© Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/337601805/ Why is child abuse so common with slavshits? Every time I talk to a westerner about it, they think only lowlifes and social rejects beat their kids, however here it is as common as it gets. Is this what holds us from attaining the first world title? © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/337601805/#337601876 don't be a little shit and you won't get beaten © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/337601805/#337602272 My Slav collegue told me how he preferred it when it was his dad giving him the belt and not his mom, because her belt was narrower and stung more lmao 40 years ago it was common here as well, as we get richer and softer, we stop being violent towards kids, and violence in society goes down Only mohammedans beat their kids, and 50% of all male mohammedans get a sentence so there is that, violence leads to violence © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/337601805/#337633319 WAIT All of sudden /pol/tards are alright with Child abuse but when I want to marry 15 year old and treat her right all of sudden I am worse than Satan himself and should be tortured and my eyes gouged out? Why are Puritans obsessed with children pussy virginity so much... I wonder why... probably cause they are not perverts themselves. Also they are only obsessed with female child virginity but boys are allowed to have sex with older women... Hm... © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/337601805/#337633798 >Violence breeds violence. If you're beating your kid then expect them to be more bold. They build a tolerance for violence and use violence themselves. Discipline is more of the mind and action. You got to lead by example. Is this bad though? Would we be in such a mad situation now if men were more willing to use violence? All the anti-bullying, zero-tolerance for violence training we got a school was for the governments benefit. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/337601805/#337634120 the understanding and application of violence are two most sacred lessons. fear and resentment of authority are two more. fully grown slav will never trust the givernment. he may hate and despise you but he will never show you this. he will never let the mask slip until you are alone and there is an opportunity for an "accident." he will know bullshit at first sight and never think it is ice cream. watch how western sheeple consume bullshit all day and marvel. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/ How do you guys feel about parents beating their children as a form of punishment? I'll probably never understand why my father beat me as a child. My parents always said it was because they loved me and wanted me to grow up but beating an 11 year old to the point where he's peeing his pants just because I wasn't "respectful" enough doesn't really make sense, at least to me. It's really weird and I don't know how to explain this, but i feel like I'll never have the same kind of relationship he has with my other brothers. And that thought has been really messing with me recently. Despite the fact that he hasn't hit me in over 10 years, I still feel resentment towards him till this day. I still remember having fantasies of just beating the living shit out of both my parents when I'm old enough and some days that would be the only thing I would think about all day. Sometimes I wonder what my relationship with both my parents would have been like if my dad never beat me. I still wonder to this day why my mother never really said anything about it and always blamed it on my bad "attitude". Like hell woman, how did you expect an 8 year old to react if you threw away his collection of hot wheels? Sometimes I fear that one day, when I have kids, id hit them too. That idea REALLY scares me. A lot of child abusers were abused as a child, and this scares me beyond belief. So pol, what do you guys think of beating children? © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323009255 If you do stupid shit that would have gotten you hurt, you should get the belt even though you were lucky enough to not get hurt while being a stupid shit. And yes, if you don't respect your parents for no reason, you should get your shit slapped. Can't think of any other situations where beating a child would do the fucker any good. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323009454 Theres a huge difference between beating and disciplining a child. My mother, at 4'11 100lbs was in my brothers face because he was talking shit about how much of a "man" he was at 18 and she couldnt tell him what to do anymore. She punched him in the nose and he crumbled to the ground. My mom proceeded to talk shit to him the whole time she cleaned and iced his face. The moral is she didnt beat him, but showed him enough pain that he knew he had fucked up. Thats a true learning experience. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323020784 This was really the most memorable (painful) punishment I got. I had to put pic related under my kneecaps, while resting on my knees. And like I said, I wasn't allowed to rest my ass on my heels. Had to sit in an upright angle of ninety degrees with my hands resting on my head. I was told to do it for an hour, but I cheated a bit. It was too painful.I can laugh, looking back at it now, but I wonder what got her so mad ;-). It was pretty harmless and lesson well taught, but imagine if you did this nowadays. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323021347 When you look at the people who actually EARN executions, though, you frequently find that they received the rod as children. Beating doesn't train you to be a good citizen. The children who do the most to earn a beating are the ones most likely to wind up learning the lesson that it's OK to use violence to get whatever they want. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323021719 Parents that spank their children need to not overdo it and use it as a last resort. Most kids get things if you just explain why something is wrong. It's the stupid, immoral, violent, or lazy ones that need to be beat more. If your kid is a bully, he needs the fear of the belt put into him. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323021905 My parents would beat the shit out of me growing up and destroy my stuff as well. And they act all sad that I refuse to have anything to do with them. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323023660 Kids now are absolute shitheads because they fear nothing. I can't tell you how many times I've seen children acting out in public without a care in the world. They know you're neutered in your ability to respond. And that leads to the entitled teenagers who think they should be running the world when they're barely out of diapers. Which in turn leads to these stunted adults who continue to act like children, throwing tantrums and crying about everything. All because some liberal nanny state cunt says you can't discipline your kids anymore. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323024478 >i was beaten as a kid and look how i turned out >massive authoritarian who wants the world to bend to his will Lmao © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323023308 its savage it turns children into eternal cucks >just because I wasn't "respectful" enough they even told you is was to turn you into a cuck >>323008581 >Sometimes I fear that one day, when I have kids, id hit them too. That idea REALLY scares me. you wont do it bro © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323024683 This post is exactly why you should smack your kids sometimes. So they don't grow up calling being respectful and polite "cucking". I bet you're an absolute prick and bother everyone around you. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323025126 No. Imagine using force on a cripple to coerce their behaviour, its the same thing - a gross misuse your physical advantages. You can use physical labour and menial tasks/chores as a punishment but resorting to fists will just lead to jogger behaviour later in life. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323025128 It's crazy how liberal this board seems to be about some issues. You all would fit perfectly on leftie pol. Another sign that you should have had your asses whooped as a child. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323025132 Father hit me a lot when I was a child too. He has severe anger issues and is a classic narcissist, so I would get beat for things that werent even my fault. I remember my dog got so happy once when we came home that he peed on the floor with excitement, and my dad got so mad that he beat my dog and fucked up the dogs hips for the rest of it's life so it couldnt walk properly. I had no real relationship with him growing up, and the beatings only stopped when I was old enough and big enough to threaten him physically if he touched me. I still see him once a week but there's really not any love there sadly, I just do it out of habit at this point and to try to keep the peace with the whole family unit still staying together. I never bring it up because I know exactly how the conservation will go, with him denying that he did anything wrong, and turning it back onto me that it was my fault, so I don't even bother. Whenever he talks I just look at him with resentment now. I hate it, but I do look forward to having a good and proper relationship with my kid. If I can thank my dad for anything, it's that he showed me how to not raise a kid. I don't think hitting your kids is bad but only for certain circumstances where other punishments have failed and you really need to drive the point home, and certainly not anything close to what you would consider a beating. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323025670 >why didn't daddy love me?? The Thread Just do us all a favour a d hang yourselves. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323039597 Zoomer here. I only got beat really bad one time. I was hit and spanked as a child sure, but one time I really pissed my Dad off. We lived in a lower class apartment complex. My little brother and I thought it would be fun to go play outside later at night with airsoft guns. This was around the time Trayvon Martin got killed, I lived in the same county too. When we got back home my Dad freaked out on us. He was afraid that people would call the cops because they would assume we were playing with real guns. I understand his fears now, but back then I didn't really comprehend his anger. He took the airsoft gun and backhanded my skull with it. I fell to the ground and was in so much pain. I still have a dent in my skull too. I don't hold anything against him, but it certainly hurt our relationship for a few years. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323041003 Beating children for doing something actually wrong is necessary to their development, it shapes their subconscious to have an aversion to that activity. Beating children for any other reason should be punishable by public flogging, ten lashes per one blow on the child. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323041333 My dad was hit, swore never to hit, never hit me. He turned out a hole lot better than me, just saying. He's early X I'm early Mill © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323041717 I think there’s a difference between some kind of light physical discipline and beating a kid until he pees himself. My parents never laid a finger on me except for maybe 1 or 2 exceptions, and I’ve had problems with discipline and not being a pussy my whole life. Sometimes, I wish my parents had been a little bit stricter and more involved in my life. Because they used mostly psychological methods to control me, as the physical methods were entirely absent, I find that even today, I have an extreme emotional dependency on then. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323019492 Enough sad sap stories, let's hear about some punishments you got as a kid (keep it light): >Lifted up by my hair and carried to the house while I was holding my dad's arms to avoid getting my hair fucking torn off >A solid knock to the side of the head which left me dazed >A couple of kicks in my ass from the nun at school because I got her so mad >Hair pulls from the nun >She took me and shook me like she was making a mojito. >Locked me under the stairs in the dark >Kicked from another nun >Kicked from a teacher >Neckhair pulling from another teacher (this one was thrown out from the school shortly after, she was a bad apple). Still, it was kinda hot. >Kicking from my grandpa fucken kek, recollecting this, I sure got kicked a lot. But never hard, Always managed to dodge most of it >A spanking >More hairpulling and shaking my head. >Hanging from a climbing frame for an hour one armed, because I was acting like an idiot during gym class. >Sitting on my knees ( a lot). I remember one time specifically, where I had to sit on my knees, with the ruler under my knees, for extra pain. And I wasn't allowed to let my ass rest on my knees. You needed a 90 degree angle between thighs and knees and have your hands on your head the whole time. Fucking brutal. It was always merited though. I was a fucking nuissance. No hard feelings. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/323008581/#323042179 >locked in my room for multiple summers in a row with no social or physical contact, allowed out only to use the bathroom or eat two meals a day, all entertainment removed Of all the things my faggot parents did to me, this is the one that fucked me up the most. Literally being told "I'll hug you when you're done being grounded in September" by your mother when you're 9 years old breaks a kid. Worse when the reason you're being punished is for defending yourself from kids who hate you because your parents won't stop talking shit behind everyone's backs. I actually looked forward to the beatings because I could easily dissociate and they were over quickly. Redpill me on beating your children. Is smacking a great way to discipline them? © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/ Pretty much all of the (((online studies))) and (((research))) only make claims that hitting kids is bad for their development. I can't find anything scientific that supports whipping or hitting your children with things. Mammals discipline their young all the time, and I respect my father for punching me as a boy when I was a little shit. I deserved it and learned from my mistakes. Obviously abusing kids to the point where they become psychopaths and killers is counter-productive, but surely kids need a whooping to understand certain things that can't be understood verbally at their age? Anecdotes and history aside, has there been anything scientific that proves beating your kids is tough love? © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304312272 It just turns your boys into gay subs and your girls into BDSM freaks © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304314726 On the contrary if you don't do it enough your children see it as some taboo thing and that eventually gets sucked into sexual fantasy land Just ruin it for them by using it in non sexual contexts © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304319108 this is where ferenczi departed from freud. its true that doing it in non-sexual context interrupts the fantasy structure, however you easily run the risk of the child misinterpreting the 'punishment' ("confusion of the tongues") and join oedipal dots that aren't really there, resulting in fetish object © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304318736 None of the fuckers are parents and none of you are high performance. Every child is different. Some need only a look and a talk others need some physical discipline. Basically every child was physically disciplined up until the early 60s , EVERY child. The boomers aka the dumbest worst generation were the first not beaten. A well timed beating with a talk shortly after is and should be used for boys only. Girls will not respond to it. There are so many benefits it heavily out weighs the negatives. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304319498 >>304318736 >Every child is different Incorrect. Children are not different unless they're developmentally delayed. What differs are the parents. Your child is learning from your well before they're 1 year old. They're learning facial expressions, body language, they're capable of expressing wants and desires with basic sign language long before the age they're capable of forming coherent words. They are learning from the behavior they see from you. There is absolutely no such thing as a misbehaving 2-3 year old. There are only parents who have inappropriately disciplined their children right out of the gate. >>304319056 Eat a mountain of shit you black skinned savage. >>304319202 Literally 3rd world and doesn't have a human soul. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304320580 You’re the dumbest of dumbest thinking that each human is not different and it’s only the product of parenting. This idea alone completely invalidates everything else you’ve written and I’m even sure now that someone could smack your mother and spit in your wife’s face and you wouldn’t do a single thing but try and talk it over with them. Literally a failure human very low performance with a boss. Your kids are going to grow up to be just like you a fucking failure in life who let’s the black kids smack them in the back of the head during school lol what a sad excuse of the white race you are © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304320788 t. nigger who wants to beat children like a jungle ape retard because he can't make a kid sit in timeout © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304321910 Calling me a nigger just denies and insults the history of your entire race and people. Just remember that the granddaddy you should have loved and admired was beaten, his daddy was beaten and so on to the inception of our great race of people. It only took two generations for you to raise your boys like little women, who will get ruthlessly picked on and bullyed in school and in life. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304322318 >a time in history where violent crime was extremely high proves that spanking children is good This is literal nigger logic, because you're an idiot nigger. No doubt you were beaten viciously, as is the nigger way of rearing children. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304323302 Its a shame most non spanking parents are literal liberal retards because it is the best way to raise kids but then they go and send them to some multicultural hellscape that ruins them anyway, I may have a bias though I've got no stupid children they've been able to explain themselves, understand hypotheticals and acknowledge my reasoning for punishments since they were 4, you might have to hit dipshits. © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304323364 He was a fucking manchild >worked 12 years in his whole life >forced my mother to work and maintain the household >sat at home every day behind pc or tv >forced my mom to make his breakfast,lunch, dinner >never cared for his children, only show them off >called his own daughters whores and not equel to feces, because they objected to him >gave mothers money to family wich he knew he would never get back >hit my mother in the stomach after a stomach operation in the hospital >Threatened my mother and called her a stupid whore after she forgot her purse, at his own daughter wedding where his brother in law heard it Sorry for blogpost but i will not attend this pisstains funeral © Anonymous https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/304312154/#304322429 as a chink, I'll say this, it depends on the reason for beating, if you're gonna beat your kid and be emotional and screeching at him/her the whole time, it's gonna fuck them up, there needs to be a good legitimate reason to beat them To many asian kids, both Asian American and Asian Asian are mentally fucked up cause of the fucked up reasons and ways they will beat their kids. Usually based on emotion, disappointment, and accusations without much logic. alot of asian american males are more fucked up internally then they would admit, and they just hide it very well cause the mentality is to not stand out and just to deal with it on their own or retreat to their own world