MultiMC version: 0.2.1-dev189 Minecraft folder is: C:/Users/awweaver/Desktop/MultiMC/instances/TechCraft/minecraft Java path is: C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/java.exe Java Arguments: [-XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump, -Xms3072m, -Xmx6144m, -XX:PermSize=128m, -jar, C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/jars/NewLaunch.jar] Using onesix launcher. Main Class: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch Native path: C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/instances/TechCraft/natives Libraries: C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/net/minecraftforge/minecraftforge/ C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/net/minecraft/launchwrapper/1.8/launchwrapper-1.8.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-all/4.1/asm-all-4.1.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.10.2/scala-library-2.10.2.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.10.2/scala-compiler-2.10.2.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/lzma/lzma/0.0.1/lzma-0.0.1.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/4.5/jopt-simple-4.5.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/codecjorbis/20101023/codecjorbis-20101023.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/codecwav/20101023/codecwav-20101023.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/libraryjavasound/20101123/libraryjavasound-20101123.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/librarylwjglopenal/20100824/librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/soundsystem/20120107/soundsystem-20120107.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/argo/argo/2.25_fixed/argo-2.25_fixed.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/org/bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.47/bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/com/google/guava/guava/14.0/guava-14.0.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.1/commons-lang3-3.1.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/commons-io/commons-io/2.4/commons-io-2.4.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/net/java/jinput/jinput/2.0.5/jinput-2.0.5.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/net/java/jutils/jutils/1.0.0/jutils-1.0.0.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.2.2/gson-2.2.2.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl/2.9.0/lwjgl-2.9.0.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl_util/2.9.0/lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/versions/1.6.4/1.6.4.jar Params: [--username, , --session, , --version, 1.6.4, --gameDir, C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/instances/TechCraft/minecraft, --assetsDir, C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/assets/virtual/legacy, --tweakClass, cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker] Preparing native libraries... Extracting lwjgl-platform-2.9.0-natives-windows.jar Extracting jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar Feb 08, 2014 4:01:45 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker Feb 08, 2014 4:01:45 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker Feb 08, 2014 4:01:45 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log INFO: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker 2014-02-08 16:01:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.6.4 loading 2014-02-08 16:01:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_51, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod worldcore.asm.WCFMLLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod biomesoplenty.asm.BOPFMLLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: version of ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4-, is newer than request 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod denoflionsx.denLib.CoreMod.denLibCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod denoflionsx.DenPipes.Core.DenPipesCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod ic2.core.coremod.IC2core does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod logisticspipes.asm.LogisticsPipesCoreLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod openblocks.CorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod denoflionsx.PluginsforForestry.Core.CoreMod.PfFCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod sanandreasp.core.manpack.ManPackLoadingPlugin is requesting minecraft version 1.6.2 and minecraft is 1.6.4. It will be ignored. 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod tconstruct.preloader.TConstructLoaderContainer does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] Scalpel. Suction. Lumber axe. CLEAR! *zap* 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] Constructing preloader (Modules: [tconstruct.preloader.AccessTransformers, tconstruct.preloader.ASMInterfaceRepair]) 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] Found a properties file. Attempting load... 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] Loaded properties successfully. Using specified settings. 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft. Certificate fingerprint cd99959656f753dc28d863b46769f7f8fbaefcfc 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 110 rules from AccessTransformer config file forge_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: chickenchunks_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 44 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: nei_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 55 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: wrcbe_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 57 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:48 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.15-M1.jar | 9b713ffe2bd3e1f1ddea48cce098e3f6de9a0430 | 404 | false 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: Loaded library sqlite-jdbc-3.7.15-M1.jar 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [IC2-core] Loaded library ejml-0.23.jar. 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 14 rules from AccessTransformer config file lp_at_1.6.4.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: pcc_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 57 rules from AccessTransformer config file pcc_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] [AT] Loading AT file: TConstruct_AT.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 58 rules from AccessTransformer config file TConstruct_AT.cfg 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper 2014-02-08 16:01:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker 2014-02-08 16:01:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main} 2014-02-08 16:01:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] Inserted super call into axv.c 2014-02-08 16:01:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] awy was overriden from NotEnoughItems 2014-02-08 16:01:52 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Setting user: 2014-02-08 16:01:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Generated BlockMobSpawner helper method. 2014-02-08 16:01:54 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] LWJGL Version: 2.9.0 2014-02-08 16:01:55 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.965 Initialized 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.965 Initialized 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Replaced 111 ore recipies 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Reading custom logging properties from C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\config\ 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [OFF] [ForgeModLoader] Logging level for ForgeModLoader logging is set to ALL 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] Scalpel. Suction. Lumber axe. CLEAR! *zap* 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] Constructing preloader (Modules: [tconstruct.preloader.AccessTransformers, tconstruct.preloader.ASMInterfaceRepair]) 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] Found a properties file. Attempting load... 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [TCon-Preloader] Loaded properties successfully. Using specified settings. 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Searching C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\mods for mods 2014-02-08 16:01:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Also searching C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\mods\1.6.4 for mods 2014-02-08 16:01:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to reparse the mod container DimensionalDoors-2.2.1RC1-50.jar 2014-02-08 16:02:00 [WARNING] [ExtraUtilities] Mod ExtraUtilities is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.1 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to reparse the mod container 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to reparse the mod container 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [WARNING] [WR-CBE|Addons] Mod WR-CBE|Addons is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [WARNING] [WR-CBE|Logic] Mod WR-CBE|Logic is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [WARNING] [ForgeMicroblock] Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [WARNING] [ForgeMultipart] Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [WARNING] [McMultipart] Mod McMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has identified 181 mods to load 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThaumicTinkerer] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ICBM|Sentry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThermalExpansion] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ICBM|Explosion] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [AtomicScience] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ICBM|Contraption] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThermalExpansion] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [BigReactors] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package forestry.api.core (owned by Forestry) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package forestry.api.core (owned by Forestry) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package forestry.api.farming (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThermalExpansion] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [BigReactors] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThaumicTinkerer] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ICBM|Sentry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThermalExpansion] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ICBM|Explosion] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [AtomicScience] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ExtraUtilities] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ICBM|Contraption] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package forestry.api.arboriculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DartCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Mekanism] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [mcp] Activating mod mcp 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [FML] Activating mod FML 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [Forge] Activating mod Forge 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [CodeChickenCore] Activating mod CodeChickenCore 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [denLib] Activating mod denLib 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [NotEnoughItems] Activating mod NotEnoughItems 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [PlayerAPI] Activating mod PlayerAPI 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [PowerCrystalsCore] Activating mod PowerCrystalsCore 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [RenderPlayerAPI] Activating mod RenderPlayerAPI 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [TConstruct-Preloader] Activating mod TConstruct-Preloader 2014-02-08 16:02:02 [INFO] [DamageIndicatorsMod] Activating mod DamageIndicatorsMod 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ArmorStatusHUD] Activating mod ArmorStatusHUD 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Activating mod bspkrsCore 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [mod_bspkrsCore] Activating mod mod_bspkrsCore 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [DirectionHUD] Activating mod DirectionHUD 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [StatusEffectHUD] Activating mod StatusEffectHUD 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] Activating mod TreeCapitator 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [cfm] Activating mod cfm 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [AdvancedMachines] Activating mod AdvancedMachines 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [AdvancedPowerManagement] Activating mod AdvancedPowerManagement 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [arsmagica2] Activating mod arsmagica2 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [AnimatedPlayer] Activating mod AnimatedPlayer 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [AtomicScience] Activating mod AtomicScience 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Backpack] Activating mod Backpack 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BetterDungeons] Activating mod BetterDungeons 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BiblioCraft] Activating mod BiblioCraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BiblioWoodsBoP] Activating mod BiblioWoodsBoP 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BiblioWoodsForestry] Activating mod BiblioWoodsForestry 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BiblioWoodsNatura] Activating mod BiblioWoodsNatura 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BigReactors] Activating mod BigReactors 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BiomesOPlenty] Activating mod BiomesOPlenty 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Builders] Activating mod BuildCraft|Builders 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Core] Activating mod BuildCraft|Core 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Energy] Activating mod BuildCraft|Energy 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Factory] Activating mod BuildCraft|Factory 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Silicon] Activating mod BuildCraft|Silicon 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Transport] Activating mod BuildCraft|Transport 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Activating mod Additional-Buildcraft-Objects 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Activating mod CarpentersBlocks 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ChickenChunks] Activating mod ChickenChunks 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CoFHCore] Activating mod CoFHCore 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CoFHLoot] Activating mod CoFHLoot 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CoFHMasquerade] Activating mod CoFHMasquerade 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CoFHSocial] Activating mod CoFHSocial 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Activating mod CoFHWorld 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CompactSolars] Activating mod CompactSolars 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CCTurtle] Activating mod CCTurtle 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ComputerCraft] Activating mod ComputerCraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ClaySoldiersMod] Activating mod ClaySoldiersMod 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [DartCraft] Activating mod DartCraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [DenPipes] Activating mod DenPipes 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [DenPipes-Emerald] Activating mod DenPipes-Emerald 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [DenPipes-Forestry] Activating mod DenPipes-Forestry 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [dimdoors] Activating mod dimdoors 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Activating mod MagicCarpet 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [dungeonmobs] Activating mod dungeonmobs 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [EnderStorage] Activating mod EnderStorage 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [EquivalentExchange2] Activating mod EquivalentExchange2 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Activating mod ExtrabiomesXL 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ExtraUtilities] Activating mod ExtraUtilities 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [factorization.misc] Activating mod factorization.misc 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [factorization.notify] Activating mod factorization.notify 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [factorization.dimensionalSlice] Activating mod factorization.dimensionalSlice 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [factorization] Activating mod factorization 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [BackTools] Activating mod BackTools 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [GraviGun] Activating mod GraviGun 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Hats] Activating mod Hats 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MobAmputation] Activating mod MobAmputation 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Morph] Activating mod Morph 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Torched] Activating mod Torched 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [PortalGun] Activating mod PortalGun 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Forestry] Activating mod Forestry 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [CARuins] Activating mod CARuins 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [GreatWallMod] Activating mod GreatWallMod 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [WalledCityMod] Activating mod WalledCityMod 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [GraveStone] Activating mod GraveStone 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ICBM|Contraption] Activating mod ICBM|Contraption 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ICBM|Explosion] Activating mod ICBM|Explosion 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ICBM|Sentry] Activating mod ICBM|Sentry 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ImmibisCore] Activating mod ImmibisCore 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ImmibisPeripherals] Activating mod ImmibisPeripherals 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [IC2] Activating mod IC2 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [InfernalMobs] Activating mod InfernalMobs 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [InfiniTubes] Activating mod InfiniTubes 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [inventorytweaks] Activating mod inventorytweaks 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [IronChest] Activating mod IronChest 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [mod_JourneyMap] Activating mod mod_JourneyMap 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [KeithyUtils] Activating mod KeithyUtils 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [KittyStuff] Activating mod KittyStuff 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [LiquidXP] Activating mod LiquidXP 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] Activating mod LogisticsPipes|Main 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MagicBees] Activating mod MagicBees 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [meadcraft] Activating mod meadcraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Mekanism] Activating mod Mekanism 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MekanismGenerators] Activating mod MekanismGenerators 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MekanismInduction] Activating mod MekanismInduction 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MekanismTools] Activating mod MekanismTools 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Metallurgy3Core] Activating mod Metallurgy3Core 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Metallurgy3Machines] Activating mod Metallurgy3Machines 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Metallurgy3Base] Activating mod Metallurgy3Base 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Metallurgy3Vanilla] Activating mod Metallurgy3Vanilla 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] Activating mod MFR Compat Forestry Trees 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MFR Compat Extra Trees] Activating mod MFR Compat Extra Trees 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Minimapsync] Activating mod Minimapsync 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Activating mod MiscPeripherals 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [GraviSuite] Activating mod GraviSuite 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Mystcraft] Activating mod Mystcraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Natura] Activating mod Natura 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Activating mod NEIAddons 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [NEIAddons|AE] Activating mod NEIAddons|AE 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Activating mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Activating mod NEIAddons|ExtraBees 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Activating mod NEIAddons|Forestry 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Activating mod NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [NEIPlugins] Activating mod NEIPlugins 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [NEM-VersionChecker] Activating mod NEM-VersionChecker 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [OpenBlocks] Activating mod OpenBlocks 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [OpenPeripheral] Activating mod OpenPeripheral 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [oresgalore] Activating mod oresgalore 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [PluginsforForestry] Activating mod PluginsforForestry 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [bau5_ProjectBench] Activating mod bau5_ProjectBench 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ProjRed|Core] Activating mod ProjRed|Core 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ProjRed|Compatability] Activating mod ProjRed|Compatability 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ProjRed|Integration] Activating mod ProjRed|Integration 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ProjRed|Transmission] Activating mod ProjRed|Transmission 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ProjRed|Illumination] Activating mod ProjRed|Illumination 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ProjRed|Exploration] Activating mod ProjRed|Exploration 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [pureenergy] Activating mod pureenergy 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [QuarryPlus] Activating mod QuarryPlus 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Railcraft] Activating mod Railcraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [RandomThings] Activating mod RandomThings 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ResourceEngineering] Activating mod ResourceEngineering 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [RopesPlus] Activating mod RopesPlus 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [secretroomsmod] Activating mod secretroomsmod 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [SGCraft] Activating mod SGCraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [SimpleRecycling] Activating mod SimpleRecycling 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [awger_SmallBoat] Activating mod awger_SmallBoat 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [awger_Punt] Activating mod awger_Punt 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [awger_Whitehall] Activating mod awger_Whitehall 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [awger_Hoy] Activating mod awger_Hoy 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [StevesCarts] Activating mod StevesCarts 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [TConstruct] Activating mod TConstruct 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Thaumcraft] Activating mod Thaumcraft 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ThaumicTinkerer] Activating mod ThaumicTinkerer 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Activating mod ThermalExpansion 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [tradeboothmod] Activating mod tradeboothmod 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Translocator] Activating mod Translocator 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Tubestuff] Activating mod Tubestuff 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [TwilightForest] Activating mod TwilightForest 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [onerics_mnc] Activating mod onerics_mnc 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [UndergroundBiomes] Activating mod UndergroundBiomes 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [iChunUtil] Activating mod iChunUtil 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Waila] Activating mod Waila 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Addons] Activating mod WR-CBE|Addons 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Core] Activating mod WR-CBE|Core 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Logic] Activating mod WR-CBE|Logic 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ForgeMicroblock] Activating mod ForgeMicroblock 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ForgeMultipart] Activating mod ForgeMultipart 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [McMultipart] Activating mod McMultipart 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Forge Mod Loader] Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Minecraft Forge] Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Not Enough Items] Mod Not Enough Items is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [PowerCrystals Core] Mod PowerCrystals Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Damage Indicators] Mod Damage Indicators is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ArmorStatusHUD] Mod ArmorStatusHUD is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [bspkrsCore] Mod bspkrsCore is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [DirectionHUD] Mod DirectionHUD is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [StatusEffectHUD] Mod StatusEffectHUD is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Treecapitator] Mod Treecapitator is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [§4MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod] Mod §4MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [IC2 Advanced Machines Addon] Mod IC2 Advanced Machines Addon is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Advanced Power Management] Mod Advanced