Chapter 01: And So It Begins... I sat on the wall after class, nervously fingering the box and swinging my legs. It was the first day of school after spring break and had been one of the most stressful I'd ever endured. I hadn't dared carry the box around with me all day in case I misplaced it or someone thought they might borrow it, and that meant leaving it in my locker. That turned out to be an even worse plan - I was on the edge of my seat throughout every lesson, worrying that someone would break into my locker and take the box. It was irrational anxiety and I knew it: the lockers were all well-protected with combination locks, and it was vastly unlikely that anyone would ever keep anything in there which was particularly valuable. Plus, it was a good school; everyone was pretty honest in general and we'd only had a very few incidents of theft in all the time I'd been there. I was waiting for Karyn, my best friend for longer than I'd care to mention. In fact, I'd been waiting to talk to her for over a week, but she always spent spring break with her parents in their caravan in the mountains and we had no classes together this year, so this was the first chance we'd had to get together for a while. Finally, I spotted her strolling towards me across the yard. She was wearing her usual get-up of scruffy old slacks and her favourite worn old green jumper. Her short red hair was in its normal unruly state and she displayed her quirky grin as she spotted me slouched on the wall. The overall effect, I thought, was pretty cute. I'd always thought she was cute, but we'd never been more than friends. There are some friendships you just don't want to complicate. When she finally reached me, she leapt up onto the wall with somewhat more ease than I'd managed earlier. "Hey, Jon-boy! How's it going? Good break?" I grinned sheepishly. "Was okay. You?" I asked. She shrugged, "You know, same old same old. There's only so many snowy mountain peaks you can gaze at in wonder in a lifetime. I might have to give the old spring break tradition a miss next year and just hang out with you." I grinned. "That'd be nice. Save me from couch-potato-dom." "Anything of interest to report while I was away?" she asked. "My grandfather died", I stated matter-of-factly. Her face fell, "Oh, Jon, I'm so sorry. I know you were close. What happened? He wasn't all that old, was he? I thought he was off on one of his expeditions just a few months ago." I shrugged slightly. "Heart attack, apparently." Karyn frowned. "You don't seem overly upset." I took a deep breath and took the plunge. "That's because I'm not convinced he's actually dead." "I presume we're not talking adolescent denial here", she asked, with a raised eyebrow. "I mean, how can they diagnose a heart attack with no body?" "Oh, there was a body, I'm just not sure it was him." I realised I was probably giving her images of mutilated corpses or worse, but I was genuinely nervous about what I was about to show her. "Erm. Then what makes you think..." she started, obviously somewhat bewildered. "This." I interrupted, holding up the box. It was fairly unimpressive, about one inch by four and an inch deep, made of plain dark wood with a few obscure markings carved into it. "What is it?" she asked, intrigued. I think I was probably playing up the cloak-and-dagger stuff too much, but it was quite mysterious, after all. "It's my inheritance." I opened up the box. Inside was a rather crumpled piece of paper and a rather unusual, if plain-looking, stone. The stone was slightly metallic, rather like hematite, but with a reddish hue to its surface, rounded, flattish and about an inch across. "Read the note", I instructed her. She did so, with much eyebrow-raising in the process. The note was from my grandfather and what it said was this: Dear Jon, If you are reading this, it means I have passed on. Do not mourn my leaving; although we shall no longer be able to spend time together, be happy knowing that where I'm now is just a new start and a different perspective than before and that I shall just look at it as my next great adventure. The stone you find in this box is my legacy to you. Treat it with care, it does not look much, but has immense power. I have entrusted it to you, as my favourite grandson and friend, to be its keeper and guardian now that I'm gone. I found the stone on my latest expedition to South America and I believe it to be of Incan origin. How it works, or where it came from beyond that, I have no idea. All I can tell you is how it works and trust you to use it wisely. Bear with me on this next bit; I know it sounds fantastic, but trust me when I tell you that I'm telling the truth. All I say is real and it will not take much experimentation for you to prove it. While holding the stone against your flesh (I recommend just holding it in your hand as the simplest approach), simply use the words 'I wish' followed by whatever it is you want the stone to do. There is no limit to the number of times you can do this, as far as I can divine, but beware of the words of a wish can be reinterpreted but not changed once the breath is over. The stone has great power, but is not unlimited. Changes made will be as if it has always been so, apart from for those within earshot of the wish or out of the range of influence of the stone. This range I estimate at several miles, but I fear I have not been able to determine an exact figure. I must go now. Use the gift I have given you wisely, and think of me often. Your friend, always, Grandpa. ------------------------------------ Karyn finished reading the note and looked at me accusingly. "Is this a wind up, because it's not funny if it is?" I shook my head. "You can't be serious. If this note is real, your grandfather faked his own death or something similar and has left you a magic Inca stone which grants wishes." I nodded. "Yep." "And you expect me to believe that?" "Yep." "Not a chance." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I mean, I'm as open-minded as the next girl, but this is just plain silly." "See that branch?" I indicated a piece of wood that had fallen off one of the nearby trees. I grasped the stone in my hand. "I wish the bark on that branch was blue." I was used to the sensation by now; it was like momentarily getting something in your eye, forcing you to be unable to look at the object the wish was affecting. Karyn was obviously a little taken aback by the strange sensation. "Hey, weird, it was like..." Then she caught sight of the branch. Which was bright blue. "Holy shit!" "Impressive, huh?" "My god, it really works!?" She was agape. "It does indeed. Wanna see the scary part?" I grasped the stone again and wished for the branch to be red. Nothing happened. "Why didn't it work?" asked Karyn, looking puzzled. "Because it was contradictory to a previous wish. Basically, you can't undo wishes, which is what makes this thing so scary to me." "You aren't kidding, that is scary!" "There is, however, some room for movement: I wish the branch was very dark blue." The sensation was felt by both of us again and when we looked, the branch was indeed a dark, almost black blue, which was a lot more innocuous than the bright blue it had been moments ago. "So, you see I was able to make a new wish which didn't contradict the old one and have it work. The branch is still blue. However, if I was to try and move the branch back to its previous brighter blue, that would fail as it contradicts the latest wish." Karyn was clearly astounded. "This is great. Scary, but great. We can have lots of fun with this." I wasn't so sure. "I dunno, Karyn, it seems very dangerous to me, I'm thinking of just locking it away and throwing away the key." "You can't be serious. You have the most amazing discovery ever, and you want to lock it away. How about this: how about we try it out for a while and if anything disastrous happens or looks like happening, then we'll decide to put it somewhere safe." She was making a reasonable amount of sense. "Okay. We'll use it for a week, but not for anything drastic. We'll have a little fun and nothing more. Agreed?" "Sure thing. Can I have a go?" I knew she'd ask, and I'd never had any intention of saying no, but she did seem a little over-excited about it. In the end, I knew I trusted her and handed over the stone. Karyn fingered the stone, passing it from hand to hand, feeling its smoothness. The first thing she tried was wishing the branch back to light blue, with no success as I had predicted. She was just contemplating changing the colour of her shoes to better match her old slacks when we were interrupted by a high-pitched laugh. Sarah McMillan, head cheerleader and class A bitch, was wandering across the yard, followed by her usual entourage of drooling, over-muscled football players and other assorted testosterone-fueled flunkies. Karyn was unimpressed. "Can you explain to me why men are so shallow? Everyone knows that McMillan is a total bitch and yet because she has blond hair and big tits, every guy in the school spends half his life dribbling down her cleavage." "Not every guy", I noted, although I had to admit that Sarah wasn't bad to look at, even though I'd never associate myself with someone with such an untrustworthy character. "Okay, most guys. There's only one of hers; why can't she just pick one and let the rest of us have a go?" She sighed. I grinned. "Got your eye on anyone in particular?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant. She scowled at me. "No. Just a general feeling. God, I wish I had long blond hair and big boobs and maybe then I'd get some of the attention." I think it dawned on us both at the same time what she had said and we just looked at each other, a look of slight shock on our faces, but it was much too late by then. I found I had to look away from Karyn, as I got something in my eye, or so it seemed. I knew pretty much what to expect when I looked back, but it was still weird. To be honest, the breasts weren't really noticeable. Karyn always wore her favourite baggy green sweater and I was really pretty much in the dark as to her bust size before the wish, but presumably they hadn't counted as 'big', at least in her mind. The hair, however, was a different story. It was not only light blond and lying gently across her shoulders, but more shockingly, perfectly straight. It was not, in my opinion, a look that suited her, but then I didn't suppose for a moment she'd been serious with her hastily spoken wish. Karyn looked down, pulled at her bra and lifted a lock of yellow hair to take a look at it. "Fuck." "Indeed. This is why I wanted to lock this thing away. This sort of thing was bound to happen." I sighed. She shrugged and then looked disconcerted at the new things obviously going on in her bra. "Could have been worse. I could have wished..." She realised she was still holding the stone. "Never mind. Here, take this thing back before I mess up some more." I took the stone and put it back in the box, out of harm's way. "We could make some more wishes to try damage limitation. You were pretty vague." I noted. "No. At least not yet. Let me go home and sleep on it - on my back - and decide what's best. I don't think now is the time to be rash." With that, she was up off the wall and walking away. "Meet me here again tomorrow", she called back before she disappeared around the corner. I looked down at the box and shoved it in my pocket. I decided that tomorrow I was going to leave it at home, well-hidden from Mom. I figured it was less likely to cause more trouble if it was less directly accessible. I looked around the now deserted yard and decided it was time to slope off home. Tomorrow was a new day and there was only one way to find out what it would bring... Chapter 02: A horrible mistake? Jon sat at home, thinking. "Hmmm, I'm bored. I wish something interesting would happen", he said while holding the stone. "Uh oh, what happened?" Jon asked. Chapter 03: Jon sleeps on it Upon seeing nothing noticeable happening Jon assumed he got lucky and avoided this wish somehow. So he decided the best thing he could do is get some shuteye. He lay in his bed, snuggling between the covers and soon drifted off to sleep. Chapter 04: Waking Up Elsewhere Jon opened his eyes, feeling fully rested. He turned to his alarm clock, wondering why it hadn't gone off yet. He never felt this rested before, so he must have slept in. But when he looked at his alarm clock, he saw that it wasn't there. In fact, nothing was there - not his alarm clock, night light, or the small cabinet that they rested on. He wasn't even in his bedroom anymore. Instead, he was ... Chapter 05: Some Other Bedroom Jon wasn't even in his bedroom anymore. Instead, he was in a strange bedroom, one he didn't recognize. He panicked a bit, but forced himself to not scream or freak out. Chapter 06: Shock Jon wasn't even in his bedroom anymore. Instead, he was in a strange bedroom, one he didn't recognize. He panicked a bit, but forced himself to not scream or freak out. Where was he? How had he gotten here? He got out of bed and stumbled to the mirror. At least he was himself, but...this wasn't what he'd worn to bed. Chapter 07: Diaper He was wearing a pink diaper. Jon stared at it in shock. He couldn't believe it. Was this the stone's idea of "something interesting". He was relieved that he was still himself and rubbing the front of the diaper he could still feel his penis beneath the padding but this definitely wasn't his room or his house and he definitely didn't want anyone to see him in a diaper, not just any diaper but what was clearly a little girl's diaper. Jon was frozen to the spot, trying to figure out what to do when the door to his bedroom slowly opened. Jon quickly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around his waist to cover up the embarrassing diaper. Slowly the door crept open and a familiar face popped their head in from behind the door. It was Biff, one of the jocks from school. Not someone Jon was particularly fond of. "Gibson, what the fuck dude? What are you doing here? And what am I doing here? I went to bed in my own bed and woke up in a strange room wearing strange clothes. Seriously, can you explain this?" Biff asked Jon, still hiding behind the door with only his head visible to Jon. Jon was speechless. He didn't know what to say. And he knew if Biff saw his diaper he would tell everyone and Jon would be the laughing stock of his entire school. He wasn't about to give away the secrets of his wishing stone so he just told Biff he had no idea and that he was basically having the same experience as Biff. Biff looked down at the blanket Jon had wrapped around him and said, "Dude, are you naked under there? That's not as embarrassing of a problem as mine. Look, we're both in this together so I'm going to show you something but if a word of this leaves this house I will kick your ass." Jon agreed not to say anything and Biff stepped fully into the room. Jon could instantly see why biff had been hesitant. Biff was now dressed in a red, silk and satin slip. It had love hearts all over it and two thin spaghetti straps holding onto Biff's shoulders. It was short enough that Jon could also see that Biff was wearing a pair of matching panties. Normally, Jon would have laughed at the site, but given his own circumstances he wasn't in the mood to laugh. "Crazy!", Jon said to Biff, "just crazy. How could this happen? And no need to worry. I won't tell a soul. In fact, I think out of the two of us you got kind of lucky." At that, Jon dropped the blanket giving Biff his first look at the pink, girly diaper Jon was wearing. Biff forgot about his own predicament for a second and let out a quick laugh but soon stopped himself. With a serious look, he told Jon that they were in this together and maybe if they stayed united they might find a way out of this. They agreed to cover themselves up a bit better and to explore the house. Chapter 08: Getting Dressed Biff headed back to the room he had woken up in to see if he could find something. After he left, Jon made his way over to the closet to see if he could find anything less embarrassing than the diaper he was currently wearing. Sadly he didn't find any underwear, just more diapers, exactly like the one he was wearing. He did find a vest which was good enough for now. All the rest of the clothes he could see were either too girly or too babyish, dresses and onesies of all colours. Putting the vest on Jon made his way out to the hallway. His walk was a little bit different as the diaper was pushing his legs apart slightly, forcing him to waddle just a little bit as he walked. The diaper also made a crinkling sound with every step which only added to his embarrassment. Biff met Jon in the hallway. He hadn't had much luck either and was wearing a very short dressing gown over the very short slip. As they looked around they saw that they were upstairs in a small house. They could see their respective bedrooms, a bathroom and a stair going down to the rest of the house. As they passed the bathroom, Biff felt the urge to go. He asked Jon to wait for him outside the bathroom as he was, admittedly, a bit freaked out by this whole experience. Jon stood patiently outside. Biff walked into the bathroom, he opened the front of his dressing-gown, lifted up the bottom of his slip and released his penis from his panties. He leaned over the toilet bowl with one hand to better direct the flow. Outside the door Jon could hear Biff starting to go. Without any warning, Jon himself started to pee too, straight into his diaper. He was instantly mortified and felt the diaper sag slightly and a warmth enveloped his whole groin. These changes must go beyond just clothes. Jon heard the toilet flush and tried to regain his composure. Biff soon came back out, still in the middle of tying his robe. He was too embarrassed to say anything to Biff just yet so he tried to ignore the warm, wet feeling and followed Biff downstairs. Downstairs the house was fairly modest, a small kitchen led out to a dining and sitting room which had a playpen and a few baby toys as well as a TV and couch. Chapter 09: Sitting Room Biff sat down on the couch and crossed his legs high above his knees. He sat looking around, with his raised foot bobbing up and down. Jon didn't want to sit down on his wet diaper so instead he walked around the room and looked into the playpen at the toys that were in there. He picked up a fairly well-worn teddy of a bunny rabbit and looked at it. "Kinda nice", he thought to himself. He was going to put it back but something was stopping him. Instead, he held it tight in his arms and turned back towards Biff. Biff had been watching him the whole time but was not judging him. Who knew what other crazy changes might be at work here. Biff could tell something was bothering Jon and he just came out with it. "Jon, is something bothering you? You're kind of fidgety and look uncomfortable." Initially, Jon was too embarrassed to say anything but then he just came out with it, "No, I'm not ok. When I heard you in the bathroom, something happened to me that hasn't happened to me in years. I wet my pants. If I wasn't wearing this diaper I'd have been left standing in a puddle. I think whatever is going on here is affecting us in ways we haven't even realised yet." Biff replied in a motherly tone that even he was surprised to hear, "Oh Jon, don't be embarrassed or afraid to tell me these things. We'll get through this together, ok? I'm here for you and want you to be comfortable. Why don't you go upstairs and see if you can change your own diaper and I'll sort out some breakfast for us both?" Jon sheepishly agreed and made his way back upstairs to his room. Inside he found a clean diaper and a pack of wipes. He was confident he could do it himself to save any further embarrassment. He would have loved to find a pair of regular underwear but who knows how long he'd go without soaking them too. He removed his soiled diaper, gave his crotch a good clean with a few wipes and put them in the trash. Getting a new diaper on was a bit more of a challenge and when he thought he had cracked it he stood up and the diaper just fell down to the ground with the straps open. He picked up the diaper and no longer feeling the same sense of modesty he used to have he marched down to the kitchen wearing the vest but naked below that, diaper in hand, ready to ask Biff for help. Chapter 10: Kitchen Biff had just finished pouring two bowls of cereal when Jon came back into the kitchen. It was quite the sight, Jon was naked from the waist down holding a stuffed bunny in one hand and a clean diaper in the other. Jon told Biff he couldn't quite get the hang of it and Biff replied in a comforting tone, urging Jon over to the couch. He told him to lie down, took the diaper off him and in a matter of seconds had the diaper securely fastened around Jon's waist. Neither boy was as embarrassed as they would have usually been. They were acting out of necessity. Biff asked Jon to join him at the table where they ate their cereal in silence. "What will we do now?" Jon asked as he finished his cereal. Buff responded, "I don't know Jon. I suppose getting dressed would be a start. What will other people think of us? Will they see us as ourselves or will they see me as a woman and mother and you as my baby girl? I hope I don't regret this but I'd think we should venture outside and try to find out." The idea was scary for Jon but he felt some reassurance that he and Biff were in this together. Biff picked up the dishes and left them in the sink. Jon got up to join him but as he started to walk, a pressing urge suddenly came over him. Losing control of himself he grabbed the back of his chair and squatted slightly as his bowels emptied their contents into his diaper. Jon was relieved he had made the decision earlier to put on another diaper as he had no control over this action and couldn't stop himself if he wanted to. Biff just stood and watched Jon squat down with a glazed look in his eyes. He knew what was happening. A part of him was disgusted but another part just saw it as usual behaviour. When Jon stood back up straight Biff took him by the hand and tried to save Jon any extra embarrassment, "C'mon Jon. Let's get you cleaned up and dressed and we might make a plan of what to do." The two went upstairs. Biff guided Jon up onto a changing table in his room and with minimum fuss and no judgement he had the soiled diaper off, got Jon cleaned and quickly put a new diaper on him. He helped him down from the table and turned to Jon's closet to find an outfit that Jon would wear. They both agreed Jon would have to suck it up and go with a girly dress as that was really the only option. Biff took a small denim dress off a hanger. It had patches of cartoon animals sewn into it. It was very childish and quite girly but definitely not the worst option. Jon quickly raised his arms and Biff helped the dress on over his head. He let it fall down to sit on Jon's shoulders. Jon smoothed it down and turned around a few times to get a look at himself. He was glad to have something on but as he turned the shortness of the dress became apparent. Any small movement on Jon's part would show off his pink diaper to the whole world but maybe, Jon wondered, that's what the whole world expected to see now. Chapter 11: Biff Gets Dressed With Jon dressed Biff now turned his attention to himself. He went into the room he had woken up in and took off his dressing gown. Jon had followed him in. He was getting used to the idea of Biff wearing such feminine clothes and now barely even noticed. Jon sat on the bed as Biff rummaged through his drawers looking for some underwear. He picked out a matching black bra and panties set which he placed on the bed. Then he went into the closet and looked over his options. There were barely any pants, apart from some workout pants which looked very tight. Biff thought he'd be more comfortable in a dress. He found a fairly simple blue dress that looked appropriate for wearing around the house or out to the mall. Nice and casual. Biff laid the dress out on the bed and started to undress. He pulled the thin straps of his slip off his shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Next, he removed his panties before picking up the black pair he had left on the bed. He pulled these up his legs. To be honest with himself it was a very pleasant feeling as the soft material went up his legs and sat snuggly on his butt. Next went on the bra. He struggled a little bit to get it on but managed it after a few attempts. Jon just sat on the bed watching Biff the whole time. It seemed to come naturally to Biff and there were subtle differences in the way he was moving and carrying himself. When he was looking through the dresses he had one hand resting on his hip in a very feminine manner. And now that he was wearing a bra and panties, his movements had a certain, feminine swagger to them. As Biff walked back to the bed to pick up his dress his hips swayed from side to side and his back was very straight, thrusting his chest forward. Biff scrunched the dress up and put it on over his head, being careful to put his arms through the straps. He let go of the dress and it flowed down over his body. The bottom of the dress sat just above Biff's knees. Biff was about to pick up a pair of shoes when he and Jon were startled to hear the doorbell ring. Biff headed down the stairs, followed by Jon, who was slowed down to a bit of a waddle with the diaper he was wearing. Chapter 12: The Door Forgetting how he was dressed, Buff didn't hesitate to open the door. Standing at the door was a delivery man in a brown uniform. "Good morning mam", he said, "I have a package for Miss Biff Meadows." "Uh, yeah, yeah, that's me", Biff responded. He noticed that as the man was talking to him he was staring at Biff's chest. When Biff caught him doing this the guy looked a bit embarrassed and started to look Biff in the eye but he kept stealing glances at Biff's chest. Biff's posture wasn't helping the fact as he was standing very straight with his chest thrust forward. Biff signed for the package and wanted to tip the guy, so he asked him to wait there for a second as he skipped into the kitchen to look for some money. The delivery man was staring at Biff's butt as it swayed back and forth towards the kitchen. By now, Jon had gotten down the stairs and remembering how he was dressed he froze. Was this man going to burst into laughter at the sight of Jon in a girly dress and pink diaper? The delivery man took his eyes off Biff and turned to Jon, "Hey sweetie! How are you? You're just adorable, you know that?" Jon didn't respond, he just stood and stared. He was torn between relief that at least he had nothing to be embarrassed about and a hint of embarrassment at how he was dressed. As the relief washed over him, Jon just stared at the man and felt a small bit of pee escape into the front of his diaper. Biff soon returned from the kitchen and handed the guy his tip, thanking him and closing the front door. "Well, I guess that answers that", Biff declared. "He definitely saw me as a woman. I could feel him undressing me with his eyes and he called me mam." Jon agreed and filled Biff in on his interaction with the man, leaving out the part about uncontrollably peeing in his diaper again. Chapter 13: Heading Out "Are you hungry Jon?" Biff asked, "I'm starving. What do you think about going out for some food? I'm getting curious to see how more people treat us now." Jon was reluctant but Biff reassured him. They would have to stay in character of their new roles to some extent but it would do both of them good to get out of the house for a while. They couldn't hide forever. Jon eventually agreed and not wanting to give him time to change his mind Biff handed Jon a pair of pink trainers to put on. Biff put on a pair of sandals that matched his dress and grabbing a handbag from a hook near the door Biff ushered Jon out to the car in the driveway. Biff opened the door of the car for Jon and let him climb into the oversized baby seat in the back. Biff helped him to close the straps, with a strap coming up between Jon's legs and squishing his diaper against his crotch a little bit. Biff got into the driver's seat and soon they were on their way. It wasn't far to the mall and in about 10 minutes they had parked and Biff had gotten out and helped Jon do the same. There was a pushchair in the trunk of the car but Jon insisted he would rather walk. Biff adjusted the straps on his dress and reminded Jon that he would have to play the part of the toddler the world now saw him as. That meant holding Biff's hand at all times and not talking too much. "Try not to use any big words or full sentences, Jon. If you really need to tell me something you can whisper it to me." Jon sheepishly agreed. He was embarrassed to be out in public in a diaper but it would be worse if he drew any unwanted attention to himself. Biff took Jon by the hand and started walking towards the entrance. As they walked into the mall Biff was turning a few heads, mostly from men stealing sneaky looks at his chest or butt. It was strange for Biff to be feeling people undressing him with their eyes but it wasn't all bad. A part of him was happy that if he was stuck living the life of a woman at least he was seen as attractive to other people. Jon was experiencing the opposite. It was almost like he was invisible. He got a few doting looks from some women, but for the most part, nobody was paying him any attention. Biff headed straight for the food court and bent down to ask Jon what he would like to eat. As he crouched down Jon could see straight up Biff's dress at the black panties he was wearing. Jon said he didn't mind what they ate. Biff said they'd have to order something appropriate for a child Jon's age and they settled on chicken nuggets and chips. Biff ordered a salad for himself and once they got their food they found a table to sit at. Chapter 14: Lunch Biff finished his lunch in no time at all. He wouldn't normally go for a salad but he thought it wouldn't look ladylike to order his usual bacon cheeseburger meal and the last thing he wanted right now was to draw any more attention to himself. Jon was getting through his lunch too when Biff saw a familiar face approaching their table. It was his girlfriend, or at least who used to be his girlfriend, Sarah. She waved to him as he made eye contact with her. Biff quickly and quietly reminded Jon to play his part for now. Inside he was hoping that Sarah recognised him for who he really was. He was happy to see his girlfriend and was hoping he could drop the female persona in front of her. She sat down enthusiastically beside them. "Hey Sarah", Biff greeted her awaiting nervously to see how she would respond. "Hey, Miss Meadows. How are you?" Sarah replied. Biff's heart dropped when she did. Sarah didn't see him as her boyfriend Biff, she saw him as a woman and mother, just like everyone else. "And how are you sweetie?", Sarah cooed, turning to Jon. Jon just smiled at her and trying to play the part of an innocent toddler picked up a chicken nugget and offered it to her. Sarah politely refused and encouraged Jon to have it. Turning back to Biff, Sarah complimented his dress and spoke fast and enthusiastically. Biff learned from the conversation that Sarah was Jon's babysitter and the reason