Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted on January 26, 2013 at 06:14 PM

Section 1 (Text)

Test Summary Report
t/spec/S05-metasyntax/angle-brackets.rakudo             (Wstat: 0 Tests: 80 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  4
t/spec/S32-temporal/calendar.t                          (Wstat: 0 Tests: 129 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  101, 109, 114, 120
t/spec/S32-temporal/DateTime.rakudo                     (Wstat: 0 Tests: 216 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  14
Files=722, Tests=26726, 367 wallclock secs ( 4.89 usr  0.98 sys + 989.22 cusr 81.54 csys = 1076.63 CPU)
Result: FAIL
TEST_JOBS=4 make spectest  996.36s user 83.67s system 289% cpu 6:13.61 total