Power Management is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Animated Player Mod] Mod Animated Player Mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Atomic Science] Mod Atomic Science is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Backpack] Mod Backpack is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Chocolate quest] Mod Chocolate quest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Big Reactors] Mod Big Reactors is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [BC Builders] Mod BC Builders is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [BuildCraft] Mod BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [BC Energy] Mod BC Energy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [BC Factory] Mod BC Factory is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [BC Silicon] Mod BC Silicon is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [BC Transport] Mod BC Transport is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Carpenter's Blocks] Mod Carpenter's Blocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ChickenChunks] Mod ChickenChunks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [CoFH Core] Mod CoFH Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [CoFH Loot] Mod CoFH Loot is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [CoFH Masquerade] Mod CoFH Masquerade is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [CoFH Social] Mod CoFH Social is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [CoFH World] Mod CoFH World is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Compact Solar Arrays] Mod Compact Solar Arrays is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Clay Soldiers Mod] Mod Clay Soldiers Mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [DartCraft] Mod DartCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [DenPipes-Forestry] Mod DenPipes-Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Dimensional Doors] Mod Dimensional Doors is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [DrZhark's Magic Carpet Mod] Mod DrZhark's Magic Carpet Mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Dungeon Mobs] Mod Dungeon Mobs is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [EnderStorage] Mod EnderStorage is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Equivalent Exchange 2] Mod Equivalent Exchange 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ExtrabiomesXL] Mod ExtrabiomesXL is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Extra Utilities] Mod Extra Utilities is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [BackTools] Mod BackTools is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Hats] Mod Hats is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Torched] Mod Torched is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Forestry for Minecraft] Mod Forestry for Minecraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [GraveStone] Mod GraveStone is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ICBM|Contraption] Mod ICBM|Contraption is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ICBM|Explosion] Mod ICBM|Explosion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ICBM|Sentry] Mod ICBM|Sentry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Immibis Core] Mod Immibis Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Immibis's Peripherals] Mod Immibis's Peripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Infernal Mobs] Mod Infernal Mobs is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [InfiniTubes] Mod InfiniTubes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Iron Chest] Mod Iron Chest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Keithy Utils] Mod Keithy Utils is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Kitty Stuffs and Things] Mod Kitty Stuffs and Things is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Liquid XP] Mod Liquid XP is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Logistics Pipes] Mod Logistics Pipes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Magic Bees] Mod Magic Bees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Meadcraft] Mod Meadcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Mekanism] Mod Mekanism is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MekanismGenerators] Mod MekanismGenerators is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MekanismInduction] Mod MekanismInduction is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MekanismTools] Mod MekanismTools is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Metallurgy 3 Core] Mod Metallurgy 3 Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Metallurgy 3 Machines] Mod Metallurgy 3 Machines is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Metallurgy 3 Base] Mod Metallurgy 3 Base is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Metallurgy 3 Vanilla] Mod Metallurgy 3 Vanilla is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] Mod MFR Compat Forestry Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat Extra Trees] Mod MFR Compat Extra Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MineFactory Reloaded] Mod MineFactory Reloaded is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] Mod MFR Compat: Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Atum] Mod MFR Compat: Atum is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: BackTools] Mod MFR Compat: BackTools is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] Mod MFR Compat: BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Chococraft] Mod MFR Compat: Chococraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] Mod MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Forestry] Mod MFR Compat: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2)] Mod MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2) is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] Mod MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: IC2] Mod MFR Compat: IC2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Magical Crops] Mod MFR Compat: Magical Crops is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Mystcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Pam's Mods] Mod MFR Compat: Pam's Mods is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Railcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: RP2] Mod MFR Compat: RP2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] Mod MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Thaumcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] Mod MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] Mod MFR Compat: TwilightForest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Vanilla] Mod MFR Compat: Vanilla is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: XyCraft] Mod MFR Compat: XyCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Minimapsync] Mod Minimapsync is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [MiscPeripherals] Mod MiscPeripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Gravitation Suite] Mod Gravitation Suite is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Mystcraft] Mod Mystcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Natura] Mod Natura is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons] Mod NEI Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics] Mod NEI Addons: Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] Mod NEI Addons: Crafting Tables is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] Mod NEI Addons: Extra Bees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Forestry] Mod NEI Addons: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals] Mod NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [NEI Plugins] Mod NEI Plugins is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [NEM Version Checker] Mod NEM Version Checker is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [OpenPeripheral] Mod OpenPeripheral is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Ores Galore] Mod Ores Galore is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Project Bench] Mod Project Bench is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Project: Red-Core] Mod Project: Red-Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ProjectRed-Compatability] Mod ProjectRed-Compatability is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ProjectRed-Integration] Mod ProjectRed-Integration is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ProjectRed-Transmission] Mod ProjectRed-Transmission is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ProjectRed-Illumination] Mod ProjectRed-Illumination is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [ProjectRed-Exploration] Mod ProjectRed-Exploration is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Pure Energy] Mod Pure Energy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [QuarryPlus] Mod QuarryPlus is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Mod Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Resource Engineering] Mod Resource Engineering is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Ropes ] Mod Ropes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [The SecretRoomsMod] Mod The SecretRoomsMod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [SG Craft] Mod SG Craft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Simple Recycling] Mod Simple Recycling is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [SmallBoat] Mod SmallBoat is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Punt] Mod Punt is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Whitehall] Mod Whitehall is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Hoy] Mod Hoy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Steve's Carts 2] Mod Steve's Carts 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Tinkers' Construct] Mod Tinkers' Construct is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Thaumic Tinkerer] Mod Thaumic Tinkerer is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Thermal Expansion] Mod Thermal Expansion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Trade Booth Mod] Mod Trade Booth Mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Translocator] Mod Translocator is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Tubestuff] Mod Tubestuff is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [The Ultimate Nether Mod] Mod The Ultimate Nether Mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Waila] Mod Waila is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Addons] Mod WR-CBE Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Core] Mod WR-CBE Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Logic] Mod WR-CBE Logic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Forge Microblocks] Mod Forge Microblocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Forge Multipart] Mod Forge Multipart is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] Mod Minecraft Multipart Plugin is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:Not Enough Items, FMLFileResourcePack:PowerCrystals Core, FMLFileResourcePack:Damage Indicators, FMLFileResourcePack:ArmorStatusHUD, FMLFileResourcePack:bspkrsCore, FMLFileResourcePack:DirectionHUD, FMLFileResourcePack:StatusEffectHUD, FMLFileResourcePack:Treecapitator, FMLFileResourcePack:§4MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod, FMLFileResourcePack:IC2 Advanced Machines Addon, FMLFileResourcePack:Advanced Power Management, FMLFileResourcePack:Ars Magica 2, FMLFileResourcePack:Animated Player Mod, FMLFileResourcePack:Atomic Science, FMLFileResourcePack:Backpack, FMLFileResourcePack:Chocolate quest, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioWoods Forestry Edition, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioWoods Natura Edition, FMLFileResourcePack:Big Reactors, FMLFileResourcePack:Biomes O' Plenty, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Builders, FMLFileResourcePack:BuildCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Energy, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Factory, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Silicon, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Transport, FMLFileResourcePack:Additional Buildcraft Objects, FMLFileResourcePack:Carpenter's Blocks, FMLFileResourcePack:ChickenChunks, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Core, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Loot, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Masquerade, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Social, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH World, FMLFileResourcePack:Compact Solar Arrays, FMLFileResourcePack:ComputerCraft Turtles, FMLFileResourcePack:ComputerCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Clay Soldiers Mod, FMLFileResourcePack:DartCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:DenPipes, FMLFileResourcePack:DenPipes-Emerald, FMLFileResourcePack:DenPipes-Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:Dimensional Doors, FMLFileResourcePack:DrZhark's Magic Carpet Mod, FMLFileResourcePack:Dungeon Mobs, FMLFileResourcePack:EnderStorage, FMLFileResourcePack:Equivalent Exchange 2, FMLFileResourcePack:ExtrabiomesXL, FMLFileResourcePack:Extra Utilities, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Miscellaneous Nonsense, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Notification System, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Dimensional Slices, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization, FMLFileResourcePack:BackTools, FMLFileResourcePack:GraviGun, FMLFileResourcePack:Hats, FMLFileResourcePack:MobAmputation, FMLFileResourcePack:Morph, FMLFileResourcePack:Torched, FMLFileResourcePack:PortalGun, FMLFileResourcePack:Forestry for Minecraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Cellular Automata Generator, FMLFileResourcePack:Great Wall Mod, FMLFileResourcePack:Walled City Generator, FMLFileResourcePack:GraveStone, FMLFileResourcePack:ICBM|Contraption, FMLFileResourcePack:ICBM|Explosion, FMLFileResourcePack:ICBM|Sentry, FMLFileResourcePack:Immibis Core, FMLFileResourcePack:Immibis's Peripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:IndustrialCraft 2, FMLFileResourcePack:Infernal Mobs, FMLFileResourcePack:InfiniTubes, FMLFileResourcePack:Inventory Tweaks, FMLFileResourcePack:Iron Chest, FMLFileResourcePack:Keithy Utils, FMLFileResourcePack:Kitty Stuffs and Things, FMLFileResourcePack:Liquid XP, FMLFileResourcePack:Logistics Pipes, FMLFileResourcePack:Magic Bees, FMLFileResourcePack:Meadcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Mekanism, FMLFileResourcePack:MekanismGenerators, FMLFileResourcePack:MekanismInduction, FMLFileResourcePack:MekanismTools, FMLFileResourcePack:Metallurgy 3 Core, FMLFileResourcePack:Metallurgy 3 Machines, FMLFileResourcePack:Metallurgy 3 Base, FMLFileResourcePack:Metallurgy 3 Vanilla, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat Forestry Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat Extra Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:MineFactory Reloaded, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Atum, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: BackTools, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: BuildCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Chococraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2), FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: IC2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Magical Crops, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Mystcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Pam's Mods, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Railcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: RP2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: TwilightForest, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Vanilla, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: XyCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Minimapsync, FMLFileResourcePack:MiscPeripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:Gravitation Suite, FMLFileResourcePack:Mystcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Natura, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Crafting Tables, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Extra Bees, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Plugins, FMLFileResourcePack:NEM Version Checker, FMLFileResourcePack:OpenBlocks, FMLFileResourcePack:OpenPeripheral, FMLFileResourcePack:Ores Galore, FMLFileResourcePack:PluginsforForestry, FMLFileResourcePack:Project Bench, FMLFileResourcePack:Project: Red-Core, FMLFileResourcePack:ProjectRed-Compatability, FMLFileResourcePack:ProjectRed-Integration, FMLFileResourcePack:ProjectRed-Transmission, FMLFileResourcePack:ProjectRed-Illumination, FMLFileResourcePack:ProjectRed-Exploration, FMLFileResourcePack:Pure Energy, FMLFileResourcePack:QuarryPlus, FMLFileResourcePack:Railcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Random Things, FMLFileResourcePack:Resource Engineering, FMLFileResourcePack:Ropes , FMLFileResourcePack:The SecretRoomsMod, FMLFileResourcePack:SG Craft, FMLFileResourcePack:Simple Recycling, FMLFileResourcePack:SmallBoat, FMLFileResourcePack:Punt, FMLFileResourcePack:Whitehall, FMLFileResourcePack:Hoy, FMLFileResourcePack:Steve's Carts 2, FMLFileResourcePack:Tinkers' Construct, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Tinkerer, FMLFileResourcePack:Thermal Expansion, FMLFileResourcePack:Trade Booth Mod, FMLFileResourcePack:Translocator, FMLFileResourcePack:Tubestuff, FMLFileResourcePack:The Twilight Forest, FMLFileResourcePack:The Ultimate Nether Mod, FMLFileResourcePack:Underground Biomes, FMLFileResourcePack:iChunUtil, FMLFileResourcePack:Waila, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Core, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Logic, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Microblocks, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Multipart, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Multipart Plugin 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Client] ResourcePack: ignored non-lowercase namespace: .DS_Store in C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\mods\SGCraft-0.7.3-mc1.6.4.jar 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file denLib-1.6.4-3.1.35.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-universal-1.6.4- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Registering Forge Packet Handler 2014-02-08 16:02:03 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Succeeded registering Forge Packet Handler 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:05 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.Container 2014-02-08 16:02:06 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [AdvancedPowerManagement] [Certificate Error] Fingerprint does not match! This mod's jar file has been modified from the original version. 2014-02-08 16:02:06 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [AdvancedPowerManagement] [Certificate Error] Expected fingerprint: null 2014-02-08 16:02:06 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [AdvancedPowerManagement] [Certificate Error] File: C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\mods\AdvancedPowerManagement-1.2.85-IC2-1.118.jar 2014-02-08 16:02:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerWorkbench 2014-02-08 16:02:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair 2014-02-08 16:02:08 [INFO] [FZ] This is Factorization 0.8.25 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.Exception 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at mods.immibis.core.impl.MultiInterfaceClassTransformer.interfaceExists( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at mods.immibis.core.impl.MultiInterfaceClassTransformer.transform( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.runTransformers( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.generics.factory.CoreReflectionFactory.makeNamedType(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.generics.visitor.Reifier.visitClassTypeSignature(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.generics.tree.ClassTypeSignature.accept(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseSig(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseClassValue(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseMemberValue(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotation(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotationArray(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseArray(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseMemberValue(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotation(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotations2(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.parseAnnotations(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.initAnnotationsIfNecessary(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.getAnnotation(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.isAnnotationPresent(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at mods.immibis.cobaltite.ModBase.( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at mods.immibis.infinitubes.InfiniTubes.( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.ILanguageAdapter$JavaAdapter.getNewInstance( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:11 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod id KeithyUtils attempted to register channels without specifying a packet handler 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [INFO] [TConstruct] [TConstruct] Natura, what are we going to do tomorrow night? 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [INFO] [TConstruct] [Natura] TConstruct, we're going to take over the world! 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [INFO] [TConstruct] Registering compat plugin for ForgeMultipart 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [INFO] [TConstruct] Registering compat plugin for MineFactoryReloaded 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [INFO] [TConstruct] Registering compat plugin for NotEnoughItems 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [INFO] [TConstruct] Registering compat plugin for Waila 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod id Metallurgy3Core attempted to register channels without specifying a packet handler 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod id Metallurgy3Base attempted to register channels without specifying a packet handler 2014-02-08 16:02:13 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod id Metallurgy3Vanilla attempted to register channels without specifying a packet handler 2014-02-08 16:02:14 [INFO] [STDOUT] GravisUite: Register keys 2014-02-08 16:02:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0 2014-02-08 16:02:15 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod ArmorStatusHUD 2014-02-08 16:02:16 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod DirectionHUD 2014-02-08 16:02:16 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod StatusEffectHUD 2014-02-08 16:02:16 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] ID Resolver (Mod ID "IDResolver") is not loaded. 2014-02-08 16:02:16 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] Loading configuration file ./\config\TreeCapitator.cfg 2014-02-08 16:02:16 [INFO] [TreeCapitator] Proceeding to load tree/mod configs from file. 2014-02-08 16:02:16 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod Treecapitator 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Treecapitator Forge 1.6.4.r06 is out of date! Visit to download the latest release (Forge 1.6.4.r09). 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Starting BuildCraft 4.2.2 (:56) 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [INFO] [Buildcraft] 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Beginning version check 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [WARNING] [ThermalExpansion] Version Check Failed: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Version Check Failed: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Loading Plugins... 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Finished Loading Plugins. 2014-02-08 16:02:17 [WARNING] [Buildcraft] Using outdated version [4.2.2 (build:56)] for Minecraft 1.6.4. Consider updating. 2014-02-08 16:02:18 [INFO] [IC2] Starting initialization 2014-02-08 16:02:18 [INFO] [IC2] Config loaded from C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\config\IC2.cfg 2014-02-08 16:02:18 [INFO] [IC2] Using 32 audio sources. 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [IC2] Finished initialization after 1112 ms 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Modstats] Config loaded. allowUpdates: true, betaNotification: false, strict: false 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UniversalElectricity] Loading compatibility API version 1.0.0 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UniversalElectricity] Compiled with IndustrialCraft API version @ICxVersion@ 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UniversalElectricity] Compiled with BuildCraft API version @BCxVersion@ 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UniversalElectricity] Compiled with ThermalExpansion API version @TExVersion@ 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 31737 item slot already occupied by am2.armor.ItemWaterGuardianOrbs@585b5e18 while adding atomicscience.wujian.ItCell@5ed6c05 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod AtomicScience is overwriting existing item at 31993 (water_orbs from arsmagica2) with atomicscience.wujian.ItCell 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\chests.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.createChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\config.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.create( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting config file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\chests.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\treasures.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.createTreasures( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\config.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.create( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting config file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\treasures.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\weapons.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.createWeapons( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\config.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.create( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting config file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\weapons.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\ores.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.createOres( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\config.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.create( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting config file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\ores.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\food.