she had come over was to confirm that she could babysit Jon this weekend. Just as quickly as she arrived, she was gone again and Biff and Jon silently looked at each other. Both becoming more and more aware of how deep these changes went. Biff felt completely deflated, he had given himself a glimmer of hope when he saw Sarah recognise him but that was quickly extinguished when she treated him like a woman and not like her boyfriend. Biff had spent many an evening alone with Sarah sneaking a feel up her skirt orinside her top. Looking down at himself he was ashamed to think that now he was the one wearing the dress and with his chest covered in a lacy bra. Having had enough of being out in public, Biff suggested they head back home when Jon was finished. Jon eagerly agreed. He moved a little in his seat and discovered that his diaper was even wetter than he had thought. He must have wet it again without even noticing. This was a scary prospect for Jon. He vowed to try his best to control himself or at the very least try to be aware of it when he was going. Finishing up, Biff was the first to stand, he smoothed out his dress and readjusted the shoulder straps before taking Jon by the hand and heading for the exit. On the walk through the mall, they approached another bunch of familiar faces. It was a group of guys, friends of Biff from school. Looking down at his dress and the outline of a bra that was very obvious Biff felt a bit embarrassed. "It would probably be better if they didn't recognise me at this point", he thought to himself. As they walked passed the group not one of them showed any recognition of Biff but each of them did follow him with their eyes as he walked passed. But none of them was looking at his face, their teenage eyes were instead glued first to his chest and then to his ass as he walked away from them. Biff and to a lesser extent Jon felt utterly humiliated and helpless. It was at this low point that Biff had a moment of inspiration. He leaned down to talk to Jon so that nobody would overhear. "Listen, Jon. This is totally messed up but just because everyone else treats us like a mother and baby when we're out of the house, that doesn't mean we have to give up on who we really are so easily. Why don't I buy us some regular guy clothes so we can at least try to feel normal in the privacy of our own home?" Chapter 15: Shopping Jon eagerly agreed. He would give anything to get a break from these childish, girly clothes and of course the diapers. He kept telling himself that if he wore regular underwear and clothes he could keep control of his bladder. He'd have to be careful but he knew he had to do it. Biff's determination and stubbornness was contagious and Jon was fully on board with the plan. He suggested they get what they needed, head home, kick back and just try to feel normal for a while. He suggested they even buy some beer on the way home, an option that would have been difficult for both of them before but Biff could buy beer without any issues now. Biff quickly lead Jon into a department store. They headed to the young adult section and Biff, guessing his and Jon's sizes grabbed some boxer shorts, track pants, socks and t-shirts. Perfect for lounging around at home. Biff quickly paid for them without embarrassment. If he was still seen as a guy buying girl's clothes would have been mortifying but nobody thought anything of a woman buying guy's clothes. Both guys had a bit of a pep in their step as they headed back to the car. They were both excited about the plan now and looking forward to an evening of normality. Biff stopped at the liquor store on the way home and quickly grabbed a crate of beer. Being a teenager he didn't know much about beer but saw a brand that his dad drank so he went with them. Taking his purse out of his handbag he dug out his driver's license which had his photo but said he was a 28-year-old female. The cashier looked briefly at the license before taking Biff's money and thanking him. Feeling like a genius, Biff put the beer in the trunk and headed straight for home. Jon was excited. He told Biff he couldn't wait to get out of these clothes and diapers and try to feel like himself again. Biff said he felt the same way to Jon. Arriving home Biff grabbed the clothes bag in one hand and the beer in the other. He opened the front door and they both stepped inside. They both breathed a sigh of relief. Happy to be away from the eyes of the world and eager to proceed with their plan. Biff put the beers in the fridge and hurried up the stairs with Jon following behind him. Chapter 16: Getting Changed By the time Jon caught up with Biff in the master bedroom, Biff had quickly removed his dress and discarded it on the floor. He was rooting through the bags in just his bra and panties. Biff took out the clothes he had gotten for Jon and handed them to him. Jon thanked him and quickly headed back to his room. Biff removed his bra, relieved to have his chest free. Next, he peeled the panties down his legs. He grabbed a pair of boxer shorts and pulled them on, enjoying the feeling of normality resuming. Next, he pulled on a t-shirt and track pants and went to the mirror to have a look. He looked just like his old self. He had to be careful not to slip up and fall back towards his new feminine tendencies. As he stared in the mirror he had naturally cocked his hip and stood with one hand on his hip. He quickly corrected himself and stood with his legs spread a bit wider like he used to do. Still feeling a bit off Biff was still happy to be back to his normal self for now so he headed downstairs to grab himself a beer. Jon had been just as eager to get changed. He pulled his dress off very quickly and then opened the straps of his diaper which quickly fell to the ground as it was now fairly heavy. He rolled it up and put it in the trash. Jon wiped his crotch clean and then pulled on a pair of the boxer shorts he had been given. He never thought he'd be so happy to have a pair of underwear. He had worn nothing but diapers since this whole nightmare had begun. He quickly followed the underwear with pants and a t-shirt and hurried down the stairs to join Biff. He met Biff at the bottom of the stairs and Biff handed him an open beer. Delighted to no longer be treated like a baby, Jon thanked him and took a gulp. Biff ushered Jon into the sitting room and before sitting, Biff closed the curtains. "Imagine if one of the neighbours saw you drinking a beer Jon?" They both laughed at the absurd thought. Jon had taken a seat on the couch and turned on the TV. Biff sat at the other end and without even thinking about it he crossed his legs high above the knee. Catching himself, he quickly uncrossed his legs and sat with them wide apart as most guys his age did. There was a nagging feeling at the back of his head that this stance was unnatural but he fought on. They continued on like this for a while, flicking from show to show and drinking their beer. They had finished their third beer when Jon went into the kitchen to grab two fresh ones. As Jon came back to hand Biff his beer, Biff looked up and saw a dark patch quickly spreading in Jon's pants. Forgetting himself for a moment Biff said, "Oh Jon honey, it looks like you've had a little accident. Maybe you're not ready to be out of diapers just yet." Jon was very embarrassed he looked down at his pants. Despite his determination he hadn't even felt the urge to go and barely noticed the wetness until Biff said anything. Betraying his efforts to have a" normal" evening with Biff, Jon seemed to react in an even more babyish way. His eyes watered up and he started to grab the seat of his pants, pulling it away from his crotch while he whimpered out loud. "I don't wanna wear a diaper, it's not fair." Biff's motherly instinct kicked in and he comforted Jon. He told him it would be OK. They could still enjoy their evening, it just might be best for Jon to keep a diaper on to save any more accidents. He coaxed Jon down onto his back and peeled off the wet pants. He grabbed some wipes and a fresh diaper, cleaned Jon up and soon had him safe and secure in a nice, dry diaper. He told Jon not to even worry about it and invited him back to the couch to try and make the most of their evening together. As Biff sat down he again crossed his legs but in the heightened state of emotions in the room this time he didn't correct himself. He patted Jon's bare leg to try and give him some more comfort. Jon sniffed and smiled at Biff, glad to have his help. Chapter 17: Evening Continues Jon's mood had slightly dampened now but he wanted to try to make the most of this evening. Who knew what tomorrow would hold. He tried to look at the positives. He was drinking beer, with a friend his own age, away from his parents. Sure, he happened to be wearing a pink baby girl's diaper but aside from that things were pretty good. Being a teenager, Jon hadn't had much chance to drink beer yet in his life. The few times he had, he'd enjoyed but one thing he had learned is that beer made you need to pee quite frequently. As Biff finished his beer and excused himself to go to the bathroom, Jon felt himself go again, wetting the front of his diaper. He laughed to himself and just pressed his hand on the front of the diaper feeling it get a bit heavier. "At least that's one small advantage to being diapered", he thought to himself. Jon watched as Biff returned with two more beers. He studied Biff's movements. He knew Biff was determined to be himself this evening but much like Jon's reliance on the diapers, there were some feminine characteristics coming through with Biff. More so as he drank more beer. Biff's hips swayed from side to side as he sauntered across the room. As he sat on the couch he instinctively ran one hand down his back as if he were smoothing a skirt as he sat. He handed Jon a beer and smiled at him. He took a small sip from his own beer and asked if Jon was hungry? Jon replied that he was and Biff decided to order a pizza. He pulled out his phone and ordered online. When he was finished he sat back, once again with his legs crossed. Jon watched Biff taking the delicate sips of his beer and suddenly became conscious of how he himself was acting. He was doing the opposite of Biff, almost nursing from his bottle of beer. He was still taking small sips but his mouth was almost constantly on the bottle and he was getting some comfort from that. It wasn't long before the doorbell rang. Chapter 18: Pizza Not wanting to be seen drinking beer by the person at the door Jon quickly put down his beer. At the same time, Biff put his own down and got up from the couch to open the door. Biff and Jon recognised the delivery man, it was another one of Biff's old friends, Moose, who must be delivering pizzas in the evenings after school. Moose didn't show any sign of recognising Biff or Jon. He simply greeted Biff and said he had a pizza delivery. As he was saying this he was staring fairly obviously at Biff's chest. The fact that Biff was not wearing a bra must have heightened Moose's attraction to that part of Biff. Feeling a bit of a buzz from the beers, Biff forgot himself for a moment and seeing the effect he was having on Moose he smiled at him and with a breathy tone said, "Oh silly me, I should have had the money ready. Just a second, my purse is around here somewhere." Moose wasn't complaining. He didn't mind things taking a bit longer if he got more time to get a look at what he saw as a hot woman. Biff saw his handbag on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. He had flung it there in his enthusiasm to get changed when they got home. He bent down at the waist to fish his purse out. He had his back to Moose and Moose had his eyes glued to Biff's butt which was stretching the material of his track pants to their limits. Jon watched on from the couch. He could see Moose standing, slack-jawed staring at Biff as he rummaged through the bag. Standing back up, Biff turned around quickly with his purse in hand. Moose quickly adjusted his gaze as Biff started to get his money out. Biff handed him a twenty-dollar bill and said, "You can keep the change, honey. Thanks." Moose muttered his thanks and turned to leave, trying to discreetly adjust the boner that had sprung up in his pants at the sight of Biff. Biff closed the door with a sigh of relief. His hips swayed as he walked into the sitting room holding the pizza like a waitress holding a tray in one hand. He placed the box down on the coffee table between him and Jon, opened the lid and handed Jon a slice. Biff grabbed a slice for himself and sat back down demurely. His legs were crossed and he was carefully taking small bites of the pizza being careful not to drop any of it on his clothes. Jon started eating his pizza, very quickly, his hunger amplified by the beers he had drank. He wasn't being as careful as Biff and a piece of pepperoni fell off the slice and landed right on the crotch of Jon's diaper. Jon barely paid it any attention and continued eating the slice, even getting some sauce on his face around his mouth. Seeing the mess Jon was making, Biff picked up a napkin and wet the end of it with his tongue before leaning over and wiping Jon's face with it. Neither thought much of it nor did they think too much of it when Biff reached down and grabbed the slice of pepperoni from the front of Jon's diaper. Noticing the bulging front of the diaper, Biff said, "Wow, Jon. You've really filled that diaper up again. Must be all the beer. Let me know when it gets uncomfortable and I'll change you again." Jon just thanked him and turned his focus back to the TV. The pizza didn't last long and as Biff finished his beer he excused himself to go to the bathroom. Jon stood up off the couch to grab his beer and remained standing for a moment, focused again on the tv. When Biff came back in he saw Jon standing, slightly squatted with a look of concentration on his face. He approached Jon and heard a quiet grunt come from Jon. "Jon, are you ok? Did you just go in your diaper again?" Biff asked quietly. Jon didn't even realise what he was doing but now that Biff mentioned it he knew he was right. Jon looked up at Biff, embarrassed again and simply nodded his head. Biff told him not to worry and before Jon could even get upset Biff had him on his back and quickly removed the diaper. He cleaned Jon and got him into a clean diaper without saying another word. They both sat back on the couch and settled back into their watching, with a fresh beer each that Biff had brought them. When Biff finished this beer he looked over at Jon and saw that Jon had fallen asleep on the couch. He turned off the TV and gently woke Jon so that he could guide him up to bed. He left him in the t-shirt he was wearing and helped him into bed. On instinct, he gave Jon a kiss on the cheek. Sleepily, Jon said "Goodnight mommy. Love you." Biff felt his heart flutter as he stepped out of the room. Biff headed for his own room and took off his clothes, including his underwear. His inhibitions were gone as he was kind of drunk now. He was trying to decide what to wear to bed but he wasn't as determined as he had been earlier. The feminine thoughts he'd been fighting had become louder and giving in to them he quickly selected a pair of panties and a matching baby doll nightie which he put on like a t-shirt. Biff was about to get into bed when he felt the urge to pee again. He made his way into the bathroom and stood at the toilet. He reached down and grabbed the lacy bottom of the nightie and pulled it up. With his other hand, he pulled the waistband of his panties and pulled out his penis. He stood and did his business while giggling to himself. How ridiculous he must have looked, peeing the way he was but wearing such a feminine outfit. Finishing up in the bathroom Biff checked that Jon was ok on his way back to his own bed, where he crawled under the covers and was asleep almost as soon as he put his head on the pillow. Chapter 19: Waking Up Jon was first to wake. He wasn't sure what time it was but the sun was up. The room he was in was decorated for a baby so didn't have any clock or anything like that so he couldn't be sure. He lay still for a minute taking in his surroundings. He had a bit of a headache from all the beers he drank. He had a vague memory of Biff leading him up the stairs and tucking him into bed. He looked down at the t-shirt he was wearing. "At least it's not a baby dress!" he thought to himself. He pulled the t-shirt up slightly and stared at the pink diaper that was underneath. He couldn't believe it. He was so sick of diapers already and it had only been one day since he had been thrust into the life of a baby girl. Giving the diaper a squeeze he felt the same morning wood that he had always woken up with under the diaper. He gave it a rub through the diaper, surprising himself with how good it felt. He started to put his hand into the diaper to feel it some more but the straps were tight and he was afraid to remove it entirely in case he had another accident. Instead, he turned to lying on his front and adjusted his penis to a comfortable position as best he could through the thick padding of the diaper. Jon just lay there, forgetting about the stress of the last 24 hours and enjoying the familiar feeling coming from his penis. He started to think about Sarah and how she was dressed when she came over to them yesterday. Her top showed off a lot of cleavages and when she had spoken to Jon she had leaned forward a little bit giving him a great view. Sarah had been treating him like a baby, just like everyone else, and she definitely didn't see him in any kind of sexual way. But when Jon thought of the way Sarah had smiled and looked at him during the short interaction he felt his penis twitch. He had started to grind his crotch against the mattress. He was working up a rhythm now and before long he felt an orgasm erupting and he was happy, at least for now, that the diaper was there to contain the mess. Feeling his head clear again, Jon climbed out of his bed. His diaper was definitely full now so he decided to go and see if he could wake Biff to get it changed. Jon found Biff lying legs spread on his bed. His covers had been kicked off and Jon saw that he was wearing a babydoll nightie and a pair of panties. Just like Jon, Biff had some morning wood which was now forming a tent in the front of his nightie. Ignoring that, Jon walked up and gently pushed Biff on the shoulder. Biff woke up fairly quickly and sat up in the bed. "What's up Jon? Oh man, my head hurts." Biff groggily said. "Morning mommy, I mean, Biff", Jon replied, "Sorry to wake you but I really need my diaper changed. It's very wet." Biff seemed to need a moment to remember where he was and why a boy from his class was talking about diapers but the frilly, lacy, low cut neckline of his nightie was all the reminding he needed. He cleared his throat and stood up, "Of course, Jon. I'll get you changed straight away. Just need to go myself first then I'll change you." Jon followed Biff into the bathroom where Biff proceeded to pull up his nightie, pull down his panties and sit down on the toilet to do his business. He spoke to Jon as he did, asking him what they should do today and if he had any ideas to get them out of this mess. Biff took some toilet roll and wiped between his legs before pulling up his panties and washing his hands. He brought Jon back to his room where he quickly changed him out of his dirty diaper and into a clean one. With Jon sorted for now, Biff told him to pick an outfit for the day and he'd go and get himself dressed. Biff was about to go back to his room when he thought a shower might be what he needed to clear his head. He made a detour to the bathroom and turned on the shower to heat it up. As the water heated Biff pulled his nightie off over his head. He peeled off his panties and put both in the laundry bin. He stepped into the shower and just soaked his muscles to start with. As he relaxed he seemed to know where everything he needed was. Before he knew it he had washed and conditioned his hair and now he was soaping up his legs with one hand and holding a razor in the other. It was only as he stepped out of the shower that Biff realised what he had done. As if on autopilot he had just shaved his legs smooth. Deciding not to dwell on it he headed to his room to get dressed. Chapter 20: Biff Gets Dressed Biff wasn't long in his room before Jon joined him. Jon had dressed himself in a yellow dress with a big white love heart on the front. He was also wearing a pair of yellow tights which matched the dress. The main reason that Jon picked the tights was that the dress, like all his others, was very short and made his diaper even more obvious than it needs to be. The tights at least covered his diaper and gave him a small sense of modesty. "Jon, you look..." Biff hesitated, he didn't really know what he felt about the way Jon was dressed, part of him knew he looked ridiculous but another part just wanted to cuddle him and shower him in love, "... Really cute." Jon just silently blushed. Biff walked over to his closet with a towel wrapped tightly under his arms and across his chest. His hangover was strong and his willpower was low so he decided rather than fight it he would just pick whatever felt right. He settled on a light blue dress that had a built-in silk slip. It had a lot of lace around the neckline and the hem. He picked a matching blue bra and pantie set and put them all on the bed. He picked out a pair of clear pantyhose too to complete the outfit. Feeling no need to hide anything from Jon he dropped the towel. The first thing he put on was the panties, shivering slightly as the soft material ran up his now smooth legs. Next came the bra before he sat on the bed and started to roll up the pantyhose before putting one foot in and rolling it halfway up his leg and then repeating the motions on the other leg. He stood up and pulled them the rest of the way up. He was marvelling at how soft and smooth his legs felt and as he walked over to the mirror he was relishing the feeling of his legs rubbing off each other. Next, he pulled the dress on before turning to Jon and asking him to pull the zipper up at the back. With the zipper up the dress was tight, clinging to Biff's body. If he had really been a woman it would have looked amazing but despite his physical appearance Biff felt very sexy and he noticed his walk had become a bit more exaggerated, with his hips rocking back and forth as he walked. He tried to stop himself just to see if he could but it was impossible. Whenever he moved he had a newfound feminine grace to his movements without even thinking about it. Biff asked Jon what he thought. Jon just gave him a thumbs up and said, "Very pretty. You look great, mommy, I mean, Biff", hearing this Biff squealed a little squeal of delight and tiptoed over to Jon before embracing him in a hug. Both boys were glad to have each other at least but if both really thought about it they'd have noticed their own personalities slowly slipping away. Chapter 21: Learning Some More Now that they were both dressed, Biff and Jon made their way downstairs. They didn't really know what this day would hold so they decided to just go through the paces. The first thing to do was to get some breakfast. Biff made some toast for both of them and found some orange juice in the fridge. While he was waiting for the toast to pop he saw a cell phone on the countertop. Yesterday had been so crazy he didn't even think about looking for a phone but seeing it now he knew it could off some real insight into his new life. He picked it up and tried his fingerprint on the reader. Luckily for him, it worked and the phone unlocked. There were loads of notifications, some text messages, a few missed calls and some emails. Deciding to ignore the notifications for now Biff swiped them away. He wanted to learn what he could on his own first before talking to anyone else. He brought the toast and juice over to Jon who was sitting at the table, sat down and turned his attention back to the phone. "Look, I found my phone too", Jon said with a giggle holding up a plastic phone that said the numbers on the buttons as he pressed them. Although he was joking, Jon did find it the phone kind of funny and he pressed a few more buttons. Biff opened the camera app on his phone and tapped to look at the gallery of photos that were on there. What he found there surprised him. He saw photo after photo of a woman, most of them with her baby but some of just her. Is this who he was now? Is this who everyone saw when they looked at him? And presumably, the baby was Jon. He found one photo that was particularly interesting. It was of the woman at the beach with her baby. She was blond, with a very pretty face. She was wearing a blue bikini and her breasts were glistening in the sun and close to spilling out of her top. The bottoms of the bikini matched the top and it hid nothing, showing her smooth crotch, wide hips and round ass. The baby was dressed in a frilly, pink one-piece bathing suit, which bulged around her waist due to the diaper she had underneath. Both the mother and her child were smiling at the camera. Biff stared at the photo for a while, soaking it in before he turned the camera to Jon to show him what he had found. Jon was amazed. The woman was beautiful. The sight of her breasts made his penis stir to life and he felt it growing inside his diaper. "So, it seems we have taken over their lives. That is crazy Biff. They look very happy in the photo. She looks like a nice mommy." Jon said to Biff. "Yeah, it would seem that way", Biff replied. "They do look very happy and that is one cute baby. It's no wonder I was drawing so much attention yesterday if that is what people see when they look at me." Biff started to dive further into the phone. The next thing he opened was his email, seeing lots of work emails. It seemed he now worked in some kind of office. He couldn't quite figure out what the company did but he would find out later. He learned that he was currently on some vacation days but he was due back at work tomorrow, which was a Wednesday. He'd have to work for the next 3 days before he'd have the weekend off. He quickly googled the company and looked through their website. There were a few photos of staff working and smiling at the camera. There were lots of men in suits and all the women were dressed smartly in blouses, blazers and professional-looking skirts or pants. "Is that how I'm going to have to dress?" Biff thought to himself. He shared this information with Jon who asked, "What about me? What will I do while you're at work? I doubt you can just leave me home alone." Biff did a quick search through his email for "daycare" and found what he was looking for. He told Jon that it seemed he would be going to a daycare centre near Biff's office when Biff was working. Jon wasn't too keen on that idea but what choice did he have. They had both agreed they needed to play the part for now. Neither was happy with this situation but the alternative could be far worse. Chapter 22: Text Messages Biff started to look through his text messages. There were a few from his new mother, just general chit chat. There were several from a woman called Laura, who judging by the history of the messages seemed to be his best friend. He gathered she had a daughter about the same as Jon was now and they often spent time together, just the four of them. As he was reading through then a new message from Laura came in. It said, "Hey hon. Just getting a few bits done around the house. We should be over by lunchtime. Can't wait to catch up and plan our night for Saturday. We're gonna find you a new man if it's the last thing we do." Biff gulped when he read that. It was a lot to wrap his head around. This woman and her baby were coming over to his house soon. He had plans to go out on Saturday night and his friend was going to help him find a man! His stomach turned at the thought. He told Jon about the message, leaving the part about finding a man, the thought alone was too embarrassing to fully consider. "Remember Jon, when Laura and her daughter are here you'll need to play the part of a baby. Her daughter is the same age as you so just take your queues from her. Now, we need to do a bit of cleaning first. I need to get the house ready. Will you pop upstairs and tidy the toys in your room please?" Jon agreed and toddled his way towards the stairs. As he went up he felt his diaper growing a bit warm and getting heavier. He was peeing in it and didn't notice until he felt the warmth. He was annoyed but he was getting used to it. He figured Biff would change him soon so he just continued on to his room to tidy it a bit. He didn't have a lot of toys in his room so it didn't take too long. Biff quickly tidied up downstairs. He put the beer cans and pizza boxes in the trash outside and gave the whole floor a quick vacuum. With that done he made his way upstairs. He didn't need to raise any eyebrows with his friend so he wanted to soruse himself up a little bit. He brushed his hair, applied a very small amount of makeup and put some clip-on earrings on his ears. He was just applying a coat of red lipstick when he spotted Jon coming into his room in the mirror. "All tidied", Jon said, "but I've wet myself again, Biff. Could you change me please?" Biff was happy to oblige. They would have to play the roles of mother and daughter when they had company so they might as well get started now. Buff led Jon back to his room and guided him to changing table. He pulled Jon's tights down and removed his diaper. A quick wipe and a new diaper and they were both as ready as they could be for their visitors. It was a good thing too and just as Biff pulled Jon's tights back up and over his diaper, the doorbell rang. Chapter 23: Visitors Taking a deep breath, Biff headed for the stairs. He had warned Jon about playing his part but knew he'd have to do the same. He started to relax himself and stop fighting against the feminine urges that had been growing since yesterday. As he walked down the stairs, he held the railing with one hand and his other hand just kind of floated in the air, bent at the elbow. His hips were rocking back and forth giving a very girly wiggle to his walk. Jon followed slowly behind him, not as eager to embrace his role as Biff seemed to be. He was happy to be in a dry diaper again but he had learnt not to expect that to last too long. He wondered what would be expected of him now. Would he be expected to play games with Laura's baby? At least he wouldn't be expected to talk, which would mean less chance for him to slip up. People didn't have many expectations of a baby his age. As long as he behaved himself he'd pretty much be left alone. As Jon reached the bottom of the stairs, Biff was just opening the door. A pretty woman in her mid-twenties was standing there, holding a cute baby in her arms. "Biff", she said, "so good to see you. I love your dress." Laura walked in without needing to be invited. She was obviously very familiar and comfortable in their house. She made her way in through the kitchen and over to the living room, where she placed her baby on the floor. Biff turned to Jon and urged him to come to say hello. Jon, shyly walked over to Laura and her baby. The baby giggled when she saw Jon and toddled over to him and gave him