Minecraft folder is: 'D:/Games/MultiMC/instances/LYnx's Pack/minecraft'
Java path: 'C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/java.exe'
Arguments: '-Xms512m' '-Xmx1024m' '-XX:PermSize=64m' '-XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump' '-Djava.library.path=D:/Games/MultiMC/instances/LYnx's Pack/natives' '-cp' 'D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/minecraftforge/minecraftforge/;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/minecraft/launchwrapper/1.8/launchwrapper-1.8.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-all/4.1/asm-all-4.1.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.10.2/scala-library-2.10.2.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.10.2/scala-compiler-2.10.2.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/lzma/lzma/0.0.1/lzma-0.0.1.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/4.5/jopt-simple-4.5.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/codecjorbis/20101023/codecjorbis-20101023.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/codecwav/20101023/codecwav-20101023.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/libraryjavasound/20101123/libraryjavasound-20101123.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/librarylwjglopenal/20100824/librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/paulscode/soundsystem/20120107/soundsystem-20120107.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/argo/argo/2.25_fixed/argo-2.25_fixed.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.47/bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/google/guava/guava/14.0/guava-14.0.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.1/commons-lang3-3.1.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/commons-io/commons-io/2.4/commons-io-2.4.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/java/jinput/jinput/2.0.5/jinput-2.0.5.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/net/java/jutils/jutils/1.0.0/jutils-1.0.0.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.2.2/gson-2.2.2.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl/2.9.0/lwjgl-2.9.0.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl_util/2.9.0/lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar;D:/Games/MultiMC/versions/1.6.4/1.6.4.jar' 'net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch' '--username' '<PROFILE NAME>' '--session' '<SESSION ID>' '--version' '1.6.4' '--gameDir' 'D:/Games/MultiMC/instances/LYnx's Pack/minecraft' '--assetsDir' 'D:/Games/MultiMC/assets/virtual/legacy' '--tweakClass' 'cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker' '--width' '854' '--height' '480'
фев 12, 2014 2:26:41 AM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
фев 12, 2014 2:26:41 AM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
фев 12, 2014 2:26:41 AM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
2014-02-12 02:26:41 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.6.4 loading
2014-02-12 02:26:41 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_51, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
2014-02-12 02:26:41 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2014-02-12 02:26:41 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2014-02-12 02:26:41 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod appeng.transformer.AppEngCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2014-02-12 02:26:41 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Core Init
2014-02-12 02:26:41 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod ic2.core.coremod.IC2core does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2014-02-12 02:26:41 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod denoflionsx.denLib.CoreMod.denLibCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:42 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft. Certificate fingerprint cd99959656f753dc28d863b46769f7f8fbaefcfc
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 110 rules from AccessTransformer config file forge_at.cfg
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [IC2-core] Loaded library ejml-0.23.jar.
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: pcc_at.cfg
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 57 rules from AccessTransformer config file pcc_at.cfg
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: nei_at.cfg
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 51 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: wrcbe_at.cfg
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 53 rules from AccessTransformer config file temp.dat
2014-02-12 02:26:43 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: DenEvents.jar | 11d66653cadfb803067a8df5ceb9148e1e48009c | 11d66653cadfb803067a8df5ceb9148e1e48009c | false
2014-02-12 02:26:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: Loaded library DenEvents.jar
2014-02-12 02:26:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.15-M1.jar | 9b713ffe2bd3e1f1ddea48cce098e3f6de9a0430 | 404 | false
2014-02-12 02:26:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLibCore]: Loaded library sqlite-jdbc-3.7.15-M1.jar
2014-02-12 02:26:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Setting up DenEventsTransformer...
2014-02-12 02:26:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
2014-02-12 02:26:45 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
2014-02-12 02:26:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
2014-02-12 02:26:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] Running transformation on net.minecraft.client.entity.AbstractClientPlayer
2014-02-12 02:26:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] Inserted super call into axv.c
2014-02-12 02:26:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] awy was overriden from 2_NotEnoughItems.jar
2014-02-12 02:26:47 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Setting user: <PROFILE NAME>
2014-02-12 02:26:47 [INFO] [STDOUT] Generated BlockMobSpawner helper method.