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.createFood( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\config.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.create( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting config file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\ChestConfig\food.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.getItems( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.addChests( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\config.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.create( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] Error writting config file at betterDungeons mod 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\Chocolate\config.prop (The system cannot find the path specified) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.loadConfig( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.ConfigHelper.( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.preLoadMethod( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:19 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [Natura] [PluginController] Using config path: C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\config\NaturaCompat.cfg 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [Natura] [PluginController] Registering compat plugin for ForgeMultipart 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [Natura] [PluginController] Registering compat plugin for MineFactoryReloaded 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [Natura] [PluginController] Registering compat plugin for NotEnoughItems 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated Main Config! 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated Biome Gen Config! 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated Terrain Gen Config! 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generating Biome ID's 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated IDs Config! 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated Misc Config! 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Extending Potions Array. 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Beginning version check 2014-02-08 16:02:20 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Using outdated version [1.1.3] for Minecraft 1.6.4. Consider updating. 2014-02-08 16:02:21 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Initializing. 2014-02-08 16:02:21 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Module CAUTIA is enabled. 2014-02-08 16:02:21 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Module FABRICA is enabled. 2014-02-08 16:02:21 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Module AMICA is enabled. 2014-02-08 16:02:22 [INFO] [STDOUT] [DenPipesCore]: Injected hook(s) into BuildCraft class buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipeFluidsWood! 2014-02-08 16:02:22 [INFO] [STDOUT] [DenPipesCore]: Injected hook(s) into BuildCraft class buildcraft.transport.pipes.PipePowerWood! 2014-02-08 16:02:22 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding runtime interfaces to powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.base.TileEntityFactoryInventory 2014-02-08 16:02:22 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 335 (net.minecraft.item.ItemBucketMilk from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry species 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry speed 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry lifespan 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry fertility 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry tolerance 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry humidity 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry flowers 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry bool 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry flowering 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry territory 2014-02-08 16:02:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Created card registry effect 2014-02-08 16:02:27 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Starting Additional-Buildcraft-Objects #557 (Built for Minecraft 1.6.4 with Buildcraft 4.2.1 and Forge 2014-02-08 16:02:27 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Copyright (c) Flow86, 2011-2013 2014-02-08 16:02:27 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Plant support integration successful. 2014-02-08 16:02:27 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Successfully loaded 9 chisel patterns. 2014-02-08 16:02:27 [INFO] [CarpentersBlocks] Successfully loaded 6 bed designs. 2014-02-08 16:02:28 [INFO] [SAP-ConfigManager] ClaySoldiersMod config file successfully readed! 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 328 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 342 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 343 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 407 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [SEVERE] [Railcraft] IC2 API error, please update your mods. Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: ambiguous recipe: [1xtile.obsidian@0 -> [1xtile.railcraft.cube@4]], conflicts with [[1xtile.obsidian@0] -> [4xitemDust@11]], ic2.core.BasicMachineRecipeManager.addRecipe( 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [SEVERE] [Railcraft] IC2 API error: Recipes is loaded from jar:file:/C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/instances/TechCraft/minecraft/mods/industrialcraft-2_2.0.316-experimental.jar!/ic2/api/recipe/Recipes.class 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [INFO] [Railcraft] An updated version of Railcraft is available from : 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [INFO] [Railcraft] An updated version of Railcraft is available from : 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: de_DE, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: en_GB, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: en_US, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: es_AR, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: es_ES, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: es_MX, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: es_UY, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: es_VE, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: fr_FR, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: hr_HR, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: it_IT, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: ja_JP, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: ko_KR, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: nl_NL, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: no_NO, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: pl_PL, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: pt_BR, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: pt_PT, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: ru_RU, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: sr_SP, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: zh_CN, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:30 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Language Tag is unknown: zh_TW, tool.crowbar.magic 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [DartCraft] DartCraft Beta 0.2.13 Initializing. 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [DartCraft] by: bluedart 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes]: Starting addon load... 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes]: Done. 5 addons loaded. 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Please wait while I do a little scanning. This might take a moment. 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardBool 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardEffect 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardFertility 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardFlowering 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardFlowers 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardHumidity 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardLifespan 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardSpecies 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardTerritory 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardTolerance 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Found card class: denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Cards.CardWorkspeed 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into species 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into humidity 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into effect 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into tolerance 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into territory 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into fertility 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into flowering 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into lifespan 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into bool 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into speed 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes-Forestry]: Injected blank card into flowers 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [GraviGun] [2.0.0] Loading properties. 2014-02-08 16:02:31 [INFO] [PortalGun] [2.0.1] Loading properties. 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UniversalElectricity] Loading compatibility API version 1.0.0 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UniversalElectricity] Compiled with IndustrialCraft API version @ICxVersion@ 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UniversalElectricity] Compiled with BuildCraft API version @BCxVersion@ 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UniversalElectricity] Compiled with ThermalExpansion API version @TExVersion@ 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: invtweaks.InvTweaksObfuscation 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] BlockGenericPipe was found with ID: 1513 2014-02-08 16:02:32 [INFO] [LogisticsPipes|Main] LogisticsBlockGenericPipe was added at ID: 1513 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCustomOre 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCustomOre_7 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockMagicalLog 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockMagicalLeaves 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticOpaque 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_1 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_2 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_3 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_4 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_5 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeticSolid_6 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.ttinkerer:darkQuartz 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.ttinkerer:darkQuartz_1 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Replacing stupid-block with 'Here, have some delicious textures' ItemBlock. This is 100% normal. 2014-02-08 16:02:34 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MagicBees is overwriting existing item at 4053 (hive from MagicBees) with net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTextureTile 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [Metallurgy3Core] [Metallurgy3] Successfully created/read configuration file for Metallurgy 3 Core 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [Metallurgy3Core] reading sets 1 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for refinedUranium 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: IC2 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: CompactSolars 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: Forestry 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: Railcraft 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: StevesCarts 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: ChickenChunks 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: BuildCraftCore 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: BuildCraftFactory 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: BuildCraftTransport 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: EnderStorage 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: WRCBE 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: Factorization 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: PortalGun 2014-02-08 16:02:35 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: TConstruct 2014-02-08 16:02:36 [INFO] [NEIAddons|AE] Required mod AppliedEnergistics is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable 2014-02-08 16:02:36 [WARNING] [NEIAddons|AE] Requirements unmet, Applied Energistics Addon not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:36 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Required mod ExtraBees is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable 2014-02-08 16:02:36 [WARNING] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Requirements unmet, Extra Bees Addon not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:36 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Version check success: Forestry@[,) required / detected 2014-02-08 16:02:36 [INFO] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Version check success: MiscPeripherals required / 3.3 detected 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openblocks.integration.AdapterVillageHighlighter@450dff61 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openblocks.integration.AdapterDonationStation@7b9a59ef 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openblocks.integration.AdapterCannon@67bb74fb 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openblocks.integration.AdapterProjector@37d4c51f 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Current Date: 2, 8, 2014 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Forge Liquid Block implementation detected. 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Loading plugins... 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Done. 7 plugins loaded. 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Creating new dictionary list: peat 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Creating new dictionary list: vegetable 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Creating new dictionary list: juice 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Creating new dictionary list: melon 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Reading module PeatModule by denoflionsx 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Reading module JuiceModule by Jadedcat 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Reading module VeggieJuiceModule by Jadedcat 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Reading module MelonModule by denoflionsx 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Creating new reflection list: peat 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Creating new reflection list: vegetable 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Creating new reflection list: juice 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Creating new reflection list: melon 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [Project Red] Loaded TConstruct Compatability Proxy 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod RandomThings is overwriting existing item at 123 (net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight from Minecraft) with lumien.randomthings.ItemBlocks.ItemBlockLamp 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod RandomThings is overwriting existing item at 124 (net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight from Minecraft) with lumien.randomthings.ItemBlocks.ItemBlockLamp 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod RandomThings is overwriting existing item at 20 (net.minecraft.block.BlockGlass from Minecraft) with lumien.randomthings.ItemBlocks.ItemBlockGlass 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod RandomThings is overwriting existing item at 152 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPoweredOre from Minecraft) with lumien.randomthings.ItemBlocks.ItemBlockColoredRedstoneBlock 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 15084 item slot already occupied by while adding 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod ResourceEngineering is overwriting existing item at 15340 ( from ResourceEngineering) with 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 31735 item slot already occupied by am2.items.ItemBindingCatalyst@292e95f6 while adding 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod ResourceEngineering is overwriting existing item at 31991 (am2.items.ItemBindingCatalyst from arsmagica2) with 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] LogLevel set to INFO 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] LogLevel set to INFO 2014-02-08 16:02:37 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] LogLevel set to INFO 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UltimateNetherMod] Starting..... 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] file:/C:/Users//Desktop/MultiMC/instances/TechCraft/minecraft/mods/!/ 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] [UltimateNetherMod] Loading Config-File..... 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Render Player 1.0 Created 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Render Player: registered onerics_mnc 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ -143 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5d8903dc while adding net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@4e5c907d 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod onerics_mnc is overwriting existing item at 113 (net.minecraft.block.BlockFence from Minecraft) with net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stone 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.dirt 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebrick 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_1 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_2 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_3 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_1 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_2 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_3 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_1 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_2 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_3 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sponge 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.null 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockLapis 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_1 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_2 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_1 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_2 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_3 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_4 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_5 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_6 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_7 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_8 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_9 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_10 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_11 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_12 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_13 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_14 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_15 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockGold 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockIron 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.brick 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bookshelf 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stoneMoss 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.obsidian 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockDiamond 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.snow 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clay 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.hellrock 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.hellsand 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.lightgem 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_1 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_2 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_3 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.netherBrick 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.whiteStone 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockEmerald 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockRedstone 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.quartzBlock 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_1 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_2 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_3 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_4 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_5 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_6 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_7 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_8 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_9 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_10 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_11 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_12 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_13 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_14 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_15 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCoal 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.grass 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mycel 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 113 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 201 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 202 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 203 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 204 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 335 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.metablock.ItemMetaBlock with ID 900 owned by mod Metallurgy3Vanilla, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1275 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1276 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1277 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1278 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1280 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1281 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemDecayBlock with ID 1282 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1284 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1285 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemBlockFluid with ID 1286 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class forestry.farming.items.ItemFarmBlock with ID 1395 owned by mod Forestry, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 2040 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 2041 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 2042 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 2043 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 2044 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 2045 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab with ID 3929 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab with ID 3930 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab with ID 3931 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab with ID 3932 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemMetadataBlock with ID 3933 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemMetadataBlock with ID 3934 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemMetadataBlock with ID 3935 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemMetadataBlock with ID 3936 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemMetadataBlock with ID 3937 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemMetadataBlock with ID 3938 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemMetadataBlock with ID 3939 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3940 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3941 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3942 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3943 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3944 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3945 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3946 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3947 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3948 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3949 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3950 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3953 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.block.ItemBlockStature with ID 3954 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3957 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3958 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3959 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3960 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3961 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3962 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3963 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3964 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3965 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3966 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3967 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3968 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3969 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3970 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3971 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3972 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3973 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3974 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3975 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3976 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3977 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 3978 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTextureTile with ID 4053 owned by mod MagicBees, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.core.base.ItemICBMBase with ID 4156 owned by mod ICBM|Contraption, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.core.base.ItemICBMBase with ID 4157 owned by mod ICBM|Contraption, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.explosion.missile.missile.ItemMissile with ID 4159 owned by mod ICBM|Explosion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.explosion.items.ItemBombDefuser with ID 4161 owned by mod ICBM|Explosion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.explosion.items.ItemRadarGun with ID 4162 owned by mod