program mORMotBatchInsert; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses {$I} // includes FastMM4 SysUtils, SynCommons, mORMot, mORMotSQLite3, SynSQLite3, SynSQLite3Static; type TSQLIndy = class(TSQLRecord) private fdied: boolean; fhasdata: boolean; feventlinesneedprocessing: boolean; ftodo: integer; ffams: integer; flinkinfo: integer; ffirstancestralloop: integer; ffamc: integer; fnextreportindi: integer; fdeathdate: string; fchanged: string; fbirthdate: string; feventlines: string; fgedcomnames: string; fsex: string; findikey: string; published property indikey: string read findikey write findikey; property hasdata: boolean read fhasdata write fhasdata; property gedcomnames: string read fgedcomnames write fgedcomnames; property sex: string read fsex write fsex; property birthdate: string read fbirthdate write fbirthdate; property died: boolean read fdied write fdied; property deathdate: string read fdeathdate write fdeathdate; property changed: string read fchanged write fchanged; property eventlinesneedprocessing: boolean read feventlinesneedprocessing write feventlinesneedprocessing; property eventlines: string read feventlines write feventlines; property famc: integer read ffamc write ffamc; property fams: integer read ffams write ffams; property linkinfo: integer read flinkinfo write flinkinfo; property todo: integer read ftodo write ftodo; property nextreportindi: integer read fnextreportindi write fnextreportindi; property firstancestralloop: integer read ffirstancestralloop write ffirstancestralloop; end; const COUNT = 1000000; { Prepared 1000000 rows in 874.54ms Inserted 1000000 rows in 5.79s } procedure Test; var db: TSQLRestServerDB; batch: TSQLRestBatch; i: Integer; indy: TSQLIndy; timer: TPrecisionTimer; begin DeleteFile('test.db3'); db := TSQLRestServerDB.CreateWithOwnModel([TSQLIndy],'test.db3'); try db.DB.LockingMode := lmExclusive; db.DB.Synchronous := smOff; db.CreateMissingTables; timer.Start; batch := TSQLRestBatch.Create(db,TSQLIndy,10000); try indy := TSQLIndy.Create; try for i := 1 to COUNT do begin indy.indikey := IntToString(i); indy.hasdata := i and 1=0; := 'Male'; indy.famc := i; indy.fams := i*10; indy.todo := i+100; batch.Add(indy,true); end; finally indy.Free; end; writeln('Prepared ',COUNT,' rows in ',timer.Stop); timer.Start; db.BatchSend(batch); writeln('Inserted ',COUNT,' rows in ',timer.Stop); finally batch.Free; end; finally db.Free; end; end; begin try Test; readln; except on E: Exception do ConsoleShowFatalException(E); end; end.