☮ = Mainstream / Academic ★ = General Socialism L = Marxism-Leninism A = Anarchism / Antifascism ☭ = LeftCom / UltraLeft ? = no clue (EN) A:Abolish Work | http://abolishwork.com/ ☭:Against Sleep and Nightmare | http://www.againstsleepandnightmare.net/welcome.html A:Alliance of the Libertarian Left | http://praxeology.net/all-left.htm A:Anarchist Library | https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index ☮:Atlantic | https://www.theatlantic.com/world/ ☭:Autonomies | http://autonomies.org/ ★:Baffler | https://thebaffler.com/ ☭:Break Their Haughty Power | http://breaktheirhaughtypower.org/ A:center for a stateless society | https://c4ss.org/ ★:Charnel-House | https://thecharnelhouse.org/ ★:Chuang | http://chuangcn.org/ ★:Counterpunch | http://www.counterpunch.org/ ☮ Debunking Denialism | https://debunkingdenialism.com/ ★ Disorder of Things | https://thedisorderofthings.com/ ★ Dissent | https://www.dissentmagazine.org/ ☭ Endnotes | https://endnotes.org.uk/about ☮ Evonomics | http://evonomics.com/ ☭ GARAP | http://garap.org/ ☭ Gruppe Grundrisse | https://gruppegrundrisse.wordpress.com/ ☭ Gruppen Gegen Kapital und Nation | https://gegen-kapital-und-nation.org/en/topics/ ☮ Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/international ★ Historical Materialism | http://www.historicalmaterialism.org/ ☮ Idler | http://idler.co.uk/ ★ In Defence of Marxism | http://www.marxist.com/ ★ In These Times | http://inthesetimes.com/ ☭ Insurgent Notes | http://insurgentnotes.com/ ☭ International Communist Current | http://en.internationalism.org/ ★ International Socialism | http://isj.org.uk/ ☭ Internationalists | http://www.leftcom.org/en ☮ Intercept | https://theintercept.com/greenwald/ A It's Going Down! | https://itsgoingdown.org/ ★ Jacobin | https://www.jacobinmag.com/ A libcom.org | http://libcom.org/ ☮ Los Angeles Review of Books | https://lareviewofbooks.org/ ★ Marxists Internet Archive | https://www.marxists.org/ ☮ Nation | https://www.thenation.com/ ★ New Left Review | https://newleftreview.org/ ☮ New Republic | https://newrepublic.com/ ☮ New Yorker | http://www.newyorker.com/ ☭ Not Bored! | http://www.notbored.org/index1.html ★ Platypus | https://platypus1917.org/ ☭ prole.info | http://www.prole.info/index.html ☮ Public Seminar | http://www.publicseminar.org/ ☭ Real Movement | https://therealmovement.wordpress.com/ ★ Reality | http://reality.gn.apc.org/ ★ Recomposition | http://recomposition.info/ ★ Richard D. Wolff | http://www.rdwolff.com/ ★ Red Wedge | http://www.redwedgemagazine.com/ ☭ riff-raff | https://www.riff-raff.se/en/ ☭ Ritual | http://ritualmag.com/ ☭ Ruthless Criticism | http://www.ruthlesscriticism.com/ ★ Salvage | http://salvage.zone/ ☭ situationist international online | http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/ ★ STRIKE! | http://strikemag.org/ L The Espresso Stalinist | https://espressostalinist.com/ ? The Greanville Post| www.greanvillepost.com/ ★ The North Star | http://www.thenorthstar.info/ ☭ ULTRA | http://www.ultra-com.org/ ★ Viewpoint | https://viewpointmag.com/ ★ What's Left | https://gowans.wordpress.com/ ★ Works in Theory | https://worxintheory.wordpress.com/ ★ World Socialist Web Site | https://www.wsws.org/ BOOK PUBLISHERS (EN) Bookmarks | https://bookmarksbookshop.co.uk/ Haymarket Books | https://www.haymarketbooks.org/ Verso Books | https://www.versobooks.com/ Zed Books | https://www.zedbooks.net/ Zero Boks | http://www.zero-books.net/home.html (FR) ★ Archives Autonomies | http://archivesautonomies.org/ ★ Article 11 | http://www.article11.info/ ★ BALLAST | http://www.revue-ballast.fr/ ☭ Bataille Socialiste | https://bataillesocialiste.wordpress.com/ A confusionnisme.info | http://confusionnisme.info/ ☭ Contretemps | https://www.contretemps.eu/ ☮ Courrier International | http://www.courrierinternational.com/ ☭ DDT21 Douter de Tout… | https://ddt21.noblogs.org/ ★ Ernest Mandel | http://www.ernestmandel.org/new/sommaire/?lang=fr A Enragés | http://www.lesenrages.antifa-net.fr/ ☮ Fragments sur les Temps Présents | https://tempspresents.com/ ☭ Hic Salta | http://www.hicsalta-communisation.com/ ☮ Mediapart | https://www.mediapart.fr/ ☮ Monde Diplomatique | http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/ ☭ mondialisme.org | http://mondialisme.org/ ☮ multitudes | http://www.multitudes.net/ A Non-Fides | http://www.non-fides.fr/ ☮ Nouvel Observateur | http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/ ☭ PALIM-PSAO | http://www.palim-psao.fr/ ★ Période | http://revueperiode.net/ ☭ Radio Vosstanie | https://vosstanie.blogspot.be/ A Rouge Mécanique | https://rougemecanique.noblogs.org/ ☭ SMOLNY… | http://www.collectif-smolny.org/ A Socialisme Libertaire | http://www.socialisme-libertaire.fr/ ☭ Spartacus | http://spartacus1918.canalblog.com/ ☭ Temps Critiques | http://tempscritiques.free.fr/ ☭ Théorie Communiste | https://sites.google.com/site/theoriecommuniste/home