ICBM|Explosion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.explosion.items.ItemRemoteDetonator with ID 4163 owned by mod ICBM|Explosion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.explosion.items.ItemLaserDesignator with ID 4164 owned by mod ICBM|Explosion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.explosion.items.ItemRocketLauncher with ID 4167 owned by mod ICBM|Explosion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.explosion.missile.ItemGrenade with ID 4168 owned by mod ICBM|Explosion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 5356 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 5357 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemLigniteCoal with ID 5756 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class exterminatorJeff.undergroundBiomes.common.item.ItemFossilPiece with ID 5757 owned by mod UndergroundBiomes, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemBagOfHolding with ID 6057 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.weird.ItemPocketTable with ID 6058 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6062 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemWrathIgniter with ID 6063 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6064 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6070 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6071 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemMachineUpgrade with ID 6072 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemMachineUpgrade with ID 6073 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemMachineUpgrade with ID 6074 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemMachineUpgrade with ID 6075 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemMachineUpgrade with ID 6076 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.charge.ItemAcidBottle with ID 6080 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6081 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6082 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6083 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6084 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.charge.ItemChargeMeter with ID 6085 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemBlockProxy with ID 6086 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemMachineUpgrade with ID 6087 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.wrath.ItemMachineUpgrade with ID 6088 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.charge.ItemBattery with ID 6089 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.oreprocessing.ItemOreProcessing with ID 6090 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.oreprocessing.ItemOreProcessing with ID 6091 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.oreprocessing.ItemOreProcessing with ID 6092 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.oreprocessing.ItemOreProcessing with ID 6093 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6094 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6095 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.ceramics.ItemSculptingTool with ID 6097 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.servo.ItemMatrixProgrammer with ID 6099 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6100 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6101 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6106 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.ceramics.ItemGlazeBucket with ID 6111 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.servo.ItemServoMotor with ID 6112 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.servo.ItemServoRailWidget with ID 6113 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6115 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6116 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.servo.ItemServoRailWidget with ID 6117 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.weird.ItemDayBarrel with ID 6118 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6119 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.sockets.ItemSocketPart with ID 6120 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class factorization.shared.ItemCraftingComponent with ID 6121 owned by mod factorization, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemClayDisruptor with ID 6849 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemClayMan with ID 6850 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemHorses with ID 6851 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemHorses with ID 6852 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemBunny with ID 6853 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemGecko with ID 6854 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemGlobal with ID 6855 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemGlobal with ID 6856 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemTurtle with ID 6857 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemArenaPlacer with ID 6858 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemDebugShield with ID 6860 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemGlobal with ID 6861 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemNexus with ID 6862 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class sanandreasp.mods.ClaySoldiersMod.item.ItemGlobal with ID 6863 owned by mod ClaySoldiersMod, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 7762 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 7763 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 7764 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 7765 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.emblems.ItemEmblem with ID 7784 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.items.ItemGear with ID 7801 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.items.ItemRoutingTable with ID 7811 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.items.ItemTicket with ID 7812 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.items.ItemTicketGold with ID 7813 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemBoreHeadDiamond with ID 7814 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemBoreHeadIron with ID 7815 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemBoreHeadSteel with ID 7816 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.items.ItemMagnifyingGlass with ID 7820 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.blocks.signals.ItemSignalTuner with ID 7821 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.railcraft.common.items.ItemWhistleTuner with ID 7829 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemAgebook with ID 8956 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemLinkbook with ID 8957 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemNotebook with ID 8958 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemWritingDesk with ID 8959 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemPage with ID 8960 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemInkVial with ID 8962 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemLinkbookUnlinked with ID 8963 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 12252 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 12253 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 12254 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 12266 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 12285 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 12286 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 12290 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket with ID 12291 owned by mod MineFactoryReloaded, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.jiqi.ItHeYi with ID 14020 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.jiqi.ItHeYi with ID 14021 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.jiqi.ItHeYi with ID 14022 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.jiqi.ItHeYi with ID 14023 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.jiqi.ItWenDuBiao with ID 14024 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.wujian.ItCell with ID 14025 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.wujian.ItFenLie with ID 14027 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.wujian.ItCell with ID 14028 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.fenlie.ItGuaiWuSu with ID 14029 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.fanwusu.ItFanWuSu with ID 14030 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.fenlie.ItFuShe with ID 14032 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.fenlie.ItYou with ID 14033 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket with ID 14036 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.wujian.ItHuanYuan with ID 14037 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tconstruct.items.armor.ExoArmor with ID 14372 owned by mod TConstruct, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tconstruct.items.armor.ExoArmor with ID 14373 owned by mod TConstruct, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tconstruct.items.armor.ExoArmor with ID 14374 owned by mod TConstruct, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tconstruct.items.armor.ExoArmor with ID 14375 owned by mod TConstruct, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class ee.common.items.ItemPhilosopherStone with ID 14756 owned by mod EquivalentExchange2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class ee.common.items.ItemAlchemicalCoal with ID 14757 owned by mod EquivalentExchange2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class ee.common.items.ItemMobiusFuel with ID 14758 owned by mod EquivalentExchange2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class ee.common.items.ItemAeternalisFuel with ID 14759 owned by mod EquivalentExchange2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class ee.common.items.ItemDarkMatter with ID 14760 owned by mod EquivalentExchange2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class ee.common.items.ItemRedMatter with ID 14761 owned by mod EquivalentExchange2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class ee.common.items.ItemCovalenceDust with ID 14762 owned by mod EquivalentExchange2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 14763 owned by mod EquivalentExchange2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemFlake with ID 15256 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemFlake with ID 15257 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemFlake with ID 15258 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemGoldenPotato with ID 15259 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemNugget with ID 15260 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemGem with ID 15261 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15262 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15263 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15264 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15265 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15266 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15267 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15268 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15269 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15270 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15271 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15272 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15273 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15274 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15275 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15276 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15277 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15278 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15279 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15280 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15281 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15282 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15283 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15284 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15285 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15286 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15287 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15288 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15289 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15290 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15291 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15292 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15293 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15294 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15295 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15296 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15297 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15298 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15299 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15300 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15301 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15302 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15303 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15304 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15305 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15306 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15307 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15308 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15309 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15310 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15311 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15312 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15313 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15314 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15315 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15316 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15317 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15318 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15319 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15320 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15321 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15322 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15323 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15324 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15325 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemStick with ID 15326 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemScreen with ID 15327 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15328 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15329 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15330 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15331 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15332 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15333 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15334 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15335 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15336 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15337 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15338 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15339 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15340 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15341 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15342 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemMachinePanel with ID 15343 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemChainMesh with ID 15344 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15345 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15346 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15347 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.armor.GemArmor with ID 15348 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15349 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class resourceengineering.common.core.items.ItemBackpack with ID 15350 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15354 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 15355 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class kittystuff.ItemKittyGem with ID 15756 owned by mod KittyStuff, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class kittystuff.ItemToolSword with ID 15757 owned by mod KittyStuff, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class kittystuff.Armor with ID 15758 owned by mod KittyStuff, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class kittystuff.Armor with ID 15759 owned by mod KittyStuff, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class kittystuff.Armor with ID 15760 owned by mod KittyStuff, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class kittystuff.Armor with ID 15761 owned by mod KittyStuff, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class kittystuff.ItemWarmMilk with ID 15762 owned by mod KittyStuff, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class oresgalore.common.items.ItemMetalIngot with ID 17756 owned by mod oresgalore, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class oresgalore.common.items.ItemFantasyIngot with ID 17757 owned by mod oresgalore, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class oresgalore.common.items.ItemNetherIngot with ID 17758 owned by mod oresgalore, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class oresgalore.common.items.ItemGem with ID 17759 owned by mod oresgalore, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class oresgalore.common.items.ItemMisc with ID 17760 owned by mod oresgalore, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.item.ItemIngot with ID 18006 owned by mod BigReactors, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.item.ItemBRBucket with ID 18007 owned by mod BigReactors, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.item.ItemBRBucket with ID 18008 owned by mod BigReactors, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class backpack.item.ItemBackpack with ID 18586 owned by mod Backpack, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class backpack.item.ItemLeather with ID 18587 owned by mod Backpack, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class backpack.item.ItemLeather with ID 18588 owned by mod Backpack, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class backpack.item.ItemWorkbenchBackpack with ID 18589 owned by mod Backpack, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class org.yogpstop.qp.ItemTool with ID 18719 owned by mod QuarryPlus, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench with ID 20257 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemMultimeter with ID 20258 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemBucket with ID 20259 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemFlorb with ID 20260 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemCapacitor with ID 20261 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.ItemDiagram with ID 20262 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.ItemTEBase with ID 20263 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.ItemTEBase with ID 20264 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemArmorAdv with ID 20265 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemArmorAdv with ID 20266 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemArmorAdv with ID 20267 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemArmorAdv with ID 20268 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemSwordAdv with ID 20269 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemShovelAdv with ID 20270 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemPickaxeAdv with ID 20271 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemAxeAdv with ID 20272 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemHoeAdv with ID 20273 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemShearsAdv with ID 20274 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemFishingRodAdv with ID 20275 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class cofh.item.ItemSickleAdv with ID 20276 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrenchBattle with ID 20277 owned by mod ThermalExpansion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.sentry.turret.ItemAmmo with ID 21205 owned by mod ICBM|Sentry, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.sentry.turret.upgrades.ItemSentryUpgrade with ID 21206 owned by mod ICBM|Sentry, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemMod with ID 22406 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemConnector with ID 22407 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemGas with ID 22408 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemGas with ID 22409 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemGasRemover with ID 22410 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemSpellCloth with ID 22411 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.foci.ItemFocusFlight with ID 22412 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.foci.ItemFocusDislocation with ID 22413 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemCleansingTalisman with ID 22414 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemBrightNitor with ID 22415 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.foci.ItemFocusTelekinesis with ID 22416 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemSoulMould with ID 22417 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemXPTalisman with ID 22418 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.foci.ItemFocusSmelt with ID 22419 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.foci.ItemFocusHeal with ID 22420 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.foci.ItemFocusEnderChest with ID 22421 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemBloodSword with ID 22422 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemRevealingHelm with ID 22423 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.ItemInfusedInkwell with ID 22424 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazkii.tinkerer.common.item.foci.ItemFocusDeflect with ID 22425 owned by mod ThaumicTinkerer, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23256 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23257 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23258 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23259 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23260 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23261 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23262 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23263 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23264 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23265 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23266 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23267 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23268 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23274 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23275 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23276 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23277 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23278 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23279 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23280 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23281 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23282 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23283 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23284 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23285 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23286 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23287 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23288 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23289 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23290 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23291 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23292 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23293 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23295 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23296 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23299 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23300 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23301 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23302 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23303 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23304 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23305 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23306 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23307 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23308 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23314 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23315 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 23316 owned by mod cfm, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.Item with ID 25135 owned by mod ForgeMicroblock, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 26095 owned by mod MagicBees, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 26096 owned by mod MagicBees, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class magicbees.item.ItemNugget with ID 26120 owned by mod MagicBees, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class magicbees.item.ItemMysteriousMagnet with ID 26121 owned by mod MagicBees, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.awger.punt.ItemPunt with ID 26457 owned by mod awger_Punt, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.awger.whitehall.ItemWhitehall with ID 26458 owned by mod awger_Whitehall, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class mods.awger.hoy.ItemHoy with ID 26459 owned by mod awger_Hoy, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26506 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26507 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 26508 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 26509 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 26510 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 26511 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 26512 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26513 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26514 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26515 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26516 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26556 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26557 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26606 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26607 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26656 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26657 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 26658 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 26659 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 26660 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 26661 