import java.util.Scanner; public class Test { public static void main(String[] Args) { Scanner k = new Scanner(; // a,b and c are piles. p1 and p2 are players. cp is current player. int a, b, c; a = b = c = 3; String p1 = "", p2 = "", cp = ""; //player name input System.out.print("Nim!\n\nEnter Player Names.\n\n\tPlayer 1: "); p1 =; System.out.print("\n\tPlayer 2: "); p2 =; cp = p1; while (a > 0 || b > 0 || c > 0) { //pileChoice - the pile that the user chooses. nChoice - amount the user wants to take away. pileAmount - amount in chosen pile. char pileChoice = 'z'; int nChoice = -1, pileAmount = 0; //fancy display ( Everything is plus 1 in order to avoid 0 % 0, which bugs the output. ) int atemp = a + 1, btemp = b + 1, ctemp = c + 1; int mod = 4; while ( mod > 1) { if ((atemp % mod) == 0) { System.out.print("\n\t*"); atemp --; } else {System.out.print("\n\t ");} if ((btemp % mod) == 0) { System.out.print("*"); btemp --; } else {System.out.print(" ");} if ((ctemp % mod) == 0) { System.out.print("*"); ctemp --; } else {System.out.print(" ");} mod --; } System.out.print("\n\tABC"); //change current player if (cp.equals(p1)) { cp = p2; System.out.print("\n\n" + p2 + ", pick a pile: "); } else { cp = p1; System.out.print("\n\n" + p1 + ", Pick a pile: "); } //Handles input for pile choice while (pileChoice != 'a' && pileChoice != 'b' && pileChoice != 'c') { String temp =; temp = temp.toLowerCase(); ;pileChoice = temp.charAt(0); if (pileChoice != 'a' && pileChoice != 'b' && pileChoice != 'c') { System.out.print("invalid input, try again: ");} switch (pileChoice) { case 'a': if (a == 0) { pileChoice = 'z'; System.out.print("Nice try " + cp + ". Try again: "); break;} else {pileAmount = a; break;} case 'b': if (b == 0) { pileChoice = 'z'; System.out.print("Nice try " + cp + ". Try again: "); break;} else {pileAmount = b; break;} case 'c': if (c == 0) { pileChoice = 'z'; System.out.print("Nice try " + cp + ". Try again: "); break;} else {pileAmount = c; break;} } } //Handles input for the amount you want to take away (nChoice) while (nChoice > pileAmount || nChoice <= 0) { System.out.print("How any counters do you want to take away from pile " + pileChoice + " ? "); nChoice = k.nextInt(); if (nChoice > pileAmount) {System.out.println("\nThere aren't even " + nChoice + " counters in " + "pile " + pileChoice);} if (nChoice <= 0) {System.out.println("\nYou need to choose at least 1. How many? ");} } //processes move switch (pileChoice) { case 'a': a -= nChoice; break; case 'b': b -= nChoice; break; case 'c': c -= nChoice; break; } //checks for win if ( a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 1 || a == 0 && b == 1 && c == 0 || a == 1 && b == 0 && c == 0 ) { if (cp.equals(p1)) {System.out.println("\n" + p2 + " you must take the last remaining counter, so you lose. " + p1 + " wins!");} if (cp.equals(p2)) {System.out.println("\n" + p1 + " you must take the last remaining counter, so you lose. " + p2 + " wins!");} a = b = c = 0; } } } }