a hug. Jon returned the hug and then busied himself with some toys. Laura, satisfied that the kids would occupy each other, sat on the couch. Biff offered her a drink. She said she'd love a coffee and he went back into the kitchen to make a pot. With Biff in the kitchen, Jon noticed this was the first time he was away from Biff since this had all started. He looked up at Laura and saw her leaning forward in her seat, dangling some keys in front of her baby. Her baby, who Jon now learned was called Rachel tried to grab the keys but Rachel kept moving them. The baby was giggling loudly at this. Turning to Jon, Laura, in a babyish voice asked him if he wanted them. She dangled them in front of him and remembering Biff's advice, Jon copied the actions of Rachel and swiped at the keys, being sure not to grab them, which he could have easily done. Finding he was enjoying the attention, not to mention the view of Laura's cleavage which she was showing off Jon found a giggle escaping his lips. Rather than get embarrassed, he decided to just go with it and let himself enjoy the attention. Biff came back in, carrying a tray of drinks to see Jon sitting on the floor, giggling like a baby and trying to grab Laura's keys. He handed Laura her coffee off the tray, put his own down on the coffee table and then handed a baby bottle of milk to both Jon and Rachel. Jon looked surprised and when he looked at Biff questioningly, Biff just kinda shrugged his shoulders but didn't say anything. Jon would have loved a coffee but he was thirsty and Rachel was already nursing away on hers so he reluctantly took it and did the same. The two babies were now left to entertain themselves while their mother's caught up over their coffee. Jon wasn't really interested in what they were talking about. He was content to drink his bottle and play down on the floor. He looked over at Rachel who smiled at him from behind her bottle without taking it out of her mouth. Jon just smiled back and kept drinking his own milk. He was getting a lot of comfort from the bottle and the milk felt good, filling his tummy. As he kept sucking on the nipple at the top of the bottle he felt his crotch growing warm once again. He was peeing in his diaper again but at the moment he didn't care. He imagined Rachel could be doing the same and she didn't care. He was supposed to be a baby now anyway so he'd just go with the flow. Jon was first to finish his bottle. Rachel finished soon after, which she announced to the room with a burp. She started to squirm on the floor and leaned over to pull on her mother's skirt. Laura took the hint and reached down to feel the front of her daughter's diaper. Wanting to fit in Biff did the same to Jon, reaching his hand under Jon's dress and squeezing the front of his diaper to see if it was wet. Jon pretended not to even notice what Biff was doing, not knowing what else to do. Chapter 24: Changed Laura reached into her bag and took out a diaper and wipes and changed Rachel right there on the floor. It barely took her a minute. Biff had gone to get a fresh diaper for Jon. He came back but forgot to bring wipes. Laura still had her wipes out and without any fuss, she took the diaper off Biff and knelt down on the floor beside Jon. She coaxed Jon onto his back and pulled his tights down. Not wanting to cause a scene, Jon just decided to go along with it. It would be strange for this woman to see his penis and change his diaper but what choice did he have at the moment. He lay calmly on his back trying not to think about what was happening. The last thing he wanted was to get an erection but he was fairly sure Laura wouldn't even notice given everything else that was going on. Laura peeled Jon's tights down to his ankles and held his legs with one hand while she removed his diaper with the other one. She gave his crotch a good wipe. Jon was trying his best to disconnect his mind from the fact that this attractive woman was touching his penis. Under normal circumstances, he'd have been in heaven but given that she saw him as a baby girl and was about to put a clean diaper on him it was too weird for him to enjoy the sensation. Before long Laura had lifted Jon's butt up and slid the diaper under him. She pulled it up between his legs, fastened it and then pulled his tights back up. She adjusted the tights and rubbed the front of Jon's diaper to make sure it was on right. She encouraged both babies to play together while she got back up on the couch to resume her conversation with Biff. The conversation turned to the plans for Saturday. Biff played along, agreeing with all her suggestions. She would pick him up at seven and they'd head into town. They had an early dinner booked and then they would go for drinks and dancing at a trendy club. When the conversation turned to the prospects of Biff finding a man, Biff tried to play down his chances. Laura was having none of it. "Biff", she said, "you're a beautiful woman, in the prime of your life. I mean look at you, you have an amazing figure and with the right dress to show off those hooters of yours you'll have the guys lining up." Biff sheepishly looked down at the dress he was wearing. He could see the outline of his bra under the dress but his flat chest felt far from" hooters" as Laura described them. Biff thought back to the photos he saw on his phone. It was true that the life he was living now was that of an attractive young woman and he knew she would be popular with men. It's just that he was still a guy and had no interest in other guys. Laura reached into her bag and pulled out a dress. She said that Biff had asked her to bring it over for him to try on ahead of the weekend. "I think it will look great on you. Why didn't we go upstairs and you can try it on? We can leave the kids playing in Jon's room. They seem to be getting on well." Laura reached down and picked up Rachel and turned to carry her upstairs, not even giving Biff a chance to protest. Biff asked Jon to come up with them as he headed for the stairs. Chapter 25: New Outfit As Biff climbed the stairs he looked at the dress Laura had given him. It was the very definition of a "little black dress". He didn't know if it would fit him and he was worried about how exposed he might be in it. He found Laura coming out of Jon's room having set Rachel up with some toys. Biff sweetly encouraged Jon to go into his room and play and then followed Laura into his room. Laura was obviously very comfortable around Biff and in his house. She was standing looking through Biff's closet. She was confident the dress she had brought would be perfect for Biff and she had a skirt for herself but needed a top. Biff didn't mind her borrowing one of his tops. He didn't even know what tops he owned so he was happy for her to look herself rather than asking him. "C'mon. Try it on Biff. I'm dying to see what it looks like", Laura said to Biff as she held one of his tops up to herself and stood looking in the mirror. Biff couldn't stall any longer so wanting to get this over with he asked her to help him with the zipper on his dress. Laura happily helped, placing one hand on Biff's hip as she pulled the zipper down. Biff thanked her and then pulled the dress up over his head. He had to remind himself that, to Laura, there was nothing strange about him standing beside her in just a bra and panties. They were both women after all. Biff stood for a moment in his underwear and studied the dress he had been given. He was about to put it on when Laura pulled her own top free from the jeans she was wearing and pulled it up over her head. She now stood beside Biff in just a pair of jeans and a pink bra. Her boobs were just as big as the boobs Biff had seen on "himself" in the photos on his phone. This was one of the strangest situations Biff had ever found himself in. Here he was, standing in a strange bedroom, dressed only in a bra and pair of panties, next to a woman in a bra with her breasts on full display. And this woman who he had only met that day, wasn't at all embarrassed. Biff tried to avoid staring at her boobs. He didn't want her to think he wasn't the friend she thought he was. He pulled the black dress over his head, hoping it might encourage her to cover herself up too. Laura pulled on the top she had found but she didn't like the fit of it. She pulled it back off fairly quickly and stood once again in just her bra, studying Biff in his new dress. She was complimenting him on the fit and trying to encourage him to wear it on Saturday night. Biff was pulling the hem of the dress down, trying to preserve his modesty. Laura stood behind him and started to adjust the dress, making it sit better on Biff. She turned Biff towards the mirror and stood with her hand on his shoulder. Her chest was pressed up against Biff's back. She was saying all positive things, really wanting to make Biff feel good about himself. He felt his penis reacting to her chest rubbing up against his back. He thanked her for the dress and told her he'd wear it. He was eager to take it off and get back into the dress he had been wearing. It, at least, gave him some modesty, being designed for casual wear. Laura redressed herself too. She said she'd have to find something else to wear but she had a few days so wasn't too worried. Both ladies left the room to go and see what the babies were up to. They hadn't heard a peep out of them which was nice. Chapter 26: Playtime While Biff and Laura were trying on clothes Jon was left alone with Rachel. He kept thinking about how he would have to go to daycare tomorrow and he didn't want to make things any more difficult for himself by doing anything out of character. He remembered what Biff had told him about copying Rachel's behaviours today so that's exactly what he was doing. He was currently sitting on the ground playing with a doll, just like Rachel was. Rachel was babbling away, not making much sense. She used some real words but mostly small words like "Mommy", "baby" or "boppee". Jon was doing his best impression of her, even trying to copy the soft, babyish tone of her voice. Rachel never sat still for long, constantly changing from sitting to getting up, moving around and sitting again. Jon was doing the same, even copying her awkward way of getting up from sitting by first sticking his butt up in the air before standing up straight. He was careful not to walk too steadily, regularly falling back down onto his diapered butt and giggling just like she did. At one point Rachel picked up a pacifier that was clipped onto her dress. Jon looked around his room and saw a pacifier sitting on top of his dresser. He got to his feet and waddled over to it, not hesitating to put it in his mouth. He enjoyed the feeling of it. It was like chewing gum and gave him some comfort, almost like he could hide behind it. Pretty soon, he forgot it was even there as the suckling motion just became natural. A short while later Rachel was toddling around when she stopped and squatted slightly. Her face went a bit red and Jon knew she was pooping. She didn't miss a beat, as soon as she was finished she went right back to what she was doing, not changing her behaviour in the slightest. Jon knew that this would be hard to do as any time he had pooped in his diaper he had been very embarrassed and wanted it cleaned up straight away. He gave the front of his diaper a squeeze, it was a little bit wet, which he hadn't even noticed but he hadn't pooped in it and being honest with himself he had no idea when that might happen, nor did he have any chance of stopping it. He vowed to try to not let it bother him when it did happen. He didn't have to wait too long, he had a big breakfast and a full bottle of milk not too long ago. Jon went back to playing with the dolls, babbling away to Rachel. He was even starting to enjoy himself a little bit. There was no stress and no expectations on him. After a few minutes Jon got up to grab a different doll and as he bent over to pick it up he felt his bowels release and he filled the back of his diaper. He tried his best to ignore it and continue playing but when he sat back down he felt it squish around his butt. Rachel had watched him go but didn't pass any notice. They both continued playing, neither of them noticing when Biff and Laura popped their heads in the door and just observed the cute babies for a few minutes. Chapter 27: Playtime Ends Jon and Rachel continued playing for a while, chatting away to each other in baby talk. Jon was getting more comfortable in his role and didn't really have to try too hard to stay in character. Neither noticed Biff and Laura standing at the door looking down at them like two doting mothers. Rachel was the first to notice and when she saw her mother she got up as fast as she could, albeit a little awkwardly. She toddled over to Laura, saying "Poop poop, poop poop." Laura knew exactly what she meant as she could get a faint smell of her dirty diaper. Wanting to stay in character, Jon pretended to struggle to his feet and waddled over to Biff saying the same thing as Rachel had and pulling on Biff's dress. Biff calmly told Jon that he would change him. He handed Laura a spare diaper and pack of wipes and told her she could change Rachel on his bed. The two doors were open so Biff didn't risk saying anything to Jon that might sound strange. He ushered him over to the changing table and got him to lie on his back. He pulled down Jon's tights and removed the dirty diaper. He gave Jon a good wipe to clean him up and as he fastened the clean diaper on him he spoke in a very soft voice, telling Jon what a good girl he was and how much he loved him. Jon was both embarrassed by the situation but also kind of happy that Biff was being so nice to him. He kept up his end and babbled back to Biff in the best baby voice he could manage. Things weren't so peaceful in the other room. Rachel was growing cranky and cried as she was being changed. Biff was just helping Jon down from the changing table when Laura came in holding a sobbing Rachel on her shoulder. She told Biff that Rachel was tired and due her nap so they said a quick goodbye and Laura and Rachel headed downstairs and out the door. Laura said she'd text Biff before the weekend and restated how excited she was for their night out. Biff said his goodbyes and closed the front door. When he turned around Jon was standing behind him, still sucking on the pacifier. "You can relax Jon. You can take out the pacifier now. It's just you and me again." Biff said to him. Jon left it in with a shrug of his shoulders, "It's kinda nice he said and I want to keep practising before daycare tomorrow." Biff raised his eyebrow but didn't push the matter. He went into the kitchen to find something for lunch and Jon followed behind him, a little unsteady on his feet. Biff fixed a simple lunch for himself and Jon and as they ate Biff filled Jon in on his experience getting changed in front of Laura. He told him all about seeing Laura in her bra and her breasts rubbing against his back. Jon was enthralled and a little bit jealous of Biff. He found Laura very attractive and knew that Biff did too. Finished with their lunch Biff asked Jon if he would like a drink. Jon said he would like some more milk and in the spirit of practising for tomorrow, Biff handed him another baby bottle. Jon took out his pacifier and got down from the table and headed for the TV. He curled up on the couch with his bottle which he was slowly nursing, enjoying the convenience of it. Jon felt himself pee a little bit into his diaper but it wasn't uncomfortable yet so he didn't pay it much notice. Biff took the remote and started to channel hop. Jon felt his eyes growing a bit heavy and before he knew it he fell asleep. Biff noticed him drifting off and he sat for a while staring at Jon. He was conflicted, part of him knew Jon looked ridiculous. Here he was a young man his own age, sitting on a sofa, with a baby bottle in his mouth. He was wearing a very girly dress and tights and the bulge of his diaper was very obvious. But Biff was feeling something else too. A faint, growing love for Jon. He was starting to see him through a mother's eyes. The whole situation they found themselves in was absurd. Biff took his eyes off Jon and looked down at himself. Without even realizing it he had crossed his legs high above his knee when he sat down. He studied the dress he was wearing which had an intricate lace pattern. He could see the outline of his bra through the dress. Reaching into the neckline he ran his hand over the material of the bra. It was just as lacy as the dress and there was some padding in the cups. He removed his hand and then started rubbing it on his legs, which were now smooth and held tightly in a pair of pantyhose. He ran his hand up and down his leg, marvelling at how soft it felt. Feeling under the dress his hand made its way up his leg to the panties that were holding his penis snugly inside. He felt his penis twitching inside the panties, starting to grow. He was becoming aroused and images of Laura standing so close to him in her bra were coming back to him. He slowly uncrossed his legs to give himself some more room. Jon was fast asleep so Biff quietly stood up. He looked down and could see his penis tenting out the front of his dress. He gave it a squeeze through the soft material. The silk of his panties combined with the softness of the pantyhose and the dress felt incredible. He quietly walked out of the room and made his way up to his bedroom. His hips were swaying as he walked and his penis was bobbing up and down with every step. Back in the privacy of his bedroom, Biff reached around to unzip his dress. He surprised himself with his flexibility as he got the zipper down. He peeled the dress off over his head and gave his penis another rub and squeezed through the pantyhose and panties. Biff grabbed his phone and pulled up some photos of the woman whose life he was now living. He tried to picture her in the underwear he was now wearing and felt his arousal grow even more. The perfume Laura had been wearing was still lingering in his room. He made his way onto his bed, lying on his front. He looked down at the bra he was wearing, again imagining a big pair of breasts filling the cups. He closed his eyes and imagined himself with that body as his groin automatically started to rub back and forth against his mattress. All manner of sexy thoughts were filling his brain, pictures of himself in a bikini with his boobs spilling out of the top, the feeling of Laura's boobs pressing up against his back, the soft material of the bra and panties he was wearing, the silky feeling of the pantyhose on his legs. He was rubbing his legs back and forth against each other at the same time as he was grinding his crotch harder and harder into the bed. With one of his hands he was rubbing his chest through the soft bra cups and before long he exploded in one of the strongest orgasms he had ever felt. His penis erupted into his panties and he just lay there for a few minutes gathering his thoughts. Coming down from his arousal he now looked at himself and saw the mess he had made. He quickly made his way to the bathroom and turned on the shower, hoping to have himself cleaned up and dressed again before Jon woke up. Chapter 28: Evening Jon slept for about half an hour. He was having a crazy dream where he was back in his own life and in school. It was lunchtime and he was just hanging out with his friends, joking and chatting. As Jon was telling a story to his group of friends, a dark patch started to spread over his pants. He looked down in shock. He was peeing his pants uncontrollably. His friends started to laugh at him and soon enough everyone was laughing. Biff and his jock friends walked passed and Biff made some joke about Jon needing diapers. Jon was utterly humiliated. The scene then shifted to the locker rooms. Jon was just heading in the door of the locker room to get changed for P.E. He took off his hoodie and put it in his locker. He removed his sneakers and put them under the bench. He opened his belt and the buttons of his jeans before noticing the pink, puffy sight of the diaper that he was wearing. "Hey Jon, nice diaper!", one of the guys shouted and again people started to laugh at him. Jon felt himself lose control of his bladder and start to fill the diaper. A whimper escaped his lips which soon turned into a cry. He looked around for anyone to help him. He spotted Biff in the corner of the room at his own locker. It was the same Biff but now he was dressed in a yellow dress and a pair of heels. Biff turned and saw Jon in distress and minced his way over in his heels to comfort him. He welcomed Jon into his arms and whispered in his ear that everything would be alright, Mommy was here now. Jon woke with a start, surprised to find himself on an unfamiliar sofa holding a baby bottle half full of milk. It took a moment for him to remember everything that had happened. He wondered where Biff was. He felt his diaper with his hand. It was bulging and very full. He got down from the sofa and made his way to the door, his walk a little bit obstructed by the full diaper. When he got to the door he heard the shower running upstairs. As he made his way up the stairs he heard the shower stop and the door open. By the time he got to the top of the stairs, Biff was coming out of the bathroom with a large towel wrapped around his body, just under his arms. He also had another towel wrapped around his head. He looked very girly. "Oh, you're awake. I hope you enjoyed your nap. I was just getting cleaned up to save time in the morning. We've both got a big day tomorrow." Biff said, glancing down between Jon's legs at the slightly sagging diaper that was there. "Just let me get dressed real quick Jon and then I'll change your diaper. I think we should have an early dinner and get some rest. We want to be ready for whatever tomorrow brings." Jon thanked Biff and followed him into his room. Biff removed the towel and quickly put on a pair of panties. He decided to skip the bra as he had no plans to leave the house again today. He found a pair of pyjamas in his dresser, thankful to find at least one pair of pants in there, even if they were pink and covered in a floral pattern. The top matched the pants which he also put on. Biff took the towel off his head, feeling a bit silly, as his hair was still short so it was kind of pointless but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. He went with Jon into his room and helped Jon out of his dress and tights. Jon stood before him in just his diaper. Biff suggested Jon put on some pyjamas too so they could have a relaxing evening. Jon told Biff he'd like to have a shower too as the constant diaper use had left him feeling a bit unclean. He wanted to be ready to face whatever came his way tomorrow too. Biff agreed. He removed Jon's diaper, handed him a clean one and told him to have a shower and meet him downstairs. He'd bring Jon's pyjamas downstairs and he could dress down there. Biff headed down to fix something for dinner, while a naked Jon made his way to the bathroom. He was able to walk normally for once without a diaper on but he still felt a little wobbly. Shutting the door to the bathroom he decided to try going to the bathroom to see if he could. He lifted the toilet seat and just stood at the bowl. Nothing was coming out. He couldn't even seem to figure out what muscles to relax anymore. It seemed his pee just flowed out of him whenever it needed to but he couldn't force it out now. Giving up, Jon turned and got into the shower. The water felt nice. It was lovely and warm and Jon started to relax. He finished after a few minutes, having given himself a good clean. When he got out of the shower he saw the clean diaper on the floor. He was enjoying the freedom and feeling of normality of not wearing one so he wanted to put it off for as long as possible. He stood at the sink, looking at his reflection. He was the same person he had always been and at least naked he still felt like himself. He was leaning in towards the mirror, checking his face for any signs of spots or dry skin when he felt a warm liquid running down his leg. He quickly looked down and saw a stream of pee going from his penis, down his leg and into a small puddle on the tiles. Jon tried with all his might to stop the flow but it was futile. Luckily, he didn't go too much and was able to clean the puddle up with some tissue which he flushed down the toilet. He cleaned his leg with a washcloth and before he had another accident he sadly accepted that he'd be relying on diapers for the foreseeable future. He picked up the diaper and tried to put it on but he just couldn't seem to get it closed right. He tried laying on his back but when he stood up it just fell off again. Having no choice but to ask Biff for help he picked up the diaper and made his way back downstairs. He found Biff in the kitchen taking some dinner out of the oven. "Hey Jon, we're in look. I found some lasagna in the freezer and it's just ready now. Hope you're hungry." Biff said as he turned and saw a naked Jon standing in the doorway holding a diaper out to him. Without saying a word Biff took the diaper and led Jon by the hand over to the sofa. He lay him on his back and had the diaper securely fastened in a matter of seconds. He pulled on a pink pyjama suit that had soft feet built-in. Jon stood up and looked down at what he was wearing. It was very babyish. Biff just sat back and looked at Jon and told him how cute he looked. The pair ate dinner in mostly silence. Biff was trying to make conversation but Jon was lost in his thoughts. After dinner, they both decided to go to bed early and get an early start tomorrow. Chapter 29: Next Morning Jon woke up the next morning utterly confused. He had a really deep sleep that night and he was groggy. It often took him a long time to fully wake up in the morning. He looked around the strange room he found himself in. It was a very girly room, clearly for a baby with a changing table and baby toys, all in pastel colours. He looked down at himself, he was dressed in a soft nightdress and there was a visible bulge around his waist. He reached down under the hem of the nightie and his hands pushed up against some plastic padding. The texture and the crinkling noise made it obvious to him that he was wearing a diaper. And what was worse, it felt like he had used it while he slept. The memories of the last few days came flooding back to Jon. He couldn't believe all this. How could he and Biff be expected to live like this? With a newfound determination, Jon resolved that he wasn't going to give in that easily again. He quickly climbed out of his crib and quickly pulled the nightdress up over his head. His body still looked the same and looking at it in just the diaper he felt ridiculous. He opened the diaper and carefully removed it. He found some wipes and gave his crotch and butt a quick clean. He walked naked over to his dresser and looked at his options. The majority of the drawers had clothes for a baby girl but in his size. He skipped over these and went to the bottom drawer where he had stuffed the guy clothes Biff had bought for him the other day. He pulled on a pair of boxer shorts, happy to feel normal again. Next, he put on a t-shirt and a pair of shirts. That was much better. He felt much more like himself now. He didn't know what Biff would think about all this but he hoped he could convince him that they didn't have to just roll over and accept these new roles they had been thrown into. Now that he was mostly dressed he made his way downstairs to find Biff. He found Biff in the kitchen. He was in the middle of brewing a pot of coffee and had some fruit and toast laid out on the table. Biff didn't notice Jon at first and so Jon just studied Biff for a while. Biff, unlike Jon, was dressed for his new role. He was wearing a white blouse and a pair of navy women's pants. There was a woman's blazer on the back of a chair that matched the pants he was wearing. It was obviously part of the same suit. Jon could make out the straps of a bra underneath Biff's blouse. Jon decided to just play it cool and hope that Biff might see how ridiculous this whole situation was. He said "Good Morning" to Biff and sat down at the table. Biff replied to him and then stared at Jon as he walked to the table. "Jon, you know I have to drop you at daycare today? I have to go to work and I can't leave you here. We can't become shut-ins here. We have to get on with things." Biff started. "Uh, yeah, about that." Jon started to reply. "I can't do it, Biff. I can't wear a diaper or some stupid dress for one more minute. You might have accepted your new role but at least you still get to be an adult. How can you expect me to spend the day with a bunch of babies in a daycare? They won't even let me use the toilet so I'd have to rely on my diapers. Do you have any idea how humiliating that will be for me?" "I understand, Jon", Biff replied with sympathy, "But what choice do we have? To everyone else, you're just a cute two-year-old girl. How could we even start to explain to people if we reject these roles? I'm all for having a bit of normality in the evenings or at the weekend but only here, at home, and only when we can be sure no one will see us." Jon sensed that he was losing the argument and he started to get angry. Biff wouldn't physically force him into diapers, would he? He stood up and started to raise his voice. As he started to shout he noticed Biff glancing down at his crotch. Jon didn't notice it at first but a dark, wet patch was forming on the front of his pants. He followed Biff's eyes down and stopped his shouting. The patch was growing bigger. He was peeing in his pants. He urgently tried to control himself but it was hopeless. The pee just kept coming. Jon slumped back down into his chair, utterly defeated. His anger had vanished but now he was mortified and had to fight back the tears. Biff didn't take advantage and use this to admonish Jon or humiliate him further. Instead, he spoke to Jon in a calm, loving tone. He explained that this proved his point. If Jon couldn't go half an hour without wetting himself then the diapers were essential. And to fit in at the daycare he'd have to dress the part. Jon could barely look Biff in the eye but he knew he'd lost the battle. A single tear rolled down his cheek and he sadly admitted Biff was right. Jon made his way back upstairs to strip out of his clothes and have a quick shower. When he got out of the shower he saw Biff had left some clothes out for him. A clean diaper, a pair of tights, a t-shirt and a light green dungaree shorts. Jon knew arguing was pointless so he lay on the floor and put the diaper under him and managed to secure the clasps himself. He rolled the tights up and pulled them up over the top of his diaper. The t-shirt was easy and then he stepped into the dungarees and fastened the buckles of each strap. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror. The diaper caused a big bulge all around his crotch but at least he wasn't in a dress, he thought to himself, trying to find even a sliver of hope in all this. Chapter 30: Daycare Jon came back downstairs to see Biff putting on his coat. Biff smiled at him and said, "Thanks Jon. I know this is really hard for you but I need you to play along for now. When we get home this evening we'll try to figure things out but who knows how long this will go on and I need to keep my job to pay the bills." "I know, Biff", Jon replied, "I'm just finding this really hard. It's so embarrassing to lose control and soak my diaper but I don't know what I can do about it. I don't even notice until it's already happened. I'll play my part for now. It might be a bit less embarrassing if I just get into the role of a baby today." "Glad to hear it, Jon. We really don't have any option. And I promise, as soon as we get home this evening, you can change out of those baby clothes if you like. I don't want you to be miserable." With the matter settled for now, Biff handed Jon a coat and they headed out to the car. To keep up appearances Biff helped Jon into his seat and fastened his straps. Jon got an up close and personal look at Biff while he was doing this. His clothes looked very professional, for a woman that is. And Jon got a faint sniff of some flowery perfume from Biff too. The drive to the daycare didn't take long and Jon had to muster up some courage to get out of the car. He allowed Biff to put his little Peppa Pig school bag on his shoulders and taking Biff's hand he allowed himself to be lead in the door. One of the staff greeted them at the door and immediately hunkered down in front of Jon and welcomed him in. The first thing Jon noticed was how good looking she was but sadly, he knew he didn't have even the slightest chance as she was talking to him and looking at him like he was a two year old girl. She ushered Biff out the door and then lead Jon into the main room. It was a flurry of activity, with kids of various ages playing and chattering away to each other. Jon made his way over to two girls who were colouring at a big table. They both smiled at him and attempted to speak but didn't form any actual words. Jon said hi but was careful not to say anything else in case he was overheard. He sat with them and started to colour too. After a few minutes he noticed that his colouring was years ahead of what they could manage so he deliberately started to mess it up a bit. The teachers were hovering around the room, keeping an eye on everything. One of them stopped at Jon and his friends to compliment them on their work. Jon decided to test the limits of this new reality he found himself in and looked up at the woman and said, "I was colouring mine in a bit too well so I decided to mess it up a bit to fit in better with my two friends here." The teacher just continued to smile at him and he could tell she didn't understand anything he had said. She just patted him on the head and said", Yes. Sweetie. You did a great job. We'll put this one in your bag to show mommy." Jon wasn't sure if he should be surprised or annoyed that she hadn't understood him. At least it might make blending in a bit easier. As the day went on, Jon tried to distract himself and just go with the flow. At one point the attractive teacher who had met him at the door came over to ask him if he needed to be changed. This was one thing he had been dreading. He looked at her and told her that he was fine but again, she didn't seem to understand him and instead she reached her hand inside the leg of his dungaree shorts and gave his diaper a little squeeze to check if it was wet. Jon was shocked to have such an attractive woman out her hands so close to his junk. He was further surprised when her invasive move had confirmed to her that he in fact had wet his diaper. Jon had no idea when it had happened but now that she mentioned it he could feel that it was cold and wet. She led Jon into a separate room and helped him up onto a changing table. She opened his diaper and removed it. Jon now felt extremely exposed. He hoped he didn't get an erection but was fairly sure she wouldn't even notice if he did. Instead he looked away until she was finished. Before long, he was in a clean diaper and back on his feet. He went back into the room and got back to playing, hoping it might make the way go quicker. The whole day seemed to be planned out. Playtime was followed by snack time, then some time outside. After that was lunch and then some story books were read to the kids as they all sat down on soft mats. Jon watched as the other kids drifted off to sleep one by one. He didn't notice himself yawning and quickly followed them. Chapter 31: Hometime Jon felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and a warm voice saying, "Come on sweetie. Time to wake up. Mommy will be collecting you soon." He didn't know how long he was asleep but as he started to stir he was sure of one thing. He had been asleep long enough to soak his diaper again. He could feel it sagging as he got to his feet. He reached down to give it a squeeze to confirm that it was soaked. He looked at the woman who had been waking him and saw it was the same, attractive woman from earlier. She noticed him squeezing his diaper and knew what that meant. She took his hand and lead him to the changing room. She was talking away to him the whole time but Jon wasn't replying. He was still tired and now was super embarrassed to require changing again. He didn't resist and simply climbed up onto the changing table and lay back. The woman opened the snaps in the crotch of his dungarees and quickly removed his diaper. Jon looked into her eyes and said, "Ugh. I'm sorry you have to do this. This is so embarrassing for me. I just can't help myself now. What I wouldn't give to be able to use the toilet again." The woman simply smiled at him, showing no signs of having understood a word he said. She cheerily replied, "That's right honey. We'll get a clean diaper on you and you can get ready for home time. You're just the cutest. Yes, you are." Jon was amused by this. He could basically say whatever he wanted and all she would hear is a baby babbling. He allowed himself to be helped down and lead back to the main room. A lot of the other kids had already been collected and the energy in the room was much calmer compared to earlier. Happy to be out of the wet diaper, Jon amused himself with some building blocks as he waited for Biff. He didn't have to wait long as a few minutes later he saw Biff parking outside and sauntering towards the door. Biff came in and greeted the woman who had changed Jon. Biff smiled at Jon and Jon smiled back. He was genuinely happy to see Biff and go home. He waddled over to Biff, his diaper preventing him from walking normally. As he got closer he said, "Hey Biff. Glad you're here. I'm getting bored now and just want to go home and get out of these dumb baby clothes." Biff looked at Jon with surprise. He glanced at the teacher, expecting her to be surprised by the way Jon was talking but she didn't seem to notice. She just remarked that Jon seemed happy to see Biff and she would see them both again in the morning. Biff took Jon's hand and lead him out to the car. Once they were both in the car Biff turned to face Jon and asked him, "What was all that Jon? Aren't you worried about how people will react if you don't play your part?" Jon replied, "That's the thing, Biff. I think you are the only one who can understand me. I spoke normally a few times but people just reacted like I was talking gibberish. It's actually kinda funny. Can I borrow your phone for a minute? I want to test something out?" Biff was curious to see what Jon wanted to do so he took his phone out of his purse, unlocked it and handed it to Jon. Jon opened up the voice recorder app and hit record. He started to speak into the microphone: "My name is Jon Gibson. I'm a 16-year-old boy. For the last few days, I've been forced to live the life of a two-year-old baby girl." He stopped recording and then hit the button to play it back. Jon and Biff were both surprised by what they heard. They heard a high pitched m, soft baby voice say: "Me Jon googaa....aba ga.... Baba... Baba." "Holy shit Jon. Is that what other people hear when you talk? That's crazy. We're lucky I can understand you. Imagine how much harder this would all be if I didn't." Biff said. Jon agreed. He would probably go crazy if he couldn't talk to Biff. He handed Biff back his phone and Biff started the car to head home. Chapter 32: Supermarket Jon was surprised when they didn't head straight home. Instead, Biff parked up outside a big supermarket. He turned to Jon and said, "I just need to grab a few bits for dinner and then we can head home." Biff got out of the car and opened Jon's door and helped him out. Jon took Biff's hand without saying a word. It just felt like the right thing to do out in public. The pair walked towards the front of the store. Biff's shoes were clacking slightly with each step. He looked down at himself as he walked. He couldn't believe he was out in public dressed as he was. He was wearing a small, ladies suit jacket over a white, silky blouse. The suit pants he was wearing were very tight and clung tight to his legs. He started to feel a little self-conscious but the casual glances he got from a woman who walked passed reassured him. She saw nothing out of the ordinary with Biff. The look he got from a man who walked by was less reassuring. Biff didn't get the impression the man saw anything wrong with him. Quite the opposite. The man was looking Biff up and down and had a hint of a smile on his face. He obviously liked what he saw. His eyes lingered a bit too long for Biff's comfort on Biff's chest. The outline of his bra was visible under his blouse and while the cups were empty his chest seemed to be like a magnet for the man's eyes. Jon on the other hand wasn't paying any attention to anyone else. He was just walking along lost in his own thoughts. His diaper was causing him to waddle a little bit and the outfit he was wearing was extremely childish. He just wanted to get this shopping over with so they could go home. On the way in the door, Biff put his handbag over his shoulder and grabbed a shopping basket. He put a few bits of fruit in the basket. They continued around the shop, Jon sticking close to Biff. Biff spotted the customer restroom and told Jon he had to use the toilet. It was just one big unisex bathroom with a baby changing table in the corner. There was a single stall and a single urinal on the opposite wall. Biff ushered Jon in and then locked the door. He told him he wouldn't be long. Biff was about to go into the stalm when he saw the urinal. Since they were in here alone Biff decided with a grin to use the urinal instead. Jon was distracting himself by looking around the room. Laughing, Biff said to Jon, "What would anyone think if they saw a woman like me using this urinal Jon? Would they even notice anything odd about it?" Jon just shrugged his shoulders as Biff turned to face the urinal. Jon wasn't really in the mood to talk. Being in this bathroom was just a further reminder of his own reliance on diapers. Biff stood at the urinal and reached down to the front of his pants. His hand was looking for the zipper but all he found was smooth material. Of course, his pants were lady's pants so they didn't have a zipper. Instead, he undid the small clasp at the top and pulled his pants down slightly. His hand felt the frilly edge of the panties he had on underneath and he pulled the elastic out a bit to pull his penis out. As he did his business he laughed to himself again. Here he was, supposedly a woman in her twenties, wearing women's underwear, including a bra, a silk blouse and a woman's blazer, handbag over his shoulder, standing at a urinal holding his penis out over the top of his panties. Such a bizarre situation. Biff soon finished and gave himself a shake. He tucked his penis back inside his panties and closed the front of his pants again. Washing his hands he asked Jon if he needed to be changed. Jo said he didn't think so but Biff decided to check anyway, reaching inside the leg of Jon's dungarees and giving his diaper a little squeeze. It felt a little bit wet but he would be fine until they got home. They returned to the shop. Biff grabbed a few more items and then joined a queue at the checkout. Chapter 33: Checkout As the line moved along and they got closer to the checkout Jon was first to notice that he recognised the cashier. It was Tiffany, one of the girls from school and a close friend of Biff's girlfriend Sarah. Jon got Biff's attention and told him what he had noticed. Biff had always found Tiffany attractive. She and Sarah were generally considered the two most attractive girls in school and as one of the Alpha jocks he figured if he wasn't dating Sarah he probably would have dated Tiffany. Biff started to get nervous. All his experiences over the last few days have shown him that she, like everyone else, would just see him as an attractive woman with a cute baby girl. But still, he couldn't help but worry. His reputation would be in tatters if for some reason she saw the real Biff, out in public wearing what was very obviously a woman's business suit, with a purse over his shoulder and hanging out with Jon, who was dressed as a baby girl, diaper and all. The line kept moving and soon Tiffany was scanning Biff's groceries. Biff tried to maintain his composure. Tiffany showed no signs of recognising him or Jon. Biff had noticed Tiffany being very flirty with any of the guys that were in line ahead of him but she wasn't flirting with Biff at all. She did casually glance at his outfit, looking him up and down but he just felt like she was judging him rather than admiring what she saw. Her expression did light up a bit when she noticed Jon standing beside Biff. She made a cute face at him which caused Jon to giggle before he stopped himself. Where had that come from he wondered to himself? For once he was happy in his new role as he wasn't really expected to interact with any "grown-ups". Tiffany finished scanning and said, "Will that be all, ma'am?" to Biff. Biff said yes and then Tiffany ran his card and thanked him. As he was bagging his items she complimented Biff saying, "Your daughter is adorable. Have a good night." Biff just thanked her again and started to leave, turning to Jon and saying, "C'mon honey, time to go." Jon gave Tiffany one last smile and followed Biff out to the car. Both boys were a bit shaken after having that encounter with someone they knew so they drove the short distance home in silence. Neither really wanted to talk about it. Jon just looked out the window, feeling a bit sad at the loss of his old life. He looked down at himself now, strapped securely into an oversized baby seat, the strap between his legs pushing his diaper against his crotch and making the bulge even more obvious. As he was staring at his crotch he felt it grow warm. Once again, he was peeing uncontrollably. He tried with all his might to concentrate on holding it in but it was useless. He could feel the warm pee just flowing out of him and into the diaper. He felt a single tear roll down his cheek as he felt like he was falling further and further away from his own life. If he was relying on diapers how could he possibly ever get back to feeling like his old self. Jon sniffed and wiped away the tear just as Biff parked the car and turned off the engine. He opened Jon's door for him and then grabbed his shopping bag. They both walked into the house in silence, happy at least to be back in the privacy of their home. Chapter 34: Dinner and a Text As they walked into the house, Jon told Biff his diaper was soaked. He was no longer embarrassed about such things around Biff. If anyone could empathise with his situation it was Biff. Biff put the grocery bag into the kitchen and went upstairs to change Jon. Jon had gone up ahead of him, eager to get out of his childish clothes. Biff found Jon in his room wearing just his diaper. It was sagging quite a bit between his legs, obviously soaked. Biff urged him onto the changing table and quickly removed the diaper, cleaned Jon up and put a clean one on him. "Why don't you put some pyjamas on Jon. I'm going to get out of these clothes and put my own jammies on. It's been a long day and it's already getting kinda late. I'll make something quick for dinner and then we should get an early night." Jon agreed and Biff left him alone in his room. He walked over to his dresser, subconsciously rubbing the soft back of his diaper against his butt. He was relieved to be back in a dry diaper for now. He opened the drawer his pyjamas were in and looked at his options. They were all quite juvenile and girly but as he yawned he decided he didn't really have the energy to care right now. He had noticed he was getting tired a lot earlier in the day now and that was even after the long nap he had in daycare. Just wanting to get dinner over with so he could sleep, Jon picked out the first thing his hand touched. It was a short, pink nightie with ruffles around the sleeve and neckline. Jon couldn't believe how tired he was now feeling so he lazily stuck his arms in the sleeves and lifted it on over his head. He let it drop down. The hem of the nightie barely covered his diapered butt but he didn't really give it much thought. Instead, he made his way downstairs, turned on the TV and sat down on the couch. He was quite the sight, slouching back on the couch with his legs spread wide, nightie bunched up around his waist, with his pink diaper on full display. Jon just flicked through the channels, hoping that Biff would call him in for dinner soon. Biff, meanwhile, had come back downstairs and was cooking some dinner. He had taken off his suit and bra but kept his panties on. Much like Jon, he didn't really care what he wore now, he just wanted to be comfortable. So he had put on a pair of silk pyjamas. The pyjama pants were fairly tight on his legs but he had to admit the smooth material felt really nice as his legs rubbed off each other. The matching top had buttons up the front and long sleeves. It was form fitting too. He was happy to have taken his bra off but something felt a bit off to him to be walking around braless now. He had gotten so used to the feeling that going without now felt strange to him. He put these feelings aside as he dished up some food and called Jon to come in. As he waited for Jon he received a text message that took him a minute to comprehend. It was from a number that he didn't have saved on his phone and it said: "Hey, Biff. Sorry I haven't called you in a while. Just wanted to let you know I'm all set to take Jon for the weekend. I really meant what I said last time we spoke, I've gotten my shit together now and I'm ready to make this work. I want to support you and be the father that our little princess deserves. I'm going to prove to you that I can be a good dad and that I'm still the man who swept you off your feet once upon a time. I'll pick Jon up from daycare on Friday and maybe when I bring her back on Sunday we can talk a little bit? K" Biff was dumbstruck. This must be Jon's dad or at least the dad of the baby girl everyone saw Jon as. How would Jon react to this news? He'd be spending the weekend with someone who is essentially a stranger. And Biff would get the whole weekend to himself. He perked up a bit at this thought. It would be nice to get a break from all the diapers and everything. He'd have to thread carefully with Jon. He wouldn't mention it for now. Just as Biff out down his phone he saw Jon walking into the room. He smiled at Jon who was wearing nothing but a shirt nightie and a diaper. He knew that really Jon was a 16-year-old boy but he couldn't help but think that he looked adorable at that moment. Chapter 35: After Dinner Biff could tell from the way Jon was sitting and how he was eating that he was exhausted. He actually found it funny. It was only 7:30 in the evening but Jon could barely keep his eyes open. In his tired state, Jon was obviously letting his guard down and some more babyish behaviours were coming through. He had gotten some food on his face around his mouth as he was trying to eat and whenever Biff tried to talk to him Jon's responses were all quite babyish. Wanting to put Jon out of his misery, Biff asked him if he would like to go to bed. Jon just nodded with a big yawn and kind of slumped in his chair. Biff went over to him and decided to try picking him up. Biff was one of the strongest guys in school and could have picked up Jon in the last but when he picked him up now he was surprised with how much lighter Jon actually felt. Biff was able to hold him with one arm. He held Jon next to his chest as he put his chair back in. Jon seemed to be almost in full baby mode now. He was well on his way to falling asleep. He put his arms around Biff's neck and nuzzled his head into Biff's shoulder. Biff rubbed Jon's back with his free hand as he climbed the stairs. He hoped that Jon would stay asleep and give him some time to himself before he needed to go to bed. Biff stopped to look at himself in the hallway mirror. A part of his mind thought it was a ridiculous sight, him a well-built football player in a pair of silk pyjamas cradling another teenager in his arms. But another part saw it as completely natural. While it was obvious Jon was still a teenager, the fact that Biff could hold him so easily and the fact that his diaper was clearly visible under his nightie gave Biff the impression that Jon was, in fact, a helpless baby girl. He continued into Jon's room and gently placed him down in the crib. Jon didn't stir and when Biff pulled the blanket over him Jon just smiled to himself and turned over to his side. Biff tiptoed out of the room and crept down the stairs. Now that Jon was taken care of he could be alone with his thoughts. He grabbed his phone and sat down on the couch, subconsciously tucking his legs in under himself and enjoying the sensual feelings of the silk material on his skin. He opened his phone and reread the text from earlier. Who was this guy? He had to find out. He opened up his Facebook to try to learn more. He hadn't posted anything since his change but when he went to look at his photo albums he knew he'd soon find out what he needed. He saw photo after photo of the pretty woman whose life he found himself living. She was very attractive and seemed quite popular. There were lots of photos of her out with friends. The more recent photos seemed to focus on her darling daughter, Jon. Before that there were lots of photos of this woman with a guy called Ken. That must be who texts her. The text had ended with K. Biff learned after a bit of digging that he and Ken had been dating up to about 3 years ago. He filled in some blanks and gathered that when he had become pregnant with Jon this had scared Ken off and the relationship ended. Biff thought this guy must be a bit of a jerk to abandon this woman with her newborn baby. He thought about giving this jerk a piece of his mind. He had written several angry texts but deleted each before sending it. There was something stopping him. He could really do it with some help. If this guy was willing to share time with Jon now then he should at least try it and see how it went. He decided on a much more diplomatic response. He told Ken that he was glad to hear he was taking this seriously. It would be good for Jon to spend some time with "her daddy". And he agreed to have a chat on Sunday evening when Jon was back home. Biff hit send on this one and waited. As he waited he looked back at some more of his photos. He started to wonder what his life would be like if he stayed like this. He was glad that the woman everyone saw him as was attractive. But what were his prospects for romance now? He couldn't imagine being intimate with another man but maybe he could try a lesbian relationship. Biff looked at all this woman's friends on Facebook. He found a lot of them attractive. He saw some group photos of him and his friends at the beach, all dressed in bikinis and looking very happy. As he looked at the photos he felt himself growing aroused. His penis grew hard and was really straining against his panties and pyjama pants. Neither were designed to accommodate his penis, they were meant to sit smoothly against female crotches. Biff gave his penis a rub through the soft material. It felt amazing but he needed some release. He decided to continue this up in his bed. He quickly and quietly made his way back upstairs and crawled under his covers. His bed sheets were much softer than he was used to and the sensation of his smooth pyjamas sliding over the bed sheets was driving him wild. He squirmed around a bit on the bed and a soft moan escaped his lips. He reached into his pyjamas and felt around the soft material of his panties. He put his hand under the frilly waistband and freed his erection which was ready to blow. He grabbed a few tissues from his locker and did the deed. It only took him a few minutes before he finished. He lay back panting, his erection subsided and his penis retreated back to its cozy home, nestled in his panties. With a satisfied grin, Biff soon drifted off to sleep. Chapter 36: Weekend Plans The rest of the week followed the same kind of pattern. Biff went to work. Jon went to daycare. In the evenings Jon was quite tired and went to bed fairly early. Biff enjoyed having some time to himself each evening. He noticed Jon developing more infantile behaviour the more tired he became. In the mornings and early part of the evening, Jon was just like himself but as bedtime approached he would start to make less sense when he talked and more than once Biff saw Jon sucking his thumb without really noticing. It was on Thursday evening at dinner when Jon asked Biff if they could have a bit of a night off on Friday night. He wanted to wear his normal clothes for a break and hoped Biff felt the same. It was at this point that Biff decided to share with Jon the texts exchange he had been having all week. He told Jon that he had been contacted by Jon's dad, who was called Ken. He showed Jon some photos of Ken on his phone and Jon was relieved to see that he at least seemed like a normal enough guy. He explained to Jon how Ken and Biff, or the woman whose life Biff was now living had dated in the past but when the woman became pregnant Ken got scared off. He was now willing to turn his life around and wanted to be a good father to Jon and to support Biff. Being totally honest, Biff told Jon that he could use a break himself. Being a single mother was hard work and he hoped he understood. Jon was very mature about it and agreed to pay along for the weekend. If they were both going to be stuck in these lives then he had to at least make the most of it. He didn't want to be a burden on Biff. Sure, he could mostly take care of himself but it wouldn't be right for Biff to leave him alone and he still relied on Biff to change his diaper and take care of all his meals. He was nervous about meeting Ken but also a bit relieved that, as a baby, not too much would be expected of him. Biff was glad that they had talked about it and that Jon was handling it so well. After he put Jon down to sleep he decided to text Ken again and just remind him of all the things Jon would need. He packed a weekend bag for Jon with several outfits, pyjamas and a stack of diapers. The next morning when Biff dropped Jon off at daycare he left the bag there and explained that Jon's dad would be collecting him today. Chapter 37: Jon Meets His Dad Jon distracted himself throughout the day, trying not to worry about spending a weekend with someone he never met before. Who was Ken? He hoped he'd be nice. He also wondered if Ken would understand Jon when he spoke. That could make things complicated. Jon had made some friends in daycare who were all eager to play with him throughout the day. If Biff could hear them he would have found it very funny as these other kids were just rambling and babbling away but Jon was talking normally to them, no longer worried about anyone noticing. To the teachers he sounded just like the other kids. A few random real words here and there but mostly just gibberish. After the afternoon nap and a bit more playing Jon felt one of the teachers tap him on the shoulder. She said to him, "Your daddy has just parked up sweetie. Time to get ready to go. I bet you're going to have so much fun this weekend." Jon made his way over to the door, eager to meet his "dad". When the door opened Jon was shocked by who came in. It was Karyn but she looked different. She was wearing a shirt and tie and a pair of slacks and very manky looking shoes. Her hair was short and judging by the movement under her shirt she was not wearing a bra. Karyn's face lit up when she saw Jon and she crouched down and opened her arms up expecting a hug. Jon took the hint and ran to his friend, giving her a big hug. Jon spoke quietly to Karyn saying, "Karyn, thank God it's you. I've been having the craziest time. I've to pretend I'm a baby girl and Biff is my mom. Can you believe it? I'm so glad you're here. Maybe you can help me get back to normal." Karyn just looked at Jon as he spoke to her. The linger he talked the less hope he had that she could understand him. She just hugged him and smiled at the teacher." Oh, baby girl. I'm so happy to see you. And I'm glad you seem happy to see me too. We're gonna have so much fun this weekend." Jon just looked at her and said, "Eh, Karyn, did you understand any of what I just said?" But all Karyn heard was "Dada, blub a bloo a gaga." Karyn just smiled at Jon again and tossed his hair a little bit. Karyn took Jon's bag in one hand and held his hand with the other. She lead him out to the car and strapped him into a car seat. She started the car and started to drive to her apartment, chatting away to Jon the whole time but seeing him as her baby girl and not as her teenage friend. Jon wished he could text Biff to tell him but knew he'd find out soon enough. His emotions were mixed. He was happy to see Karyn but sad that she wasn't exactly herself right now. Karyn seemed to be living the life of this man, Ken and unlike Jon and Biff she seemed to be fully immersed in her new role. After a few minutes, Karyn parked her car, grabbed the bag and came around to take Jon out. Jon was surprised when Karyn picked him up easily and held him in one arm. There was no way she would have been able to do that before but now she could do it with ease. Jon squirmed a little bit in her arms but she was able to hold him in place without any struggle. She walked into her building and took the elevator up to her floor. She carried Jon the whole way and brought him into her apartment to show him around. Chapter 38: First night at Dad's As Karyn lead Jon around he was taking some time to observe her. She seemed to really believe she was a guy named Ken. She was walking with heavy steps like a man and her speech patterns were different to how he remembered. Jon knew it was probably pointless but he kept trying to talk to Karyn. He was growing more and more frustrated when he wasn't getting through to her. Karyn just kept up idle chit chat with him, never once showing any understanding of what he was saying. She lead him into a small bedroom next to her own bedroom. This room was setup for a baby clearly. There was a crib, changing table and some toys on the floor. Jonn found it all quite boring. It was a lot like his room at home but at least with Biff he could be himself and didn't have to pretend to be a baby. He didn't want to make things too difficult with Karyn so the easiest thing for now was to play