Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted on December 20, 2023 at 03:16 PM

New Paste 1 (Text)

test_f4 (f4.keyF4) ... OfficeConnection: connecting to: uno:pipe,name=pytestbc22cf36-9f4a-11ee-b6f7-28d0ea7eb346;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext
warn:io.connector:566715:566715:io/source/connector/connector.cxx:93: Connector : couldn't connect to pipe "pytestbc22cf36-9f4a-11ee-b6f7-28d0ea7eb346": 10
NoConnectException: sleeping... I18N: Operating system doesn't support locale "en_US". error removing directory file:///tmp/libreoffice/4/user/extensions I18N: Operating system doesn't support locale "en_US".
warn:io.connector:566715:566715:io/source/connector/connector.cxx:93: Connector : couldn't connect to pipe "pytestbc22cf36-9f4a-11ee-b6f7-28d0ea7eb346": 10
NoConnectException: sleeping...
warn:opencl:566799:566799:desktop/source/app/opencl.cxx:206: Failed to initialize OpenCL for test
warn:io.connector:566715:566715:io/source/connector/connector.cxx:93: Connector : couldn't connect to pipe "pytestbc22cf36-9f4a-11ee-b6f7-28d0ea7eb346": 10
NoConnectException: sleeping...
warn:unotools.misc:566799:566799:unotools/source/misc/mediadescriptor.cxx:372: url: 'private:factory/scalc' message: "No Content Provider available for URL: private:factory/scalc at /home/xisco/libreoffice/ucbhelper/source/client/content.cxx:208" eError: ( NO_CONTENT_PROVIDER
Execution time for f4.keyF4.test_f4: 2.664
tearDown: calling terminate()...
warn:vcl.schedule.deinit:566799:566799:vcl/source/app/scheduler.cxx:176: DeInit task: Timer a: 1 p: 1 graphic::Manager maSwapOutTimer 10000ms (0x7fad100f5d80)
warn:vcl.schedule.deinit:566799:566799:vcl/source/app/scheduler.cxx:196: DeInit active tasks: 1 (ignored: 0)
Signal handler called with signal SIGCHLD (17)

ERROR: test_f4 (f4.keyF4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xisco/libreoffice/sc/qa/uitest/key_f4/", line 20, in test_f4
    gridwin = xCalcDoc.getChild("testgrid_window") Could not find child with id: testgrid_window children were                     ScrollBars vertical horizontal   ScrollBars vertical horizontal   ScrollBars vertical horizontal   ScrollBars vertical horizontal   grid_window        TabButtons first prev next last add     TabBar  TabBar TabBarContents  menubutton measure button button button button button   FixedImageControl image   Deck titlebar grip addonimage label toolbar scrolledwindow     contents Panel titlebar addonimage expander   toolbar contents SidebarStylesPanel grid1 fontstyletoolbox  applystyle     style Panel titlebar addonimage expander   toolbar contents SidebarTextPanel grid1 font  fontnamecombobox     fontheight  fontsizecombobox     fonteffects ToolbarPopover container box3 defaultattr resetattr fontadjust box1 colorbar ToolbarPopover container colorbar_background ToolbarPopover container spacingbar ToolbarPopover container box2 position Panel titlebar addonimage expander   toolbar contents NumberFormatPropertyPanel grid1 numberformat ToolbarPopover container  numberformatcombobox   box4 decimalplaceslabel denominatorplaceslabel box2  decimalplaces   denominatorplaces  leadingzeroeslabel  leadingzeroes  negativenumbersred thousandseparator engineeringnotation Panel titlebar addonimage expander   toolbar contents AlignmentPropertyPanel grid1 box3 horizontalalignment writedirection verticalalignment indentbuttons  leftindent  orientationlabel  orientationdegrees  stacked textorientbox bottom top standard wraptext mergecells leftindentlabel Panel titlebar addonimage expander   toolbar contents CellAppearancePropertyPanel grid1 cellbackgroundlabel cellbackgroundcolor ToolbarPopover container cellbordertype ToolbarPopover container borderlinestyle ToolbarPopover container borderlinecolor ToolbarPopover container         PosBox  pos_window       InputBar background scrolledwindow      sc_input_window down up     applystyle  ApplyStyleBox  applystyle     fontnamecombobox  FontNameBox  fontnamecombobox       FontSizeBox  fontsizecombobox              at /home/xisco/libreoffice/vcl/source/uitest/uiobject.cxx:470

Ran 1 test in 5.757s

FAILED (errors=1)
Tests run: 1
Tests failed: 0
Tests errors: 1
Tests skipped: 0