2014-02-12 02:26:48 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] LWJGL Version: 2.9.0
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.965 Initialized
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.965 Initialized
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Replaced 111 ore recipies
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Reading custom logging properties from D:\Games\MultiMC\instances\LYnx's Pack\minecraft\config\logging.properties
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [OFF] [ForgeModLoader] Logging level for ForgeModLoader logging is set to ALL
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Core Init
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Searching D:\Games\MultiMC\instances\LYnx's Pack\minecraft\mods for mods
2014-02-12 02:26:49 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Also searching D:\Games\MultiMC\instances\LYnx's Pack\minecraft\mods\1.6.4 for mods
2014-02-12 02:26:54 [WARNING] [WR-CBE|Addons] Mod WR-CBE|Addons is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
2014-02-12 02:26:54 [WARNING] [WR-CBE|Logic] Mod WR-CBE|Logic is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [numina] Mod numina is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 0.1.2-55
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [ForgeMicroblock] Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [ForgeMultipart] Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [McMultipart] Mod McMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has identified 84 mods to load
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package forestry.api.apiculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.tools (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.tools (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.tools (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.tools (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package forestry.api.recipes (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package forestry.api.core (owned by Forestry) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package forestry.api.core (owned by Forestry) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.recipes (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.recipes (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [MFR Compat Forestry Trees, MFR Compat Extra Trees, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Railcraft] containing declared API package forestry.api.storage (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package forestry.api.arboriculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [GraviSuite] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [Forestry] containing declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without associated API reference
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [mcp] Activating mod mcp
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [FML] Activating mod FML
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Forge] Activating mod Forge
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [AppliedEnergistics-Core] Activating mod AppliedEnergistics-Core
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [PowerCrystalsCore] Activating mod PowerCrystalsCore
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [CodeChickenCore] Activating mod CodeChickenCore
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [NotEnoughItems] Activating mod NotEnoughItems
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [denLib] Activating mod denLib
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [DenEvents] Activating mod DenEvents
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [inventorytweaks] Activating mod inventorytweaks
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [mod_ZanMinimap] Activating mod mod_ZanMinimap
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [AppliedEnergistics] Activating mod AppliedEnergistics
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [IC2] Activating mod IC2
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] Activating mod MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MFR Compat Extra Trees] Activating mod MFR Compat Extra Trees
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft] Activating mod MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [factorization.misc] Activating mod factorization.misc
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [factorization.notify] Activating mod factorization.notify
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [factorization.dimensionalSlice] Activating mod factorization.dimensionalSlice
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [factorization] Activating mod factorization
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [gregtech_addon] Activating mod gregtech_addon
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [IronChest] Activating mod IronChest
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Builders] Activating mod BuildCraft|Builders
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Core] Activating mod BuildCraft|Core
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Energy] Activating mod BuildCraft|Energy
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Factory] Activating mod BuildCraft|Factory
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Silicon] Activating mod BuildCraft|Silicon
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [BuildCraft|Transport] Activating mod BuildCraft|Transport
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Forestry] Activating mod Forestry
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [QuarryPlus] Activating mod QuarryPlus
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Railcraft] Activating mod Railcraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [StevesCarts] Activating mod StevesCarts
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [CCTurtle] Activating mod CCTurtle
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ComputerCraft] Activating mod ComputerCraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [EnderStorage] Activating mod EnderStorage
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Thaumcraft] Activating mod Thaumcraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [TwilightForest] Activating mod TwilightForest
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForestryExtras] Activating mod ForestryExtras
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [powersuits] Activating mod powersuits
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Activating mod NEIAddons
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|AE] Activating mod NEIAddons|AE
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Activating mod NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Activating mod NEIAddons|ExtraBees
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Activating mod NEIAddons|Forestry
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Activating mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [NEIPlugins] Activating mod NEIPlugins
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Activating mod Additional-Buildcraft-Objects
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ImmibisCore] Activating mod ImmibisCore
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [RedLogic] Activating mod RedLogic
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [SS2] Activating mod SS2
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Addons] Activating mod WR-CBE|Addons
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Core] Activating mod WR-CBE|Core
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [WR-CBE|Logic] Activating mod WR-CBE|Logic
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Autoutils] Activating mod Autoutils
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Activating mod MiscPeripherals
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [numina] Activating mod numina
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [BiblioCraft] Activating mod BiblioCraft
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Chisel] Activating mod Chisel
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [GraviSuite] Activating mod GraviSuite
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Translocator] Activating mod Translocator
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeMicroblock] Activating mod ForgeMicroblock
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeMultipart] Activating mod ForgeMultipart
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [McMultipart] Activating mod McMultipart
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Forge Mod Loader] Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Minecraft Forge] Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [PowerCrystals Core] Mod PowerCrystals Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Not Enough Items] Mod Not Enough Items is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [DenEvents] Mod DenEvents is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] Mod MFR Compat Forestry Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat Extra Trees] Mod MFR Compat Extra Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MineFactory Reloaded] Mod MineFactory Reloaded is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] Mod MFR Compat: Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Atum] Mod MFR Compat: Atum is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: BackTools] Mod MFR Compat: BackTools is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] Mod MFR Compat: BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Chococraft] Mod MFR Compat: Chococraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] Mod MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Forestry] Mod MFR Compat: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2)] Mod MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2) is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] Mod MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: IC2] Mod MFR Compat: IC2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Mystcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Pam's Mods] Mod MFR Compat: Pam's Mods is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat ProjectRed] Mod MFR Compat ProjectRed is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Railcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: RP2] Mod MFR Compat: RP2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] Mod MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Thaumcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] Mod MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] Mod MFR Compat: TwilightForest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Vanilla] Mod MFR Compat: Vanilla is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: XyCraft] Mod MFR Compat: XyCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Iron Chest] Mod Iron Chest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [BC Builders] Mod BC Builders is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [BuildCraft] Mod BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [BC Energy] Mod BC Energy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [BC Factory] Mod BC Factory is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [BC Silicon] Mod BC Silicon is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [BC Transport] Mod BC Transport is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Forestry for Minecraft] Mod Forestry for Minecraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [QuarryPlus] Mod QuarryPlus is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Mod Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Steve's Carts 2] Mod Steve's Carts 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [EnderStorage] Mod EnderStorage is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Forestry