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Submitted on December 19, 2020 at 01:03 AM

New Paste 1 (Text)

This story takes place after the life altering swap or morph has occurred, you have the choice to mention the swap and explain how it happened, but the story is about after the event and the physical and emotional challenges that the protagonist (or possible other character as well, if you decide) has to deal with. Also note, that the swap is permanent.

Victoria Smith 17, 5'5ft tall friend of Marcus with shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, B cup breasts normal weight.

"How could I've been so stupid?" I said out loud, thinking again about how stupid it was to use that...

I thought it was a stupid joke that the remote would "change my life forever" if I used it on anyone. Sadly I was mistaken when I used it a month ago on.....

My father Christopher was the first person that I saw and I thought he would be a good person to try the device on, not thinking it would work. Sadly I didn't know that when I used the remote I permanently swapped...

It has been say the least in the last month, right when I used the remote a flood of memories entered me, one that were not mine, but my father. His life, friends, marriage, job they all became mine But what was weird was that not only did I still have my own memories I also still had my body....minus my hair, which was now short, like how my father had it. I now also had my father clothes, all of which was now sized to my body. It felt so weird at first, no make up, no nail bra's, its surreal to say the life as I knew it is gone.

"mmh, morning honey" said my "wife" who was just a month ago my mother. "Hi sweetie" kissing her on the forehead. It was something I tired to do since the swap, I avoid kissing on the lips, because it felt so...wrong and weird. I sat on the edge of my bed, only wearing a white undershirt and a pair of boxers. I put my head in my hands, thinking how stupid I was. "What the matter? my wife said. "Its nothing" I said picking up my head. "It must be something" she said putting her arms around me. "Really its nothing" I said smiling, looking at my former mother in her eyes. She then leaned in, and before I could move she kissed me on the lips. I was disgusted this wasn't the first time she had given me one. I tried to act as if I was enjoying it.

I then begrudgingly got up and...

I slowly made my way downstairs, my now unrestrained breasts bouncing about. I then started my "routine" which was what my father usually did in the morning on a weekend. He gets up early, heads downstairs made a pot of coffee and starts to read the paper. So far, that's I've been doing, it... almost feels like a habit in fact.

I started the pot of coffee and I made my way to the front door and quickly got the paper off my front porch. I then poured myself a cup and sat at the kitchen table. I took a sip of my coffee and thought about what was in store for me today, no doubt something that I would probably detest, something that I would probably never dream of doing, but such was my life now after I used that stupid, stupid remote.

Just then however...

Then came the moment I dreaded every morning, the moment my 'daughter' came downstairs. My 52-year old, 6' 1" father, who now thought of himself as a teenage girl, his own daughter in fact. When I saw him I noticed he'd fastened his now long hair in a ponytail like I always used to do. His nails were covered in blue polish and he had my favorite necklace on, a charm necklace a boy had once bought for me. Even more ludicrous, my father was today dressed in what used to be my favorite white halter top, denim skirt and my wedge sandals, all resized to fit his larger body.

"Morning dad!" he greeted me in his deep voice.

I cleared my throat, then mumbled my return greeting. "Er... morning sweetheart. Sleep well?" I asked him.

"Like a log." my father smiled, before raiding the fridge for a bottle of diet coke. I thought about offering him some coffee, but I had always hated the stuff before the swap, and so I knew my dad would hate it now. "Going somewhere?" I then asked, as I sat contently at the table.

"Oh, just to meet my friends at the mall." my dad answered, glancing at me and smiling.

"Oh... okay." I sighed, missing my friends terribly, even after all this time. It just wasn't the same meeting up with dad's friends and talking sports all the time, it got really, REALLY boring. I still thought it weird that none of dad's friends ever questioned why I had breasts and a vagina. After all how many other men had such things? Right... none.

A few moments later, my mother... turned wife came downstairs too, ready for work. "Going out again?" she asked her 'daughter', who was taller and heavier than she was now.

"Yes mom. To the mall with my friends." my dad sighed, hating having to repeat himself.

"I already asked her." I whispered, chuckling a little at my mother.

"Well, take care honey, and don't do anything silly. I know what you teenagers are like. And NO bringing boys home." my mom told my dad, kissing him on the cheek before leaving for work at the office. My dad then also vacated the house once he'd grabbed what used to be my purse. That left me sitting there, all alone, the 'man' of the house. I contemplated what to do with myself today.