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 26662 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26663 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26664 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26665 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26666 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26706 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26707 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 26708 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 26709 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 26710 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 26711 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 26712 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26713 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26714 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26715 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26716 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26756 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26757 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 26758 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 26759 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 26760 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 26761 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 26762 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26763 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26764 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26765 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26766 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26806 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26807 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 26808 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 26809 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 26810 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 26811 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 26812 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26813 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26814 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26815 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26816 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26856 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26857 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 26858 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 26859 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 26860 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 26861 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 26862 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26863 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26864 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26865 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26866 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26906 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26907 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26956 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 26957 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 26958 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 26959 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 26960 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 26961 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 26962 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26963 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26964 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26965 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 26966 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27006 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27007 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27008 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27009 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27010 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27011 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27012 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27013 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27014 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27015 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27016 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27056 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27057 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27058 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27059 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27060 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27061 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27062 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27063 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27064 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27065 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27066 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27106 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27107 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27108 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27109 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27110 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27111 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27112 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27113 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27114 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27115 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27116 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27156 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27157 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27158 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27159 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27160 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27161 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27162 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27163 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27164 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27165 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27166 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27206 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27207 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27208 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27209 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27210 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27211 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27212 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27213 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27214 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27215 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27216 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27256 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27257 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27306 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27307 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27308 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27309 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27310 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27311 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27312 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27313 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27314 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27315 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27316 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27356 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27357 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27358 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27359 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27360 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27361 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27362 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27363 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27364 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27365 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27366 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27406 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27407 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27408 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27409 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27410 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27411 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27412 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27413 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27414 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27415 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27416 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27456 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27457 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27506 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27507 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27508 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27509 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27510 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27511 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27512 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27513 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27514 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27515 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27516 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27556 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27557 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27558 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27559 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27560 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27561 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27562 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27563 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27564 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27565 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27566 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27606 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27607 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27608 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27609 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27610 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27611 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27612 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27613 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27614 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27615 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27616 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27656 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27657 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27658 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27659 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27660 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27661 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27662 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27663 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27664 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27665 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27666 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27706 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27707 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27708 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27709 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27710 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27711 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27712 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27713 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27714 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27715 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27716 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27756 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27757 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27758 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27759 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27760 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27761 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27762 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27763 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27764 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27765 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27766 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27806 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27807 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27808 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27809 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27810 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27811 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27812 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27813 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27814 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27815 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27816 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27856 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27857 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27858 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27859 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27860 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27861 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27862 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27863 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27864 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27865 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27866 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27906 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27907 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27956 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 27957 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 27958 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 27959 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 27960 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 27961 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 27962 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27963 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27964 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27965 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 27966 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28006 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28007 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28008 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28009 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28010 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28011 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28012 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28013 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28014 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28015 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28016 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28056 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28057 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28058 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28059 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28060 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28061 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28062 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28063 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28064 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28065 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28066 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28106 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28107 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28108 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28109 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28110 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28111 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28112 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28113 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28114 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28115 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28116 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28156 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28157 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28158 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28159 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28160 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28161 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28162 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28163 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28164 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28165 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28166 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28206 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28207 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28256 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28257 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28258 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28259 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28260 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28261 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28262 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28263 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28264 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28265 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28266 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28306 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28307 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28308 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28309 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28310 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28311 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28312 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28313 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28314 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28315 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28316 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28356 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28357 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28358 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28359 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28360 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28361 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28362 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28363 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28364 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28365 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28366 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28406 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28407 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28408 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28409 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28410 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28411 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28412 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28413 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28414 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28415 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28416 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28456 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28457 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28458 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28459 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28460 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28461 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28462 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28463 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28464 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28465 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28466 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28506 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28507 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28508 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28509 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28510 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28511 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28512 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28513 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28514 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28515 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28516 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28556 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28557 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28558 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28559 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28560 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28561 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28562 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28563 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28564 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28565 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28566 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28606 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28607 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28608 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28609 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28610 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28611 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28612 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28613 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28614 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28615 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28616 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28656 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28657 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28706 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 28707 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemPickaxe with ID 28708 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemSpade with ID 28709 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemAxe with ID 28710 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.keithyutils.items.CustomItemHoe with ID 28711 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgySword with ID 28712 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28713 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28714 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28715 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgyArmor with ID 28716 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29258 owned by mod Metallurgy3Machines, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29259 owned by mod Metallurgy3Machines, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29260 owned by mod Metallurgy3Machines, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29261 owned by mod Metallurgy3Machines, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.machines.lantern.ItemGlassDust with ID 29262 owned by mod Metallurgy3Machines, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.metals.utilityItems.ItemIgniter with ID 29263 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.metals.utilityItems.ItemIgniter with ID 29264 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.metals.utilityItems.ItemFertilizer with ID 29265 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29266 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29267 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29268 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29269 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29270 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29271 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29272 owned by mod Metallurgy3Base, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29273 owned by mod Metallurgy3Machines, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.machines.orbs.ItemOrb with ID 29274 owned by mod Metallurgy3Machines, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class rebelkeithy.mods.metallurgy.core.metalsets.ItemMetallurgy with ID 29275 owned by mod Metallurgy3Machines, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class pureenergy.common.items.ItemRawEnergium with ID 30356 owned by mod pureenergy, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class pureenergy.common.items.ItemRefinedEnergium with ID 30357 owned by mod pureenergy, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemGraviChestPlate with ID 30473 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemUltimateLappack with ID 30474 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemSimpleItems with ID 30475 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemVajra with ID 30477 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvDDrill with ID 30478 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvChainsaw with ID 30479 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedLappack with ID 30480 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedJetPack with ID 30481 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemGraviTool with ID 30482 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedNanoChestPlate with ID 30483 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemPlumbumHammer with ID 31916 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItem with ID 31917 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemDoor_MNC with ID 31918 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemNetherBucket with ID 31919 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemNetherBucket with ID 31920 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemNetherBow with ID 31921 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemGG with ID 31922 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemDreizack with ID 31923 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemArmor with ID 31924 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemArmor with ID 31925 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemArmor with ID 31926 