Extras] Mod Forestry Extras is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [NEI Addons] Mod NEI Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics] Mod NEI Addons: Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals] Mod NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] Mod NEI Addons: Extra Bees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Forestry] Mod NEI Addons: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] Mod NEI Addons: Crafting Tables is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [NEI Plugins] Mod NEI Plugins is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Immibis Core] Mod Immibis Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [RedLogic] Mod RedLogic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Soul Shards 2] Mod Soul Shards 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Addons] Mod WR-CBE Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Core] Mod WR-CBE Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Logic] Mod WR-CBE Logic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Autoutils] Mod Autoutils is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [MiscPeripherals] Mod MiscPeripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Chisel] Mod Chisel is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Gravitation Suite] Mod Gravitation Suite is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Translocator] Mod Translocator is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Forge Microblocks] Mod Forge Microblocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Forge Multipart] Mod Forge Multipart is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [WARNING] [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] Mod Minecraft Multipart Plugin is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:PowerCrystals Core, FMLFileResourcePack:Not Enough Items, FMLFileResourcePack:DenEvents, FMLFileResourcePack:Inventory Tweaks, FMLFileResourcePack:Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:IndustrialCraft 2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat Forestry Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat Extra Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:MineFactory Reloaded, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Atum, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: BackTools, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: BuildCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Chococraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2), FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: IC2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Mystcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Pam's Mods, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat ProjectRed, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Railcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: RP2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: TwilightForest, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Vanilla, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: XyCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Miscellaneous Nonsense, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Notification System, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Dimensional Slices, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization, FMLFileResourcePack:GregTech-Addon, FMLFileResourcePack:Iron Chest, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Builders, FMLFileResourcePack:BuildCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Energy, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Factory, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Silicon, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Transport, FMLFileResourcePack:Forestry for Minecraft, FMLFileResourcePack:QuarryPlus, FMLFileResourcePack:Railcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Steve's Carts 2, FMLFileResourcePack:ComputerCraft Turtles, FMLFileResourcePack:ComputerCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:EnderStorage, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:The Twilight Forest, FMLFileResourcePack:Forestry Extras, FMLFileResourcePack:MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Extra Bees, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Crafting Tables, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Plugins, FMLFileResourcePack:Additional Buildcraft Objects, FMLFileResourcePack:Immibis Core, FMLFileResourcePack:RedLogic, FMLFileResourcePack:Soul Shards 2, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Core, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Logic, FMLFileResourcePack:Autoutils, FMLFileResourcePack:MiscPeripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:Numina, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Chisel, FMLFileResourcePack:Gravitation Suite, FMLFileResourcePack:Translocator, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Microblocks, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Multipart, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Multipart Plugin
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file 5_denLib.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file 7_slick-util.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-universal-1.6.4- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
2014-02-12 02:26:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Registering Forge Packet Handler
2014-02-12 02:26:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Succeeded registering Forge Packet Handler
2014-02-12 02:26:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.Container
2014-02-12 02:26:58 [INFO] [FZ] This is Factorization 0.8.29
2014-02-12 02:27:00 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod id SS2 attempted to register channels without specifying a packet handler
2014-02-12 02:27:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] GravisUite: Register keys
2014-02-12 02:27:01 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
2014-02-12 02:27:01 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: invtweaks.InvTweaksObfuscation
2014-02-12 02:27:01 [INFO] [IC2] Starting initialization
2014-02-12 02:27:01 [INFO] [IC2] Config loaded from D:\Games\MultiMC\instances\LYnx's Pack\minecraft\config\IC2.cfg
2014-02-12 02:27:01 [INFO] [IC2] Using 32 audio sources.
2014-02-12 02:27:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Running transformation on abr
2014-02-12 02:27:02 [INFO] [IC2] Finished initialization after 1014 ms
2014-02-12 02:27:02 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Starting BuildCraft 4.2.2 (:56)
2014-02-12 02:27:02 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Copyright (c) SpaceToad, 2011
2014-02-12 02:27:02 [INFO] [Buildcraft] http://www.mod-buildcraft.com
2014-02-12 02:27:02 [INFO] [Buildcraft] Beginning version check
2014-02-12 02:27:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding runtime interfaces to powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.tile.base.TileEntityFactoryInventory
2014-02-12 02:27:03 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 335 (net.minecraft.item.ItemBucketMilk from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket
2014-02-12 02:27:03 [WARNING] [Buildcraft] Using outdated version [4.2.2 (build:56)] for Minecraft 1.6.4. Consider updating.
2014-02-12 02:27:06 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 328 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla
2014-02-12 02:27:06 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 342 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla
2014-02-12 02:27:06 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 343 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla
2014-02-12 02:27:06 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Railcraft is overwriting existing item at 407 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart from Minecraft) with mods.railcraft.common.carts.ItemCartVanilla
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: sludge !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'factorization:sludge' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'sulfuricAcid' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following:
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDERR] Please use 'bottleSulfuricAcid' instead, since it is likely a vanilla bottle containing the Material 'SulfuricAcid'
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'factorization:sulfuricAcid' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Preload-Phase started!
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Getting required Items of other Mods.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for emptyCell
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellEmpty
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellWater
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellLava
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellOxygen
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for cellAir
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for emptyFuelCan
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for fuelCanEmpty
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Setting Configs
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Saving Configs
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Generating Lang-File
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Removing all original Scrapbox Drops.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Scrap with a Weight of 200.0F to the Scrapbox Drops.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register BlockRenderer
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Downloading Cape List.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Downloading News.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Blocks.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register the few old TileEntities.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registering the BaseMetaTileEntity.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registering the BaseMetaPipeEntity.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Testing BaseMetaTileEntity.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register Ore processing.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register MetaTileEntities.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register OreDict Entries of Non-GT-Items.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for denseCopperPlate
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for denseplateadviron
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for denseplatelapis
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register Armor Textures.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register Meta-ID Items.
2014-02-12 02:27:08 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding All Sub-Items with their OreDict and LiquidDict Entries.
2014-02-12 02:27:09 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register Regular Items.
2014-02-12 02:27:09 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Hiding certain Items from NEI.
2014-02-12 02:27:09 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registering other Stuff to the OreDict.
2014-02-12 02:27:09 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register Redstone Circuit behaviours.
2014-02-12 02:27:09 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Cover Behaviors
2014-02-12 02:27:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerWorkbench
2014-02-12 02:27:10 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Loading Sonictron Sounds
2014-02-12 02:27:10 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Sorting GregTech to the end of the Mod List for further processing.
2014-02-12 02:27:10 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Preload-Phase finished!