his part. He pretended to show interest in the toys, sitting on the floor and playing with them for a few minutes. When he got bored he decided to get up. He had been mimicking the other kids in the daycare so much that it now came naturally to him to move like a toddler. To get up off the floor he stuck his butt up in the air and then pushed up with his arms. He wobbled a bit on his feet but quickly found his balance. He turned around to see Karyn watching him with a loving smile on her face. He started to walk towards her when without thinking he stopped and squatted. He couldn't help himself. He crouched down slightly and a grunt escaped his lips as he filled his diaper. He just looked at Karyn, smiled and said, "well Karyn. You wanna be a good dad? Time to prove it. Change my diaper please?" Jon was way beyond feeling any embarrassment for this kind of thing. Karyn picked up her queue. All she had heard when Jon spoke was, "Dada, gooba diapee wease." She seemed up for the challenge and easily scooped Jon up an lay him down on the changing table. She removed the dirty diaper, trying not to show any sign of disgust and after a few wipes had him dressed in a clean diaper and picked him up off the table. She didn't put him down straight away, instead, she carried him around to complete the rest of the apartment tour. Once in the kitchen, she asked Jon if he was hungry. He replied that he was but the only thing she understood was when he nodded his head. Karyn sat Jon down by the TV and put on a cartoon for him while she cooked some dinner. Biff would allow Jon to watch whatever he wanted but for the weekend at least he was resigned to watching kids TV only. Karyn checked on Jon several times while she was cooking. She saw him only as a baby and so was much more nervous about him than Biff was. A short while later dinner was ready. Karyn scooped Jon up again and strapped him into a baby seat. Biff knew Jon was perfectly capable of feeding himself but Karyn was doing things very differently. She sat beside Jon and spoon-fed his dinner to him. Jon tried to explain to her that it was unnecessary but she just heard baby babble when he did. Only when Jon had been fed did Karyn eat her own dinner. She was chatting to Jon the whole time, telling him how happy she was to finally be spending time with him. She said things were going to be different from now on. Jon was happy to have his friend back in a weird way but he wished she would stop treating him like a baby. Karyn saw Jon yawning and remembered the details Biff had sent her. She knew he'd be ready to go to bed soon. She told him the plans for tomorrow. They were going to go for a swim in the morning and that if he was good she was going to take him to a toy store and buy him a present. Jon could barely take in what she was saying. He had become very tired all of a sudden. He found his thumb going into his mouth and felt his thoughts becoming a bit jumbled. He felt safe here with Karyn and just wanted to sleep now. Karyn picked him up and carried him back to his room. It was only when she lay him back onto the changing table after removing his dress that he woke back up a little bit. The table was cold on his bare back and it brought him back to reality. Karyn wanted to change his diaper before bed. He hadn't even noticed but he had soaked it again over dinner. She got him changed and put him into a very soft, very warm onesie. Karyn lay him down in the crib and tucked him in. Within seconds he was fast asleep again. Karyn crept out of the room and decided to text Biff. She was sure that Biff was worried so wanted to reassure him that everything was going well. Biff was glad to receive the text and asked Karyn to keep updating him over the weekend. Chapter 39: Biff's Day at Work Biff felt mixed emotions that day at work. He was nervous about how Jon would get on with his dad. But at the same time, he felt more relaxed than he had since this bizarre time had started. He didn't feel as rushed that day, knowing he wouldn't have to collect Jon by a certain time took some pressure off. He was much more relaxed and a few people had noticed. As he was sitting eating his lunch, a colleague of his, Lucy had sat down to join him. She complimented Biff on his top. Since it was casual Friday he wasn't wearing his usual business suit. Instead, today he was wearing a light, floral blouse and a black skirt that came down to just above his knees. He was wearing a pair of skin-coloured pantyhose and, in the spirit of casual Friday, a pair of pink running shoes. He opted not to wear jeans today, finding all his jeans to be quite tight. He had gotten used to wearing skirts by now and he enjoyed the comfort of it. He just had to keep reminding himself to sit carefully so as not to show off his underwear. Lucy's compliment had taken him by surprise. He hadn't really interacted with many colleagues apart from work-related stuff. He had always been so conscious of time that he had only ever taken quick breaks, usually eating at his desk. He thanked Lucy for the compliment and soon was deep in conversation with her. As a guy, he had rarely opened up as much as he did in the short time he spoke to Lucy. She had asked how his baby was doing, not being so familiar as to know Jon's name. Biff said "she" was good and explained how she was spending the weekend with her dad, who was finally wanting to be involved in her life. The two shared a bit of joking about "men", both claiming to never understand them. As Biff agreed with Lucy about the mysteries of men he casually looked down at his lap. He could see a slight bulge in the front of his skirt. If only Lucy knew that Biff was in fact a man but she, like everyone else, saw him as a young, attractive woman. Biff enjoyed his chat with Lucy and had a bit of a pep in his step as he walked back to his office, having finished his lunch. He didn't do it deliberately but his brightened mood and the restriction of his skirt, caused him to sway his hips from side to side as he walked through the office. The feeling of his soft pantyhose covered legs rubbing off each other was quite pleasant too. Just before he returned to his office Biff headed for the lady's room to relieve himself. When he went in there was another colleague of his washing up at the sink. They shared a silent smile, acknowledging each other's presence. Biff headed for an empty stall and closed the door. He still felt a bit strange being inside as forbidden a place as the lady's room but to the rest of the world, he would have looked a lot more out of place in the men's room. Happy for the privacy of the stall Biff hiked up his skirt, pulled down the waistband of his pantyhose and the panties underneath and was about to pull out his penis when he stopped himself. It might raise some eyebrows if someone heard him peeing from a height like that and he also worried that his feet might be visible from under the door. He didn't need that kind of hassle in his life so he resigned himself to sitting to do his business. He dropped his skirt back down and instead unzipped the zip on the side. He pulled it down to his knees and stopped for a second to look at his crotch. He had a very visible bulge which was covered by the two layers under his skirt. He peeled his pantyhose down to his knees and then did the same with his panties. He turned his back to the toilet and sat down, gudmidjng his penis with his hand and tucking it between his legs. He did his business and gave it a little shake before standing back up. He pulled the panties up first, stretching the waist of them out and over his penis. He had to adjust himself slightly inside them to get comfortable. The pantyhose were much easier, sitting snugly against his crotch and smoothing everything down a bit. He pulled his skirt back up and, satisfied that he looked good, exited the stall. The bathroom was now empty and as he washed his hands he took some time to study his reflection. This was all becoming normal to him. He no longer felt so out of place to see himself wearing a very girly blouse, with a few buttons open, showing off just a hint of his perceived cleavage. He tried to imagine how he looked to everyone else and was fairly sure he would have looked pretty hot. The bra which was visible through his top would be full and his blouse would have been right enough to follow the curve of his breasts. Snapping out of his daydream he returned to his office and got back to his work. As the rest of the day wound down and it was at the usual time that he would have to leave for Jon, Biff started to feel a bit sad. Would he admit to himself that he would miss Jon this weekend? There were definitely parts of their new relationship he was enjoying. He got a small kick out of being depended upon by someone. Biff was just finishing up his last task for the day when Lucy popped her head into his office. Her and two other girls from the office often went for a few drinks after work on Friday. Usually, Biff had to collect his daughter but today they knew he was free so we're quite insistent that he join them. Biff couldn't think up any excuse so he didn't see a way out of it. Deciding it might be fun to experience some socialising with a bunch of girls he eventually agreed. They were happy to wait for him and agreed to leave in about 20 minutes. Buff finished his work and decided to make himself a bit more presentable. He rummaged through his purse and found a tube of red lipstick, which he applied to his lips. He stood up and adjusted his blouse, pulling it down slightly until the lace edges of his bra were ever so slightly visible. He straightened out his skirt too, adjusting the waist slightly so it sat high above his hips. This made the seat of the skirt a little bit tighter and looking over his shoulders Biff ocjkd just make out the outline of his panties under the material of the skirt. He rubbed his hands over his butt, smoothing the skirt out one last time. Then he picked up his purse and out the strap over his shoulder, ready to relax and have some fun with his new friends. Chapter 40: Biff's evening The first stop was a small wine bar near the office. Biff had never drank wine before in his life. He had only drank beer on a few occasions with his friends from school. Given his youth, alcohol was kind of hard to come by. Wine would have been his last choice but he had committed to just going with the flow and spending some time with the "other girls" from work. He followed the lead of Lucy and ordered the same as her. He had no idea what it was but when the waiter brought him a dainty glass with red wine he took a sip and admitted to himself it wasn't too bad. Taking some time to look around as the others chatted, Biff saw the bar was full of people who had obviously come from work. There were lots of groups of professional-looking women, all chatting amongst themselves. There were some groups of men standing around the bar, observing the crowd. They looked like predators on the hunt and as Biff looked down at his pantyhose covered legs, crossed at the knee and his flowery blouse he couldn't help but feel like their prey. He could feel lots of male eyes on him and he did his best to avoid any eye contact. He didn't want any extra attention. Lucy was the first to notice the attention Biff was getting and she called him a "lucky girl", telling him he could have his pick of the guys. One of the other girls whose name Biff wasn't sure of joked that he could take any of them home and "take a good pounding". Biff hid his shock. He had no idea women talked to each other like this. It reminded him of how he and his friends used to talk but instead of talking about "tits" and "getting into girls' panties" they were instead talking about "getting pounded" and "riding some dicks". Lucy, who had a bit more class than this other girl saw Biff's discomfort at this kind of talk and quickly changed the subject. She started to ask about Biff's daughter, telling Biff how she admired how hard he worked as a single mother. Biff was happy to have the subject changed and started to tell them all about his life with his "daughter". Nobody found it odd that his daughter was called Jon and the girls insisted on seeing some photos. Biff took out his phone and showed them some recent photos of Jon. He had taken them as an experiment the other day when Jon wasn't looking at him. He wanted to see if the camera would show Jon as Biff saw him or as the toddler that the rest of the world saw him as. As he opened the photo he saw it still showed Jon as Biff saw him, a teenager, dressed in a girly dress with his diaper showing underneath. Lucy and the other woman were gushing over the photo, talking about how adorable Jon looked. Biff had to admit, even though he saw a teenage Jon in the photos, there was a part of him that saw him as his cute baby girl. Biff had grown more comfortable and one glass of wine had turned into two and then a third. By now he was feeling a bit tipsy and not wanting to slip up or do anything embarrassing, when the girls suggested moving onto another place Biff used the chance to excuse himself and head home. The others tried to convince him that he should come with him but he was adamant that he was tired and needed an early night. The group left the bar together and the others insisted on staying with Biff until he was safely in a taxi. Biff sat in the back of the taxi and told the driver his address. In his slightly drunk condition he had gotten in a bit awkwardly, forgetting that he was wearing a skirt. The taxi driver was watching him in the mirror and had gotten a brief flash of Biff's panties under his skirt. Biff took out his phone in the hope he could get home without engaging with the taxi driver. Chapter 41: Biff gets home Soon after Biff got home Lucy texted him. She was worried and wanted to be sure he got home OK. Biff told her he was fine and wondered to himself what she had to worry about. Then he remembered, as far as Lucy was concerned he was a defenceless woman in a taxi all by herself which meant he was vulnerable. Biff didn't feel vulnerable. Taking off his jacket when he got inside he looked down at his arms. His blouse had such short sleeves that they were barely there so his full bicep was visible. Biff flexed his muscles. They still looked as big as ever, even if they did look a bit out of place sticking out of a floral, soft, very feminine blouse. "I'd like to have seen some guy try something on with me. I'd kick his ass." Biff felt a moment of sympathy for women everywhere who had to go through life feeling vulnerable around men. No wonder they all went to the bathroom together and walked each other to taxis and checked in with each other all the time, he thought. But Biff reassured himself he was different. He might be perceived as a woman by everyone but he was still his old strong male self where it counted and he could take care of himself. He had seen a gym membership in his purse and decided that his Saturday would be well spent working out in the gym. He could test his strength to make sure he wasn't deluding himself. It might turn a few heads at the gym for people to see a young woman bench pressing heavy weights like he used to do. He thought that would be good fun. As Biff had decided that he hung up his jacket and handbag and kicked off his trainers. He was glad he didn't have to wear heels on a Friday. Usually, his feet were crying out for relief in the evening but not today. He walked into the kitchen, enjoying the feeling of his nylon covered feet rubbing on the carpet. As he did, he felt his panties giving him a bit of a wedgie. They hadn't sat right since he had gotten so awkwardly into the car. As Biff walked along the hallway he bunched up his skirt a bit, stuck his hand down the back of his pantyhose and pulled his panties back down into position. He laughed to himself and said, "not very ladylike." He opened the fridge looking for something to eat. He made himself a quick sandwich and seeing a bottle of wine, grabbed it and poured himself a glass. He had to admit he had enjoyed the wine earlier and saw no reason not to have one more glass before bed. As he grabbed himself a wine glass he saw a selection of sippy cups in the press and wondered how Jon was getting on. He hoped he was OK. He took his sandwich and wine into the sitting room and collapsed onto the sofa. Another not so ladylike move, he thought to himself again. He looked down at himself once more. He was sitting just like he always did, sprawled out on the sofa, legs spread but he wasn't comfortable. The skirt was restricting his legs a little bit and making it awkward for him to spread them. He quickly got up and closed the curtains. He unzipped his skirt at the back and let it slide down his legs. The skirt had a silk slip built into it and as it slid down his nylon covered legs Biff felt a little shiver of excitement. There were definitely some perks to dressing like this, he thought. Now feeling full freedom from the skirt, Biff sprawled back out on the sofa. His legs naturally spread as wide as possible and the gusset of his pantyhose was stretched wide. It created a little pocket of air around his crotch and he could see his panties underneath, tightly containing his male junk. The sofa was a leather one and felt a bit cold through his panted butt. He leaned forward and took a bite out of his sandwich. Some mayonnaise skilled out and ran all down the front of his blouse. After a few more sips of wine Biff had a pretty good buzz on and flicking through the TV he idly started to unbutton his blouse. It had a big stain on the front so he wanted to take it off. Balling it up and throwing it over beside his skirt he sat back once more, now dressed only in pantyhose, panties and a matching bra. He had no real need for the bra but it never really crossed his mind to take it off. Instead, he found himself idly rubbing the lace around the cups as he barely paid attention to the TV show. The delicate bra was certainly sexy, he thought to himself. What he wouldn't give to be rubbing Sarah's bra like this and of course, she'd have something even better filling the cups. He felt his penis growing hard with these thoughts and soon it was tenting the front of his panties. He started to rub his crotch through the material of his pantyhose and panties, loving the sensual feeling it was creating. He rubbed his nylon covered feet against each other and up and down his legs. A soft moan escaped his lips. He kept up these motions for a while and without even thinking about his hand slipped under the lacy waistband of his panties and rubbed furiously at his erect penis. It didn't take long for him to climax, leaving a big wet stain on the front. His arousal disappointing all he wanted to do now was get cleaned up. He turned off the TV and quickly made his way up the stairs to have a shower and then go to bed. Chapter 42: Jon wakes On Saturday morning Jon woke up suddenly when he heard some clattering and banging in the kitchen. His bedroom was right by the kitchen and he guessed Karyn, in an effort to be a good dad, was fixing breakfast for him. He just lay in his crib for a while, enjoying being alone for now. He found the crib very comfortable. He was cozy and warm in his bedding and the onesie he was wearing added to his comfort. He was encased in soft material from his neck down. Even his feet were covered. Only his head and hands stuck out. He rubbed his hands over his tummy, enjoying the feeling of the soft material. A zipper ran all the way up from waist to his neck but it wasn't bothering him. He lowered his hands a bit, feeling the thick padding of his diaper around his waist and between his legs. A few button snaps held the onesie closed between his front and his butt. Jon pressed against the diaper, feeling his usual morning wood, pressing against the diaper. He was surprised to find that his diaper had remained dry all night. He hadn't woken up dry in so long he wondered if he might never again. His joy was short-lived however as just as he was starting to congratulate himself he felt a strong stream of pee release itself and start to soak his diaper. His hands were still feeling around the front of his diaper and they could actually feel the strength of his pee flooding into his diaper. Jon groaned to himself, just when he thought his situation might be improving he had to go and soak his diaper again. It didn't take long for Jonn to start to feel uncomfortable. He really didn't like the feeling of wearing a wet diaper. Sure, sometimes he would wet himself and not even notice it for a while but as soon as he was aware of it he hated it. He was looking over at the pile of diapers on the changing table and wanted to climb out and change himself. He was reluctant to call Karyn to do it but didn't give any thought to how odd she might find it for her two-year-old daughter to manage to change herself. Jon got to his feet and held the rail of his crib. It came up to close to his shoulder, being magically oversized to accommodate his teenage body. Under normal circumstances, Jon would have been able to easily climb out but his thick diaper and the onesie were making it impossible for him to lift his leg high enough. He next tried to pull himself up by the top railing, again a task that should be easy but somehow he just didn't seem to posses the same strength he remembered. His arms just seemed to be entirely too weak to pull the rest of him up. Finally giving in he called out for Karyn to help. Chapter 43: Biff wakes Biff woke up very slowly on Saturday morning. After his shower he had stumbled into bed and slept naked. Now he woke up alone in a dark room and forgot about everything that had happened over the last week. He felt an urgent need to use the bathroom and so stumbled out of bed and went down the hallway to the bathroom. He lifted the toilet seat and stood completely naked, scratching his butt as he relieved himself. A quick shake and he stumbled back to bed. He lay face down, naked in the middle of his bed. He didn't know what time it was or remember drinking enough to have such a hangover. He reached under his pillow and found his phone. He saw he had a notification from Sarah. "Maybe she wants to hook up", his horny mind thought as he felt his morning wood beneath him. He opened it up. Some woman called Lucy had tagged him in a photo and Sarah had commented on it. As he opened the notification a rush of memories came back to him. There he was in the photo, posing with two women, all three of them making kissy faces at the camera. His lips had a red lipstick on them. Below the neck he had a flowery, woman's blouse on and he could make out the shape of a bra underneath. The photo didn't show him from the waist down but he remembered now. He remembered going for drinks with these women and sitting, posing for that photo with them. He remembered how soft that blouse felt and the skirt he wore under it and how his pantyhose clung to his legs and felt so sensual when his legs rubbed together. Any hope of Sarah wanting to hook up faded in an instant when he read her comment. It simply said, "Looking hot Miss Meadows. Glad to see you get a night off." Not wanting to be rude, Biff liked the photo and Sarah's comment and put his phone down. He turned over onto his back, feeling his penis flop from one side to the other. His earlier ignorance regarding his situation had been bliss but as he looked around the room it all came back to him. On the floor beside his bed there was a crumpled up skirt, blouse, pantyhose and pair of panties. Hanging off the back of a chair was a bra. His bedside locker had some bracelets and other jewellery on it and his dresser had a selection of makeup and accessories on top. Biff groaned to himself. If he wanted to leave the house today he would have to dress himself in clothes just like these. He knew the top drawer held a wide variety of panties in all sorts of shapes and colours. He also knew it would not be proper for him to go out in public with a bra wrapped tightly around his chest. He remembered how some of the men were looking at him last night and knew that for all intents and purposes he was a woman now, even if he still had his male body. He also remembered his texts with Lucy and her concerns for his safety. He had promised himself a trip to the gym today to prove his manliness to himself. But in the light of morning he knew the irony of going to the gym wearing panties and a bra to prove his manliness. He'd even have to use the lady's changing rooms. This final thought perked him up a bit. He and his friends had often dreamed of getting a look inside the girls changing room in school and now he had his chance. With new energy Biff hoped out of bed. He stood for a minute, waiting for a hangover that didn't come. He knew he'd need to eat before going to the gym. He'd feel a bit weird walking around the house naked and worried someone might see him so he decided to get dressed in his workout gear now, eat a quick breakfast and hit the gym. He had a quick look through his clothes to see what he had to work with. He picked up a pair of black panties, nothing too fancy but they looked comfortable. He pulled them up his legs, Happy that they weren't too tight around his penis. Next he found a pair of tight workout pants. He had to work them up his legs and over his butt but once he had them on they were quite comfortable and he could move around in them as if they weren't even there. He found a sports bra amongst his more delicate bras which he put on like a t-shirt. Then he found an actual t-shirt which he put on over the bra. The t-shirt was short and showed off his tummy but it was light enough that it seemed a good choice. He found some gym socks, bright pink, but still gym socks and he pulled them on. The my were much fluffier than his usual socks and he folded them down a few times or else they would have come halfway up to his knees. Happy enough with what he was wearing he went down to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Chapter 44: Jon's morning It didn't take long for Karyn to hear Jon's babbling cries for help. She stopped what she was doing and came into his bedroom. She saw Jon standing up in his crib, obviously wanting to get out. Her first was how cute he looked in his onesie, pleading at her with his arms out. She went over to him and picked him up with ease. Looking after a baby was new to Karyn so she didn't realise right away that Jon's diaper was wet or was the cause of his discomfort. She assumed he was hungry so started to bring him out to give him breakfast. Jon tried to talk to her, saying, "Karyn would you mind changing me first. I wet myself and I'm soaked." Jon quickly remembered Karyn couldn't understand him. All she heard was gibberish from a baby. Deciding to try another way Jon just started repeating, " Dada, diaper, diaper." These words were simple enough that Karyn got the message. She lay Jon down on the changing table and opened up the crotch of his onesie. Jon still had his morning wood and the new space this gave him caused his erection to push the diaper out slightly. Karyn paid no attention to his erection. She opened his diaper and started to wipe all around his crotch, including his erect penis. Jon tried to remain calm, he had often imagined Karyn doing similar to him but in a sexier way. She was just clinically cleaning him and soon had him sealed into a clean diaper once more. She closed up the onesie. Jon tried to get down from the changing table himself but Karyn held onto him and wouldn't let him. He tried to push back her arms, something he would have been able to do easily in the past but right now he was completely overpowered by Karyn. Between his struggles in the crib and now being overpowered by Karyn, Jon now felt properly weak and vulnerable. He sadly thought to himself that he was now as weak as a little baby girl. He needed both Karyn and Biff now more than ever m. He was completely dependant on them and not just to change his diapers. The world now seemed a much bigger and scarier place to him but he at least felt a bit better when Karyn easily picked him up and held him up to her chest to leave the room. Jon was overwhelmed with emotion. He had a new found love for Karyn. He knew he could count on her to keep him safe. He wanted to show her some appreciation for the care she was showing him. He leaned forward and gave Karyn a quick kiss on the cheek. "Dada" was the only word Karyn understood when he talked but it was enough for her. She felt her heart grow warm. She knew she had made the right decision to become a part of the baby girl's life. Karyn strapped Jon into a baby chair and gave him a plastic plate with some toast on it and a silly cup full of juice. She just sat and watched Jon feed himself. He smiled at her between bites and even offered her some of his toast. When he finished his toast, Karyn gave his face a little wipe and said, "OK, little lady, time to get you dressed. We're going swimming soon and then we'll go to the toy store on the way home. How does that sound", but she didn't wait for an answer, unstrapping Jon and picking him once more. Chapter 45: Karyn gets Jon dressed Jon found that his previous fears about being seen in public had been replaced by a sense of comfort and safety knowing that Karyn would take care of him and not let anything bad happen to him. He was in a very happy mood as Karyn removed his onesie to get him ready for a swim. She had laid a set of swimming togs out on the sofa for him, hoping she had guessed his size correctly. She lay him down on his back and took the onesie off him, easily lifting up both of his legs with one hand to slide it out from under him. She removed his diaper which for once was still dry and got up for a second, telling Jon to wait there while she got a swimming diaper from his room. With Karyn gone for a second and feeling in a playful mood, Jon got to his feet and ran to hide behind the sofa. He thought little about the fact that he was completely naked, not even attempting to hide his junk as he ran. Hiding behind the sofa was harder than Jon had guessed. His newly acknowledged weakness and vulnerability had made him feel much smaller than he actually was. Still, he crouched down and leaned forward, trying to hide his whole body but only succeeding in hiding his legs and head. When Karyn came back into the room she was greeted to the sight of Jon's naked butt sticking up in the air. In her mind, it was a very cute scene, a naked baby, thinking she was doing a good job of hiding but actually showing her baby butt off to the world. She decided to lay along saying in mock concern, "Oh no, where did Jon go?" Jon thought it was funny that she was playing along and a loud giggle escaped his lips. He jumped up with a loud "boo" and Karyn pretended to be frightened. She went over to Jon and picked him up, laying him down on the sofa and holding him in place with ease. Jon thought about running off again just for fun but when he tried he found it impossible to get out of Karyn's grip. She once again lifted Jon's legs and slid the swimming diaper under his butt. She closed the velcro straps on it and ran her finger around the seams to make sure it was on properly. Jon stayed on his back and looked down at the new diaper. It was a lot thicker than the ones he had been wearing and had a plastic coating on the outside. Karyn put Jon's