I certainly wasn't going to hang around the house. I wanted to keep an eye on my dad, or... my 'daughter' as was now the case. I grabbed my car keys off the side and went outside, making sure to lock the house up after me. I still felt stupid walking outside dressed in my father's clothes, despite the fact that nobody noticed anything wrong. And for some reason I took the remote with me, the very device that had got me into my embarrassing situation. I didn't know if I would want to use it again on other people. There was no harm in taking it along.

"Morning Christopher." one of my neighbors, Mary Michelson shouted, waving to me.

"Hi Mary!" I sighed in reply, idly gesturing. "Did you see which way my daughter went?" I then asked her, and Mary pointed in a direction down the street off to my right. "She was with a couple of her friends I think." Mary told me.

"Thanks." I nodded, before getting into my dad's former car, which was now mine. It was a good thing I knew how to drive now as well. The device had given me all of dad's driving skills and work skills so I could continue to live his life perfectly. But just because I could live dad's life... didn't mean I wanted to, not that I had a choice in the matter. I drove off down the street, keeping an eye out for three teenagers walking together. I figured it wouldn't be too hard, since one of the 'girls' was 6' 1" tall and stuck out like a sore thumb. I sighed again, shaking my head at the situation.

Eventually I caught sight of my 'daughter', but she was walking with a girl and a boy, not two girls, they were my former friends Kelly and Russell. My mood took another nosedive as I looked at Russell, the boy I used to have a crush on. Although I was now married to my own mother and technically classed as a man, I still had fantasies about doing stuff with Russell. It was a dream that could never come true now. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and had to think of something else.

I stayed a safe distance behind the trio, pulling into parking spaces where I could, then setting off again. The last thing I wanted was for 'Victoria' to see her own 'father' following her around in his car.

I expertly kept my distance just far enough so I could still see my “daughter” and her friends without them taking any notice. I kept moving from parking space to parking space, always making sure that she was in my sight. I pulled into a parking space and stopped when I saw the trio enter a diner, no doubt getting breakfast.

After about an hour I saw them again, leaving the diner. All three looked as happy as could be, but then I nearly cried when I saw a kiss on the lips between Russell and my "daughter." It made me sick knowing that the very boy I could never get was finally taken by my own father. Deciding that I would only get more upset I stopped following the group, instead I went into a nearby Pizzeria to get something to eat.

“What can I get you sir?” said the young woman at the counter. It still felt so weird when people called me mister or sir but I couldn’t change it. “Just a plain slice please” I said while taking out my wallet. After getting my piece of pizza all I could do was think about fuck up this new reality was. “I really screwed up” I said, putting my hand on my head, feeling my short hair. I then eat my slice and made my way back to my car and decide to just head home believe that all I could do was make myself more depressed if I stay out any longer.

After my short drive to my home I parked my car in the garage and made my way to the couch inside to get some much need relaxation.

Before I knew it, it was tea time, and while I sat sat on the couch watching a soap opera, I heard the front door open and close. I knew it was my mom... or rather my wife now returning from work. I reached for the remote and quickly switched the channel from the soap opera to a football game, just before my mom entered the room and slumped down on the couch beside me.

"Ugh... what... a day!" she groaned, holding her forehead.

"Yeah, I've not had a nice one myself." I mumbled back at her.

"But you haven't had a boss nagging at you all day while your shoes give you blisters." my mom said, as she removed her high heels.. "Oh well, its over now, and here I am." she smiled, cozying up to me and holding my hand in hers. Even after such a long period after the initial swap with my dad, it still felt weird whenever my mom got affectionate with me.

I decided that arguing with my mom turned wife over who had the worst day was a waste of time, since 'women' were always right, and I was no longer viewed as female unfortunately. More a middle-aged man.

I fidgeted a little and gasped... again... as my mom's other hand worked its way into my pants... gently parting the folds of my vagina. "Come on honey, I'm in the mood for a little fun. And how often does that happen?" my mom giggled... as a finger slipped into my pussy. She didn't question, once again, why her husband now had a teenage pussy instead of a penis.

I knew I couldn't feign a headache like I had last time, and so I resigned myself to making out with my mom again. I just hoped it wouldn't go to full on sex this time, as I had managed to avoid that thus far.