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [NEIAddons|AE] Version check success: AppliedEnergistics required / rv14.finale detected
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for refinedUranium
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: IC2
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: Forestry
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: Railcraft
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: StevesCarts
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: BuildCraftCore
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: BuildCraftFactory
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: BuildCraftTransport
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: EnderStorage
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: WRCBE
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: Factorization
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [MiscPeripherals] Loaded module: AppEng
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Version check success: MiscPeripherals required / 3.3 detected
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Required mod ExtraBees is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [WARNING] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Requirements unmet, Extra Bees Addon not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Version check success: Forestry@[,) required / detected
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Starting Additional-Buildcraft-Objects #560 (Built for Minecraft 1.6.4 with Buildcraft 4.2.2 and Forge
2014-02-12 02:27:11 [INFO] [Additional-Buildcraft-Objects] Copyright (c) Flow86, 2011-2013
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'stoneRod' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following:
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDERR] Put the 'Rod' in the beginning of the Name to get 'rodStone'
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'ForgeMicroblock:stoneRod' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part.
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to.
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stone
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.dirt
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebrick
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_1
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_2
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_3
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_1
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_2
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_3
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_1
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_2
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_3
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sponge
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.glass
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockLapis
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_1
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_2
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_1
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_2
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_3
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_4
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_5
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_6
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_7
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_8
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_9
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_10
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_11
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_12
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_13
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_14
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_15
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockGold
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockIron
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.brick
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bookshelf
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stoneMoss
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.obsidian
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockDiamond
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.ice
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.snow
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clay
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.hellrock
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.hellsand
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.lightgem
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_1
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_2
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksmooth_3
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.netherBrick
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.whiteStone
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockEmerald
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockRedstone
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.quartzBlock
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_1
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_2
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_3
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_4
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_5
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_6
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_7
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_8
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_9
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_10
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_11
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_12
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_13
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_14
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardenedStained_15
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCoal
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.grass
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mycel
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class forestry.farming.items.ItemFarmBlock with ID 1395 owned by mod Forestry, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class forestry.storage.items.ItemBackpack with ID 7762 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class forestry.storage.items.ItemBackpack with ID 7763 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class forestry.storage.items.ItemBackpack with ID 7764 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class forestry.storage.items.ItemBackpack with ID 7765 owned by mod Railcraft, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.shadwdrgn.ss2.item.ItemSoulEssence with ID 8100 owned by mod SS2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.shadwdrgn.ss2.item.ItemSoulShard with ID 8101 owned by mod SS2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.shadwdrgn.ss2.item.ItemShadowBlade with ID 8102 owned by mod SS2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.shadwdrgn.ss2.item.ItemSoulBindingShard with ID 8103 owned by mod SS2, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class org.yogpstop.qp.ItemTool with ID 18719 owned by mod QuarryPlus, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Material with ID 21256 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Dust with ID 21257 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Cell with ID 21258 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Component with ID 21259 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_SmallDust with ID 21260 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_Nugget with ID 21261 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_DirtyDust with ID 21262 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_TinyDust with ID 21263 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaGenerated_Item_01 with ID 21264 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaGenerated_Item_02 with ID 21265 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_IntegratedCircuit_Item with ID 21266 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_FluidDisplayItem with ID 21271 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Generic_Item with ID 21272 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_SensorKit_Item with ID 21273 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21274 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Mortar_Item with ID 21286 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Generic_Item with ID 21287 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Sonictron_Item with ID 21288 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Destructopack_Item with ID 21289 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21290 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21291 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21292 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyStoreIC_Item with ID 21293 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21294 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21295 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_NeutronReflector_Item with ID 21296 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21297 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21298 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Dataorb_Item with ID 21299 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21300 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21301 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21302 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Teslastaff_Item with ID 21303 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Debug_Item with ID 21311 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyStoreIC_Item with ID 21312 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyStoreIC_Item with ID 21313 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EnergyArmorIC_Item with ID 21314 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21316 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21317 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CoolantCellIC_Item with ID 21318 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Scanner_Item with ID 21319 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_CrowbarRC_Item with ID 21320 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Screwdriver_Item with ID 21321 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Wrench_Item with ID 21322 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Wrench_Item with ID 21323 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Wrench_Item with ID 21324 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Wrench_Item with ID 21325 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_WrenchIC_Item with ID 21326 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_WrenchIC_Item with ID 21327 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SoftHammer_Item with ID 21328 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_HardHammer_Item with ID 21329 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_HardHammer_Item with ID 21330 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_HardHammer_Item with ID 21331 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_HardHammer_Item with ID 21332 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SolderingToolIC_Item with ID 21333 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SolderingMetal_Item with ID 21334 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SolderingMetal_Item with ID 21335 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21336 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21337 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21338 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21339 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21340 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Durable_Item with ID 21341 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_File_Item with ID 21342 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_File_Item with ID 21343 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_File_Item with ID 21344 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_File_Item with ID 21345 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Bug_Item with ID 21346 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Ice_Item with ID 21347 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Hardener_Item with ID 21348 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Foam_Item with ID 21349 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Pepper_Item with ID 21350 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Hydration_Item with ID 21351 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21352 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21353 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21354 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21355 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21356 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21357 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21358 