feet through the leg holes of his swimming togs and then sat him up. She pulled the togs up the rest of the way and put Jon's arms through the holes and then pulled the straps into place over his shoulders. The swimming togs were a pink one-piece which had a ruffled skirt around the waist which did nothing to hide his diaper. Jon knew he should have felt embarrassed but he felt really cute to be dressed like this. He ran his hands over the material of the swimsuit, stopping to play with the ruffled skirt before continuing on and feeling the extra thick padding on his butt. He climbed down off the couch now that Karyn was finished with him. Karyn grabbed her own bag and took Jon's hand, leading him outside. Karyn lived in a more built up part of the town than Biff and she told Jon they were going to take a short bus ride to get to the gym. Chapter 46: Swimming It was a hot day so Jon was perfectly comfortable wearing just his swimsuit. Karyn was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. It was obvious to Jon that she wasn't wearing a bra but nobody else seemed to notice her boobs bouncing around unsupported. As they left the building Karyn held Jon's hand tight, being very protective of him. The bus stop was at the end of the block and she led the way. When they got on the bus Karyn took a seat and sat Jon on her lap. She didn't show any signs of discomfort to have this teenage boy who was normally much heavier than her sitting on her lap. Jon took some time to look around the bus. Most of the other passengers weren't paying him any attention. He made eye contact with a teenage girl. He thought she was cute and he could tell she found him cute but not in the way he would have wanted. Her face lit up when she saw the cute baby girl dressed only in a cute one-piece swimsuit and she smiled at Jon. Jon smiled back. In his old life he would have been over the moon to be noticed by a pretty girl like that. He liked to think he'd have worked up the courage to talk to her but, right now, she wouldn't even understand him if he tried. A short bus ride later and Karyn picked Jon up and got off the bus. They made their way into the gym and Karyn carried Jon into the men's changing room. She found an empty locker and stuffed her bag inside. She took off her shorts and Jon saw that she was wearing togs underneath. Next she pulled off her t-shirt, freeing her breasts but not showing any sign of caring. Nobody else seemed to care either. Karyn lead Jon out to the pool and headed for the shallow end. She told him to "be a good girl" and stand by the side of the pool while she got in. When Karyn was in she stuck her arms out towards Jon and encouraged him to get in with her. Jon wasn't nervous, he was actually a pretty confident swimmer. He sat on the side of the pool and dipped his legs in before taking the plunge but going slightly away from Karyn as he didn't feel he needed her help. Jon started to move his arms and legs like he remembered but for some reazon he didn't get the same power in his movements. He just splashed around a bit in one place and then slowly started to sink a little bit. Before Jon could panic Karyn was by his side and had taken both his hands and was keeping him afloat. Jon tried to kick his legs with all his might but all he achieved was a bit of a splash and no actual movement. Karyn was encouraging him, saying things like, "that it... Such a big girl... You're doing great sweetheart... Don't worry. Daddy's got you." Jon once again felt glad to have Karyn here to take care of him. The two continued to splash about. Karyn didn't get a chance to properly swim, her entire focus being on Jon. Eventually Jon got a bit bored and Karyn read his mood and decided that was enough. She made her way to the side and easily lifted Jon out of the water and sat him on the edge again. She easily pulled herself out and then brought Jon back to get dried off and dressed. As they were walking back Jon felt his diaper growing wrt and warm around him and knew that he must be peeing in it again. He didn't really notice any change in how his bladder felt but he could tell that's what was happening. Once back in the changing room Karyn helped Jon remove his swimsuit and dried him off. Then she focused on herself for a while, leaving Jon standing there wearing only his swimming diaper. Jon looked around and saw a few boys his own age but of course they were wearing normal clothes while he was stuck wearing a diaper. He was glad that they didn't pay any attention to him. Once Karyn had dressed herself she grabbed a clean diaper and lead Jon over to a changing table in the corner. She lifted Jon and lay him down on his back and removed his wet swimming diaper. Now Jon was completely exposed to the room but all the other people had the decency not to look at him at all. Karyn got him into a clean diaper and then soon got him dressed in a t-shirt with a unicorn on it and a pair of shorts. The shorts had an elastic band. They were styled to look like regular shorts with a flap of material where the fly would normally but when Jon felt around them he felt that there was no opening. "And why would there be?" he thought, "it's not like I'm expected to use the toilet." Jon noticed the shorts were quite tight and actually highlighted the padding of the diaper he wore underneath. Chapter 47: Biff Hits The Gym While Jon and Karyn were finishing up their trip to the gym, Biff was just arriving at his gym. He parked his car, grabbed his gym back and made his way inside. He passed a few people on the way, the women he walked past just smiled at him as did the men, but the men had a different type of smile, more flirty. He felt some eyes on his butt as he walked. He signed in to the gym and headed for the women's changing room. He paused at the door and took a deep breath. A part of him couldn't believe he was going in here but he had been living this life long enough to know he'd fit right in. As he entered the changing room to find a locker he glanced around the room being careful not to stare at anyone. There were women in all states of undress, some drying off after showers, one brushing her hair while standing in just her bra and panties and one standing at an open locker, taking out a bra. She was wearing panties but her chest was exposed and her breasts were on full display. Biff liked what he was seeing but managed to keep it cool. He dropped his bag in a locker and made his way into the gym. His first stop was a weights bench. When he lifted weights in the past he used to start with around 200lb weights and build up from there. He wanted to be safe so he found a bench that was already setup, the bar had 140lb on it so he thought that would be easy for him to start with. Biff sat on the bench and lay back. He put his hands on the bar and pushed up. The weights didn't budge. Biff couldn't believe it. His male ego took an instant hit. He tried again, this time putting all his strength into it. He had hoped at least to get the bar out of the holder, even if he couldn't do any reps with it. Again, nothing, the bar stayed firmly in place. Buff was hit with a tonne of emotions, he felt embarrassed by how weak he now was but he also felt a bit scared. If he really was as weak as a woman then maybe Lucy was right to be worried last night. He would have to reassess any future decisions, keeping in mind how vulnerable and weak he was. He gulped and thought that if a man did try to take advantage of him then he would be powerless to stop them. Biff was just about to give up when he felt a shadow over him. He looked to the side and saw a guy standing there smiling down at him. The guy said: "Need any help, little lady? Think this might be a bit heavy for you." Biff was embarrassed to be called "Little lady" and quickly replied that he was fine but the guy didn't really take the hint and leave him alone. Buff decided to give up on weights for now and try some other exercise. He slid back out from under the weights and got to his feet. As he went to leave he tripped on some weights and stumbled towards the guy who was still standing there. Biff was much bigger than this guy and thought he would flatten him but the guy reached out and easily caught Biff and steadied him back on his feet. Biff blushed and thanked him and then quickly left that area, utterly humiliated. He found his way to a treadmill and started a light jog, trying to forget about his embarrassment. There were lots of women using the treadmills around him and he distracted himself by staring at their Butts rocking back and forth as they ran. He was enjoying the view but the sudden thought that someone could just as easily be enjoying the view of his own butt brought him crashing back to reality. Biff decided to try to forget about everyone else and just focus on himself. He increased the speed on the treadmill but discovered that the maximum speed he could handle was also considerably less than he could previously do. Biff was growing more and more frustrated. The gym had been like his sanctuary before. A place to do some training and show off his masculinity to anyone that was there but now it just highlighted his femininity, constantly reminding him that he was now weaker and slower than he had been and making him feel much less safe in his place in the world. Eventually he grew tired and decided to give up. He made his way back into the changing room and decided to have a quick shower. He stopped at his locker and peeled his workout pants down his legs. He took off his t-shirt and sports bra too and stood rooting through his gym bag in just his black panties. Finally, he took his panties off, freeing his penis from their tight hold. He wrapped his towel around his waist and made his way to the shower. He got a few funny looks from the other women, most of their eyes fixed on his chest. As the shower started to wet him he realised the way he had worn the towel was unusual for a woman. The others were staring at his breasts, not leering, but just finding it odd. They probably thought he was a bit of an exhibitionist. The shower was a new experience for Biff. There were two other women there deep in conversation. One was soaping up her breasts and the other was washing her hair. It took all of Biff's willpower to not stare at them but he did steal a few glances. As he lathered soap on his own chest he closed his eyes and imagined what it must feel like to be lathering up a pair of breasts. He imagined his hands tracing the curve and lifting up the flesh. He imagined his nipples standing at attention and for a second he thought he could feel exactly that. Opening his eyes and snapping out of it, he saw that his penis had, in fact, grown erect. For once he was glad that nobody could see that. If either of those women looked over they would only see the same flat crotches as themselves. He'd probably be arrested otherwise, he thought to himself. When Biff finished his shower, he wrapped his towel around himself, this time remembering to wrap it higher and covering his chest. He made his way back to his locker and dried himself off. He took his clean underwear out of his bag, a matching creme coloured bra and pantie set. He pulled the panties up his leg, glad to be covered up a little bit. He put the bra on with ease, having gotten lots of practice lately. He found a t-shirt and denim skirt in his bag which he also put on. He was getting ready to leave but didn't know what else he was going to do today. He didn't want to just go home and wallow so thought he might go to the mall. It might do him good to spend some time out in public. He needed to view the world differently now from his new vulnerable position but women everywhere seemed to manage it so he could too. He thought maybe if he went to the mall and embraced his feminine life role it might help him feel better about his situation. Chapter 48: Biff's Treatment Biff's gym was just across a big parking lot from the mall so he decided to leave his car there and walk. He might grab a quick dinner in the mall and browse the shops. He dropped his bag into his car and headed for the mall. As he walked he took stock of his situation. Looking down at himself he could see the shape of his bra giving his chest a feminine curve even though the cups of the bra were empty. His t-shirt wasn't much different from the type he used to wear, the sleeves were a bit shorter and the neckline was a bit lower showing off a lot more of his chest. Biff stared at the hairs on his chest, they were in stark contrast to the clothes he was wearing but he was fairly sure no one else saw them. But if he was going to try to embrace his femininity a bit more maybe he should get rid of them. The same went for his legs which he looked down at. They were a bit constricted by his skirt which caused him to sway his hips a bit as he walked. His legs weren't overly hairy but for a woman they were definitely out of place going by current fashions. As he got close to the mall he walked past a few stores on a strip out front. He stopped outside one, it was a beauty parlour. He paused for a minute, was he really going to go through with this, he thought? The gym had been eye-opening for him. He could no longer count on his muscles to keep him safe, he would have to learn to develop his feminine charms. Most women seemed happy enough with their lot in life, they just approached things differently. Biff made up his mind, he would get some treatments now to help him along the path to femininity. He adjusted his handbag on his shoulder as he entered the beauticians. He was greeted by a very friendly, very attractive woman. She asked what she could do for him. Biff was a bit nervous and said he wasn't really sure, he just wanted to treat himself and was open to suggestions. The woman looked him up and down and told him he was lucky. "You're very pretty", she said, "no offence but you just need a little refinement. Let me guess, you've got kids? We get a lot of moms coming in who have trouble finding the time for their usual routine. But give us two hours and we'll have you feeling like your pretty, old self before you leave. The woman gave Biff a robe and showed him to a changing room. She told him to strip down to just his panties, or bra and panties if he felt more comfortable and to put on the robe and exit the changing room through the other door and someone would be waiting for him there. Biff entered the changing room, not giving himself time to overthink things and change his mind. He removed his t-shirt and top, then decided to take off his bra too. It was funny, he actually felt a bit exposed without his bra now that he was out of the house. He folded his clothes neatly and put them in a little cubby hole with his handbag. He then put on the robe, which was one of the softest things he had ever worn, checked himself in the mirror and made his way through the next door. Chapter 49: Biff Finishes His Treatments Biff felt like a character in a movie getting transformed from some mousy looking girl into the belle of the ball. The 2 hours he spent there were like a whirlwind. At times it was painful, especially when they waned his legs and public hair, leaving him with a much neater triangle of hair. The chest wax wasn't too bad. None of the people giving him a treatment passed any comment about his male body, treating him like all the other female customers they were used to. By the time it was finished the only hair left on his body was the hair on his head and a neat triangle of public hair. His skin felt as soft as when he was a baby and his nails looked neat and tidy with a nice clear polish on them. Biff barely had a second to think before his time was up and he found himself back in the changing room. He had taken his panties off when it was time for his bikini wax and so he stood for a minute, taking stock of everything dressed only in his robe. He leaned over and ran his hands up and down his legs, amazed at how smooth his skin felt. He ran his hand under his robe to find that even his butt had been stripped of all hair. He touched his pub's hair, amazed to find it much trimmer and shorter and covering a much smaller area. Biff opened his robe and took his panties out of the pocket. He stepped into them and pulled them up his legs. The feeling was sensational. The silky material of the panties glided up his legs, sending a shiver up his spine. The panties sat neatly on his waist and there was no unsightly hair sticking out anymore. He grabbed his bra and easily put it back on. He thought it looked much more appropriate to have a smooth chest showing between the cups of the bra. He put his t-shirt on, now finding the material to be much rougher on his newly softened skin. He wished he had worn one of his more delicate blouses now. He stepped into his skirt and dulled it up to his waist, tucking his t-shirt in before closing the skirt. Skipping on his shoes he exited the changing room to pay for all his treatments. He was a bit surprised at the cost of everything but it was totally worth it in his mind. Thanking the staff and exiting the shop Biff continued on to the mall doors, amazed at how sensual his smooth legs felt rubbing up against each other underneath his skirt. He walked along with a new found confidence, this time reveling in the male eyes that were eyeing him up. Now fully committed to going as female as possible he made a beeline through the mall, straight for Victoria's Secret. Chapter 50: Biff's Secret Biff remembered being dragged in here by Sarah a while back and being mortified and feeling so out of place. He still felt a bit odd being surrounded by so much lace and something entirely feminine. But this time it was different. He felt like he blended in with the rest of the customers. He was approached by a girl not much older than him who greeted him warmly, "Hey there. Can I help you with anything?", Biff hesitated for a second and then told her he wanted to get some nice new underwear to treat himself. The girl perked up at this, probably happy to be making a sale, Biff thought. She asked him if there was anything in particular he wanted. Biff said he wasn't sure, just that he wanted something special. The girl asked Biff it was for anyone special and she gave him a little wink. Biff blushed and told her it wasn't, he just felt like treating himself. After numerous other questions which Biff did his best to answer, they narrowed it down somewhat. The girl showed Biff a set which consisted of some very lacy panties in what she said was a French cut style, a garter belt and stockings and a matching bra, which was mostly see-through. Biff ran his fingers over the lace, amazed at how soft it felt. He told her he liked it and asked if he could try it on. She asked Biff what size he was but he said he wasn't sure. The girl took him by the hand and just said, "C'mon in the back with me and I'll measure you. It's best to be safe." Biff couldn't quite believe what he was allowing to happen. He followed the girl into the changing room. She told him to strip down to his panties. Biff was hesitant at first but she saw his nervousness and said", don't stress honey. We're both girls here. You don't have anything I don't have." Biff muttered to himself, "if only you knew", but at the same time he started to undress. He opened his skirt and let it slide down his smooth legs then he pulled his t-shirt over his head. "And the bra", the salesgirl said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Biff slowly removed his bra and felt a strange urge to cover his chest with his arms. The girl produced a measuring tape and walked around behind Biff. She passed the tape around his front after telling Biff to raise his arms. She measured various parts of his chest and made notes on a piece of paper. Next, she measured his waist and hips. She told Biff he was a lucky girl, telling him he had a 36-inch bust and most likely needed a D cup and that he had a 38-inch hip. She told Biff to wait there while she went and found the lingerie in his size. Biff stood waiting, looking at his reflection in the two mirrors. He should have thought he looked strange but it was all starting to feel normal and he instead focused on how much better his panties looked without loads of pubic hair. A minute later the sales girl came back with the set on a hanger and told Biff to just call her if he needed any help. After she left, Biff checked to make sure the door was closed properly. He pulled his panties down his legs before picking up the new panties and pulling them on. He loved the feeling of the soft satin gliding up his legs. He pulled them up to his waist and adjusted his penis inside. Next, he put on the garter belt before sitting down to pull the pantyhose up his legs and clipping them onto the garter straps. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror. He admired how his legs looked now. They were super smooth and the nylon clung to his legs. He rubbed one leg against the other and felt a proper thrill. Is this what women felt all the time, he wondered? The last thing to put on was the bra. He checked the tag seeing it was, in fact, a 36D but when he put it on the cups sat very neatly on his chest. There wasn't much room left in them at all and Biff loved the sense of security it gave him. He had grown quite bashful about having his chest exposed so having his nipples behind the soft padded cups just felt right to him now. He decided there and then to but the set. He wasn't trying to impress anyone but he had vowed to himself to learn how to best utilise his feminine charms and taking a deep dive into life as a woman was the place he felt he needed to start. And he couldn't think of anything more feminine than lingerie as sexy as this. He took everything off again and got dressed in the clothes he had worn in. He carried the lingerie set out and told the girl that he would take it. She was delighted and after processing the sale wished him well and said goodbye. Biff left the store and continued walking around the mall, just window shopping for now. Chapter 51: Toy Store Karyn was still quite underprepared so she didn't have a pushchair for Jon. Leaving the gym she instead picked him up with ease and held him with one arm, balancing him on her hip. She was enjoying the appreciative glances she got from any women she walked past, who were impressed to see a doting father carrying a cute baby girl. It was only a short walk to the toy store. Karyn had promised to buy Jon a toy. She wanted to make up for lost time with him. She let Jon down once they were inside the store and decided to let him wander around until something caught his eye. Jon waddled a little bit as he walked, the diaper causing his legs to spread a little bit. Out of habit, he headed straight for the video game section but Karyn just thought that was funny and she held his hand and guided him towards the toys more suited to a two-year-old. Jon tried to resist but Karyn had a good grip on his hand and was easily able to overpower him. As they walked down an Isle full of dolls and soft toys, Jon found it all very boring. Karyn was pointing out lots of toys as they walked but Jon wasn't biting. Eventually, he realised he'd have to pick something sooner or later, so he settled on a small set of building blocks. Karyn was happy a decision had been made and carried the box to the checkout. Jon followed close behind her, feeling a bit vulnerable out in the world. The cashier greeted Karyn and then smiled at Jon while she rang up their purchase. Karyn thanked her, picked the box up in one hand and picked Jon up in the other and they headed out. They crossed the street to where there was a bus stop and made the short journey home. Once home Karyn set Jon down in the middle of the living room and opened the new blocks for him. Jon thanked Karyn and not wanting to be rude busied himself with the blocks while Karyn went to the kitchen to get started on dinner. While playing Jon was repeatedly sitting down and standing up. He was very aware of his thick diapered butt as he moved. The shorts, combined with the diaper, were much tighter than the baggy clothes he used to wear. He rubbed his butt through the shorts, amazed at how the diaper curved around his butt and caused the shorts to bulge. The front of his shorts had a similar bulge and as Jon was inspecting them he felt himself once again peeing uncontrollably, soaking his diaper and making them bulge a little bit more. Annoyed at himself for his lack of control Jon started to get upset. He heard himself start to whimper and although he tried to reason with himself he felt his emotions taking over. He stood up straight and felt another rush of pee m, further filling the diaper and before he could react rationally and just ask Karyn to change him he felt himself burst into tears and start to wail. Karyn rushed back into the room seeing Jon standing there, bawling crying and fussing with his diapered crotch. She reassured him everything was ok and quickly scooped him up and brought him into his room to change his diaper. Jon eventually settled down and now started to feel a bit embarrassed about how he had overreacted. He tried to explain himself to Karyn but, again, she showed no sign of understanding him. Once he was calm Karyn brought him back to the kitchen and fed him some dinner. Time had lost meaning for Jon the last few days, it wasn't important to him anymore as someone else was always there to take care of his every need. Before he realised it was getting late, he felt his eyes growing heavy and his thumb had gone automatically into his mouth. He was drifting in and out now and barely noticed Karyn changing him or tucking him into bed. The last thing he remembered was her kissing him on the forehead and leaving the room. Chapter 52: Biff's Girly Evening Biff had spent a bit more time browsing in the mall but happy with his lingerie purchase and aware of how much money he had spent in the spa, he decided to go home. It was just starting to get dark anyway. He left the mall and started to walk across the much emptier parking lot to get to his car. He walked past a guy who was standing on his own. He could feel the guy eyeing him up and down as he passed. To his surprise the guy spoke just as Biff had passed him, saying, "Hey baby, where you off to?" Biff ignored him and quickened his pace. Before all this, Biff would have been confident about kicking this guy's ass, but his experience in the gym had shown him that he was now a lot more vulnerable now. He took his keys out of his purse as he approached his car. He was afraid to look back in case the guy was following him but once he had gotten quickly into his car and locked the door he relaxed a little bit. He was relieved to see the man still standing where he had passed him. "How do women put up with this shit all the time?" Biff said to himself. Now more eager than ever to just get home Biff started his car and made the short drive back to his house. Once inside the front door, he double-locked it and breathed a sigh of relief. He had made the decision earlier to embrace his feminine role in life but this feeling of vulnerability was one aspect of femininity he could do without. Determined to make the most of the positives for now Biff hurried upstairs and decided to spend the evening draped in the lacy lingerie he had purchased. He quickly stripped out of his clothes, down to his underwear. He studied himself in the mirror in his room, amazed at how different he looked with no body hair. His legs looked great and his panties looked much nicer without the mass of hair behind them. He pulled the sports bra up over his head, slowly revealing his naked chest to himself in the mirror. He had gotten so used to wearing bras that now seeing his bare chest made him feel somewhat sexy. His chest was physically the same as always, apart from not having any hair now but the idea of it being somewhat forbidden and for his eyes only made him feel special to be now standing bare-chested. Biff opened the Victoria's Secret bag and laid the contents out on his bed. He was about to get dressed when he felt nature calling. He made his way to the bathroom in just his panties, subconsciously taking smaller, delicate steps. Keeping in line with his new role he pulled his panties down and sat on the toilet to pee. Having to sit wasn't so bad, he told himself and at least if it became a habit it would be less likely to raise any eyebrows if someone saw him standing. Finishing up on the toilet Biff stood up and let his panties drop to the floor. He sauntered back to his room, marvelling at the smoothness of his legs and rubbing his but with one hand as he walked. He certainly was starting to feel sexy and he knew dressing himself in his new lingerie would reinforce these pleasant feelings. He started with the delicate lace panties, slowly pulling them up his legs, savouring the sensation of the material rubbing off his smooth skin. Next came the bra and then the garter belts. Lastly, he sat on his bed and slowly peeled the pantyhose up his legs before attaching them to the straps. Standing up again he admired himself in the mirror. He was feeling as womanly as he possibly could right now. Even the sight of his penis stuffed into his panties did nothing to change how he felt. He posed for himself in the mirror for a while before heading back downstairs. He wanted to do some normal things while dressed like this to try and make these feminine feelings seem normal. He got himself a drink from the fridge and made his way down. He couldn't help but sit delicately down, even crossing his legs at the knee without really thinking about it. He flicked through TV channels for a while, subconsciously running his hand up and down his stocking covered legs as he did. Chapter 53: Biff wakes Biff woke up the following morning still dressed in the lingerie he had worn last night. He took a while to just lie in bed but was enjoying the luxurious sensations. His smooth, shaved legs rubbing against the silk bed sheets felt amazing. He was wide awake now and remembered every little detail of his day yesterday. He felt he had made the right choice to embrace his feminine role in life. As he ran his hand down over the cups of his bra and across his smooth stomach he delighted in how pretty and girly he felt. Even as his hand brushed off his erect penis, nestled snugly in his frilly panties he couldn't help but feel like a girl. He remembered how people looked at him and treated him yesterday. There were definitely lots of positives to living the life of an attractive woman. He felt the urge to pee and so reluctantly had to get out of his bed. As he sauntered across his room he caught sight of his reflection. His smooth skin and the lingerie he was wearing made him feel happy. Yes, he still had his penis and his flat chest but it seemed his mind had made a switch yesterday and he was no longer just trying to play the part, he felt that he WAS a woman and this gave him a sense of relief. If the world insisted on treating him like a woman, it would just be easier to go along with it. He doubted he'd be feeling the urge to wear his male clothes any time soon but he thought to himself that was another benefit to his being a woman, even if he wanted to wear pants and a t-shirt, it was no big deal. He had so many more options when it came to clothes now. He made his way into the bathroom and put the toilet