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemArmor with ID 31927 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemArmor with ID 31928 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemArmor with ID 31929 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemArmor with ID 31930 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemArmor with ID 31931 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemHoe with ID 31932 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemAxe with ID 31933 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemSpade with ID 31934 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemPickaxe with ID 31935 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemSword with ID 31936 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemHoe with ID 31937 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemAxe with ID 31938 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemSpade with ID 31939 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemPickaxe with ID 31940 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemSword with ID 31941 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItem_epic with ID 31942 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItem_rare with ID 31943 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItem_uncommon with ID 31944 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemNetherArrow with ID 31945 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItem with ID 31946 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItem with ID 31947 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemDoor_MNC_Hidden with ID 31948 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemDoor_MNC_Hidden with ID 31949 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemDoor_MNC with ID 31950 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemDoor_MNC with ID 31951 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemGG with ID 31952 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemGG with ID 31953 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.ItemFoodHellPilz with ID 31954 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class Oneric.MNC.item.MNCItemSeeds with ID 31955 owned by mod onerics_mnc, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicstryker.ropesplus.common.ItemHookShotCartridge with ID 31956 owned by mod RopesPlus, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicstryker.ropesplus.common.ItemHookshot with ID 31957 owned by mod RopesPlus, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicstryker.ropesplus.common.ItemBowRopesPlus with ID 31970 owned by mod RopesPlus, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicstryker.ropesplus.common.ItemGrapplingHook with ID 31971 owned by mod RopesPlus, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.explosion.cart.ItemBombCart with ID 31986 owned by mod ICBM|Explosion, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.contraption.ItemTracker with ID 31987 owned by mod ICBM|Contraption, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.contraption.ItemSignalDisrupter with ID 31988 owned by mod ICBM|Contraption, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class icbm.contraption.ItemAntidote with ID 31989 owned by mod ICBM|Contraption, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class with ID 31991 owned by mod ResourceEngineering, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class atomicscience.wujian.ItCell with ID 31993 owned by mod AtomicScience, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:38 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class am2.items.SpellBase with ID 31996 owned by mod arsmagica2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade! 2014-02-08 16:02:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/.png 2014-02-08 16:02:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_top.png 2014-02-08 16:02:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_top.png 2014-02-08 16:02:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3639_RefineryPlus.png 2014-02-08 16:02:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: icbm:textures/blocks/turretPlatform.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_side.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_924_null.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_front.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: icbm:textures/blocks/proximityDetector.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/invisibleUtility.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_922_MinersLaser.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_918_M3Lantern.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/keystonechest.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: missing_icon_tile_829_arsmagica2:textures/blocks/keystoneTrapdoor.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/arcane_empowerment_table_side.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/essencenexus.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/blocks/wood/planks.giganteum.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3284_bookshelf.png 2014-02-08 16:02:40 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_bottom.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_side.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ttinkerer:textures/blocks/repairer.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_915_M3Mint.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: atomicscience:textures/blocks/oreUranium_top.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: icbm:textures/blocks/MissileTable.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/custom_block.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_ITEM_15245_openblocks.stencil.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/arcanereconstructor.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: missing_icon_tile_796_arsmagica2:textures/blocks/magic_sigil.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3632_InfMJSrc.png 2014-02-08 16:02:41 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/darknexus.png 2014-02-08 16:02:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/hiddenTile.png 2014-02-08 16:02:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: atomicscience:textures/blocks/oreUranium_bottom.png 2014-02-08 16:02:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/lightnexus.png 2014-02-08 16:02:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] \C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\mods\ 2014-02-08 16:02:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Located 405 spell icons 2014-02-08 16:02:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] \C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\mods\ 2014-02-08 16:02:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Located 405 spell icons 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/items/mana_scepter.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullTartarite.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: missing_icon_item_20319_arsmagica2:textures/items/air_sled.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbOureclase.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullMithril.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: resourceengineering:textures/items/itemThorPack.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/items/affinity_tome_magma.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: icbm:textures/items/rocketLauncher.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullAtlarus.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/analyzer/natural.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbAtlarus.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: missing_icon_item_20320_arsmagica2:textures/items/earth_armor.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: icbm:textures/items/missile.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullBlack Steel.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/items/bow.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: oresgalore:textures/items/itemIngot_Uranium.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/items/MISSING_ICON_ITEM_4259_ccprogramdisk.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/misc/empty.png 2014-02-08 16:02:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: missing_icon_item_31992_arsmagica2:textures/items/fire_ears.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbHaderoth.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullDeep Iron.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbBlack Steel.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullHaderoth.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ic2:textures/items/plasmaLauncher.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullOureclase.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbOrichalcum.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbPrometheum.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/misc/liquid.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: arsmagica2:textures/items/magic_broom.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbTartarite.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullPrometheum.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbAdamantine.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: missing_icon_item_20318_arsmagica2:textures/items/winter_arm.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbMithril.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullOrichalcum.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbDeep Iron.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/items/MISSING_ICON_ITEM_6858_arenaPlacer.png 2014-02-08 16:02:44 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: metallurgy:textures/items/machines/orbs/OrbFullAdamantine.png 2014-02-08 16:02:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLib]: denLib loading... 2014-02-08 16:02:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Removing TMI Uninstaller 2014-02-08 16:02:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Deleting Dir: C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\versions\1.6.4\TMIUninstaller 2014-02-08 16:02:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment 2014-02-08 16:02:45 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod bspkrsCore 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] bspkrsCore v5.0(1.6.4) is out of date! Visit to download the latest release (v5.3(1.6.4)). 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] (cfm.cfg)Freezer Config Error: One or more of the integer arrays doesn't contain any values. Ignore if you don't want custom items added. 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] (cfm.cfg)MineBay Config Error: One or more of the integer arrays doesn't contain any values. Ignore if you don't want custom items added. 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] (cfm.cfg)MineBay Config Error: One or more of the integer arrays doesn't contain any values. Ignore if you don't want custom items added. 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] \C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\mods\ 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [SEVERE] [arsmagica2] The language resource /lang/de_DE.lang cannot be located on the classpath. This is a programming error. 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [SEVERE] [arsmagica2] The language resource /lang/en_US.lang cannot be located on the classpath. This is a programming error. 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [SEVERE] [arsmagica2] The language resource /lang/zh_CN.lang cannot be located on the classpath. This is a programming error. 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Redundant call to BiomeDictionary.registerAllBiomes ignored 2014-02-08 16:02:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Unregistered spell part in skill trees: am2.spell.components.MeltArmor@22a3e8a6 2014-02-08 16:02:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Initializing API Hooks... 2014-02-08 16:02:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Finished API Initialization 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bloodwood 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.willow 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareTree0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareTree1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareTree2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareTree3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareLeaves0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareLeaves1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareLeaves2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareLeaves3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Darkleaves0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Darkleaves1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Darkleaves2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Darkleaves3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] [BiomesOPlenty] [skins.txt] Syntax error on line 5: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] [BiomesOPlenty] [skins.txt] Syntax error on line 14: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] [BiomesOPlenty] There was an error while integrating TreeCapitator with Biomes O' Plenty! 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Optional.get() cannot be called on an absent value 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at biomesoplenty.integration.TreeCapitatorIntegration.init( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at biomesoplenty.integration.BOPCrossIntegration.init( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at biomesoplenty.BiomesOPlenty.load( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.mud.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.mud.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.dried_dirt 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.redRocks.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.redRocks.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.redRocks.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.ash 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves1.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves1.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves1.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves1.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves2.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves2.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves2.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves2.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves3.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves3.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves3.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves3.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves4.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves4.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.ash_stone 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.hard_ice 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesFruit.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesFruit2.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.mud_brick 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.originGrass 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.longGrass 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood1.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood1.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood1.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood1.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood2.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood2.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood2.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood2.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood3.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood3.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood3.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood3.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood4.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood4.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood4.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.petals.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.petals.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.hard_sand 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.hard_dirt 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.crystal 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.holyGrass 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.holy_dirt 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.holyStone.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.holyStone.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.holyStone.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.4 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.5 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.6 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.7 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.8 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.9 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.10 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.11 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.12 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethystOre.13 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.crag_rock 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.4 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.5 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.6 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.7 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.8 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.9 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.10 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.11 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.12 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.13 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesColorized1.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesColorized1.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesColorized1.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesColorized1.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesColorized2.0 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesColorized2.1 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesColorized2.2 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesColorized2.3 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] Initializing TreeCapitator support... 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL] TreeCapitator IMC message sent. 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 102 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPane from Minecraft) with net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock 2014-02-08 16:02:48 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 79 (net.minecraft.block.BlockIce from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.ItemBlockVanillaIce 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] An updated version of Minefactory Reloaded is available: 2.7.5. 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Mekanism] Version 5.6.0 initializing... 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Mekanism] Render registrations complete. 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Mekanism] Loading complete. 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [Minecraft] [Mekanism] Mod loaded. 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading ComputerCraft v1.58 (rev 1320) 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] computercraft: Searching for RedPowerLib... 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] computercraft: RedPowerLib not found. 2014-02-08 16:02:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading CCTurtle v1.58 (rev 1320) 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Mekanism] Successfully retrieved data from server. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 70 contains a biome named Desert, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 71 contains a biome named Dunes, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 72 contains a biome named Extreme Hills, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 73 contains a biome named Fen, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 74 contains a biome named Field, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 75 contains a biome named Forest, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 76 contains a biome named ForestHills, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 77 contains a biome named Forested Field, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 78 contains a biome named Frost Forest, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 79 contains a biome named Fungi Forest, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 80 contains a biome named Garden, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 81 contains a biome named Glacier, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 82 contains a biome named Grassland, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 83 contains a biome named Gravel Beach, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 84 contains a biome named Grove, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 85 contains a biome named Heathland, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 86 contains a biome named Highland, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict. Biome ID 87 contains a biome named Hot Springs, but Twilight Forest is set to use that ID. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Biome ID conflict detected. Edit the Twilight Forest config to give all biomes unique IDs. 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes]: Testing denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.AutomaticWoodenPipe.Pipe.AutomaticWoodenPipe for valid constructor... 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes]: Testing denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.ValvePipe.Pipe.ValvePipe for valid constructor... 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes]: Testing denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Forestry.Pipe.PipeForestry for valid constructor... 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [DenPipes]: Testing denoflionsx.DenPipes.AddOns.Emerald.Pipe.AutomaticEmeraldPipe for valid constructor... 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [INFO] [STDOUT] Unable to get resource: /mods/DimDoors/text/How_to_add_dungeons.txt 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registering bundled dungeon pack: Ruins 2014-02-08 16:02:50 [INFO] [STDOUT] Finished registering bundled dungeon packs 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_1 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_2 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_3 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_4 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_5 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_6 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_7 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_8 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_9 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock1_10 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_1 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_2 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_3 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_4 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_5 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_6 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_7 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_8 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_9 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:decorativeBlock2_10 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter extrautils.openperipheral.AdaptorTradingPost@70f5db2a 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter extrautils.openperipheral.AdaptorTransferNode@1693fd8a 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registering Dimension:-100 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 10016 item slot already occupied by extrautils.item.ItemGoldenLasso@4b170b2c while adding extrautils.item.ItemScanner@55de9c37 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod ExtraUtilities is overwriting existing item at 10272 (extrautils.item.ItemGoldenLasso from ExtraUtilities) with extrautils.item.ItemScanner 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_1 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_2 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_3 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_4 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_5 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_6 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_7 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_8 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_9 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_10 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_11 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_12 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_13 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_14 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:cobblestone_compressed_15 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:angelBlock 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:enderThermicPump 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:trading_post 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:etherealglass 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_1 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_2 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_3 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_4 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_5 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_6 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_7 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_8 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_9 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_10 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_11 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_12 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_13 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_14 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorStoneBrick_15 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_1 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_2 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_3 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_4 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_5 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_6 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_7 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_8 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_9 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_10 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_11 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_12 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_13 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_14 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.extrautils:colorWoodPlanks_15 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [Hats] [2.0.2] Extracted 78 hats from mod zip. 