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21359 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21360 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21361 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21362 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21363 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21364 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21365 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21366 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Spray_Color_Item with ID 21367 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21368 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21369 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21370 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Saw_Item with ID 21371 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Saw_Item with ID 21372 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Saw_Item with ID 21373 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Saw_Item with ID 21374 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SawIC_Item with ID 21375 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SawIC_Item with ID 21376 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21377 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21378 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_DrillIC_Item with ID 21379 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Sword with ID 21380 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Pickaxe with ID 21381 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Shovel with ID 21382 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Axe with ID 21383 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Hoe with ID 21384 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Sword with ID 21385 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Pickaxe with ID 21386 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Shovel with ID 21387 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Axe with ID 21388 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Hoe with ID 21389 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Sword with ID 21390 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Pickaxe with ID 21391 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Shovel with ID 21392 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Axe with ID 21393 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_Vanilla_Hoe with ID 21394 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_Screwdriver_Item with ID 21395 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_ScrewdriverIC_Item with ID 21396 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_EmptyToolIC_Item with ID 21397 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gregtechmod.api.items.GT_SoftHammer_Item with ID 21398 owned by mod gregtech_addon, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class codechicken.microblock.ItemMicroPart with ID 25131 owned by mod ForgeMicroblock, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw with ID 25132 owned by mod ForgeMicroblock, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw with ID 25133 owned by mod ForgeMicroblock, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw with ID 25134 owned by mod ForgeMicroblock, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.minecraft.item.Item with ID 25135 owned by mod ForgeMicroblock, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemGraviChestPlate with ID 30473 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemUltimateLappack with ID 30474 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemSimpleItems with ID 30475 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemVajra with ID 30477 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvDDrill with ID 30478 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvChainsaw with ID 30479 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedLappack with ID 30480 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedJetPack with ID 30481 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemGraviTool with ID 30482 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class gravisuite.ItemAdvancedNanoChestPlate with ID 30483 owned by mod GraviSuite, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_top.png
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_side.png
2014-02-12 02:27:12 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1975_InfMJSrc.png
2014-02-12 02:27:13 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_front.png
2014-02-12 02:27:13 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1976_RefineryPlus.png
2014-02-12 02:27:13 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/blocks/wood/planks.giganteum.png
2014-02-12 02:27:14 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ic2:textures/items/plasmaLauncher.png
2014-02-12 02:27:14 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/misc/liquid.png
2014-02-12 02:27:14 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/analyzer/natural.png
2014-02-12 02:27:14 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: factorization:textures/items/charge_battery.png
2014-02-12 02:27:15 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/items/MISSING_ICON_ITEM_4259_ccprogramdisk.png
2014-02-12 02:27:15 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/misc/empty.png
2014-02-12 02:27:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Removing TMI Uninstaller
2014-02-12 02:27:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Deleting Dir: D:\Games\MultiMC\versions\1.6.4\TMIUninstaller
2014-02-12 02:27:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment
2014-02-12 02:27:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLib]: denLib loading...
2014-02-12 02:27:16 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Starting Applied Energistics
2014-02-12 02:27:16 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] NEI Integration Enabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:16 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 102 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPane from Minecraft) with net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock
2014-02-12 02:27:16 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 79 (net.minecraft.block.BlockIce from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.ItemBlockVanillaIce
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Atum missing - MFR Atum Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] BackTools missing - MFR BackTools Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Chococraft is not available; MFR Chococraft Compat not loaded
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] ExtraBiomesXL missing - MFR ExtraBiomesXL Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it' is either being misused by another Mod or has been wrongly registered, as the stackSize of the Event-Stack is not 1!!!
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [INFO] [STDERR] Improperly registered Ore: greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it !!!Improperly registered Ore detected!!! This Object does not follow any OreDictionary Convention, as it is 100% lowercased!!! Please report this to its Modauthor for a fix. If nothing proper is found, a good suggestion for its Name would be 'MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2:greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part.
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Mystcraft missing - MFR Mystcraft Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Pam's HC base missing - MFR Pam HC Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Pam's Weee! Flowers missing - MFR Pam Weee! Flowers Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] RedPowerWorld missing - MFR RedPower2 Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Sufficient Biomes missing - MFR Sufficient Biomes Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] ThermalExpansion missing - Thermal Expansion compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] XyCraft missing - MFR Xycraft Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading ComputerCraft v1.58 (rev 1320)
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [INFO] [STDOUT] computercraft: Searching for RedPowerLib...
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [INFO] [STDOUT] computercraft: RedPowerLib not found.
2014-02-12 02:27:17 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading CCTurtle v1.58 (rev 1320)
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading NEI Addons
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Applied Energistics Addon...
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Applied Energistics Addon successfully loadded
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Misc Peripherals Addon...
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Misc Peripherals Addon successfully loadded
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Forestry Addon...
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Version check success: Forestry@[,) required / detected
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Forestry Addon successfully loadded
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Crafting Tables Addon...
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod EE3 is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering EE3 Minium Stone
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Version check success: BuildCraft|Factory required / 4.2.2 detected
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Registered BC Autorcrafting Table
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod powersuitaddons is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering MPSA In-Place Assembler
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod TConstruct is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering TC Crafting Station
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] 1 crafting tables registered
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Crafting Tables Addon successfully loadded
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'obsidianRod' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following:
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [STDERR] Put the 'Rod' in the beginning of the Name to get 'rodObsidian'
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'WR-CBE|Core:obsidianRod' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part.
2014-02-12 02:27:18 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to.
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 4 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 20 (net.minecraft.block.BlockGlass from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 24 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTextureTile from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 42 (net.minecraft.block.BlockOreStorage from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 41 (net.minecraft.block.BlockOreStorage from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 57 (net.minecraft.block.BlockOreStorage from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 89 (net.minecraft.block.BlockGlowStone from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 22 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 133 (net.minecraft.block.BlockOreStorage from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 112 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 87 (net.minecraft.block.BlockNetherrack from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 48 (net.minecraft.block.Block from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 98 (net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTextureTile from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 79 (blockVanillaIce from MineFactoryReloaded) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 49 (net.minecraft.block.BlockObsidian from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 101 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPane from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 102 (tile.thinGlass from MineFactoryReloaded) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 152 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPoweredOre from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 47 (net.minecraft.block.BlockBookshelf from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod Chisel is overwriting existing item at 3 (net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt from Minecraft) with info.jbcs.minecraft.chisel.ItemCarvable
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'diamondNugget' is an invalid OreDictionary Name. The Name doesn't fit to the Type of Item and/or doesn't follow a proper OreDictionary Convention. If you are the Owner of the Mod who adds this Item, please do the following:
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDERR] Put the 'Nugget' in the beginning of the Name to get 'nuggetDiamond'
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDERR] Private Prefixes could also be a solution if the first Suggestion doesn't apply. In that case the suggestion for the name is 'Translocator:diamondNugget' don't forget to insert the ':' inbetween the Mod ID and OreDict Name, that is the most important part.
