of occurances of search str in entailData """ fro, to = self.find_interval(searchStr) if fro < to: return to-fro else: return 0 def calc_most_frequent_next_word(self, searchStr:str): """ calcuate the most frequent next word of a SearchStr ex. "down the " -> "path, 15" """ L = len(searchStr.strip().split()) fro, to = self.find_interval(searchStr) cur_word = "" cur_cnt = 0 max_cnt = 0 max_word = "" for sequence in self.records[fro:to]: word_list = sequence.split() if (len(word_list) <= L): continue word = word_list[L] if word == cur_word: cur_cnt += 1 else: if cur_cnt > max_cnt: max_cnt = cur_cnt max_word = cur_word cur_word = word cur_cnt = 1 if cur_cnt > max_cnt: max_cnt = cur_cnt max_word = cur_word return (max_word, max_cnt) if __name__ == "__main__": # tree = Tree(3) #'hello wor*ld how are you how are How do yo-u do ') # print(tree.is_contain("hello wOr*ld how ")) # True # print(tree.is_contain("how do yo-u do ")) # True # print(tree.is_contain("wor*LD how a")) # True # print(tree.find_nextword("how do yo-u ")) # do # print(tree.find_nextword("how do your ")) # None # print(tree.find_nextword("how are ")) # you or how # print(tree.find_nextword("how are ")) # you or how import smart_open import pickle entailData = sys.argv[1] # entailData to make tree tree = Tree(4, 3, "SplitedWindows") words = [] with smart_open.smart_open(entailData, 'r') as entail: for line in entail: words.extend(line.strip().split()) print(tree.records) print("Saving Tree to \"Tree\"") with open("Tree", 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(tree, outfile) print("Saving Tree done") tree.update_words(0, ["today", "Are", "Earth", "hit", "a"]) tree.update_words(1, ["meteor,", "Earth,"]) print(tree.get_words(2)) print(tree.is_contain("meteor, ")) print(tree.is_contain("a ")) print(tree.is_contain("a, ")) print(tree.calc_frequency("meteor, ")) print(tree.calc_frequency("a ")) print(tree.calc_frequency("a, ")) print("yes yes yes yes", tree.calc_frequency("yes yes yes yes"))