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 1295 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@49bae25e while adding gravestone.item.ItemBlockGSGraveStone@c63af23 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod GraveStone is overwriting existing item at 1551 (GSGraveStone from GraveStone) with gravestone.item.ItemBlockGSGraveStone 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 1298 item slot already occupied by net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@61912644 while adding gravestone.item.ItemBlockGSMemorial@676c67 2014-02-08 16:02:51 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod GraveStone is overwriting existing item at 1554 (GSMemorial from GraveStone) with gravestone.item.ItemBlockGSMemorial 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] InfernalMobsCore load() completed! Modifiers ready: 17 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [PropertyManager.readFromFile] Property file doesn't exist: C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\journeyMap\ 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [JourneyMap.initialize] JourneyMap 3.1.0 Unlimited starting Sat Feb 08 16:02:52 CST 2014 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [JMLogger.environment] = Windows 7, os.arch = amd64, = US, user.language = en, java.version = 1.7.0_51 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [JMLogger.environment] Game settings language: en_US / Locale: en_US 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [JourneyMap.initialize] Properties: {announce_modloaded=true, browser_poll=1900, chunk_offset=5, logging_level=INFO, mapgui_enabled=true, mapgui_keycode=36, preference_show_animals=true, preference_show_caves=true, preference_show_grid=true, preference_show_mobs=true, preference_show_pets=true, preference_show_players=true, preference_show_villagers=true, preference_show_waypoints=true, render_cavelighting_enabled=true, update_check_enabled=true, update_timer_chunks=2000, update_timer_entities=1000, webserver_enabled=true, webserver_port=8080} 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [JMServer.start] Started webserver on port 8080 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [VersionCheck.checkVersion] Checking for updated version: 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [Hats] [2.0.2] Loaded 78 hats 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [VersionCheck.checkVersion] Version available online: 3.1.0 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:52 INFO [MC] [JourneyMap.initialize] Initialization complete. 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:52 [INFO] [Hats] [2.0.2] Loaded 0 contributor hats 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] TrueTypeFont loaded: java.awt.Font[family=Minecraftia,name=Minecraftia Regular,style=plain,size=14] - AntiAlias = true 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft tile.* 0 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8193 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8194 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8195 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8196 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8197 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8198 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8200 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8201 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion * 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] Registered 10 entries from /mcp/mobius/waila/addons/vanillamc/WikiData.csv 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] Buildcraft|Factory mod found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] Thaumcraft mod found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [WARNING] [Waila] [Thaumcraft] Class not found. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] EnderStorage mod found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] [GraveStone] GraveStone mod not found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] TwilightForestMod mod found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [WARNING] [Waila] [AppEng] Class not found. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] Thermal Expansion mod found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] [Engineer Toolbox] Engineer Toolbox mod not found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] [EnderIO] EnderIO mod not found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] Buildcraft Power API found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [Waila] ProjectRed|Integration mod found. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [TConstruct] TF Dim ID: 7 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [TConstruct] PL Dim ID: 20 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [TConstruct] ForgeMultipart detected. Registering TConstruct decorative blocks with FMP. 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear0 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear1 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear2 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear3 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear4 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear5 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear6 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear7 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear8 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear9 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear10 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear11 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear12 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear13 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear14 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GlassBlock.StainedClear15 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick0 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick1 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick2 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick3 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick4 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick5 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick6 2014-02-08 16:02:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick7 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick8 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick9 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick10 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick11 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick12 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.Brick13 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock0 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock1 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock2 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock3 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock4 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock5 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock6 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock7 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock8 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock9 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.tconstruct.metalblock10 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy0 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy1 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy2 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy3 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy4 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy5 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy6 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy7 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy8 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy9 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy10 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy11 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy12 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy13 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy14 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Decoration.BrickFancy15 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery2 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery4 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery5 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery6 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery7 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery8 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery9 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Smeltery10 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [TConstruct] MineFactoryReloaded detected. Registering TConstruct farmables/grindables with MFR's Farming Registry. 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [TConstruct] NotEnoughItems detected. Registering TConstruct NEI plugin. 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [TConstruct] Waila detected. Registering TConstruct tank blocks with Waila registry. 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] [MekanismGenerators] Render registrations complete. 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [Minecraft] [MekanismGenerators] Loaded module. 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [Minecraft] [MekanismTools] Loaded module. 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Applied Energistics missing - MFR Applied Energistics Compat not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Atum missing - MFR Atum Compat not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] BackTools missing - MFR BackTools Compat not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Chococraft is not available; MFR Chococraft Compat not loaded 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: forestry.core.config.ForestryItem cannot be cast to net.minecraft.item.Item 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.modhelpers.forestry.Forestry.load( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [STDERR] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Magical Crops missing - MFR Compat: Magical Crops not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:54 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Mystcraft] Adding Entity Renderers 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Pam's HC base missing - MFR Pam HC Compat not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Pam's Weee! Flowers missing - MFR Pam Weee! Flowers Compat not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] RedPowerWorld missing - MFR RedPower2 Compat not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Sufficient Biomes missing - MFR Sufficient Biomes Compat not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] XyCraft missing - MFR Xycraft Compat not loading 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDERR] [Minimapsync]Cannot find mod_ReiMinimap, so Minimapsync will check for mod_ZanMinimap! 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDERR] [Minimapsync]Cannot find mod_ZanMiniap, so Minimapsync will not work! 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading NEI Addons 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Crafting Tables Addon... 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod EE3 is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering EE3 Minium Stone 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Version check success: BuildCraft|Factory required / 4.2.2 detected 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Registered BC Autorcrafting Table 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod PowersuitAddons is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering MPSA In-Place Assembler 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Version check success: TConstruct required / 1.6.X_1.5.2.1 detected 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Registered TC Crafting Station 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] 2 crafting tables registered 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Crafting Tables Addon successfully loadded 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Forestry Addon... 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Version check success: Forestry@[,) required / detected 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Forestry Addon successfully loadded 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Misc Peripherals Addon... 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Misc Peripherals Addon successfully loadded 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.vanilla.AdapterInventory@26aca40c 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.vanilla.AdapterNoteBlock@633a2857 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.vanilla.AdapterComparator@37036363 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.vanilla.AdapterBrewingStand@4379fb6e 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.AdapterObject@30ad659e 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.vanilla.AdapterRecordPlayer@67891e8b 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.vanilla.AdapterFluidHandler@578a815e 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.AdapterGlassesBridge@59cb15f4 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.AdapterSensor@329b2f7e 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.ic2.AdapterReactor@1fd8ec68 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.ic2.AdapterReactorChamber@7a50c77f 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.ic2.AdapterMassFab@6e9c67f1 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.ic2.AdapterEnergyConductor@44d6897f 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.ic2.AdapterEnergySink@7b5552fa 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.ic2.AdapterEnergySource@eb623e6 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] Enabling adapter openperipheral.core.adapter.ic2.AdapterEnergyStorage@2a08e9e3 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Injecting vanilla crops into ore dictionary. 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Setting up fluids... 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Bucket flag changed for wooden bucket. 2014-02-08 16:02:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] ProjectBench: Registered block id @ 700. Rendering: true @: 5 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.projectred.exploration.stone 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.projectred.exploration.stone_1 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.projectred.exploration.stone_2 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.projectred.exploration.stone_3 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.projectred.exploration.stone_4 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.projectred.exploration.stone_5 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.projectred.exploration.stone_6 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.projectred.exploration.stone_7 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ModelPunt() 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ModelPunt() 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] RenderPuntParts() 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ModelMast() 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ModelSail() 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ** created 38 boxes (12 extra) 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ** ModelPoopDeck created 3 boxes (29 extra) 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ** ModelAftCabinDoor created 0 boxes (32 extra) 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ** ModelDeckFiller created 10 boxes (22 extra) 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ** ModelRudder created 7 boxes (25 extra) 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] ** ModelCordage created -1 boxes (33 extra) 2014-02-08 16:02:56 [INFO] [NEM-VersionChecker] Downloaded mod versions from for version: 1.6.4 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Fatal errors were detected during the transition from INITIALIZATION to POSTINITIALIZATION. Loading cannot continue 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] mcp{8.09} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (minecraftforge- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (minecraftforge- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized denLib{3.1.35} [denLib] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized PlayerAPI{1.0} [Player API] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized PowerCrystalsCore{1.1.8} [PowerCrystals Core] (PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.8-9.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized RenderPlayerAPI{1.0} [Render Player API] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized TConstruct-Preloader{0.0.1} [Tinkers Corestruct] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized DamageIndicatorsMod{} [Damage Indicators] (1.6.4 Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized bspkrsCore{v5.0(1.6.4)} [bspkrsCore] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ArmorStatusHUD{v1.15(1.6.4)} [ArmorStatusHUD] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized mod_bspkrsCore{v5.0(1.6.4)} [bspkrsCore] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized DirectionHUD{v1.16(1.6.4)} [DirectionHUD] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized StatusEffectHUD{v1.19(1.6.4)} [StatusEffectHUD] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized TreeCapitator{Forge 1.6.4.r06} [Treecapitator] ([1.6.4]TreeCapitator.Forge.1.6.4.r06.Universal.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized cfm{3.2.6} [§4MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod] ([Forge]FurnitureModv3.2.6(1.6.4).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CoFHCore{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BuildCraft|Core{4.2.2} [BuildCraft] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ThermalExpansion{3.0.0.b8} [Thermal Expansion] (ThermalExpansion-3.0.0.b8.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized IC2{2.0.316-experimental} [IndustrialCraft 2] (industrialcraft-2_2.0.316-experimental.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized AdvancedMachines{5.2.3} [IC2 Advanced Machines Addon] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized AdvancedPowerManagement{1.2.85-IC2-1.118} [Advanced Power Management] (AdvancedPowerManagement-1.2.85-IC2-1.118.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized arsmagica2{1.1.2b} [Ars Magica 2] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized AnimatedPlayer{1.3.0} [Animated Player Mod] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized AtomicScience{1.0.0} [Atomic Science] (Atomic_Science_v1.0.0.160.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Backpack{1.22.25} [Backpack] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BetterDungeons{2.4} [Chocolate quest] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored BiblioCraft{1.5.3} [BiblioCraft] (BiblioCraft[v1.5.3].zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Natura{2.1.14} [Natura] (Natura_mc1.6.X_2.1.14.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BiomesOPlenty{1.1.3} [Biomes O' Plenty] (BiomesOPlenty-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BiblioWoodsBoP{1.3} [BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition] (BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty][v1.3].zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ExtrabiomesXL{3.14.5} [ExtrabiomesXL] (ExtrabiomesXL-universal-1.6.4-3.14.5.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BuildCraft|Builders{4.2.2} [BC Builders] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BuildCraft|Energy{4.2.2} [BC Energy] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BuildCraft|Factory{4.2.2} [BC Factory] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BuildCraft|Transport{4.2.2} [BC Transport] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MineFactory Reloaded] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2)] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Forestry{} [Forestry for Minecraft] (forestry-A- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BiblioWoodsForestry{1.3} [BiblioWoods Forestry Edition] (BiblioWoods[Forestry][v1.3].zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BiblioWoodsNatura{1.1} [BiblioWoods Natura Edition] (BiblioWoods[Natura][v1.1].zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Mekanism{5.6.0} [Mekanism] (Mekanism-v5.6.0.640.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BigReactors{0.2.6A} [Big Reactors] (BigReactors-0.2.6A.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BuildCraft|Silicon{4.2.2} [BC Silicon] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Additional-Buildcraft-Objects{} [Additional Buildcraft Objects] (buildcraft-Z-additional-buildcraft-objects- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CarpentersBlocks{v1.9.7} [Carpenter's Blocks] (Carpenter's Blocks v1.9.7 - MC 1.6 .zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ChickenChunks{} [ChickenChunks] (ChickenChunks Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CoFHLoot{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH Loot] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CoFHMasquerade{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH Masquerade] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CoFHSocial{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH Social] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CoFHWorld{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH World] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CompactSolars{} [Compact Solar Arrays] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ComputerCraft{1.58} [ComputerCraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CCTurtle{1.58} [ComputerCraft Turtles] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ClaySoldiersMod{2.0.0} [Clay Soldiers Mod] (CSM_v200a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized EnderStorage{} [EnderStorage] (EnderStorage Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized factorization{0.8.25} [Factorization] (Factorization-0.8.25.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Thaumcraft{4.0.5b} [Thaumcraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Railcraft{} [Railcraft] (Railcraft_1.6.2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized TwilightForest{1.20.3} [The Twilight Forest] (twilightforest-1.20.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized DartCraft{Beta 0.2.13} [DartCraft] (DartCraft Beta 0.2.13.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized DenPipes-Forestry{1.1.8} [DenPipes-Forestry] (DenPipes-Forestry-1.6.4-1.1.8.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized DenPipes-Emerald{1.1.6} [DenPipes-Emerald] (DenPipes-Emerald-1.6.4-1.1.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized DenPipes{2.1.18} [DenPipes] (DenPipes-1.6.4-2.1.18.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized dimdoors{$VERSION$} [Dimensional Doors] (DimensionalDoors-2.2.1RC1-50.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MagicCarpet{1.2} [DrZhark's Magic Carpet Mod] (DrZharks MagicCarpet Mod Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized dungeonmobs{3.0.2} [Dungeon Mobs] (Dungeon Mobs Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized EquivalentExchange2{0.1.28} [Equivalent Exchange 2] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ExtraUtilities{1.0.1} [Extra Utilities] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized factorization.misc{0.8.25} [Factorization Miscellaneous Nonsense] (Factorization-0.8.25.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized factorization.notify{0.8.25} [Factorization Notification System] (Factorization-0.8.25.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized factorization.dimensionalSlice{0.8.25} [Factorization Dimensional Slices] (Factorization-0.8.25.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized iChunUtil{2.4.0} [iChunUtil] (util^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized BackTools{2.0.0} [BackTools] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized GraviGun{2.0.0} [GraviGun] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Hats{2.0.2} [Hats] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MobAmputation{2.0.1} [MobAmputation] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Morph{0.3.0} [Morph] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Torched{2.0.0} [Torched] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized PortalGun{2.0.1} [PortalGun] (filespg^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized CARuins{0.1.4} [Cellular Automata Generator] (Generator_mods_0.1.4(1.6.X).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized GreatWallMod{0.1.4} [Great Wall Mod] (Generator_mods_0.1.4(1.6.X).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized WalledCityMod{0.1.4} [Walled City Generator] (Generator_mods_0.1.4(1.6.X).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized GraveStone{2.4.6} [GraveStone] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ICBM|Contraption{1.3.4} [ICBM] (ICBM_Contraption_v1.3.4.285.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ICBM|Sentry{1.3.4} [ICBM] (ICBM_Sentry_v1.3.4.285.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ICBM|Explosion{1.3.4} [ICBM] (ICBM_Explosion_v1.3.4.285.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ImmibisCore{57.1.6} [Immibis Core] (immibis-core-57.1.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ImmibisPeripherals{57.0.0} [Immibis's Peripherals] (immibis-peripherals-57.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized InfernalMobs{1.4.3} [Infernal Mobs] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized InfiniTubes{57.0.3} [InfiniTubes] (infinitubes-57.0.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized inventorytweaks{1.56} [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-MC1.6.2-1.56-b77.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized IronChest{} [Iron Chest] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized mod_JourneyMap{3.1.0 Unlimited} [JourneyMap] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized KeithyUtils{1.2} [Keithy Utils] (KeithyUtils-1.6.2-1.2b.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized KittyStuff{0.0.1 Alpha} [Kitty Stuffs and Things] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized LiquidXP{57.0.0} [Liquid XP] (liquid-xp-57.