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDERR] If you are not the Owner then report it to the Owner of the Mod, which the Item belongs to.
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] Added Materials, Added Frames, Added Grafters, Added Scoops, Added Easter Eggs, Added Blocks, Added World Gen, GT_Mod: Beginning Load-Phase.
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Scanning for certain kinds of compatible Machineblocks.
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registering various Tools to be usable on GregTech Machines
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Food Recipes to the Automatic Canning Machine. (also during the following Item Iteration)
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Scanning ItemList.
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registered valid RC Crowbar: item.railcraft.tool.crowbar
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registered valid RC Crowbar: item.railcraft.tool.crowbar.magic
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registered valid RC Crowbar: item.railcraft.tool.crowbar.reinforced
2014-02-12 02:27:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registered valid RC Crowbar: item.powerFist
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registered valid BC Wrench: item.GraviTool
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Re-Unificating Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Grabbing Liquids of other Mods to register Fluid Cells
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Initializing various Fuels.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Load-Phase finished!
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] Processing IMC request register_log from MFR Compat Forestry Trees
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLib]: denLib load complete.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [denLib]: This is denLib version 3.2.6
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] BC Integration Enabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] LP Integration Disabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] GregTech Integration Enabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Factorization Integration Disabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Mine Factory Reloaded Integration Enabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Better Storage Integration Disabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Universal Electricity Integration Disabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] IC Integration Enabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Mekanism Integration Disabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] Forestry Integration Enabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] MystCraft Integration Disabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [AppEng] TE Integration Disabled.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDOUT] IC2 API: Call getItem failed for uraniumDrop
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [IC2] Loading IC2 submodule: bcIntegration
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [IC2] BuildCraft integration module loaded
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassWhite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneWhite very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneOrange very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneMagenta very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassLightBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneLightBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneYellow very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneLime very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPanePink very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassLightGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneLightGray very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneCyan very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPanePurple very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneBlue very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassBrown very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneBrown very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneGreen very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneRed very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MineFactoryReloaded attempted to register glassPaneBlack very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Forestry Plugin loaded
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [INFO] [Forestry] Skipping CraftGuide integration.
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] ProjRed|Exploration missing - MFR ProjectRed Compat not loading
2014-02-12 02:27:21 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Redundant call to BiomeDictionary.registerAllBiomes ignored
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] tempus aspect missing.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] tempus aspect missing.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] tempus aspect missing.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Loaded ThaumcraftApi integration.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register fz.waterBucketLike very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineGold very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineLead very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineTin very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineCopper very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineGalena very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineSilver very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'dirtyGravelDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register dirtyGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'cleanGravelDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register cleanGravelDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'reducedDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register reducedDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineDark Iron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: 'crystallineDark Iron' is an invalid OreDictionary Name, as it contains spaces! Register it without spaces to fix that.
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:22 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: factorization attempted to register crystallineDarkIron very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [FZ] Achievement Get! You've opened your inventory hundreds of times already! Yes! You're welcome!
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [FZ] Added 20 'barking' recipes for blocks that look sort of like wood logs; this can be disabled in the config file.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [WARNING] [MachineMuse] [CLIENT] No powersuits keybind file found.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [WARNING] [MachineMuse] [CLIENT] Failed to get MFFS item!
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [WARNING] [MiscPeripherals] Reflector: Unable to get class ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityElecFurnace
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$rtgChamber very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$rtgGenerator very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$rtgCircuit very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$energyMeter very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [WARNING] [MiscPeripherals] Reflector: Unable to get field [vswe.stevescarts.StevesCarts].modules
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [WARNING] [MiscPeripherals] Reflector: Unable to get field [vswe.stevescarts.StevesCarts@18d9fad2].blockDetector
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [WARNING] [MiscPeripherals] Reflector: Unable to get field [vswe.stevescarts.StevesCarts@18d9fad2].blockAdvDetector
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$bcGate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$bcGate very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$bcPipeWire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$bcPipeWire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$bcPipeWire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$bcPipeWire very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$enderChest very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$disk very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR]
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDERR] WARNING: MiscPeripherals attempted to register MiscPeripherals$disk very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality, such as OreDict-Unification may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in @PostInit is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the @preInit Phase whenever possible.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Modstats] Config loaded. allowUpdates: true, betaNotification: false, strict: false
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Beginning PostLoad-Phase.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Checking if Items got overloaded.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Configs specific for MetaTileEntities
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Re-Unificating Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding worldgenerated Chest Content.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Changing maximum Stacksizes if configured.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Stuff to the Recycler Blacklist.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding JackHammer minable Blocks.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Blocks to the Miners Valuable List.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Iterating through the Seed-List of ForgeHooks, with a brilliant and 100% Reflection-free Method, to add Recipes for gaining Seed Oil from Seeds.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Iterating through the Grass-Flower-List of ForgeHooks, with a brilliant and 100% Reflection-free Method, to add Extractor Recipes for gaining more Dye from Flowers and also Compression Recipes for Plantballs.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Forestry was properly loaded, so the Seed Recipes got added to the Squeezer.
2014-02-12 02:27:23 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Tool Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Wool and Color releated Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding 'The holy Planks of Sengir'.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Changed Forestrys Bronze Recipe
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Mixed Metal Ingot Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Rolling Machine Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Shape forming Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Basic Circuit adjustment Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Beginning to add regular Crafting Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Applying harder Recipes for several Blocks.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Applying Recipes for Tools
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Removing Q-Armor Recipes if configured.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding non-OreDict Machine Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: (re-)adding Scrapbox Drops.
2014-02-12 02:27:24 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Register Crops to IC2.
2014-02-12 02:27:25 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding all the Reverse Recipes for the Furnace/Macerator/Sawmill.
