{ "pufferd": { "type": "terraria", "display": "Terraria - Vanilla", "install": { "commands": [ { "type": "download", "files": "http://terraria.org/server/terraria-server-${version}.zip" }, { "type": "writefile", "text": "#!/bin/bash\nLinux/TerrariaServer -autoarch -config ${rootdir}/ServerConfig", "target": "LaunchTerraria" }, { "type": "writefile", "text": "maxplayers=${maxplayers}\nworld=${rootdir}/TerrariaWorlds/world.wld\nport=${port}\npassword=${password}\nmotd=${motd}\nworldpath=${rootdir}/TerrariaWorlds/\nworldname=world\nsecure=1\nsteam=1\nautocreate=${worldsize}\n", "target": "ServerConfig" }, { "commands": [ "unzip terraria-server-${version}", "mv -v ${rootdir}/${version}/Linux/ ${rootdir}/Linux/", "chmod +x ${rootdir}/Linux/TerrariaServer", "chmod +x ${rootdir}/Linux/TerrariaServer.bin.x86", "chmod +x ${rootdir}/Linux/TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64", "chmod +x ${rootdir}/LaunchTerraria", "mkdir ${rootdir}/TerrariaWorlds/", "rm -f ${rootdir}/terraria-server-${version}.zip", "rm -Rf ${rootdir}/${version}" ], "type": "command" } ] }, "run": { "stop": "exit", "pre": [], "post": [], "arguments": [], "program": "./LaunchTerraria" }, "data": { "port": { "value": "7777", "required": true, "desc": "What port to bind the server to", "display": "Port", "internal": false }, "version": { "value": "1353", "required": true, "desc": "Server Version (Set this to the latest server version)", "display": "Server Version", "internal": false }, "maxplayers": { "value": "8", "required": true, "desc": "Max number of players (Value must be between 1 and 255)", "display": "Max number of players", "internal": false }, "worldsize": { "value": "2", "required": true, "desc": "World Size (1=small, 2=medium, 3=large)", "display": "World Size", "internal": false }, "motd": { "value": "Welcome", "required": false, "desc": "Message to display on login", "display": "Message to display on login", "internal": false }, "password": { "value": "", "required": false, "desc": "Password", "display": "Password", "internal": false } } } }