My mother continued to kiss me, while she also worked her free hand into the bottom of my shirt, moving up and feeling my breasts, my nipples harden at the feeling of my mother’s soft manicured hands . My mother stopped her kissing and said with a devilish grin “O you’re certainly still developing” referring to my breasts. I feigned a smile and she continued to kiss me, all the while her hands were feeling up my breasts and vagina.

God, I couldn’t believe I was in this situation. My mother was always someone that I looked up to, someone that was always looking out for me. And to think I would now be making out with her as well as probably losing my virginity with her was…too much. Tears started to form in my eyes, but I fought them back lest my “wife” noticed them.

My mother then took her blouse off, which revealed her black lace bra, one that I distinctly remember her buying when we last went to get clothes before the swap. “Like what you see?” she said feeling up her own breasts. “Oh I do” I said lying. My mother still having her sultry smile on her face took her hands and took her bra off, revealing her mature D cup breasts, with her nipples clearly erect. I smile, trying to look as happy as husband could be when his wife reveals her breasts to him… My Mother then started to take my pants and boxers off, revealing my now moist vagina. I shuttered to know what my mother was going to do to me next, but with the grin on her face I had an eerie feeling about what it was going to be.

My mother continued to kiss me, while she also worked her free hand into the bottom of my shirt, moving up and feeling my breasts, my nipples harden at the feeling of my mother’s soft manicured hands . My mother stopped her kissing and said with a devilish grin “O you’re certainly still developing” referring to my breasts. I feigned a smile and she continued to kiss me, all the while her hands were feeling up my breasts and vagina.

God, I couldn’t believe I was in this situation. My mother was always someone that I looked up to, someone that was always looking out for me. And to think I would now be making out with her as well as probably losing my virginity with her was…too much. Tears started to form in my eyes, but I fought them back lest my “wife” noticed them.

My mother then took her blouse off, which revealed her black lace bra, one that I distinctly remember her buying when we last went to get clothes before the swap. “Like what you see?” she said feeling up her own breasts. “Oh I do” I said lying. My mother still having her sultry smile on her face took her hands and took her bra off, revealing her mature D cup breasts, with her nipples clearly erect. I smile, trying to look as happy as husband could be when his wife reveals her breasts to him… My Mother then started to take my pants and boxers off, revealing my now moist vagina. I shuttered to know what my mother was going to do to me next, but with the grin on her face I had an eerie feeling about what it was going to be.

I leaned back on the couch and flipped the TV on, trying to find something to take my mind off this awful situation. Even though I "knew" what my dad liked to watch, that didn't mean I wanted to watch it too. But ever since I saw my dad roll his eyes at me trying to catch up on Pretty Little Liars (it was "her" show now), I was more careful with my choices. So golf it was. God, this was boring.

So boring, in fact, that I couldn't help but doze off. I don't know how long I was out, but a cacophony of giggles suddenly broke my slumber. For a moment, in a haze, it felt like I was back with my normal friends, laughing about something stupid that happened at school. But as the world came back to me, I saw my baggy blue polo shirt, and khakis, and heard the drone of the golf announcer on the TV, and I realized how far from that world I still was.

I heard the laughter again, this time noticing the mix of high and low pitches, and got up to check it out. I could tell it was coming from the back yard, so I snuck into the kitchen to check it out. I smelled it first - the pina colada scented tanning lotion Kelly and I would slather on before laying out in the hot sun - wafting in through the open window. And sure enough, there they were. Sprawled on the deck loungers soaking up the sun, were my former best friend and my dad. In bikinis.

But wait a second - that wasn't any bikini I'd had in my drawers. It was brand new - a shade of purple I'm sure I would've loved. I mean, I knew he'd gone to the mall with my - er, I guess "her" - friends, but the idea of him finding and fitting into any of the clothes at the places I used to shop seemed absurd. I guess I still didn't want to believe it. Even though I knew well enough. All of his clothes were exactly my size now, and vice versa. Whatever made that happen obviously did the same to new acquisitions. I tried to imagine the shopping bags piled up in my former bedroom, filled to the brim with fashions I'd probably never be able to wear.

"You look so hot in that new bikini Vic," I heard Kelly say.

"You think so Kel?" My dad replied.

"If you wear that to Steph's pool party next weekend, Russell won't be able to keep his eyes off your boobs."

The two burst into a fit of giggles as I tried to steady myself against the kitchen counter. The exchange made my stomach turn knots. But for some reason I wanted to keep listening, as if I could have even the tiniest window back into my old life. I quickly grabbed my dad's laptop and took a seat at the kitchen table, absently flipping through pointless spreadsheets while discreetly glancing out the window.