2014-02-12 02:27:25 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Created a List of Tool Recipes containing 218 Recipes for recycling.
2014-02-12 02:27:25 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Activating OreDictionary Handler, this can take some time, as it scans the whole OreDictionary
2014-02-12 02:27:25 [INFO] [STDOUT] If your Log stops here, you were too impatient. Wait a bit more next time, before killing Minecraft with the Task Manager.
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] Congratulations, you have been waiting long enough. Have a Cake.
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding Stone related Recipes
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Nerfing Wood Tool Durability
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Nerfing Stone Tool Durability
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Adding buffered Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: PostLoad-Phase finished!
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Loading finished, deallocating temporary Init Variables.
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 84 mods
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Forge Mod Loader] Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Minecraft Forge] Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [PowerCrystals Core] Mod PowerCrystals Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Not Enough Items] Mod Not Enough Items is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [DenEvents] Mod DenEvents is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat Forestry Trees] Mod MFR Compat Forestry Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat Extra Trees] Mod MFR Compat Extra Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MineFactory Reloaded] Mod MineFactory Reloaded is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] Mod MFR Compat: Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Atum] Mod MFR Compat: Atum is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: BackTools] Mod MFR Compat: BackTools is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: BuildCraft] Mod MFR Compat: BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Chococraft] Mod MFR Compat: Chococraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] Mod MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Forestry] Mod MFR Compat: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2)] Mod MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2) is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock] Mod MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: IC2] Mod MFR Compat: IC2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Mystcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Pam's Mods] Mod MFR Compat: Pam's Mods is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat ProjectRed] Mod MFR Compat ProjectRed is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Railcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: RP2] Mod MFR Compat: RP2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] Mod MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] Mod MFR Compat: Thaumcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] Mod MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] Mod MFR Compat: TwilightForest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: Vanilla] Mod MFR Compat: Vanilla is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MFR Compat: XyCraft] Mod MFR Compat: XyCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Iron Chest] Mod Iron Chest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [BC Builders] Mod BC Builders is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [BuildCraft] Mod BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [BC Energy] Mod BC Energy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [BC Factory] Mod BC Factory is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [BC Silicon] Mod BC Silicon is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [BC Transport] Mod BC Transport is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Forestry for Minecraft] Mod Forestry for Minecraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [QuarryPlus] Mod QuarryPlus is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Railcraft] Mod Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Steve's Carts 2] Mod Steve's Carts 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [EnderStorage] Mod EnderStorage is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Forestry Extras] Mod Forestry Extras is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [NEI Addons] Mod NEI Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics] Mod NEI Addons: Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals] Mod NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] Mod NEI Addons: Extra Bees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Forestry] Mod NEI Addons: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] Mod NEI Addons: Crafting Tables is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [NEI Plugins] Mod NEI Plugins is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Immibis Core] Mod Immibis Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [RedLogic] Mod RedLogic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Soul Shards 2] Mod Soul Shards 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Addons] Mod WR-CBE Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Core] Mod WR-CBE Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [WR-CBE Logic] Mod WR-CBE Logic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Autoutils] Mod Autoutils is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [MiscPeripherals] Mod MiscPeripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Chisel] Mod Chisel is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Gravitation Suite] Mod Gravitation Suite is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Translocator] Mod Translocator is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Forge Microblocks] Mod Forge Microblocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Forge Multipart] Mod Forge Multipart is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [WARNING] [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] Mod Minecraft Multipart Plugin is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:PowerCrystals Core, FMLFileResourcePack:Not Enough Items, FMLFileResourcePack:DenEvents, FMLFileResourcePack:Inventory Tweaks, FMLFileResourcePack:Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:IndustrialCraft 2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat Forestry Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat Extra Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:MineFactory Reloaded, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Atum, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: BackTools, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: BuildCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Chococraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Forestry (part 2), FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: IC2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Mystcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Pam's Mods, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat ProjectRed, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Railcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: RP2, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: TwilightForest, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: Vanilla, FMLFileResourcePack:MFR Compat: XyCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Miscellaneous Nonsense, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Notification System, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization Dimensional Slices, FMLFileResourcePack:Factorization, FMLFileResourcePack:GregTech-Addon, FMLFileResourcePack:Iron Chest, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Builders, FMLFileResourcePack:BuildCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Energy, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Factory, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Silicon, FMLFileResourcePack:BC Transport, FMLFileResourcePack:Forestry for Minecraft, FMLFileResourcePack:QuarryPlus, FMLFileResourcePack:Railcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Steve's Carts 2, FMLFileResourcePack:ComputerCraft Turtles, FMLFileResourcePack:ComputerCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:EnderStorage, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:The Twilight Forest, FMLFileResourcePack:Forestry Extras, FMLFileResourcePack:MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Applied Energistics, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Extra Bees, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Crafting Tables, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Plugins, FMLFileResourcePack:Additional Buildcraft Objects, FMLFileResourcePack:Immibis Core, FMLFileResourcePack:RedLogic, FMLFileResourcePack:Soul Shards 2, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Core, FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Logic, FMLFileResourcePack:Autoutils, FMLFileResourcePack:MiscPeripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:Numina, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Chisel, FMLFileResourcePack:Gravitation Suite, FMLFileResourcePack:Translocator, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Microblocks, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Multipart, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Multipart Plugin
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Setting up Icon Register for Items
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Starting Item Icon Load Phase Clientside
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/crates/royaljelly.png
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/analyzer/natural.png
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: factorization:textures/items/charge_battery.png
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/items/MISSING_ICON_ITEM_4259_ccprogramdisk.png
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/misc/empty.png
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ic2:textures/items/plasmaLauncher.png
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/misc/liquid.png
2014-02-12 02:27:52 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/items/crates/silver.png
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Setting up Icon Register for Blocks
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registering MetaTileEntity specific Textures
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Registering Crop specific Textures
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Loading Fluid Icons
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Starting Cover Load Phase Clientside
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Starting Block Icon Load Phase Clientside
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_top.png
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_4071_null_side.png
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1975_InfMJSrc.png
2014-02-12 02:27:53 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_front.png
2014-02-12 02:27:54 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_4071_null_bottom.png
2014-02-12 02:27:54 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: forestry:textures/blocks/wood/planks.giganteum.png
2014-02-12 02:27:54 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Unable to parse animation metadata from ic2:textures/blocks/blockMetalUranium.png: broken aspect ratio and not an animation