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized LogisticsPipes|Main{} [Logistics Pipes] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Waila{1.4.2} [Waila] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized TConstruct{1.6.X_1.5.2.1} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct_mc1.6.4_1.5.2.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ThaumicTinkerer{2.0} [Thaumic Tinkerer] (ThaumicTinkerer 2.0-44.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MagicBees{2.1.7} [Magic Bees] (magicbees-2.1.7.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized meadcraft{0.0.1} [Meadcraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MekanismGenerators{5.6.0} [MekanismGenerators] (MekanismGenerators-v5.6.0.640.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MekanismInduction{5.6.0} [MekanismInduction] (MekanismInduction-v5.6.0.640.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MekanismTools{5.6.0} [MekanismTools] (MekanismTools-v5.6.0.640.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Metallurgy3Core{3.2.3} [Metallurgy 3 Core] (Metallurgy-1.6.4-3.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Metallurgy3Base{3.2.3} [Metallurgy 3 Base] (Metallurgy-1.6.4-3.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Metallurgy3Machines{3.2.3} [Metallurgy 3 Machines] (Metallurgy-1.6.4-3.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Metallurgy3Vanilla{3.2.3} [Metallurgy 3 Vanilla] (Metallurgy-1.6.4-3.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MFR Compat Forestry Trees{1.0} [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MFR Compat Extra Trees{1.0} [MFR Compat Extra Trees] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Atum] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: BackTools] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Chococraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Forestry] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: IC2] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Magical Crops] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Mystcraft{} [Mystcraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Pam's Mods] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Railcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: RP2] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Vanilla] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: XyCraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Minimapsync{b0.3.2} [Minimapsync] (Minimapsync_1.6.4_b0.3.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized MiscPeripherals{3.3} [MiscPeripherals] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized GraviSuite{1.9.8} [Gravitation Suite] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NEIAddons{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NEIAddons|AE{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NEIAddons|CraftingTables{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NEIAddons|ExtraBees{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NEIAddons|Forestry{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Forestry] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NEIPlugins{} [NEI Plugins] (NEIPlugins- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized NEM-VersionChecker{} [NEM Version Checker] (NEM-VersionChecker-MC1.6.2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized OpenPeripheral{0.2.1} [OpenPeripheral] (OpenPeripheral-0.2.1-preview8.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized OpenBlocks{1.2.2} [OpenBlocks] (OpenBlocks-1.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized oresgalore{0.0.1} [Ores Galore] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized PluginsforForestry{3.2.30} [PluginsforForestry] (PluginsforForestry-1.6.4-3.2.30.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized bau5_ProjectBench{1.8.0} [Project Bench] (ProjectBench-1.6.2-v1.8.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ProjRed|Core{} [Project: Red-Core] (ProjectRedBase-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ProjRed|Compatability{} [ProjectRed-Compatability] (ProjectRedCompat-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ProjRed|Integration{} [ProjectRed-Integration] (ProjectRedIntegration-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ProjRed|Transmission{} [ProjectRed-Transmission] (ProjectRedIntegration-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ProjRed|Illumination{} [ProjectRed-Illumination] (ProjectRedLighting-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ProjRed|Exploration{} [ProjectRed-Exploration] (ProjectRedWorld-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized pureenergy{0.0.1} [Pure Energy] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized QuarryPlus{1.0.1} [QuarryPlus] (QuarryPlus-1.6.4-1.0.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized RandomThings{1.8.5} [Random Things] (Random Things v. 1.8.5 [MC 1.6.2].jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ResourceEngineering{1.0.17} [Resource Engineering] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized RopesPlus{1.5.0} [Ropes ] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized secretroomsmod{4.6.2} [The SecretRoomsMod] (SecretRoomsMod-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized SGCraft{0.7.3} [SG Craft] (SGCraft-0.7.3-mc1.6.4.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized SimpleRecycling{57.1.0} [Simple Recycling] (simple-recycling-57.1.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized awger_SmallBoat{0.10.6} [SmallBoat] (smallboats.0.10.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized awger_Punt{0.10.6} [Punt] (smallboats.0.10.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized awger_Whitehall{0.10.6} [Whitehall] (smallboats.0.10.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized awger_Hoy{0.10.6} [Hoy] (smallboats.0.10.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized StevesCarts{2.0.0.b1} [Steve's Carts 2] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized tradeboothmod{} [Trade Booth Mod] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Translocator{} [Translocator] (Translocator Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized Tubestuff{57.1.0} [Tubestuff] (tubestuff-57.1.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized onerics_mnc{1.8.6} [The Ultimate Nether Mod] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized UndergroundBiomes{0.4.3} [Underground Biomes] (UndergroundBiomes 1.6.x - Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized WR-CBE|Core{} [WR-CBE Core] (WR-CBE Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized WR-CBE|Addons{} [WR-CBE Addons] (WR-CBE Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized WR-CBE|Logic{} [WR-CBE Logic] (WR-CBE Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The following problems were captured during this phase 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Caught exception from BetterDungeons java.lang.NullPointerException at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.load( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at at at at at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at at at at at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] // This doesn't make any sense! 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Time: 2/8/14 4:02 PM 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Description: Initializing game 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] java.lang.NullPointerException 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.load( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] -- Head -- 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Stacktrace: 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at chocolate.mods.BD.BetterDungeons.load( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] -- Initialization -- 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Details: 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Stacktrace: 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] -- System Details -- 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Details: 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Minecraft Version: 1.6.4 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Java Version: 1.7.0_51, Oracle Corporation 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Memory: 2363215216 bytes (2253 MB) / 4058513408 bytes (3870 MB) up to 5726797824 bytes (5461 MB) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms3072m -Xmx6144m -XX:PermSize=128m 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] FML: MCP v8.11 FML v6.4.49.965 Minecraft Forge 181 mods loaded, 181 mods active 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] mcp{8.09} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (minecraftforge- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (minecraftforge- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] denLib{3.1.35} [denLib] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] PlayerAPI{1.0} [Player API] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] PowerCrystalsCore{1.1.8} [PowerCrystals Core] (PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.8-9.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] RenderPlayerAPI{1.0} [Render Player API] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] TConstruct-Preloader{0.0.1} [Tinkers Corestruct] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod{} [Damage Indicators] (1.6.4 Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] bspkrsCore{v5.0(1.6.4)} [bspkrsCore] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ArmorStatusHUD{v1.15(1.6.4)} [ArmorStatusHUD] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] mod_bspkrsCore{v5.0(1.6.4)} [bspkrsCore] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] DirectionHUD{v1.16(1.6.4)} [DirectionHUD] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] StatusEffectHUD{v1.19(1.6.4)} [StatusEffectHUD] ([1.6.4] Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] TreeCapitator{Forge 1.6.4.r06} [Treecapitator] ([1.6.4]TreeCapitator.Forge.1.6.4.r06.Universal.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] cfm{3.2.6} [§4MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod] ([Forge]FurnitureModv3.2.6(1.6.4).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CoFHCore{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BuildCraft|Core{4.2.2} [BuildCraft] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ThermalExpansion{3.0.0.b8} [Thermal Expansion] (ThermalExpansion-3.0.0.b8.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2{2.0.316-experimental} [IndustrialCraft 2] (industrialcraft-2_2.0.316-experimental.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] AdvancedMachines{5.2.3} [IC2 Advanced Machines Addon] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] AdvancedPowerManagement{1.2.85-IC2-1.118} [Advanced Power Management] (AdvancedPowerManagement-1.2.85-IC2-1.118.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] arsmagica2{1.1.2b} [Ars Magica 2] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] AnimatedPlayer{1.3.0} [Animated Player Mod] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] AtomicScience{1.0.0} [Atomic Science] (Atomic_Science_v1.0.0.160.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Backpack{1.22.25} [Backpack] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BetterDungeons{2.4} [Chocolate quest] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BiblioCraft{1.5.3} [BiblioCraft] (BiblioCraft[v1.5.3].zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Natura{2.1.14} [Natura] (Natura_mc1.6.X_2.1.14.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BiomesOPlenty{1.1.3} [Biomes O' Plenty] (BiomesOPlenty-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BiblioWoodsBoP{1.3} [BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition] (BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty][v1.3].zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ExtrabiomesXL{3.14.5} [ExtrabiomesXL] (ExtrabiomesXL-universal-1.6.4-3.14.5.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BuildCraft|Builders{4.2.2} [BC Builders] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BuildCraft|Energy{4.2.2} [BC Energy] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BuildCraft|Factory{4.2.2} [BC Factory] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BuildCraft|Transport{4.2.2} [BC Transport] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MineFactory Reloaded] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2)] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Forestry{} [Forestry for Minecraft] (forestry-A- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BiblioWoodsForestry{1.3} [BiblioWoods Forestry Edition] (BiblioWoods[Forestry][v1.3].zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BiblioWoodsNatura{1.1} [BiblioWoods Natura Edition] (BiblioWoods[Natura][v1.1].zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Mekanism{5.6.0} [Mekanism] (Mekanism-v5.6.0.640.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BigReactors{0.2.6A} [Big Reactors] (BigReactors-0.2.6A.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BuildCraft|Silicon{4.2.2} [BC Silicon] (buildcraft-A-1.6.4-4.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Additional-Buildcraft-Objects{} [Additional Buildcraft Objects] (buildcraft-Z-additional-buildcraft-objects- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CarpentersBlocks{v1.9.7} [Carpenter's Blocks] (Carpenter's Blocks v1.9.7 - MC 1.6 .zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ChickenChunks{} [ChickenChunks] (ChickenChunks Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CoFHLoot{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH Loot] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CoFHMasquerade{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH Masquerade] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CoFHSocial{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH Social] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CoFHWorld{2.0.0.b8a} [CoFH World] (CoFHCore-2.0.0.b8a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CompactSolars{} [Compact Solar Arrays] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ComputerCraft{1.58} [ComputerCraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CCTurtle{1.58} [ComputerCraft Turtles] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ClaySoldiersMod{2.0.0} [Clay Soldiers Mod] (CSM_v200a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] EnderStorage{} [EnderStorage] (EnderStorage Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] factorization{0.8.25} [Factorization] (Factorization-0.8.25.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Thaumcraft{4.0.5b} [Thaumcraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Railcraft{} [Railcraft] (Railcraft_1.6.2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] TwilightForest{1.20.3} [The Twilight Forest] (twilightforest-1.20.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] DartCraft{Beta 0.2.13} [DartCraft] (DartCraft Beta 0.2.13.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] DenPipes-Forestry{1.1.8} [DenPipes-Forestry] (DenPipes-Forestry-1.6.4-1.1.8.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] DenPipes-Emerald{1.1.6} [DenPipes-Emerald] (DenPipes-Emerald-1.6.4-1.1.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] DenPipes{2.1.18} [DenPipes] (DenPipes-1.6.4-2.1.18.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] dimdoors{$VERSION$} [Dimensional Doors] (DimensionalDoors-2.2.1RC1-50.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MagicCarpet{1.2} [DrZhark's Magic Carpet Mod] (DrZharks MagicCarpet Mod Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] dungeonmobs{3.0.2} [Dungeon Mobs] (Dungeon Mobs Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] EquivalentExchange2{0.1.28} [Equivalent Exchange 2] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ExtraUtilities{1.0.1} [Extra Utilities] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] factorization.misc{0.8.25} [Factorization Miscellaneous Nonsense] (Factorization-0.8.25.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] factorization.notify{0.8.25} [Factorization Notification System] (Factorization-0.8.25.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] factorization.dimensionalSlice{0.8.25} [Factorization Dimensional Slices] (Factorization-0.8.25.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] iChunUtil{2.4.0} [iChunUtil] (util^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] BackTools{2.0.0} [BackTools] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] GraviGun{2.0.0} [GraviGun] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Hats{2.0.2} [Hats] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MobAmputation{2.0.1} [MobAmputation] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Morph{0.3.0} [Morph] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Torched{2.0.0} [Torched] (files^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] PortalGun{2.0.1} [PortalGun] (filespg^ Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CARuins{0.1.4} [Cellular Automata Generator] (Generator_mods_0.1.4(1.6.X).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] GreatWallMod{0.1.4} [Great Wall Mod] (Generator_mods_0.1.4(1.6.X).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] WalledCityMod{0.1.4} [Walled City Generator] (Generator_mods_0.1.4(1.6.X).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] GraveStone{2.4.6} [GraveStone] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ICBM|Contraption{1.3.4} [ICBM] (ICBM_Contraption_v1.3.4.285.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ICBM|Sentry{1.3.4} [ICBM] (ICBM_Sentry_v1.3.4.285.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ICBM|Explosion{1.3.4} [ICBM] (ICBM_Explosion_v1.3.4.285.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ImmibisCore{57.1.6} [Immibis Core] (immibis-core-57.1.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ImmibisPeripherals{57.0.0} [Immibis's Peripherals] (immibis-peripherals-57.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] InfernalMobs{1.4.3} [Infernal Mobs] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] InfiniTubes{57.0.3} [InfiniTubes] (infinitubes-57.0.3.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] inventorytweaks{1.56} [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-MC1.6.2-1.56-b77.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] IronChest{} [Iron Chest] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] mod_JourneyMap{3.1.0 Unlimited} [JourneyMap] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] KeithyUtils{1.2} [Keithy Utils] (KeithyUtils-1.6.2-1.2b.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] KittyStuff{0.0.1 Alpha} [Kitty Stuffs and Things] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] LiquidXP{57.0.0} [Liquid XP] (liquid-xp-57.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] LogisticsPipes|Main{} [Logistics Pipes] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Waila{1.4.2} [Waila] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] TConstruct{1.6.X_1.5.2.1} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct_mc1.6.4_1.5.2.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ThaumicTinkerer{2.0} [Thaumic Tinkerer] (ThaumicTinkerer 2.0-44.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MagicBees{2.1.7} [Magic Bees] (magicbees-2.1.7.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] meadcraft{0.0.1} [Meadcraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MekanismGenerators{5.6.0} [MekanismGenerators] (MekanismGenerators-v5.6.0.640.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MekanismInduction{5.6.0} [MekanismInduction] (MekanismInduction-v5.6.0.640.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MekanismTools{5.6.0} [MekanismTools] (MekanismTools-v5.6.0.640.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Metallurgy3Core{3.2.3} [Metallurgy 3 Core] (Metallurgy-1.6.4-3.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Metallurgy3Base{3.2.3} [Metallurgy 3 Base] (Metallurgy-1.6.4-3.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Metallurgy3Machines{3.2.3} [Metallurgy 3 Machines] (Metallurgy-1.6.4-3.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Metallurgy3Vanilla{3.2.3} [Metallurgy 3 Vanilla] (Metallurgy-1.6.4-3.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MFR Compat Forestry Trees{1.0} [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MFR Compat Extra Trees{1.0} [MFR Compat Extra Trees] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Atum] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: BackTools] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Chococraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Forestry] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: IC2] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Magical Crops] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Mystcraft{} [Mystcraft] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Pam's Mods] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Railcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: RP2] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: Vanilla] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft{1.6.2R2.7.3} [MFR Compat: XyCraft] (MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.3-179.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Minimapsync{b0.3.2} [Minimapsync] (Minimapsync_1.6.4_b0.3.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] MiscPeripherals{3.3} [MiscPeripherals] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] GraviSuite{1.9.8} [Gravitation Suite] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NEIAddons{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NEIAddons|AE{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NEIAddons|CraftingTables{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NEIAddons|ExtraBees{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NEIAddons|Forestry{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Forestry] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals{1.9.3.r47} [NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals] (neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.3.r47.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NEIPlugins{} [NEI Plugins] (NEIPlugins- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] NEM-VersionChecker{} [NEM Version Checker] (NEM-VersionChecker-MC1.6.2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] OpenPeripheral{0.2.1} [OpenPeripheral] (OpenPeripheral-0.2.1-preview8.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] OpenBlocks{1.2.2} [OpenBlocks] (OpenBlocks-1.2.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] oresgalore{0.0.1} [Ores Galore] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] PluginsforForestry{3.2.30} [PluginsforForestry] (PluginsforForestry-1.6.4-3.2.30.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] bau5_ProjectBench{1.8.0} [Project Bench] (ProjectBench-1.6.2-v1.8.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ProjRed|Core{} [Project: Red-Core] (ProjectRedBase-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ProjRed|Compatability{} [ProjectRed-Compatability] (ProjectRedCompat-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ProjRed|Integration{} [ProjectRed-Integration] (ProjectRedIntegration-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ProjRed|Transmission{} [ProjectRed-Transmission] (ProjectRedIntegration-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ProjRed|Illumination{} [ProjectRed-Illumination] (ProjectRedLighting-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ProjRed|Exploration{} [ProjectRed-Exploration] (ProjectRedWorld-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] pureenergy{0.0.1} [Pure Energy] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] QuarryPlus{1.0.1} [QuarryPlus] (QuarryPlus-1.6.4-1.0.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] RandomThings{1.8.5} [Random Things] (Random Things v. 1.8.5 [MC 1.6.2].jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ResourceEngineering{1.0.17} [Resource Engineering] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] RopesPlus{1.5.0} [Ropes ] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] secretroomsmod{4.6.2} [The SecretRoomsMod] (SecretRoomsMod-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] SGCraft{0.7.3} [SG Craft] (SGCraft-0.7.3-mc1.6.4.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] SimpleRecycling{57.1.0} [Simple Recycling] (simple-recycling-57.1.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] awger_SmallBoat{0.10.6} [SmallBoat] (smallboats.0.10.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] awger_Punt{0.10.6} [Punt] (smallboats.0.10.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] awger_Whitehall{0.10.6} [Whitehall] (smallboats.0.10.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] awger_Hoy{0.10.6} [Hoy] (smallboats.0.10.6.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] StevesCarts{2.0.0.b1} [Steve's Carts 2] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] tradeboothmod{} [Trade Booth Mod] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Translocator{} [Translocator] (Translocator Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Tubestuff{57.1.0} [Tubestuff] (tubestuff-57.1.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] onerics_mnc{1.8.6} [The Ultimate Nether Mod] ( Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] UndergroundBiomes{0.4.3} [Underground Biomes] (UndergroundBiomes 1.6.x - Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] WR-CBE|Core{} [WR-CBE Core] (WR-CBE Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] WR-CBE|Addons{} [WR-CBE Addons] (WR-CBE Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] WR-CBE|Logic{} [WR-CBE Logic] (WR-CBE Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] TConstruct Environment: Sane and ready for action. Bugs may be reported. 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Launched Version: 1.6.4 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] LWJGL: 2.9.0 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] OpenGL: GeForce GTX 660 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.4.0, NVIDIA Corporation 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge' 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Type: Client (map_client.txt) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Resource Pack: Default 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Current Language: English (US) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] Vec3 Pool Size: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] #@!@# Game crashed! Crash report saved to: #@!@# C:\Users\\Desktop\MultiMC\instances\TechCraft\minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2014-02-08_16.02.58-client.txt 2014-02-08 16:02:58 [INFO] [STDERR] 04:02:58 INFO [JM-svr-2] [JMServer.stop] Stopped webserver without errors Minecraft exited with exitcode -1.