"I can't believe he finally asked you out." Kelly prodded

"He's just a little shy, is all. Almost as shy as I was. I thought it was kinda cute, actually," my dad replied.

"Ugh, you're making me gag! Are you guys going out this Friday?"

"Yeah, he wants to take me to a movie. I hope it's not that stupid war one." I had to chuckle a bit - a month ago that would've been at the top of my dad's must-see list.

"Are you kidding?" Kelly replied, "War movies are great. Almost as good as horror movies. A big explosion and some violence is a perfect excuse to get a little closer, if you know what I mean."

"EW. I am not making out while people are getting their heads blown off. I'm not that thirsty."

"Suit yourself, prude."

They both laughed again, then I heard my dad ask. "So what should I wear?"

"I think that baby blue romper you just bought is perfect for a movie date."

"OMG you read my mind! Let's go see what shoes I have that go with it!"

"Sure, one sec!" I watched Kelly pick up and unlock a pink-cased iPhone. As if on cue, and without a second thought, my dad twisted and posed, cocking his head to one side. Kelly stuck out her tongue while my dad made a kissy face and held up a peace sign. Kelly snapped the selfie and the two giggled softly at the result, exactly the way she and I used to do all the time. Before I knew it, they had hopped up from the loungers and were picking up their towels to come inside.

My heart was racing. A pool party? A date? And with the guy I'd been crushing on for forever. It wasn't fair. It was awful, in fact! I had to do something.

"Hi Mr. Smith!" Kelly greeted me as they walked in off the deck.

"Hi Kelly. Victoria, sweetheart, can I talk to you for a second?"

My dad and Kelly exchanged a knowing look and a nod. "I'll be up in a minute," he said to her.

"K. I'm gonna try out that new nail polish!" She quickly darted up the stairs.

"What is it, daddy?" my father said sweetly, not the least bit embarrassed to be standing in front of me in a skimpy purple bikini.

"What is it, daddy?" my father said sweetly, not the least bit embarrassed to be standing in front of me in a skimpy purple bikini.

"Well honey, I..." but I didn't even get to finish my sentence when the cell phone on the table started to buzz loudly. "Mr. Anderson" read the caller ID. My boss. I sighed and stared at it for a minute.

"You gonna answer that?" My dad chirped, having no inkling of a memory of what it was like to talk to the asshole on the other end of that call.

"Yeah," I finally resigned. "Sorry sweetie, we'll chat later, OK?"

"Sure thing Dad," he said as he left to join Kelly. I looked at the phone again, buzzing away. I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid this forever.

"Hello?" I said as I answered.

"Smith! We haven't seen you at the office all week. Where have you been?"

"Well sir I've been getting a lot of work done at home," I said. Which was true. One of the perk's of Dad's job was being able to work from home a lot. Something he did often while I was on summer break. I used to hate having him around all the time, but now it seemed like a godsend. I could keep an eye on him in his new role, and not have to leave the house too often. Not that Mr. Anderson liked it too much.

"Well it's not enough," he said harshly. "I'm not liking the numbers I've been seeing the last few weeks, and frankly I think your whole department has been underperforming lately. You know there's a review coming at the end of the quarter."

"Yes sir."

"And you know that promotions only go to the top performers."

"Yes, sir." I knew that all too well, now. Mr. Anderson had been holding that promotion over my dad's head all year, trying to motivate him. I knew how much it meant to him. How much it still meant to him, really. Just last night he tried giving me puppy dog eyes and sweet-talking me into getting his own car. Not to mention his credit card bill, which I was suddenly responsible for. I was already dreading the damage today's shopping spree would cause.

"Well then you'd better be at the department meeting tomorrow morning. 9 AM. No excuses. We're going to go over the numbers and talk strategy. We need to have a plan by lunchtime. Got it?"

"Absolutely, sir." And with that, the line clicked dead without even a cursory goodbye. My stomach sank as I thought about what was in store tomorrow: Getting up early. Wearing a stuffy suit. Fighting traffic. I heard laughter again, and then pop music blaring from my old bedroom.

I tried to fight the tears welling up in my eyes, knowing exactly what my dad was up to. In a way I was sort of glad he was oblivious to all of this. At least someone was going to have a fun summer.