2014-02-12 02:27:54 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ironchest:textures/blocks/dirtchest9000_side.png
2014-02-12 02:27:54 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_4071_null_top.png
2014-02-12 02:27:54 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: ic2:textures/blocks/itemTreetap.png
2014-02-12 02:27:54 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Unable to parse animation metadata from ic2:textures/blocks/generator/blockNuclearReactor.png: broken aspect ratio and not an animation
2014-02-12 02:27:55 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/anvil_top.png
2014-02-12 02:27:55 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1976_RefineryPlus.png
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound spill.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound bubble1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound bubble2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound bubble3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound bubble4.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound alembicknock.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound creak1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound creak2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound squeek1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound squeek2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound golemironshoot.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jar1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jar2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jar3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jar4.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swarm1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swarm2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swarm3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swarmattack.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound fly1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound fly2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound key.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound doorfail.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound camerasuck.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameraticks.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameradone.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameraclack1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameraclack2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameraclack3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pump1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pump2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pump3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound page1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound page2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound learn.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound write1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound write2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound erase.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound brain1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound brain2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound brain3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound brain4.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound crystal1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wispdead.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wisplive1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wisplive2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wisplive3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wand1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wand2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wand3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wandfail.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound rumble.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound ice1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound ice2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound ice3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jacobs.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound hhoff.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound hhon.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_idle1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_idle2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_idle3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_trade.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_dice.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_hit1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_hit2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_death.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_charge1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_charge2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound shock1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound shock2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound fireloop.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound zap1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound zap2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound craftfail.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound craftstart.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swing1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swing2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wind1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wind2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tool1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tool2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound gore1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound gore2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound roots1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound roots2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound roots3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tentacle1.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tentacle2.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tentacle3.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound upgrade.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound infuser.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound infuserstart.ogg
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [STDOUT]
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Starting up SoundSystem...
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] loading sounds ...
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Post startup
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1286: Invalid framebuffer operation
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
2014-02-12 02:27:56 [INFO] [STDOUT] OpenAL initialized.
2014-02-12 02:27:57 [INFO] [STDOUT]
2014-02-12 02:27:58 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Client] Unable to start LAN server detection: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed (out of hardware filters?)
2014-02-12 02:28:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField
2014-02-12 02:28:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: successfully transformed setFocused/func_73796_b
2014-02-12 02:28:06 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.6.4
2014-02-12 02:28:06 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Generating keypair
2014-02-12 02:28:07 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Converting map!
2014-02-12 02:28:07 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Scanning folders...
2014-02-12 02:28:07 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Total conversion count is 0
2014-02-12 02:28:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 0 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@2034b754)
2014-02-12 02:28:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 7 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@2034b754)
2014-02-12 02:28:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension 1 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@2034b754)
2014-02-12 02:28:11 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading dimension -1 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@2034b754)
2014-02-12 02:28:11 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing start region for level 0
2014-02-12 02:28:12 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing spawn area: 27%
2014-02-12 02:28:13 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing spawn area: 60%
2014-02-12 02:28:14 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Preparing spawn area: 92%
2014-02-12 02:28:14 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: ServerStart-Phase started!
2014-02-12 02:28:14 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Unificating outputs of all known Recipe Types.
2014-02-12 02:28:14 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: ServerStart-Phase finished!
2014-02-12 02:28:14 [INFO] [STDOUT] GT_Mod: Re-Unificating Recipes.
2014-02-12 02:28:14 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading NEI
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerHopper
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerRepair
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBrewingStand
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBeacon
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerDispenser
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerMerchant
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] <PROFILE NAME>[/] logged in with entity id 6 at (-335.5, 4.0, 432.5)
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] <PROFILE NAME> joined the game
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading Player: <PROFILE NAME>
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Sending serverside check to: <PROFILE NAME>
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Setting up custom skins
2014-02-12 02:28:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Running transformation on bfn
2014-02-12 02:28:16 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] GregTech is known for massivly changing the Tech Tree of modded Minecraft. Please make sure to look up Recipes via NEI (you will definetly need NEI), before complaining about missing Recipes. I needed to change some Recipes to prevent exploits and to improve the Tech Tree, even for regular unmodded Minecraft Recipes. Most of them are Configurable, so don't complain.
2014-02-12 02:28:16 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] ~ Gregorius Techneticies
2014-02-12 02:28:17 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Applied Energistics rv14.finale3 is now available!
2014-02-12 02:28:17 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [THAUMCRAFT] Client received server config settings.
2014-02-12 02:28:17 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading World: local/New World
2014-02-12 02:28:23 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Stopping!
2014-02-12 02:28:25 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Stopping server
2014-02-12 02:28:25 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Saving players
2014-02-12 02:28:28 [INFO] [STDOUT]
2014-02-12 02:28:28 [INFO] [STDOUT] SoundSystem shutting down...
2014-02-12 02:28:28 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] The state engine was in incorrect state SERVER_STOPPING and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
2014-02-12 02:28:30 [INFO] [STDOUT] Author: Paul Lamb, www.paulscode.com
2014-02-12 02:28:30 [INFO] [STDOUT]