seat down. He peeled his panties down his legs and sat on the toilet. He had to adjust his penis between his legs to aim it into the bowl. When he finished, without thinking he grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped himself dry before standing and pulling his panties back up. He felt himself shiver, feeling the cold morning air now that he was out of bed. He figured his lack of body hair meant he was less insulated from the cold now. He made his way back to his bedroom and decided to get dressed. He picked out a nice simple, pink dress with a floral pattern on it. It was so simple, he thought to himself, just put on one single item and he's fully dressed. He put his head and arms into the dress and put it on like a t-shirt. He then let it drop down and it sat neatly just above his knees. He checked himself in the mirror, happy with the result. He glanced at his alarm clock seeing it was almost 10 am. Jon's dad was due to drop him back today and this made Biff a little bit nervous. It would be strange having a man in his house, particularly a man who he seemingly had a history with but he'd get through it. He still had no interest in being intimate with a man, the idea of touching someone else's penis still didn't appeal to him. Biff sat and applied a small amount of makeup and some lipstick, wanting to at least look the part before leaving the safety of his room. Yesterday he had thought that going all-in on his girly appearance gave him a kind of confidence he had never known to face the world. He had just finished with the makeup when he heard a knock on the door. He felt butterflies in his stomach, caused by meeting his former lover and seeing Jon again. He bounded out of his room in his bare feet, feeling his dress swirl around his legs as he did so. Biff took a deep breath before turning the lock in his front door. When he opened the door, his jaw dropped... Chapter 54: The door "K... K... Karyn", Biff blurted out, ignoring Jon for now. He couldn't believe it. Karyn was standing at the door with a big grin on her face. Her hair was cut short and she was wearing a relatively scruffy pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. She had a certain confidence in the way she was standing. She looked almost bigger and stronger than Biff remembered but physically, he knew she was the same. It all quickly clicked in Biff's head. The text messages had all ended with K. Karyn seemed to be affected by whatever had caused this and she was now living the life of his former lover and the father of his baby girl, Jon. But unlike Biff and Jon, Karyn seemed to be unaware of the changes. "Hey babe", Karyn replied, "you look surprised to see me. Sorry we're here so early but this little lady had me up at 6 am and she's been a bit fussy this morning so I assumed she missed her mommy." As Karyn said this Jon, who was perched on Karyn's hip, leaned forward and reached out to Biff. Biff complied and took Jon into his arms, still surprised by how light he felt. Jon started talking quickly to Biff, safe in the knowledge that Karyn couldn't understand him. "Jeez Biff, the look on your face is hilarious. I guess you've figured it out now, Karyn is my dad. I've been dying to tell you since Friday. Just play it cool, she doesn't seem to find any of this unusual and this life she is living is as a nice guy. She was really nice to me all weekend. You should invite her in." Biff took a breath and smiled at Karyn before inviting her in for some coffee. He lead the way into the kitchen, sensing Karyn's eyes on his butt as it swayed back and forth as he walked. Chapter 55: Coffee Jon watched Karyn follow Biff into the kitchen. He found it all very amusing. It was strange for him to be somewhat ignored now as Biff was obviously processing all this new information and Karyn seemed to obviously still have feelings for Biff, whom she now saw as a pretty woman. He slowly followed the pair into the kitchen. This house had only been his new home for a short length of time but he had an overwhelming sense of happiness to be back. As Jon entered the kitchen, Karyn made her way over to the table and sat down. She sat with her legs spread wide and she was oozing confidence. Her eyes barely left Biff as he made his way over to the sink to prepare some coffee. It was nothing new to Karyn but Jon was surprised to see that Biff had his toenails painted and his legs looked very smooth under his dress. As Biff moved around the kitchen the light dress he was wearing swirled and flowed around him. This seemed to hypnotise Karyn who was just staring, jaw slightly open. Jon felt almost invisible as he walked over towards Karyn. Karyn finally took her eyes off Biff for a second and smiled at Jon. She easily reached out, picked him up and sat him on her lap. Her arms were wrapped around Jon's waist and were pushing his diaper into his crotch somewhat. It was only at this point that Jon realised his diaper was a bit wet. He had no idea when that had happened. Using his diaper was just not something he gave a second thought to anymore. Karyn and Biff were chatting away, like two old friends catching up. Karyn told Biff all about her weekend with Jon and asked Biff how he had spent his time. "Went for a few drinks with the other girls from work on Friday", Biff said, not even thinking twice about indirectly referring to himself as one of the girls. "Then I went for a massage yesterday and did a bit of shopping. Then I just had a quiet night to myself last night." Biff blushed a little at this part as he was picturing himself prancing around the house in his new lingerie, a detail he obviously left out of the story. Karyn seemed relieved that Biff didn't mention spending time with any guys. Jon picked up on this but Biff seemed a bit oblivious. Biff had boiled the kettle and had grabbed a jar of coffee beans from a press but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get the lid off. His final effort had resulted in him letting out a soft, feminine grunt as he realised he just didn't have the strength he used to. Karyn put Jon down and jumped up to swoop in and help. She stood close to Biff and put her hand on his hand that was on the lid. Both Karyn and Biff felt a slight jolt when their hands met. Biff felt his legs go a little bit weak and he felt a flutter in his stomach."Let me get that for you." Karyn breathlessly whispered to Biff as she took the jar and opened it with ease. Biff wanted to diffuse the situation so he fluttered his eyes and said, "my hero." They both laughed at this but neither could deny the sexual tension in the air. Karyn remained where she was, standing right next to Biff. Biff leaned forward to grab two cups and he felt Karyn place her hand on his lower back, just above the waistband of the panties he had on under his dress. Biff felt his penis swell under his dress. He turned around to face Karyn, deliberately rubbing his bra covered chest off her arm and thrusting his chest out front and centre. He stared into Karyn's eyes for a lingering moment, unsure of what to do now. Karyn took the lead and leaned forward, kissing Biff on the lips. Biff slowly parted his lips and allowed Karyn's tongue to enter his mouth. The pair continued like this for a short while. Karyn placed one hand on Biff's chest, feeling the fabric of his bra under his dress. Her underhand made its way down his back and groped his butt for a second. Hearing Jon entertaining himself in the corner, Biff regained control. He ended the kiss and stepped back from Karyn. "That was... nice", he said, "but we've so much to work out before we fall back into our old ways. If you're serious about being a part of Jon's life, that's wonderful. But I don't want to hurt our baby by chopping and changing things all the time. Let's slow things down a bit and see what happens." Karyn agreed and sat back down at the table as Biff brought the cups over and the two sat and chatted for a while. Jon, upon seeing them both sitting at the table made his way over to them. Biff knew Jon could understand them and so was reluctant to talk too much about adult things. Karyn however tried to continue the conversation about their prospects as a couple and family. She was really committed to making things work if that is what Biff wanted. Biff was enjoying the control he had over the situation, being the object of someone's desires was a nice change for him. Time passed fairly quickly and Karyn announced she had to go. Biff told Jon to say goodbye and then told him to go wait in the sitting room while he saw Karyn out. Chapter 56: Karyn Leaves Karyn walked towards the door ahead of Biff. When she got to the door she stopped and turned around. Before Biff could say anything Karyn leaned in for another kiss, this time with a bit more force than the last time. She pulled Biff in close and grabbed onto his butt with both hands, taking a firm grip. Her tongue probed around his mouth and both of her hands slowly made their way down to the hem of his dress and then snaked their way back up and under the dress. Soon her hands were roaming all over Biff's pantied butt, rubbing and caressing the soft material and the soft skin. Biff was in heaven. This was the best he could hope for in his current situation. He could enjoy the feminine role while at the same time, on a deeper level, knowing it was a girl he was being intimate with. He reached one of his manicured hands down and rubbed Karyn's crotch through her pants. Karyn let out a very rough grunt when he did and she started to grind her crotch towards his hand. They continued like this for several minutes before this time Karyn was the one to break the kiss. "To be continued", she whispered in Biff's ear before opening the door and walking confidently towards her car. Biff closed the door, sad to see her go but also kind of relieved. This was all a lot to process. He closed his eyes as he turned and leaned back against the door, exhaling loudly. His face was flushed and his penis was tenting the front of his dress. When he opened his eyes he saw Jon standing in front of him with a big smile on his face. Chapter 57: Snack Time Jon giggled and said to Biff, "Things keep getting crazier and crazier, Karyn's my dad, you're my mommy. And what was all that about with you and Karyn? You were looking at her like a teenage girl with a crush." Jon walked towards the kitchen. Biff followed him, his hormones relaxing a bit but his bone still tenting the front of his dress. He would normally be embarrassed for Jon to see him like this but they had already been through so much together that it didn't really matter. Biff knew Jon was right, he had been reduced to a horny mess when Karyn was here. Between his loss of strength and his embracing of femininity this weekend he couldn't help himself. Karyn had seemed so confident and strong compared to him and he could feel the urge to just give himself up to her and let her have her way with him. He tried to explain his feelings to Jon but it was hard to put them into words. Jon had walked over to the refrigerator but was struggling to open the door. Biff opened it for him and asked if he could get him something. Jon asked for some normal food, he said he'd had to play the baby role all weekend which meant bland baby food and milk out of bottles. He just wanted something normal now. Jon told Biff all about his weekend. Karyn had been really nice to him and he found himself slipping into being a baby coming naturally now. Biff noticed a change in Jon since he was last home. He was speaking with simpler words and giggling more. He seemed more playful and was acting helpless. He thought nothing of getting Biff to make him a snack and get him a drink. Jon had sat at the table while he waited for his snack. Biff gave him a glass of coke. Jon was delighted, telling Biff again that all he had drank for the last few days was milk from a baby bottle. Jon went to take a big gulp out of the glass but quickly spilled it on himself. He had gotten so used to being a baby that he had forgotten some basic skills. Biff laughed at the mess Jon had made but Jon wasn't laughing. Instead, he reacted in a very immature way and started to moan and cry. Biff ran over to him to calm him down. He very quickly stripped Jon's clothes off him and put them aside. Jon stood before now wearing only a pink diaper but still crying. Biff easily picked him up and held him to his chest. Jon started to calm down, enjoying being comforted like this. He wrapped his arms around Biff's neck and nuzzled his face into Biff's chest. He could feel the soft, empty cups of Biff's bra through the light material of his dress. With Jon now relaxed once again Biff put him down and watched his diapered butt waddle back over to a chair. Biff finished Jon's sandwich and brought it over to him. "Thanks for the sandwich Biff", Jon said, "And thanks for everything. I feel like such a baby sometimes but it's so nice to know I can count on you. I mean, look at me, sitting here in my diaper and you're being so lovely to me." As Jon spoke he tucked into his sandwich but just like with the drink he was making a mess. Some jam fell out and landed on his chest and lots of it was around his mouth. "Jeez, Jon, you really are acting like a baby. Look at the mess you are making. I think I'm going to have to give you a bath when you finish." Jon just looked down at the mess and giggled. He was content at the moment, knowing Biff would look after him. He felt himself relax a bit now that he was home with his" mommy" and then he felt a stream of pee filling his diaper. Chapter 58: Bath Biff carried Jon upstairs and ran a bath for him. As he carried Jon the mess on Jon had gotten onto Biff's dress. When Biff put Jon down and started filling the bath he noticed the stain on his dress. He would have to change but he felt strange about leaving Jon alone so instead he just pulled his dress off and continued to get the bath ready. Jon didn't think twice about seeing Biff standing before him in just a bra and matching panties. He did notice that Biff's body was completely hairless and his skin looked very soft. But looking at him objectively, he felt Biff was appropriately dressed. He didn't really see him as a teenage boy anymore, instead, seeing him as a beautiful, feminine creature, the type he aspired to grow up into when he let his babyish emotions overtake him. Biff sat his panties butt on the closed toilet seat and motioned for Jon to come over to him. He reached down and opened the velcro straps on Jon's diaper and let it fall to the floor between his legs. No longer having any sense of modesty Jon simply giggled and turned full circle to show Biff his butt. This got a laugh out of Biff who gave Jon a playful swat on the butt before picking him up and sitting him in the bathtub. Jon hadn't physically shrunk at all but the bath felt massive to him. He wasn't sure if he still had enough strength or coordination to climb out by himself but he soon let these worries go, knowing Biff was with him for any help he needed. He splashed the water a little bit and played with some of the toys. Normally, this kind of thing wouldn't amuse him but something about his new carefree mindset made the toys seem like the most fun things in the world. He barely even noticed as Biff lifted up his arms and sponged him down, cleaning him thoroughly. After a while the water started to feel a bit cold and Jon asked Biff to take him out. Biff wrapped a towel around Jon and cradled him in his arms. He drained the tub and carried Jon into his room. He dried him off fairly quickly, eager to get a clean diaper on him before any accidents. Once his diaper was on, Biff asked Jon what he'd like to wear. Jon thought about putting on his sweatpants and a t-shirt like he had been doing in the past but they no longer really appealed to him. He had been treated fully like a baby for the whole weekend and he had started to like the feeling of being seen as cute and adorable. He explained this to Biff and asked if he could wear a cute dress and a pair of pantyhose. Jon wondered what Biff would think of his decision but Biff told him he understood fully. He explained how he had spent the weekend embracing his new role and had come to the conclusion that they might both find more peace by just embracing their roles. Biff turned from the wardrobe with a light blue dress and held it up for Jon. He suggested for a bit of fun they could wear matching outfits today, knowing he had a very similar dress in his own closet. Jon got excited about this idea. He had so much admiration for Biff as his mother and wanted to be just like him. Biff quickly dressed Jon and then put him down and headed for his own room. Jon toddled after him, enjoying the feeling of the tights on his legs and the safety he felt to be diapered. Biff found his matching dress and quickly put it on. He found matching pantyhose and hiked up his dress before sitting on his bed to put them on. Jon watched on in awe. Every movement Biff made was confident and graceful. Jon felt a sense of pride to be Biff's "daughter" and without thinking about it went over to Biff and said, "I love you, mommy". Biff just smiled at Jon before both regained their senses somewhat and shared a little laugh about the situation. It was a beautiful day and Biff told Jon they were going to go for a walk and maybe grab some food together. They would have work and daycare tomorrow so Biff wanted to make the most of what was left of the weekend. Jon no longer felt any nervousness about going out in public. He knew Biff would take care of him and he was actually looking forward to the looks and admiration he had come to expect as a cute baby. Chapter 59: Walk in the park Now that they were both dressed they decided to go for a walk in the local park. Biff put on a pair of pink trainers which contrasted with the feminine dress he was wearing but he wouldn't enjoy a long walk otherwise. Jon insisted he would walk too but Biff wasn't sure he could handle the distance anymore. As a compromise, he said he'd bring the pushchair just in case they needed it. It would be handy anyway for holding spare diapers and spare clothes. They hadn't gotten more than a block from their house when Biff's insistence on bringing the pushchair was vindicated. Jon had done his best to keep up with Biff but he found himself becoming tired a lot quicker than he expected. He reluctantly asked Biff if he could get into the pushchair for a while. Biff was glad to hear it as he had been forced to walk quite slowly so Jon could keep up with him, although he didn't think Jon had noticed. With Jon securely strapped into his seat, Biff was able to walk at a much faster pace. He soon arrived in the park and walked along a path with open grass and one side and a wooded area on the other. Biff smiled and greeted every person that they walked past. He was in a great mood. A light breeze was swirling around the bottom of his dress and the admiring glances he got from everyone were very reaffirming for him. Jon got plenty of admiring glances too, mostly from women who looked at him like he was the cutest thing they had ever seen. Jon just smiled back and even waved at a few which made them gush. Eventually, Biff wanted to take a little break so he sat down on a bench and turned the pushchair around so he and Jon were facing each other. Biff grabbed his water bottle from under Jon's seat and offered Jon his own bottle which had a sippy lid to avoid spills. After catching his breath and cooling off with a drink, Biff asked Jon how he was doing. Jon said he was good and without much thought Biff put his hand under Jon's dress to check his diaper. Neither thought much of it and when Biff commented that the diaper was fairly soaked, Jon just shrugged his shoulders, not even attempting to explain it. Biff said he'd change Jon when they went for some food. The day had gone fairly quickly and Biff said they had time to go for a late lunch/early dinner before they'd have to go home to get ready for tomorrow. Biff stood up and walked on, there was a nice restaurant just outside the park so they went there. Biff asked the hostess for a table outside, not too keen to bring the pushchair in amongst the tables inside. Once they were shown to their table, Biff grabbed a diaper and pack of wipes from under the pushchair and picked Jon up to carry him to the bathroom. To anyone looking it was obvious that Jon must need his diaper changed as he was walked through the restaurant but Jon didn't care. Nobody was laughing at him, to them he was just a baby after all. Biff went into the lady's room and placed Jon on the changing table. He pulled his dress up to his chest and rolled his pantyhose down his legs. He removed the soaked diaper and wiped Jon's crotch before putting a fresh diaper on him and reversing the process with his clothes. Biff needed to pee but the stalls were a bit small to bring Jon with him. There was a girl of about 17 just finishing up at the sink so Biff politely asked her if she'd watch Jon while he paid. She was only happy to help and she reached down and picked Jon up with ease, carrying him over to the mirror to distract him. Biff thanked her and quickly stepped into a stall and closed the door. He pulled his dress up around his waist and lowered his panties before sitting down on the toilet to relieve himself. He heard the girl talking to Jon and could hear Jon giggling in response. Finishing up he went out, quickly washed his hands and took Jon back, thanking the girl for helping him out. The girl tapped Jon playfully on the nose and said goodbye. This got one last giggle from Jon before Biff brought him back out to their table. Chapter 60: Late lunch "Do you know what you'd like Jon?" Biff asked, pointing at the kid's menu. "I'd love to have a burger and fries." Jon replied but he knew he'd have to pick from the kid's menu to keep up appearances. As he was saying this the waitress arrived over-hearing Jon talking. "Oh, she's just adorable", the waitress said. "I love listening to baby talk like that. It's so cute. Are you ready to order sweetie?" she asked Jon, leaning down to him and giving him the biggest smile. "Yeah. I'll have the cheeseburger, French fries and a large coke please." Jon replied, wishing that he could have just that. The waitress laughed and turned to Biff, "I wish I could understand her. She really looks like she's trying to tell me her order. Jon grew frustrated at this and started to whine a little bit. Biff wanted to diffuse the situation and so ordered a kids portion of spaghetti for Jon and a carton of juice. He ordered a large salad and a glass of wine for himself. The waitress wrote the order down and left them to it, patting Jon lightly on the head as she left. "Believe me, Jon, I'd love to have a burger and fries too but we have to make decisions to fit in with how people see us now, don't we?" Biff explained to Jon. Jon just nodded reluctantly in agreement. The waitress returned with their drinks and some paper sheets and crayons to occupy Jon. Jon sarcastically said thanks and was a little surprised when the waitress understood him." Your welcome sweetie", she said. Jon got excited and quickly said, "wait, can you understand me now?" The waitress just looked at him blankly again showing no sign of further understanding him and said, "yes. These colors are for you. Will you draw a picture for me please?" The waitress left and Biff said to Jon that he suspected people could understand very basic words when he spoke but for bigger words or sentences they just heard nonsensical baby talk. Jon didn't let it bother him, instead taking a big sip from his juice box, concentrating on what he was doing so he didn't spill any of it. He then idly picked up a crayon and started to color, becoming engrossed in the task. He was being very careful and considerate in what colors he used and put a lot of effort into it. The next thing he noticed was the food arriving. He looked up at Biff who was smiling at him. Biff took the coloring sheet from Jon to make room for his bowl. Biff studied the sheet and asked Jon what he had drawn. "Eh, isn't it obvious Biff, it's a house with some trees out the front. I kept it simple since I'm only a 'baby'!" Biff took a second look at the picture and then held it up to show Jon. The page was a mess of lines and colors, with no clear indication of what it was. Jon turned red in embarrassment and said", Jeez. Is that what I drew? It seemed a lot clearer in my eyes when I was drawing it. That's just a mess of colors. Aw man, I think I'm getting worse. I hope I don't go full baby at all, that would suck." Biff told Jon not to worry about it and to just eat his meal. Jon started by putting some spaghetti on his fork but getting it from the bowl into his mouth was proving quite challenging. He dropped the first few pieces but then got one piece in. He continued on like this for a while before Biff stopped him and offered to feed him. Without worrying about how that would look, Jon agreed and handed control over to Biff who fed him with enthusiasm. Once Jon was fed Biff ate his own salad, cutting it into small pieces and taking small delicate bites. Jon studied Biff as he ate. He was sitting in a nice dress, with his legs crossed high above the knee. As he used one hand with his fork his other hand sort of just hung in the air, limp-wristed. He was careful how he ate, taking care not to smudge his lipstick. Occasionally Biff would take a small sip of his wine, leaving a lipstick stain on the rim of the glass. Normally, Jon would find such a sight hilarious but in the moment, he just saw Biff as everyone else did. A pretty lady, full of grace. He felt lucky that this was his mommy and hoped that he'd grow up to be as confident and graceful as him. With the meal finished, Biff asked for the bill, which he paid after taking his purse out of his bag. Before putting Jon back into the pushchair Biff again put his hand under Jon's dress and gave his diaper a gentle squeeze. Unknown to Jon he had peed into his diaper a few times during the meal. Biff told Jon it was a bit wet but should be fine until they got home. Jon didn't care either way, happy to let Biff make the decision for him. Biff secured him into the pushchair. Thanked the waitress and headed for home. It was getting a bit late in the day and the sun was starting to go down so Biff picked up the pace a little, wanting to be safely home long before dark. Chapter 61: Back to Daycare Sunday evening was uneventful. Jon was tired by the time they got home and went to bed before it was even fully dark outside. Biff got everything ready for the morning and headed to bed early himself. The next morning Biff was woken by his alarm clock. He quickly got into his morning routine, making breakfast and preparing lunch for Jon before he woke. He got himself dressed in a professional skirt suit which was a nice navy color and had a matching suit jacket. Under the jacket he wore a white silk blouse which showed the faintest outline of the black bra he wore underneath. Biff was just finishing his makeup when he heard crying from Jon's room. He hurried into him and picked him up, giving him a cuddle to calm him down. Jon was still a bit groggy while Biff stripped him down and cleaned him. He rediapered him and dressed him. As he carried him down for his breakfast Jonny was finally fully awake. He ate his breakfast without much fuss and soon they were heading out the door. Biff dropped Jon at the daycare and Jon was enjoying all the attention from the women who worked there. He was sad to see Biff leaving but was quickly distracted by some toys. Midway through the morning one of the minders hunkered down beside Jon and spoke to him in a sweet, soft voice. "We've a new baby joining us this morning Jon and I just know you'll help her feel welcome. Her mommy said, she's a bit nervous. She's older than you, only 18 months old but you can be like her big sister, would you like that? Sounds like fun, doesn't it?" Jon just nodded and the woman said", oh, here they are now. " She pointed out the window at a car that had just parked. Given how open-ended his wish for something interesting was Jon knew to expect anything. He wondered who this new baby was, would it just be a baby or would it be someone living the life of a baby like him? Would it be someone he knew? The possibilities were endless. The door to the daycare opened and a young woman walked in carrying a person on her hip. The person she was carrying was at least the same size as her but she didn't seem to be having any trouble carrying them. It was only when she turned around that Jon got a shock. She was carrying Trevor, one of his friends from school. Trevor was wearing a pink dress and was clearly wearing a diaper. He had always kept his hair quite long and now it was tied up in two pigtails. One of the daycare workers took Trevor from his mother's arms and urged the woman to leave before he got upset. Trevor didn't look like he was about to cry, he just looked confused to be in a daycare. He was carried over towards Jon and his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head when he saw him. Trevor was placed down beside Jon and was reassured that Jon was excited to play with him and be his new friend. The two were left alone for now and Trevor was the first to speak. Chapter 62: New friend "Gibson, what the fuck is going on? Please tell me you can understand me. I'm so confused. I went to sleep in my bed on Friday and when I woke up on Saturday I was in a crib in an unfamiliar house. That woman that dropped me off is acting like I'm a little baby and she's my mother. She doesn't seem to understand a word I say. I tried over and over to tell her who I really am but she just acts like I'm babbling like a baby. I have to wear these stupid baby clothes and, well, this is kind of embarrassing, but I'm even wearing a diaper. And what's worse is I need one. I've been pissing and shitting in it all weekend and I barely even notice when it happens now. This is like a nightmare. My 'mommy' is only a few years older than me and you have to admit she's pretty hot. She also insists on breastfeeding me and there is nothing I can do about it. If I try to resist she just forces my mouth onto her tit. And it's weird. She's freakishly strong, or maybe I'm as weak as they see me. " Trevor was speaking a mile a minute. Jon felt worried that Trevor might expose the two of them as not being babies but heard two of the staff talking about them as if Trevor was just an excited baby babbling away to his new friend. Jon took Trevor's hand to reassure him, "Trevor, dude, it's OK. I can understand you but I don't think anyone else can. I've been stuck in the life of a baby girl for a few weeks now and no one can understand me here. My situation is a bit different. Biff Meadows is living the life of my mommy and he can, luckily, understand me. It must be so hard for you not to be able to talk to anyone. But you have me now at least. I seem to be a bit older than you. I'm about two years old I think. But I'm going through pretty much the same as you. I'm stuck wearing diapers and need them too. No way around it. Biff let me try to dress in normal clothes at home but I kept having accidents so stopped trying. It's not all bad. It can be quite relaxing if you just go with the flow." As Jon mentioned his diapers to Trevor he had automatically pulled