Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love! is a FREE Pastebin with SSL, IPv6, and an easy to use API.
This pastebin was built for the users, by a regular pastebin user, providing the experience users deserve without advertisements or paid features.


  • Registered Users - 41832
  • Total pastes - 20728202
  • Active pastes - 4685486


Nginx & PHP
Powered by Nginx and PHP 7
PostgreSQL & Redis
Data storage and caching by PostgreSQL and Redis
Built on the Laravel PHP Framework
Bootstrap & Bootswatch
Styled by Bootstrap and Bootswatch
Syntax highlighting by highlight.js



Ads often make sites load slower, don't match the clean layout of pages, or can be malicious in nature.
We'll run as long as we see fit without ads, but this doesn't mean we'll never have any. We may consider simple, clean ads from hosting providers or similar that may be suitable for our userbase (mostly programmers, sysadmins, game developers, etc)


I work on this site in my free time, and anything you wish to contribute towards hosting costs is appreciated. It does take time to filter through reports and removal requests, along with AUP violators, and it's quite often a thankless job.
If you wish to help cover the hosting costs or my time, feel free to use the information below.

PayPal: Contact Us for PayPal donations
Bitcoin Address: 1Mivk3Vx4foRSTf4aLrfBxCeobvpbxCuxg (click to copy)


The only reason we'll look at pastes is if they are reported for violating our AUP, or if we get a DMCA complaint about them. We never snoop around what users paste, and it's none of our business.