up the front of his dress, lacking the modesty to be embarrassed about it. Trevor saw Jon's pink diaper and the dress he was wearing and started to calm down a bit. He was delighted to have someone he could talk normally too. He asked Jon if he knew why this was happening but Jon said he didn't, not wanting to have to explain about his wishing stone or how this was actually his fault. Jon went over and sat by some blocks, gesturing for Trevor to join him. He told Trevor they could speak freely in here as nobody could understand them. Maybe together they could figure out a way to fix this. Trevor made his way over to Jon, wobbling a bit and eventually falling forward onto his hands and knees. He completed the move over to Jon by crawling and said to Jon, "See, I can barely walk a few steps without falling over. I have to crawl most places to get around. You're actually better off than me in that regard." Jon agreed and started to ask Trevor about the rest of his new life. Trevor was a bit light on the details, being newer to all this than Jon. He didn't know his new mother's name, just referring to her as mommy. He had some similar babyish tendencies like Jon, lacking some motor skills and toilet control. He got upset quite easily and cried at the drop of a hat. He had barely eaten any solid food all weekend, having a diet of mostly soft fruits and breast milk. Jon was most curious about the breast milk. Trevor said he was freaked out at first but once he stopped fighting it he had to admit he now enjoyed it. He said it was so comforting to be held like that and what teenage boy wouldn't enjoy getting full access to boobs like that. He said he often got turned on by it, even admitting that he had climaxed once or twice while feeding, stating, "I guess the diapers are good for something." Jon giggled at this part of Trevor's story and Trevor giggled back before stopping and saying, "Jeez, Jon look at the two of us, sitting here giggling like two little girls, stuck in daycare, stuck in diapers, stuck as babies. What are we going to do?" At this point Trevor had gotten himself a bit worked up. Jon noticed Trevor seemed to have even less control of his emotions than he did. He was soon starting to whimper and cry. Trevor reached down, lifted his dress and looked down at the front of his diaper, before looking back up at Jon teary eyed and saying, "and now I'm soaking my diaper. I want to stop but I can't." His whimpering now turned into full on crying and a staff member quickly came over and picked him up to comfort him. Jon watched her carry him away on her shoulder and worried for his friend. Chapter 63: Biff at Work Meanwhile, Biff's day had been what was now a fairly regular Monday. He busied himself working away in his office. He had to attend a meeting mid morning with about 8 other people. Luckily he wasn't asked to speak during the meeting but as one of his superiors droned on and on Biff took some time to look around the room. He was one of only two "women" in the room. All the men were dressed rather sharply he had to admit, all wearing well-fitting suits and nice shoes. Biff looked down at his own shoes. He was wearing high heels today and was sitting with his legs neatly folded. His pantyhose covered legs sat under his navy skirt. He thought about wearing slacks and socks like the men in the room but he felt very comfortable in his current outfit. He even enjoyed the feel of his nylon covered legs running together as he walked. And knowing that underneath his professional attire was a sexy pair of black panties with their frilly waistband and delicate pattern made him feel sexy. The matching bra had the same effect and he couldn't imagine going without it. As he glanced down at the front of his blouse he could just make out the outline of his bra underneath. He knew by the way the men in the office looked at him that he must be one of the sexiest women in the office and with his changed attitude from the weekend he was using his feminine charms to maximum effect. After lunch he had gone to get a drink from the water cooler but found it empty. There was always a spare jug of water left beside the cooler and Biff presumed he could do everyone a favour and change it. He hunkered down to pick it up, being careful to smooth the back of his skirt down as he did but when he grabbed hold of the jug to try to lift it he could barely move it. He stood back up with an exasperated exhale. One of his colleagues was passing and Biff stopped him. He turned to him and in his softest voice asked the man if he wouldn't mind changing it for him. The man, seeing an opportunity to impress a good looking woman was only too happy to help. He bent down and easily lifted the jig and put it on the cooler. He turned to Biff with a smile. Biff had been subconsciously admiring the man's arms as he lifted. He thanked the man and fluttered his eyelashes at him. The guy winked at Biff and walked away. As he winked Biff felt himself blush and his penis became erect. His panties were suddenly feeling uncomfortably tight and he quickly headed back to his office, with his erection bobbing up and down under his skirt as he walked. Biff sat at his desk, legs spread wide due to his erection. His mind was doing somersaults as he tried to make sense of what just happened. He busied himself with work to distract himself. He didn't leave his office again until it was time to go home. Chapter 64: Jon and Trevor Jon had kept himself amused playing games while Trevor had been taken to have his diaper changed. After a while he saw Trevor being carried out from the changing area. He looked much happier. Jon thought about his own emotions, when he was happy he felt really happy, often getting giddy and excited over simple things. He would frequently giggle uncontrollably and had noticed on more than one occasion that when he had been excited he had peed into his diaper at the same time. Similarly, when he started to feel sad about something it often took over his emotions, if he didn't keep himself in check he would start to whimper and if he didn't control the whimpering he would start to cry. But from what he had seen of Trevor his lack of emotional control was even stronger. The slightest inconvenience seems to trigger him to whimper which quickly turns to crying. And now as he saw Trevor being carried back out, obviously with a clean diaper on he was giggling away and acting like a very happy baby. The woman carrying Trevor placed him down at the nearest toy but Trevor looked around to find Jon and then started to crawl over to him. It took him a while to get across the room, his arms and legs being weak and causing him to fall flat on his tummy a few times. Eventually, he got back to sitting beside Jon and he said, "Hey Jon. Sorry about all that. I just don't seem to have much control of my emotions at the moment. It was the same at home, whenever I needed anything I just seemed to start crying until my mommy got what I wanted. But it's all good now. I've got a clean diaper on and I'm just so happy that I can at least talk to you. It's so frustrating when no one can understand you and everyone just talks to you in that cute baby voice that they love doing." Jon smiled at Trevor and told him he was glad he was happy now. He explained a few things to him about how the day usually went in here. He told him time passed a bit quicker if you just went with it and played some games. They would have snacks throughout the day, lunch later on, then story time and a nap before home time. He told Trevor the staff were really nice and took great care of them. He said they often noticed his wet diaper before he did and had changed him before he even got uncomfortable. Jon told him there were actually some positives to all this. His life had been pretty stress-free. He had accepted that someone would be there to take care of all his needs so he could just relax. Trevor thanked Jon for his guidance and agreed that his way of looking at this made sense. When Jon had mentioned snacks and lunch Trevor's stomach had started to rumble. He didn't really pick up on why he was feeling like this but he had started to squirm where he sat and his face started to frown. "Oh man, here I go again", Trevor said, "I don't know why exactly but I'm suddenly feeling really uncomfortable. I hate feeling like this." As he spoke a few tears started to roll down his cheek and Jon watched his friend go from chatting normally to him to bawling crying in just a few seconds. He tried to calm him down but it was useless. One of the carers saw him and knew exactly what he needed. She took a bottle of breast milk that his mother had pumped and handed it to Trevor, offering soothing words to him at the same time. Trevor grabbed the bottle with both hands and started to stuck on the test with enthusiasm. His crying stopped and he forgot all about his discomfort. He forgot about everything really, his sole focus being the delicious milk that was filling his tummy. He sat for a few minutes, greedily drinking the whole bottle. When he finished he looked at Jon with a drowsy face and spoke with a slight slur, "Better now... Just needed bop bop." Trevor's happiness seemed to turn to discomfort again in an instant as he felt a bloated feeling in his stomach but had no idea in his drowsy state as to how to fix it. The same woman who had given him the bottle swooped in again and lifted him up onto her shoulder and rubbed and patted his back. Trevor soon let out a big burp and followed it with a little giggle. He was placed back down beside Jon and he just smiled at him with the same blank look on his face. He had gotten everything he needed and his infantile emotions were overcome with satisfaction and contentment. After a few minutes he seemed to become more like his old self and spoke once more, "Did you see that shit, Jon? I literally have no control of myself. I get hungry, I don't even realise that's what's wrong. I'm given some milk, I devour it. I get gassy. I can't do anything about it. I'm burped and then I just feel ecstatic and can't function for a while. It's crazy. I might have even pissed myself while that was going on but I don't even want to know." Jon had been observing Trevor the whole time, feeling a bit relieved that while they were both babies, Jon at least was a bit less of a baby. Feeling like he didn't quite have it so bad he decided to act like "a big girl" and get some toys for the baby. Jon stood up to get some new toys but as he walked back with them his thoughts about being less of a baby were proven somewhat wrong as he felt his body stop mid walk and crouch down while he pooped in his diapers with a gentle grunt. In his head, Jon was so annoyed with himself. Just when he was feeling good about his own situation he goes and poops in his diaper, making himself feel like just as much a baby as Trevor. Chapter 65: Office Talk Biff spent the rest of his afternoon hiding in his office. He didn't get much work done. He was going over and over the incident at the water cooler earlier. His head was a mess. He felt like he was too different people. On the one hand, he was his old self, a teenage boy who was obsessed with girls and a bit of a jock. On the other, he was an attractive young woman with a very slight attraction to men. He couldn't deny that he was turned on by what he saw earlier. His embracing of his feminine role and use of his womanly charms had left him feeling smaller and weaker than he was used to and seeing that guy lift the heavy jug of water with ease had turned him on. To counteract these thoughts Biff had pulled out his phone and opened up Victoria's Secret website. He felt his penis twitch at the many pictures of scantily dressed women in sexy underwear. He felt a bit relieved to feel his erection growing under his skirt. Satisfied for now he felt his mind relax and before he knew it he was browsing through page after page of lingerie but instead of admiring the models he was instead admiring the designs and patterns of what they were wearing. He was brought back to reality by a light knock on his office door. It was Lucy, one of the girls he had gone for drinks with on Friday. Biff quickly locked his phone and crossed his legs out of habit, wanting to hide his erection but being fairly sure she wouldn't notice it anyway. Lucy greeted him, "Hey Biff. How are you? Really glad you came out on Friday. I know it's hard for you to get out what with being a mother and all but me and the other girls just wanted you to know we really enjoyed your company and hope we can do it again sometime." "Thanks, Lucy", Biff replied, "I really enjoyed it too. Was nice to have some adult company for once." "Soooo", Lucy continued, "I've a friend who is friends with your baby's daddy, Karen. She told me that he's really gotten his shit together lately and is like a new man. I know he had Jon for the weekend and was just wondering how that all went." Biff was a bit surprised with how personal this conversation was but a part of him felt it was ok to open up about it. He told Lucy all about seeing Karen yesterday for the first time in a long time and how pleasant it had been. He confessed how old feelings had resurfaced and they had shared a kiss. Lucy squealed in delight at this and said how happy she was to hear that. She said if it would help, she'd be happy to go on a double date with Biff and Karen to put Biff at ease. Biff said he'd like that if it came to it but he wasn't sure how things were going to go. He had a lot to figure out first. Lucy kindly reminded Biff she was here if he ever wanted to talk about it. She sort of invited herself over to Biff's tomorrow after work so they could hang out properly. She sealed the deal by insisting on bringing some takeaway for her Biff and Jon. Biff couldn't think of a reason to say no and they left it at that. It was now time to head home and Biff packed up his handbag and headed out to his car. He was looking forward to seeing Jon again and getting home. He couldn't wait to get out these heels and skirt, but he was picturing a comfy set of silk pyjamas as the alternative rather than any of his guy clothes from his stash. Chapter 66: Leaving Daycare Biff parked outside the daycare just behind a young woman he hadn't seen before. She was very pretty and looked to be in her early twenties. Biff was walking in behind her. He was admiring her butt as it rocked back and forth and he felt himself becoming aroused again. As he studied her curves up and down he felt a desire deep inside him. He'd love to get to know a woman like that intimately but as he continued looking his admiration shifted from her body to the dress she was wearing. He wondered where she got it and how he'd look in a dress like that. The woman held the door open for Biff and said hello to him. Biff introduced himself and the woman did likewise, telling him her name was Sharon. She said today was her baby girl's first day in daycare and she hoped everything went well. Biff allowed Sharon to enter ahead of him and was very surprised to see her going over and picking up a teenage boy who was dressed as a baby. This guy was the same size as Jon and she seemed to be lifting him with the same ease he had lifting Jon. When Sharon turned around Biff saw that he knew her baby from school. Sharon introduced him as her daughter Trevor. Biff was unsure of what to say and when Trevor started to speak Biff didn't give away that he could understand him. Trevor said, "Oh wow. Biff. You look different. Jon told me everything. He's so lucky you can understand him. I spend all my time talking to my mommy here but she doesn't have a clue what I'm saying. Biff, Biff, can you understand me?" Biff figured there would be plenty of time to explain things later but for now he just said", Nice to meet you, Trevor. You're a little cutie, yes you are, aren't you. And so talkative too. I hope you enjoyed your first day." Trevor looked deflated but Biff gave him a quick wink and Trevor perked up, understanding Biff needed to be discreet. Sharon and Biff chatted a little bit more and then Jon seeing Biff made his way over. He pulled on Biff's skirt indicating he wanted to be picked up. He asked Biff if he could understand Trevor and Biff just nodded. Jon quickly told Biff to invite Trevor and his mom over sometime so they could spend more time together. Biff did just that, exchanging numbers with Sharon and offering to help her with Trevor if ever she needed. Sharon had explained that like Biff she was a single mom so would really appreciate the help. She offered to do the same for Biff in exchange. The two women said goodbye and Jon and Trevor both said goodbye to each other. Biff put Jon in the car and headed for home. Chapter 67: Lucy Visits Jon and Biff got back into what was now their normal routine. After daycare it was home for dinner and then an early night for Jon. Biff just watched a bit of TV or browsed the Internet until he got tired too. The next went pretty much the same. Jon continued to hang out with Trevor at daycare and Biff focused on his work. It was the afternoon when Lucy popped her head in Biff's door and reminded him that she was coming over after work. Biff gave her his address and said he'd be straight home once he picked Jon up. On the drive home from daycare Biff told Jon they'd have company for dinner. He asked him to keep the talking to a minimum. Even though Lucy wouldn't understand him, constant talking from a baby might seem a bit unusual. They hadn't been home long when Biff heard the doorbell. He was upstairs getting changed into some casual clothes, opting for a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. Lucy commented on his attire when he opened the door, noting that she was so used to seeing him in professional suits that she couldn't picture him in such casual clothes, but she did say the yoga pants made his butt look amazing. Biff took the compliment and invited Lucy through to the living room. Jon was playing in the corner and Lucy made a beeline to him. She hunkered down beside him and introduced herself. She said, "You must be Jon. I've heard so much about you. My name is Lucy, I work with your mommy. You're such a pretty girl. Just adorable". Jon returned the greeting but Lucy clearly didn't understand him and just smiled and listened to what she heard as babble. She played with Jon for a few minutes while Biff dished up the food she had brought. Jon felt a tiny bit self-conscious playing with her and had to try to relax himself and allow the infant side of his personality to take over. Once he did this he was able to enjoy himself. He handed various toys to Lucy one after another, almost showing off all his favourite toys. Lucy played along, thanking Jon each time and pretending to be very impressed. Biff called them into the dining room but Jon was engrossed in what he was doing. Lucy stood up and scooped Jon up with ease. She carried him with her into the dining room and then handed him over to Biff. Biff sat Jon into his chair and put a plastic plate in front of him. His plate had some French fries and pieces of chicken with some veg and ketchup on the side. Jon hadn't realised how hungry he was so he tucked in straight away using his hands and made a bit of a mess. Biff and Lucy started to eat their dinner with Lucy mostly leading the conversation. She asked Biff about Karen and really wanted to know all his feelings. She shared some details with Biff about a date she had at the weekend. Biff looked at Jon hoping he wasn't listening in. Lucy noticed this and told him to relax, "she can't understand us anyway." Jon pretended this was the case but listened keenly to the graphic details Lucy was sharing. After dinner Biff and Lucy sat on the sofa. They both had their legs crossed towards each other and were deep in conversation. Jon played by himself but was discreetly observing them. They had almost identical body language. Jon knew this was just coming naturally to Biff now but he could see him sitting like Lucy and gesturing a lot more than normal with his hands. As the conversation went on Jon became less interested. He found himself growing tired and soon his thumb had made its way into his mouth. This was something he did most evenings as his weakened body grew tired. He got some comfort from it and as he got sleepy he acted more and more like a baby. He lay down with his head on one of his teddy bears and stared at Biff and Lucy. Within minutes he was fast asleep with his thumb still in his mouth. The last thing he remembered was Lucy telling Biff how cute Jon looked. Biff and Lucy continued chatting for a while. Biff felt more ready to open up to Lucy now that Jon wasn't listening and they really bonded. Lucy was pushing him to give Karen another go and he was coming round to the idea. She again suggested the idea of a double date and Biff said he'd consider it. Eventually, Lucy had to go home and Biff tidied up before picking Jon up gently and carrying him upstairs. He changed Jon's dialer and slid his pyjamas on before putting him down for the night. Biff got his own pyjamas on and got into bed. Before he went to sleep he decided to text Karen just to say hi. He wrote and rewrote a text several times before feeling he had gotten it right. He didn't have to wait long for a reply and soon they were having a pleasant conversation, keeping it casual. Eventually Biff fell asleep and had a good sleep, feeling like this life was starting to make sense. Chapter 68: Impromptu Playdate The next morning Biff dropped Jon to daycare. On the way in they met Sharon in the parking lot. She looked a bit flustered. Biff asked her if she was OK. She said some kind of crisis had come up in work and she had to work late tonight. She couldn't find anyone to mind Trevor after daycare. Biff said it might be a bit forward as they only met recently but he'd be happy to bring Trevor home when he picked Jon up. Sharon was extremely grateful but warned Biff it might be 9 or 10 pm when she got out of work. Biff said it was fine. He had spare pyjamas that Jon had grown out of and he was sure he could handle it. Sharon thanked Biff over and over again, gave him Trevor's car seat and rushed off to work. Biff dropped Jon inside and said he'd see him later. The first thing Jon did was toddle over to Trevor to tell him the news. Trevor got very excited, giggling in joy. "I might get to feel, like... normal for once. I can talk freely with you and Biff and stop acting like such a baby all the time. Do you think Biff might let me wear some regular clothes instead of these stupid, cute dungarees?" Jon told him he thought he would. Biff was very understanding of their situation and was a much nicer person now than they both remembered from school. Trevor clapped his hands in joy and said", oh Jon I'm just so excited about this. I could just piss myself. Oh wait, I actually am." At this both Jon and Trevor burst into a fit of laughter. They might not like this situation overall but at least they would have this evening as some kind of reprieve. Trevor's happy mood lasted all that day. He couldn't wait for the day to end so he could go home with Jon and Biff. At the usual time that evening, Biff arrived to pick Jon up. Sharon had called the daycare and explained that Biff would be bringing Trevor home with him. Biff picked Trevor up in one hand and took Jon's hand in his other and guided them out to his car. He opened Jon's door for him to climb in and carefully put Trevor into his seat. Trevor lacked the coordination to do this himself so Biff took a bit of extra care with him. With them both secured he got in and started the drive home. He heard them both whispering in the back like a pair of kids and asked them what was going on. Jon, in a very sweet tone of voice, asked Biff if it would be ok for Trevor to wear some of Jon's guy clothes for a while. He had been stuck in baby clothes for the last few days and just wanted to feel normal. Biff said that was fine but they'd have to make sure he was back in his girly clothes before Sharon came to pick him up. Biff also told Jon he could do the same if he liked. Jon agreed, thinking it would be nice to hang out with Trevor in his room just like old times. Trevor thanked Biff and asked him if he would join them. Biff looked down and ran his hand down along his pantyhose, enjoying the feeling. He declined, saying he had grown comfortable in these kinds of clothes. Chapter 69: Changing Trevor Back at home Biff carried both Jon and Trevor up to the front door. He had to put them both down to open the door and then once inside he told Jon to show Trevor to his room to get changed. Jon toddled off towards the stairs. Trevor did his best to toddle after him but after just a few steps he wobbled and then fell over. Rather than standing up, he just crawled after Jon, moving almost as fast as him. He crawled up the stairs but Biff suddenly became nervous so he ran after them and scooped Trevor up and carried him up to the landing. Jon showed Trevor his room and then dug out his guy clothes. Trevor was roughly the same size as him so he gave him a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Trevor thanked him but looking at his dungarees he couldn't figure out how to open them. Jon saw his struggles and tried to help him but he couldn't do it either. He called for Biff who came back in to see what they needed. Jon had stripped down to just his diaper but Trevor was still fully dressed. Jon asked Biff if he could help Trevor and Biff was happy to. He quickly removed Trevor's outfit and could see that his diaper was soaked. He had brought up Trevor's diaper bag and so took out a clean diaper, scooped Trevor up to the changing table and changed him without any fuss. Biff asked Jon if he needed to be changed too but Jon said he was fine. He had managed to pull on his own sweatpants and t-shirt and was just waiting for Biff to dress Trevor now. Jon felt a bit off now. He had started to like his girly dresses. The material of these clothes felt much rougher on his skin but he decided to ignore it for Trevor's sake. Biff soon had Trevor dressed and stood him up beside Jon. He asked them how it felt. Trevor said it was great. He felt almost normal now. The only thing off was the fact that he was still wearing a diaper. Biff told the pair to just hang out here for a while, so he could sort dinner. He turned and left them alone for now. Jon turned to Trevor and said, "what do you want to do?" Chapter 70: Hanging out Trevor just looked around the room looking for inspiration. He said to Jon, "I dunno man. Usually, we'd play PlayStation or watch YouTube but, obviously, this is a baby's room. There is a big part of me that wants to play with those toys over there but I'm trying to resist that urge. It's nice to be dressed how I used to dress so I'd like to try as much as possible to act the part too." Jon agreed with Trevor's observations and suggested they could go downstairs to watch TV. Trevor agreed and started to walk over to Jon before once again falling down on his diapered butt. Jon giggled at the site noting that given Trevor was dressed like a teenager, seeing him wobble and fall like that gave off the impression that he was drunk. Trevor ignored Jon's laughter and attempted to stand up again. He managed to get his legs and butt up in the air but when he pushed up with his arms he was just too weak and he fell over again. He decided to just give up and crawled over to Jon. Jon decided not to comment on this and just proceeded to leave the room. At the top of the stairs Jon decided to be cautious and he called down for Biff to bring Trevor downstairs. Biff was happy to help, knowing that Trevor was much too uncoordinated to manage by himself. Jon said they were just going to watch TV. Biff's motherly instinct was to control what the "babies" watched but he stopped himself from doing so. He had agreed to let Trevor experience some level of normality so he left them to it. Jon turned on the TV and flicked through the channels, eventually setting on a zombie TV show that he and Trevor used to watch all the time. Jon sat on the sofa and Trevor awkwardly climbed up to sit beside him. They were both enjoying doing something they had done countless times in the past. Everything felt normal until a particularly scary scene came on. There was a big scare near the end and where normally they both loved these parts, this time Trevor's emotions got the best of him. Usually, he would get a little bit scared and then laugh it off as part of the experience but this time he got scared but couldn't laugh it off. The feeling of fear took him over and he instantly started to cry which quickly turned into a wail. Biff was back in the room like a flash. He picked Trevor up and held him close to calm him down. He paused the TV and once Trevor was calm he sat both boys down on the floor. Biff then sat on the couch, being careful to smooth his skirt behind him and crossing his legs like a lady. He put his hands in his lap and leaned forward to talk to the boys. "Ok guys. We have to all face the facts. Things have changed. While I know you still look like teenagers and you can both still talk to me like teenagers, you are not quite normal teenagers. There are parts of you that are baby girls. And those parts seem to be slowly getting bigger. You're both controlled by your emotions way more than usual, you more so Trevor. We have to be careful about what you can and can't do. Yes, you can speak freely to me. Yes, you can wear sweatpants and t-shirts if you want. No, you can't go without diapers. No, you can't watch scary TV shows. No, you can't go upstairs on your own. I'm responsible for both of your safety and the simple fact of the matter is that you need me. Jon, you couldn't even open the fridge last time you tried. Trevor, you can't go more than a few steps without falling over. And I'd bet good money that both of you have peed in your diapers since I last changed you. You both have to accept your new roles in life, it's really the only way. Now, I'm going to put on something more appropriate for you both while I get dinner. Nothing too babyish but nothing that might set you off again. Ok?" Both boys nodded, knowing that Biff was right. Biff put on a cartoon and left them to it again. Jon was the first to speak", he's right you know. We have to accept that we've changed. We can't pretend everything is normal." He reached down and gave his diaper a squeeze and said, "he's right about that too. When you got scared so did I and I peed in my diaper again. I think I'm going to change back into my dress. These clothes just feel weird now. Like I'm trying to kid myself. I'm not a teenager anymore. At least not in any reasonable way. I'm a baby girl and you know what, I think I'm ok with that." Trevor wasn't quite as ready to give up as Jon was. He figured Jon was a few weeks ahead of him in how long he's been living like this. Trevor knew he'd probably feel the same way soon. He explained these thoughts to Jon, saying", I know what you're saying Jon but my situation is different. I have no choice but to live like a baby when I'm at home so I'd like to keep these clothes on for just a little while longer. I'm not ready to accept my fate as a baby girl just yet. I'm still a teenager, dammit." In a moment of irony, Trevor felt his bladder release and he soaked his diaper once more just as he tried to make his last point.